
New Forum Profile Badge

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Cascada, Jun 27, 2017.

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  1. Cascada

    Cascada Supporter

    May 26, 2017
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    Hey guys,
    In short I propose to create a new forum badge/award for winning the "Countdown to random prize" event.

    I was just thinking and came up with the following idea.... I propose that you create a new forum badge for winning the "Count to random prize event".
    I do this for a couple of reasons.
    First and most of all it is a legitimate event organized by the server and i would say that winning it could be very hard and involves a lot of dedication, determination and hard work. For example in reality if you manage to make 333 posts in the thread and always are the 3rd poster you have only 33% chance to win the event. So far in both events i have participated had a participation rate of 20%, but still no luck. So I think that there could be an actual badge for winning the lottery since it is a legitimate achievement. Also all the other events, such as Ironman PvP and Marathon have their own badges and as far as I am familiar all events seem to have a profile badge award if specific requirements are met for them and this is also an event. :)
    Second I believe it will stimulate more people to be more active during the event. I have already made a shortcut to the forum on my mobile and play the game everyday whenever I have the opportunity to post. I do this all the time as I see many people are also quite active. I really have to distinguish Inayat and Timmy as being extremely active and being a pleasure to play actively with them. The problem really comes when there are only 2 active people. It felt really terrible for me to refresh the page every minute during the afternoon today and there was only 1 post after me, so I couldn't play the game. There was an actual interval where I waited 62 minutes for two posts after mine in order for me to continue to play the game. And YES I do realize that the game is meant to be hard and the idea behind it is not really that every third poster in the thread is the same. But on the other hand I don't think that adding such a badge will be hard to implement (but I am not familiar with coding and I could be very wrong about this!).
    Third I am quite addictive by nature and easily get addicted to almost anything I try If I am not careful. This is why I don't smoke, don't gamble and don't drink alcohol. So now I have made one of my targets to win the "Count to random prize" lottery and I will feel very delighted if there is a forum badge for winning it, so I can go forward and remember my win - when it comes eventually. Since theoretically if I keep my rate around 20% in the threads I should be able to achieve this in around 5 weeks active participation.
    This is food for thought and just something that can be considered. I believe that the game is great and I am really thankful that you guys take the time to organize it and it makes our community even better! This is why I keep on saying that this server is so much better than the original battle.net ever was!
    Thank you for your time - despite if you read just the summery or the long proposal.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 29, 2017, Original Post Date: Jun 27, 2017 ---
    Would somebody like to share their opinion on the subject? :)
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 29, 2017 ---
    Nobody really has an opinion? :(
    Fatty180 likes this.
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