
Solved New player question

Discussion in 'Help Desk' started by Rodney, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Rodney

    Rodney Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    I haven't began playing yet but I was curious if there is any chance playing on this server could potentially result in messing up my original d2 installation and causing a ban or something. Might sound stupid but w/e.
  2. North44

    North44 Scumbag

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Hi there. Not sure what kind ban are you talking about? CD-KEY ban? Ban in this server? Anyways, I haven't heard anyone getting ban ever. Playing here is totally fine with Blizzard and you shouldn't worry about that.
    P.S. there are no stupid questions. Just a bad attitude towards them. :)
    Rodney likes this.
  3. Rodney

    Rodney Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    Yes I was asking if blizzard would hate me for it basically. Thanks man :)
  4. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Hello @Rodney. Playing here won't get you into trouble when it comes to the battlenet servers and you won't risk getting banned either.
    You may also keep your original d2 installation in current folder and install ours in a separate folder, however keep in mind we are running 1.13c so you might need a fresh install in that separate folder as copying your original d2 installation and downgrading will mostly likely not going to work if you used the official installer. Make sure to follow the install steps listed on our website and you should be good, I'm sure you will enjoy playing this game without bots and cheaters.
  5. MadVisions

    MadVisions Supporter

    Jul 8, 2014
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    there are 2 things i want to pint out for you @Rodney
    if you install the patch of this server 2 things are going to happen:
    #1: your client is going to be modded
    #2: your gateway gonna be edited

    #1 means that if you connect to BNet with this client the changes made to your files can be detected and are against rules, however i believe you wont even be able to successfully connect without getting an error message. Also bnet has moved to 1.14 and Europebattle version is 1.13.
    #2 this makes #1 almost pointless due to your only gateway after installing server patch leads to this server, meaning you will be totally separated from battle net. They wont even recieve a single bit from you. Anything you do while playing here on this server is completely undetectable by blizzard and wond resoult in any actions.

    Your question makes me think you want to play on battle net at the same time as here. This can be solved, but you need the following things:
    #1 one extra unmodded 1.14 client
    #2 gateway codes to battle.net

    now if you have 2clients one with Our patch and one unmodded then you can switch between servers like this: (lets say switching serv#1 to serv#2)
    #1 run regedit -> current_user->Software->Blizzard Entertainment->Diablo II ->There you delete the "BNETIP" reg (holding serv1's gateway)
    #2 run your serv2's gateway.reg file
    #3 run Server2's game exe, choose whatever realm you wanna play on and enjoy the game

    Bonus sotory:
    once i accidently joined EU-bnet with my experimental brutally modded client. was a bit paniking, but even after a bit of experimenting i didnt even get a warn lol... My keys/accs still work like ever (wouldnt do it again though)
    Gix likes this.
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