

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Kaly, Oct 17, 2023.

  1. Kaly

    Kaly Supporter

    Feb 1, 2017
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    i want to give feedback/suggestions on the Obsession Runeword

    Here is a quote from Diablo Wiki
    This runeword provides massive bonuses to all skills, FCR, FHR, resistances, life and mana, as well as defensive Weaken proc. It is justified by the fact that it can be created in two-handed weapons (staves) only, taking two slots of equipment. The runeword itself does not provide more skill bonus than classic Heart of the Oak (or any uniqueorb) + Spirit combo, but if made in a staff with right +3 staffmod, it can provide a whopping +7 bonus. Such staves are very rare, however, since the only ones with 6 sockets are War Staff and its exceptional and elite versions.

    For me it should be better than HotO/Orb + Spirit Combo
    Also there are so much Runewords from low to mid tier that have absolutely no value since you progress so fast due to XP and Travi Hell Drops.
    You guys really should focus on the endgame, you really should

    For me as I was processing the patch notes am a bit disappointed, it would have been nice to aim for this one as a new best in slot item.

    My suggestion is:

    Obsession 2.0
    Aura on equip like Meditation LVL12, Conviction LVL12 or Vigor instead of 24% Chance to cast level 10 Weaken when struck
    +6 To All Skills instead of +4 To All Skills (+4 Hoto/Orb +2 Spirit)
    +75% Faster Cast Rate (+40 HotO/Orb +35 Spirit)
    +60% Faster Hit Recovery
    +10 To Vitality (useless)
    +10 To Energy (useless)
    Increase Maximum Life 15-25% (varies)
    + 200 Mana instead of Regenerate Mana 15-30% (varies)
    All Resistances +60-70 (varies)
    75% Extra Gold from Monsters
    30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
  2. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Thanks for your suggestion @Kaly.
    Here is the thing about the new D2R rune words, the game developers never intended to make those the next best in slot rune words and that was clearly stated ever since the new game has been announced, so I'm not sure why one would be surprised or disappointed for information that's been our for nearly two years now. Even with the fast progress, they still provide a nice alternative for low-medium rune words for many classes and that's what Blizzard was aiming for in the first place. I got quite a few messages from people trying the new rune words and loving them, but at the end of the day you simply cannot please everyone and that's normal. My point is that, in general, people tend to complain more than think about the amount of work and time others put into making all this possible.

    Slamming new rune words is not a complicated process at all by the way, making it fit into the game and still remain truthful to the blizzlike concept is.

    With that being said, it would be nice if you customize those stats a little and maybe bold only the alternative stats that you're suggesting and leave the rest as normal and unlinked caused by the copy-paste. What about the (useless) stats? Some rune words contain such attributes for various reasons, including a bigger stats list.
  3. Kaly

    Kaly Supporter

    Feb 1, 2017
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    Thank you for your reply Gix.

    First of all I really like the blizzlike concept here on this server, so keep going!

    But I don't think, that the d2r game developers intention is really a matter here on this server, since the whole environment of the server is very much different from the battle net live servers.
    Most importantly we progress way faster in terms of experience/level(XP RATES) and item progression (e.g low-mid uniques and runes at travi hell), and thats awesome, don't get me wrong here.
    But because of it, all these midterm runewords does not affect the players substantially.

    So i personally would like to see smart additions to the very endgame content here.
    Adding new level 85 areas is good, at least for MF'ing. The LVL99 hunt still remain the same.

    So that being said, Obsession cost a Zod-Rune and that is making the runeword way more expensive than its competitors.
    The competitors are Hoto/Eschuta/Occu + Spirit
    You can farm Hoto/Spirit (35) in the first day of the ladder, so i would love to see Obsession as a very nice alternative in the long run to be best in slot

    So the design should be at least:
    +6 To All Skills
    +75% Faster Cast Rate
    +150-200 Mana (varies)
    +50 Magic Find

    Now it really depends on for what sorc it should aim for, since i dont want it to be as owerpowered as enigma is.
    So i would aim for a energy shield sorc, since energy shield triggers before block rate etc. (and thus you can go without a shield)

    + LVL12-15 Meditation Aura when equipt (varies)
    + 50-60 % All Resistance (varies)

    and since you cannot use a RBF maybe

    + 5% All Resistance Pierce

    So I would remove Increase Maximum Life and Faster Hit Recovery and you can argue the values for All Resistances

    That for me would be a nice addition to the endgame, and i would even be more happy to find a Zod-Rune now
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2023
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