
Please remove full equip for merc. Game is overpowered!

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Strafano, Apr 19, 2015.

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  1. Strafano

    Strafano Member

    Mar 13, 2014
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    first of all i would like to say that i like very much to play on this server. i loved the increased droprate for runes, the new cube recipies and so on. Nevertheless i think that the full equip for mercenary makes the game too easy (not to mention the use of maphack :crying:). I finished my walk in hardcore without maphack from normal to hell in few hours only with self-find items and my merc never died, not once!

    What do you think about backing to the classic merc equip (helm armor weapon shield)?

  2. Blessedone

    Blessedone Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
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    I acctually played for years on regular servers blizzard and private...personally i like this change...if nothing simply do not have to worrie about healing merc along myself all the time...about levellling and maphack...MH is basicly only reson i stopped playing on blizzard servers in first place...only to see where i am acctually going...not rly so much for other stuff. Don't use auto tele,never in all years of playing d2 even tried use chicken/pickit and w/e names of those silly programs are...and just to clarify just done 2 chars in row 0-90 all alone no rush or anything because i like to acctually play and its douable in just few hrs if u know what ur doing (not to mention all the phatz from first time u kill bosses that u have increased chance at lol) got 2-3 soj's while doing it and ton of gems and runes. most people that acctually play nowadays are oldtimers now like myself (heck i got son who plays CoD and GTA online ffs lol) so kinda going blind is just waste of precious time really ;).
  3. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    We are using this game change for 10 years straight already and you are the first guy ever who said it's overpowering / suggested to remove it. No, the full equip for merc is not overpowering at all as long as there are no overpowered items ingame as some other private servers usually add for cash purpose so this change is actually a good one and obviously, private servers have to be easier than bnet. Don't use a merc or don't use a full equip on it if you rather preffer the original setting but this won't be removed for everyone else.
    aBUCHa likes this.
  4. afro

    afro Member

    Jan 18, 2015
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    Play hardcore till lvl 99, find the most unique items in game and u will enjoy this game for sure.
    My merc died in throne of destruction without using any pots on him, and that wasn't only one time... so, i don't think is overpower, even with bug items.
    aBUCHa and Gix like this.
  5. iiN0pointENERGY

    iiN0pointENERGY Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Well said Gix ; ) And I just want to add its not '' merc full equip '' because, mercs have only ONE RING : )))))) anyway, really nice idea to add ring amu gloves belt & boots ;) thank you, peace yo
    Gix likes this.
  6. Charlemagne

    Charlemagne Forum Legend

    Apr 30, 2015
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    I like this change. It was a new concept that I was not used to at all and I was kind of curious as to why blizzard never thought of doing the same. I mean it is only reasonable that another npc/player/fighter should have the same gearing ability as any others on a realistic point of view. In terms of being overpowered I would think blizzard would have no issue raising the strength of the game-mod just like the game does when another player joins an active game and "Diablo's Minions Get Stronger" Anyway aside from that. I like this modification and I think you would have much more complaints playing if your mercenary didn't have the extra gear haha.
  7. jmh033089

    jmh033089 Active Member

    Oct 19, 2012
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    I would have to agree with everyone else on this one, I think its a great idea and I wouldn't have it any other way. I would like to add the other ring slot lol if you think its over powered then you are not playing right I have been playing diablo since 97 and have had the best of the best of everything on every charc at one point or another and still don't think I was over powered because I was helping other plays get to where they wanted. So if you think it is to easy play in hell or in hardcore and don't rush or lvl with other high lvl charc.
  8. raften

    raften Forum Legend

    May 2, 2014
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    Overpower or no , this is a server feature , because of this we play and love this place, because it isn't basic like blizz.
    Jesus likes this.
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