
PLs HELP Lost Charr mUli and main body items :crying:

Discussion in 'Help Desk' started by Rza, Oct 28, 2013.

  1. Rza

    Rza Active Member

    Oct 28, 2013
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    hi was muli on pw game with 2 charrs by loader and as i wos finish i deleted the wrong muli with all stuff inside ...i cant remember name of charr some like stuff_I not sure ...acc name is >>> LEXX <<

    can or would u rebuild this muli charr plspls

    nother very big problem:crying: ... as i was in baal run yesterday i was die like 4-5time if not more coz all low player about 87 somthing and was try to save for other player coz they was flaiming an screeming to me gogo some like that..,finaly all was clean and i was getting my bodys back after that all i was so mad i loged out and today as i log in i was fully naked ,and was wearing just a crap soket helm on my charr :((((( i lost like enigma - cta - dream helm with that shok aura -eth phoenix shield and a Eternity rw and soj+bk5 ..amu im not sure i was try some last time was a crap amu with ML/LL same like gloves with LL and belt +1skill ...im so pissed of now ...is it possible to rebuild my charr and muli plspslpslpsls ????
    if u can help pls pm me in game big big thankz at all admins who takes time to help me ...but my invetar is ok skillers torch anni still inside ;) pls help if u can thank you so much !
  2. DevilsPride

    DevilsPride Forum Legend

    Nov 19, 2012
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    First of all we cant restore your character just because you made a mistake . We are not responsable of your mistakes as you are not responsable for ours. And about loosing your character while leveling asumed you died many many MANY times for the character to " dissapear " is also a part of the game and everybody knows about it . Never dye to many times in a row or your character gets gliched. Sorry for the inconvenient but its not our resposability to fix your mistakes.
  3. Rza

    Rza Active Member

    Oct 28, 2013
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    omfg where is the axxxy that's happend to me allready bevore 5-6 months ago on us realm and he was helping me very well ... all you new admins have just weak excuses to do nothing yes plsy just dont move your ass to help some1 ... even u never answear in game if some1 need you .
    I know that you can do that , what has already proven to me axxxy all just excuses ...to weaken... telling shit like that to your newby players but not player like us playing around 1year on that server...you new admins are just disabled!!!!!!!!!!only axxxy and khaudus are really good admins here ...helping as well they can allway present not like the rest lowbobs of u calling urself admins and acting like hero by doing nothing for oldscool player!!!!!im gonna quit this shit anyway ... thers a lof other server if diablo 2 or 3 or wow or any other online game and axxy will know the most playere are just about me here because I'm doing advertising and headhunting of other reserves !!!and thats your thanks about ...u will see many player will leave with me ...never do somthing good for some1 !!!!!!good luck with your shit way to admin if u keep like that u will have no player anymore soon coz all players talk like me in games like admins sux no answear no help at all blabla !!!!!think about that pls !!!!if you are unable to be a good admin leave pls and make space for some good admins !!!!!!! sorry about my english but its not a school here or even a english test and i know u got undersoud!!!!!!!!!
  4. DevilsPride

    DevilsPride Forum Legend

    Nov 19, 2012
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    First of all relax or a vein will pop out of your head and u will most likely die. You do realize this the best and largest diablo 2 server around right? You play for over a year? thats weird because i played here a few months ago and u seemed to be nowhere. Axxy Is the Head Admin here so he can do more stuff than i can. You are free to leave ( most likely just to return with your tail bettwen your legs) Real players wont follow you abandoning their work just because u have 2 left hands. Ive dealt with folcks like you before: Just talk and no act! Why are you dissrespecting me and other admins witch take out of our free time ( i could just sit and play not having any responsabilities and speach giberish LIKE YOU all day ) to contribute in a positive manner at the wellbeing of this server? Just because you became friends with axxy and khaudus doesnt mean u can call me a "lowbob' or any other staff member around here. Behave urself and proof you are a real player ( witch i seriosly dought because real players dont cry over a few items they deleted with theyr own hands or dpnt know about the many deaths glich!!!! )
  5. MrHammer

    MrHammer Forum Legend

    Apr 7, 2013
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    We (regular Game Masters) can`t do anything that is related to the database; restore ur items, create new items, create new characters, etc.

    You will have to wait for a Head Game Master to come over and check this post. Thank you for considering me (khaudus) a good admin but that doesnt mean you can disrespect others, specially when you need soemthing from them.
    There are other much better solutions than to flame. Start by sending a private message to Axxxy if you know him and he is your friend or has helped you with similar issues before.

    And please have some patience for answer, since all of us staff members here dont get paid for this and it may take a day or 2 for actions to take over.
  6. Rza

    Rza Active Member

    Oct 28, 2013
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    ok sorry i was just so aggro about the 1th reward .....ok i will w8t for axxxy and to pride all my account from eu and us server was deleted and axxxy tould me they cant be rebuild coz of any some reason ...next thing is it wasnt just a crap muli it was a muli with my best stuff like all class templers i collected hardly and a lot more .... this acc was full of high rw items and im not crying coz im not a lill baby just ppl talking like that are kids ..... i was just aggro as a read that repost telling me like no we or i do nothing for you even i dont like to try or to talk any others admins to find a way ....so i lost alleady all my old account 1 of those was made by axxxy a wind druid fully perfekt equipt and i mean fully perfekt !!!!and now again ...ok all i understoud is play have fun if u lost somthing we dont care just axxxy will help you right????did i get it right?
    ps:remember most of your player are here coz of me coz i tould them to come here talk to axxxt about legendos mybe he will remember me i wasnt online for like 3mons or more but nvm !!!!
  7. Rza

    Rza Active Member

    Oct 28, 2013
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    ps thx khaudus for info like i tould i was very aggro about the 1th repost !!!i dont care anymore i never look backward !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i give a **** anymore about all my accs or items i lost sry my words but true !!
  8. roalex1337

    roalex1337 Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    Make the staff-impersonation bannable and end the feud. Ban these silly kids who cry "my friend is a admin" by "You will be banned by your friend".
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