
Respectable PvP rules (based on PCL rules)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hoshee, Feb 9, 2016.

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  1. Hoshee

    Hoshee Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Hello everybody,
    big up to all Diablo 2 players after all this time, you da real mvp.

    We all sit here, having good time in what game has to offer, PvEing the shit out of the content but so many of you claim we are missing one of the most interesting aspect of the game, old fashon, based on solid rules PvP tournament.

    Our group decided to take matters in our own hands and help out the server's stuff. We've been using main chat as a research place in which admins and players were asked of their opinion on this particular matter. Many encouraging voices has came to our attention, we started to dig in old stuff, back in the days where tournaments contestors were choosen as a representative group of servers such as Europe Non-Ladder, Europe Ladder, SG, WP, GT, JM, Agrenost and we have found an excelent candidate.

    As a final conclusion on solid PvP rules, we have choosen following:
    - (PCL) Polish Clan League PvP rules 16.12.2006

    English version of all necessary files:
    General 1/1 rules
    1. Foh can use maximum 4 Rainbow Facets. Griffon's Eye without 5/5 equals to 3 Rainbow Facets, Griffon's Eye with 5/5 euqls to 4 Rainbow Facets,
    2. Using Charge and Vigor simultaneously is forbidden,
    3. Using Charge and Holy Freeze vs amazon simultaneously is forbidden,
    4. Paladin vs amazon is played on a map with bridge and without box,
    5. Auras which replenish life are forbidden in duels vs amazons,
    6. Hammerdin vs elemental druid cannot use Concentration aura,
    7. Foh vs melee druid / barbarian - foh chooses to use either Charge or Holy Shield,
    8. Foh cannot use Smite vs Orb sorceress,
    9. Foh vs sorceress / necromancer is played on a map with bridge and without box
    10. Foh vs druid cannot use neither Conviction aura, and smite
    11. Foh can use Blessed Hammer to destroy Bone Prisons,
    12. Hammerdin vs foh - hammerdin cannot use Concentration aura, foh cannot use Conviction aura,
    13. Hammerdin cannot use Cleansing aura vs melee druid,
    14. Hammerdin vs Barb - hammerdin cannot use Meditation, Prayer and Cleansing,
    15. Hammerdin vs smiter / melee druid / whirlwind assasin - hammerdin cannot use Concentration aura,
    16. Hammerdin vs whirlwind assasin - hammerdin plays without Holy Shield,
    17. Hammerdin vs barbarian - hammerdin cannot use Concentration aura,
    18. Meditation is allowed on 1v1 + lame running / passive play is forbidden,

    1. Namelock Whirlwind is forbidden,
    2. Barbarian vs melee druid / whirlwind assasin - barbarian cannot cast Shout,

    1. Hybrid assasin with Chaos runeword equipped has open wounds limited to 40%,
    2. Whirlwind assasin can use Fortitude,
    3. Assasin vs elemental druid / Orb sorceress - assasin cannot summon Shadow Master and cannot cast Psychic Hammer,
    4. Assasin vs smiter - assasin cannot use Psychic Hammer,
    5. Assasin vs foh - assasin chooses between c/c and absorption,
    6.wwasn may use ow vs ORB sorc

    1. Possible item setups:
    a) 1 Rainbow Facet + Eschuta's Temper,
    b) Death's Fathom (blizzard sorceress cannot use Death's Fathom,
    c) 3 Rainbow Facets + Wizardspike,
    2. Sorceress cannot use Energy Shield if necromancer doesn't use Teeth (necromancer decides),
    3. SvS is played on nightmare difficulty,
    4. Sorceress vs Barb, Sorc can use shield with base chance to block less than 45% with Energy Shield or with Whistan's Guard without Energy Shiel,
    5. Sorceress vs melee assasin - sorceress cannot use Energy Shield,
    6. Characters dealing physical damage vs Orb sorceress cannot use open wounds.

    1. Rabies druid cannot use open wounds + poison damage simultaneously,
    2. Max 2 Rainbow Facets are allowed,
    3. Hurricane vs necromancer is forbidden,
    4. Elemental druid vs foh - druid cannot use Cyclone Armor / summons, but he can use Oak Sage. Foh cannot use Conviction aura,
    5. Melee druid vs necromancer - druid plays without summons,
    6. Elemental druid vs foh / amazon - druid can wear only Lidless Wall or Spirit as a shield,
    7. In 1v1 druid ele may use only oak sage

    1. Necromancer vs necromancer - casting Bone Wall is forbidden,
    2. Necromancer vs necromancer is played on a map with bridge and without box,
    3. Necromancer cannot use Bone Prison vs melee druid / smiter / hammerdin,
    4. Necromancer cannot cast Bone Walls vs paladin / barbarian / amazon in a around him (there must be multiple entrances),
    5. Iron Maiden is forbidden

    1. Amazon cannot use Slow Missile against Poison Java,
    2. Amazon vs amazon is played on a map with a bridge and without box,
    3. Amazon cannot use Slow Missile against elemental druid,


    General 2v2 rules.
    1. All general PCL rulez apply, except in cases listed hereinafter,
    2. The teams compete in fights according to 2v2 system, with no reserve.
    3. 2v2 tournaments take place on maps with bridge, on part which doesn't have cube.

    II. Limitations.
    In teams containing a paladin, damage reduction for paladin is lowered to 35%, also call to arms in team hammer + amazon is forbidden,
    If paladin uses skills Meditation, Prayer or Clensing, he cannot use the Heart of the Oak runeword,
    Teams consisting of two characters of the same class are forbidden.

    General 3v3 rules.
    1. All general PCL rulez apply, except in cases listed hereinafter,
    2. The teams compete in fights according to 3v3 system, with one reserve.

    II. Limitations.
    1. The team has to be composed of three main characters + one reserve,
    2. The team must not contain more than one paladin and more than one druid,
    3. Using Holy Bolt in battles against team with no paladin is forbidden.

    II. Teams.
    1. Using mercenaries is forbidden,
    2. Paladins cannot use or invest any skillpoints into the Resist Fire, Resist Cold and Resist Lightning skilltrees.

    III. League matches.
    1. If team is late for more than 15 minutes, the opposing team wins 3:0 (walkover).
    2. Group matches are played to 3 wins (max 5 fights in one match).
    3. Judge has the right to end the fight because of lack of time (default is 30 minutes per match)
    4. Waiting for other team / player is limited to 15 minutes, after this time the match begins. If player is dropped from the game (lag), the opposing team waits maximum 10 minutes for him to come back. After that, if any player from any team is dropped again from the game, waiting time is reduced to 3 minute.

    IV. Judging.
    1. Referees have the ultimate deciding power in every case,
    2. Referees and players may ask another player to show all items he is wearing. If player disagrees to show his items, his team loses by walkover,
    3. Referees and players may ask another player/team to make screenshots during the match. Referees can ask for that multiple times, while every team is allowed to do this only once per match,
    4. In case of player's/team's bad manners, referee can punish them in two ways: walkover or ban them from the league (second option must be reasonably justified).

    V. Beginning of the match.
    When the team liders says "GO" or "G" the fight begins.

    VI. Fight.
    1. Battles take place on Blood Moor, from town entrance to Flavie,
    2. Referees can enter the battlefield during the fight without interrupting the match,
    3. Lag is not considered a sufficient reason to repeat the fight,

    4. The following actions are forbidden before and during the match:
    a) using any potions or shrines (there must be 4 scrolls of identify in the belt),
    b) leaving Blood Moor for any reason,
    c) tossing any items on the battlefield (including arrows),
    d) using Scrolls of Town Portal,
    e) using Clay Golem, Revive, Summon Skeleton / Skeleton Magus, casting Decrepify by necromancer,
    f) using Leap by barbarian, if he has invested more than 1 point in this skill

    5. Teams which do notobey these rules will lose the match by walkover
    6. Killed player cannot leave town until the fight is over. When one team wins the fight, killed players can pick up their bodies.
    7. After leaving the town before the fight, players cannot enter the town again (especially they can't go to the stash),
    8. Permanent running is forbidden. If referees spot such behavior, they can limit the size of battlefield.

    VII. Item restrictions.
    1.Using items with following characteristics is forbidden:
    a) "slows target by xx%" (Wilhelm's Face, Nosferatu's Coil etc.). Arachnid Mesh is allowed for casters,
    b) using skill charges from items is forbidden,
    c) items with % chance to cast curse spell (Amplify Damage, Decrepify etc),
    d) charms with any extra poison damage,
    e) any item which provides player with any paladin aura,

    2. Using skills given by items (i.e. Teleport from the "Enigma" runeword), not originally possesed by that character is forbidden. There are two exceptions from this rule: elemental druid can use Teleport from the runeword "Enigma", and teams can cast Battle Orders from the "Call to Arms" runeword,
    3. Maximum replenish life level is 30. Paladin auras like Prayer, Cleansing and Meditation count as 15 replenish life, paladin declares before the fight if he uses any of these auras,

    4. Using of the following items is forbidden:
    a) Saracen's Chance amulet v. 1.08 and every item, which has a chance to cast Amplify Damage or Life Tap,
    b) Rising Sun amulet,
    c) Constricting Ring,
    d) every item illegaly put in the game, having characteristics other than it's original version (accessable at Arreat Summit, http://www.battle.net/diablo2exp),
    e) every elite item from 1.08 patch,
    f) Blackoak Shield,
    g) "Grief" runeword - exception is smiter paladin who can use it in TvT
    h) sorceress using Blizzard cannot use the Death Fantom

    5. Damage reduction is unlimited (excerpt - Druid ele, he may use only 8% DR)
    6. Absorption: every character can wear 1 absorption item for fire and lightning elements and 2 absorption items for cold element,
    7. Maximum rasistances cannot be higher than 85%, maximum stacked resists cannot be higher than 200%,
    8. Number of rainbow facets for each character is unlimited in TvT

    9.The only character which can use Teleport skill from the "Enigma" runeword, is elemental druid (caster, not melee), however:
    a) he cannot wear any absorption items (he can use Cyclone Armor),
    c) he cannot summon any creatures except Oak Sage and Grizzly.

    10. Barbarian skill Leap is limited to 1 invested point.
    11. Items providing player with paladin auras such as Exile, Hand of Justice, Brand, Destruction, Doom, Dragon, Edge, Faith, Fortitude (allowed only on 3v3/4v4), Grief, Harmony, Ice, Infinity, Insight, Last, Wish, Lawbringer, Phoenix, Pride are forbidden.

    VIII. Consequences of breaking the rules.
    1. Breaking the PCL rules by one of the teams causes lose of this team by walkover (3:0), if such incidents happen again, team will be banned from the league,
    2. Avoiding the fight is forbidden. If team doesn't attack during first 3 minutes, it gets a warning. If players are running during a fight, referee can limit the battlefield,
    3. Wearing any potions in the belt is forbidden. If any potions drop out from a killed player, then his team loses by walkover,

    IX. Anti-hack policies.
    1. Using any 3rd party programs, which affect gameplay in any way, is forbidden.
    2. Referees can interrupt the fight by saying "STOP". Then he asks players to perform the anti-cheat procedure:
    a) open Message Log (default: M),
    b) players must write "/time" (without quotation mark) and press Enter,
    c) players must write ".test" (without quotation marks) and press Enter,
    d) screenshots will be sent to the referee after the match. He will check, if any illegal programs were in use. Match will be continued. Interrupted fight will be repeated,
    3. Using "/framerate" command is not recommended, as it takes big part of the screen, which makes screenshots more difficult to read,
    4. Detection of any cheat will result in ban from the league.


    Obviously, some rules need to changed [will be done as a first thing if many participants sign in] according to tournament and definitions. General PvP rules will be set as version 1.0 and with time, we can upgrade and develop to newer versions according to player's feedback (just like patch notes in LoL or HotS).

    Style: 3vs3
    Maximum members: 60
    Maximum teams: 20
    Mode: league / tournament (not decided)
    Obligatory rules: Polish Clan League PvP rules 16.12.2006

    We want to give you an oportunity to play on a balanced, well thought rules that guarantee most joy that game has to offer. Obviously, depending on the administration statement, those rules can be reedited and posted as official/alternative rules in forums.

    TL;DR (even if you just read entire thing you will still read this, you always do)
    A PvP tournament is going on. We gonna play on PCL rules (link above). If you wish to participate or approve the rules post here! We need to hear you guys, hear you a lot.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 9, 2016, Original Post Date: Feb 8, 2016 ---
    Will respectively transfer the rules to the topics by the time I'm back from work today. Sorry for inconvenience caused by a external link policy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2016
  2. Hoshee

    Hoshee Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    I'd like to suggest PCL rules (can be found on google if you want). I will try to post them in separated topic later today.
    Alst likes this.
  3. Alst

    Alst Active Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    that's a nice initiative, but regular rules can't really apply here because of increased inventory... until someone actually tests some duels fairly at least. For example what does extra 10 skillerz mean for cold sorc vs light sorc, or hammerdin dmg with extra sks, isn't that too big for the game, is it normal that barb have 9k life, etc.
  4. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Inventory has the same size for all characters so regular rules will be working just fine as they are made for the game itself, however suggesting just another guide over the google, out of hundred others doesn't make much sense. If you got something to add to improve current ones do it otherwise I can't see a reason to have multiple pvp rules just for the sake of it. This game has literally hundred of pvp "common sense rules" (there are no official pvp rules for this game) posted by all kind of people and clans and there isn't "the best" one, you'll just read all kind of alternatives mostly written by people who see pvp different into their vision but no one guarantees others may agree with that. Keep in mind that posting external links is not allowed so If you want to suggest a set of rules make sure you atleast copy paste them into a spoiler instead of redirecting us to some polish website or whatever link that leads to a different clan/community page.
  5. Alst

    Alst Active Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Just to add on the inventory thingie: sorcs and palas beneficiate a lot more from increased inv then other chars...plus it kind of leads to 1-shot kills for other chars with just one absorb, which leads to kind of un-fun duels. Also, as i am a melee fan, it's 2114124124 times harder to get 3 smc 3/20/20(or even a 5@/20lf) then getting a sk combat pala/sorc cold/fire 3x life and call it a day. That's my opinion at least :)

    Regarding the pvp rules, i agree we should gather some rules and paste them here. It should be split into melee / ffa / casters / etc.
  6. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    You're wrong, otherwise your statement goes for the default inventory as well. It's an expended inventory with a few extra rows not a 2x - 3x bigger one, nor bigger for certain classes only so equal to each one. In 11+ years the inventory was never blamed, that's what people that lack pvp skills usually do by blaming all kind of game aspects and you see a lot of sorc and pala loosing against other classes which again proves your theory wrong. Anyways, D2 will never going to be exceptional on the pvp part of the game mainly because it's an old game that was mostly developed for pve content and people know that by now. If I would change something, I would take the world of warcraft pvp system and implement it to diablo2, then probably it would be a complete game but that isn't ever going to happen so it will be accepted as is.
    DiabloDan likes this.
  7. Hoshee

    Hoshee Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Gix, thank you for the respond. In case of "one of others". I already stated, in topic placed in suggestion forums, that this particular rules are choosen by us to be most playerfriendly among pvp rules from all mentioned servers and Euro PvP rules (which we played the most). I'm pretty confident some rules are outstanding other ones, as I had the opportunity to play on at least 5 different rules.

    I'm completely up to do tests and balance those rules to server's features and player's opinion. My group is willing to help out administrators as long as administration is willing to make change in current rules.

  8. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Not a problem @Hoshee. I'm not against suggesting different set of rules but bare in mind that when it comes to diablo2 pvp rules it's all about personal prefference as different people camed up with different set of rules during the years so picking one global set of rules will be tricky.
  9. Hoshee

    Hoshee Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    That's why I think we should start to create rules from the begging, with some of the good practices from our experience.

    Hard? It definitely will be, but in the sake of old memories about how much fun it was we are willing to take a risk and try.

    Let me reach you in game or on teamspeak so we could get to know our perspectives?
  10. Hoopek

    Hoopek Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    I speaked with soo soo many ppl already on this serwer are ppl rly like the PCL rules and they also rly need pvp tournaments , this serwer is a last i serwer with that big community , duels in d2 are amazing its all about rules and PCL rules are best rules trust me , but ofc after every tournament me and hoshee can make a topic with sugestion and we can upgrade this rules just for our serwer :)

    General 1/1 rules
    1. Foh can use maximum 4 Rainbow Facets. Griffon's Eye without 5/5 equals to 3 Rainbow Facets, Griffon's Eye with 5/5 euqls to 4 Rainbow Facets,
    2. Using Charge and Vigor simultaneously is forbidden,
    3. Using Charge and Holy Freeze vs amazon simultaneously is forbidden,
    4. Paladin vs amazon is played on a map with bridge and without box,
    5. Auras which replenish life are forbidden in duels vs amazons,
    6. Hammerdin vs elemental druid cannot use Concentration aura,
    7. Foh vs melee druid / barbarian - foh chooses to use either Charge or Holy Shield,
    8. Foh cannot use Smite vs Orb sorceress,
    9. Foh vs sorceress / necromancer is played on a map with bridge and without box
    10. Foh vs druid cannot use neither Conviction aura, and smite
    11. Foh can use Blessed Hammer to destroy Bone Prisons,
    12. Hammerdin vs foh - hammerdin cannot use Concentration aura, foh cannot use Conviction aura,
    13. Hammerdin cannot use Cleansing aura vs melee druid,
    14. Hammerdin vs Barb - hammerdin cannot use Meditation, Prayer and Cleansing,
    15. Hammerdin vs smiter / melee druid / whirlwind assasin - hammerdin cannot use Concentration aura,
    16. Hammerdin vs whirlwind assasin - hammerdin plays without Holy Shield,
    17. Hammerdin vs barbarian - hammerdin cannot use Concentration aura,
    18. Meditation is allowed on 1v1 + lame running / passive play is forbidden,

    1. Namelock Whirlwind is forbidden,
    2. Barbarian vs melee druid / whirlwind assasin - barbarian cannot cast Shout,

    1. Hybrid assasin with Chaos runeword equipped has open wounds limited to 40%,
    2. Whirlwind assasin can use Fortitude,
    3. Assasin vs elemental druid / Orb sorceress - assasin cannot summon Shadow Master and cannot cast Psychic Hammer,
    4. Assasin vs smiter - assasin cannot use Psychic Hammer,
    5. Assasin vs foh - assasin chooses between c/c and absorption,
    6.wwasn may use ow vs ORB sorc

    1. Possible item setups:
    a) 1 Rainbow Facet + Eschuta's Temper,
    b) Death's Fathom (blizzard sorceress cannot use Death's Fathom,
    c) 3 Rainbow Facets + Wizardspike,
    2. Sorceress cannot use Energy Shield if necromancer doesn't use Teeth (necromancer decides),
    3. SvS is played on nightmare difficulty,
    4. Sorceress vs Barb, Sorc can use shield with base chance to block less than 45% with Energy Shield or with Whistan's Guard without Energy Shiel,
    5. Sorceress vs melee assasin - sorceress cannot use Energy Shield,
    6. Characters dealing physical damage vs Orb sorceress cannot use open wounds.

    1. Rabies druid cannot use open wounds + poison damage simultaneously,
    2. Max 2 Rainbow Facets are allowed,
    3. Hurricane vs necromancer is forbidden,
    4. Elemental druid vs foh - druid cannot use Cyclone Armor / summons, but he can use Oak Sage. Foh cannot use Conviction aura,
    5. Melee druid vs necromancer - druid plays without summons,
    6. Elemental druid vs foh / amazon - druid can wear only Lidless Wall or Spirit as a shield,
    7. In 1v1 druid ele may use only oak sage

    1. Necromancer vs necromancer - casting Bone Wall is forbidden,
    2. Necromancer vs necromancer is played on a map with bridge and without box,
    3. Necromancer cannot use Bone Prison vs melee druid / smiter / hammerdin,
    4. Necromancer cannot cast Bone Walls vs paladin / barbarian / amazon in a around him (there must be multiple entrances),
    5. Iron Maiden is forbidden

    1. Amazon cannot use Slow Missile against Poison Java,
    2. Amazon vs amazon is played on a map with a bridge and without box,
    3. Amazon cannot use Slow Missile against elemental druid,


    General 2v2 rules.
    1. All general PCL rulez apply, except in cases listed hereinafter,
    2. The teams compete in fights according to 2v2 system, with no reserve.
    3. 2v2 tournaments take place on maps with bridge, on part which doesn't have cube.

    II. Limitations.
    In teams containing a paladin, damage reduction for paladin is lowered to 35%, also call to arms in team hammer + amazon is forbidden,
    If paladin uses skills Meditation, Prayer or Clensing, he cannot use the Heart of the Oak runeword,
    Teams consisting of two characters of the same class are forbidden.

    General 3v3 rules.
    1. All general PCL rulez apply, except in cases listed hereinafter,
    2. The teams compete in fights according to 3v3 system, with one reserve.

    II. Limitations.
    1. The team has to be composed of three main characters + one reserve,
    2. The team must not contain more than one paladin and more than one druid,
    3. Using Holy Bolt in battles against team with no paladin is forbidden.

    II. Teams.
    1. Using mercenaries is forbidden,
    2. Paladins cannot use or invest any skillpoints into the Resist Fire, Resist Cold and Resist Lightning skilltrees.

    III. League matches.
    1. If team is late for more than 15 minutes, the opposing team wins 3:0 (walkover).
    2. Group matches are played to 3 wins (max 5 fights in one match).
    3. Judge has the right to end the fight because of lack of time (default is 30 minutes per match)
    4. Waiting for other team / player is limited to 15 minutes, after this time the match begins. If player is dropped from the game (lag), the opposing team waits maximum 10 minutes for him to come back. After that, if any player from any team is dropped again from the game, waiting time is reduced to 3 minute.

    IV. Judging.
    1. Referees have the ultimate deciding power in every case,
    2. Referees and players may ask another player to show all items he is wearing. If player disagrees to show his items, his team loses by walkover,
    3. Referees and players may ask another player/team to make screenshots during the match. Referees can ask for that multiple times, while every team is allowed to do this only once per match,
    4. In case of player's/team's bad manners, referee can punish them in two ways: walkover or ban them from the league (second option must be reasonably justified).

    V. Beginning of the match.
    When the team liders says "GO" or "G" the fight begins.

    VI. Fight.
    1. Battles take place on Blood Moor, from town entrance to Flavie,
    2. Referees can enter the battlefield during the fight without interrupting the match,
    3. Lag is not considered a sufficient reason to repeat the fight,

    4. The following actions are forbidden before and during the match:
    a) using any potions or shrines (there must be 4 scrolls of identify in the belt),
    b) leaving Blood Moor for any reason,
    c) tossing any items on the battlefield (including arrows),
    d) using Scrolls of Town Portal,
    e) using Clay Golem, Revive, Summon Skeleton / Skeleton Magus, casting Decrepify by necromancer,
    f) using Leap by barbarian, if he has invested more than 1 point in this skill

    5. Teams which do notobey these rules will lose the match by walkover
    6. Killed player cannot leave town until the fight is over. When one team wins the fight, killed players can pick up their bodies.
    7. After leaving the town before the fight, players cannot enter the town again (especially they can't go to the stash),
    8. Permanent running is forbidden. If referees spot such behavior, they can limit the size of battlefield.

    VII. Item restrictions.
    1.Using items with following characteristics is forbidden:
    a) "slows target by xx%" (Wilhelm's Face, Nosferatu's Coil etc.). Arachnid Mesh is allowed for casters,
    b) using skill charges from items is forbidden,
    c) items with % chance to cast curse spell (Amplify Damage, Decrepify etc),
    d) charms with any extra poison damage,
    e) any item which provides player with any paladin aura,

    2. Using skills given by items (i.e. Teleport from the "Enigma" runeword), not originally possesed by that character is forbidden. There are two exceptions from this rule: elemental druid can use Teleport from the runeword "Enigma", and teams can cast Battle Orders from the "Call to Arms" runeword,
    3. Maximum replenish life level is 30. Paladin auras like Prayer, Cleansing and Meditation count as 15 replenish life, paladin declares before the fight if he uses any of these auras,

    4. Using of the following items is forbidden:
    a) Saracen's Chance amulet v. 1.08 and every item, which has a chance to cast Amplify Damage or Life Tap,
    b) Rising Sun amulet,
    c) Constricting Ring,
    d) every item illegaly put in the game, having characteristics other than it's original version (accessable at Arreat Summit, http://www.battle.net/diablo2exp),
    e) every elite item from 1.08 patch,
    f) Blackoak Shield,
    g) "Grief" runeword - exception is smiter paladin who can use it in TvT
    h) sorceress using Blizzard cannot use the Death Fantom

    5. Damage reduction is unlimited (excerpt - Druid ele, he may use only 8% DR)
    6. Absorption: every character can wear 1 absorption item for fire and lightning elements and 2 absorption items for cold element,
    7. Maximum rasistances cannot be higher than 85%, maximum stacked resists cannot be higher than 200%,
    8. Number of rainbow facets for each character is unlimited in TvT

    9.The only character which can use Teleport skill from the "Enigma" runeword, is elemental druid (caster, not melee), however:
    a) he cannot wear any absorption items (he can use Cyclone Armor),
    c) he cannot summon any creatures except Oak Sage and Grizzly.

    10. Barbarian skill Leap is limited to 1 invested point.
    11. Items providing player with paladin auras such as Exile, Hand of Justice, Brand, Destruction, Doom, Dragon, Edge, Faith, Fortitude (allowed only on 3v3/4v4), Grief, Harmony, Ice, Infinity, Insight, Last, Wish, Lawbringer, Phoenix, Pride are forbidden.

    VIII. Consequences of breaking the rules.
    1. Breaking the PCL rules by one of the teams causes lose of this team by walkover (3:0), if such incidents happen again, team will be banned from the league,
    2. Avoiding the fight is forbidden. If team doesn't attack during first 3 minutes, it gets a warning. If players are running during a fight, referee can limit the battlefield,
    3. Wearing any potions in the belt is forbidden. If any potions drop out from a killed player, then his team loses by walkover,

    IX. Anti-hack policies.
    1. Using any 3rd party programs, which affect gameplay in any way, is forbidden.
    2. Referees can interrupt the fight by saying "STOP". Then he asks players to perform the anti-cheat procedure:
    a) open Message Log (default: M),
    b) players must write "/time" (without quotation mark) and press Enter,
    c) players must write ".test" (without quotation marks) and press Enter,
    d) screenshots will be sent to the referee after the match. He will check, if any illegal programs were in use. Match will be continued. Interrupted fight will be repeated,
    3. Using "/framerate" command is not recommended, as it takes big part of the screen, which makes screenshots more difficult to read,
    4. Detection of any cheat will result in ban from the league.

    Also i have tabble with res to all class .
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2016
  11. Hoshee

    Hoshee Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2016
  12. Alst

    Alst Active Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    No one except ele druid can use enigma? Seriously? What's the logic behind that??

    No one can use grief except smiter..this is outrageous.. so basically the only character that grief's bug applies to (it shoudln't apply to smite as it's a WEP dmg bonus) is the only one allowed to play it..
    I for sure am not going to follow these rules, srry.
  13. Hoshee

    Hoshee Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    This is just the original version, we want to base on that and create something for this server. Enigma's teleport is just too op to allow it to certain classes.
  14. Hoopek

    Hoopek Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Sory for double post , also my english its not perfect so for it sory too :D
    the plan what we need to organize is like tournaments :
    1v1 2v2 3v3
    class mastery - Like sorc vs sorc necro vs necro
    clan vs clan
    And pvp seasons like from every tournament 1v1 2v2 and others all ppl will get a points to - pvp season and every one mounth we will take 3 1st places to hall of fame .
    It will be rly nice fun guys so we need to make it alive fast :)

    Guys and admins so what are you thinking about it ?
  15. Vali0

    Vali0 Member

    Jan 3, 2015
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    I'm voting with both of my hands for this idea. I think it will make more people to play duels instead of MF, which is the trend of last few months. Also it is something different, something new and it would be fun, maybe it will return the old duelers.
    In addition to the idea I think it will be better to make them in the weekends because few of us work. In the beginning tournaments can be free and of course without prize but after we can make them with entrance.
    If we get enough votes for this idea and eventually accept it, I can assist in writing good manner rules for tournament since I'm one of the oldest PvP players here. Also I can try to assist in the organization of the tournaments but because I have to work I won't be available all the time.
  16. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Getting some pvp events manager sounds good, send as much people as you can to the forums to read your thread (don't spam the ingame channel with that though) and let's do it together. Seems some people don't agree with your set of rules, however they can suggest the changes.

    I'll move your posts in a separate thread inside the suggestions board so the discussion may continue there.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 12, 2016, Original Post Date: Feb 12, 2016 ---
    There you guys, I've moved your posts inside Suggestions board and also edited your first post and added the rules and that image into separate spoilers. You may point people to this thread now.
    Those who do not agree with the set of rules that @Hoshee is suggesting you may post there what you want to modify as I'm sure @Hoshee is open to ideas.

    PS: Please refrain from posting external forum links, just post the suggestions/rules directly through copy-paste or so.
  17. Alst

    Alst Active Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Hello Gix,

    i for one not agreeing too much on those rules, I propose an alternative for melee players out there, myself being one. Do you agree if I come with a set of rules (as a first draft) and post it somewhere (might not be here since I don't want to disturb the ffa duel thread).
  18. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Hey @Alst , it's @Hoshee's topic. You may let him know what you do not agree with. So far this is just a thread of suggestions, there isn't anything approved or made official so it's opened to discussions.
    Just post it here, into a spoiler as I don't really want to turn our forums into google and get multiple threads with multiple rules suggestions, all taken from google of course.
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