
Some simple improvement suggesitons

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by hitch_hikers_guide, Feb 9, 2015.

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  1. hitch_hikers_guide

    hitch_hikers_guide Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    1. make patch notes on your homepage: EuropeBattle.Net - Diablo 2 Private Server so new people can easily read about the exact changes.

    2. plz somehow make this easier to install xd... i had difficulties, i told som german friends and they werent even able to install it xd. After installation i now have 5 shortcuts on desktop for this game xD. kinda would be nice if new people had a simple way to install. because normal people just give up if the installation dont work directly.

    3. i strongly suggest you remove maphack if you want more people to come. Most streamers of diablo2 wont play this gateway simple because it supports maphack. And this gem rune thing.. srsly u can start from scratch with a sorc and get a enigma 13 hours later if you simply know how to play.

    Except this i would say that you have done a great job ,and i intend to keep play here, since its the best thing out there.
    And if you would change so physical damage heroes had a chance in hell with suggestions i sent to gix , i think more people from bnet will come.

    i only want the player pool to get bigger.
  2. hitch_hikers_guide

    hitch_hikers_guide Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    OH and 1 more thing. you got explaining on how to install this but! you have to read deep in forum to get 1 simple thing to make the installation simplier. to right click "my cumputer"-> press "system protection" -> "advanced " -> "setting" data execution protection ( in swedish its dataexekverings skydd, not sure the english word).
    then press the 2nd dot. and add game.exe for this game.

    this should be on how to install it, on home page.
  3. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    1. It's right on the front page, its always been there.

    2. There is an installer, archive and a how to connect guide.

    3. This isn't going to happen, not on private servers, not 14 years later since D2 was launched. I'm not a maphack fan either but that doesn't mean it won't be allowed. Also, this won't bring more people but it will do the opposite and considering that an ordinary d2 server has 20-30 players online while we got 350-400, for a game that is slowly dying and it has been discontinued by their creators I would say it's pretty darn good.

    4. Those are instructions about most common game errors and there is a direct link on the website but again it requires reading. We took the time of explaining most of these errors but normally you won't find them on other servers since they can be found over google as they are game related, not server related. This shouldn't be on the install home page since it has nothing to do with the server, it's just game error and only few people experience that. Again, google is mainly used for such things but I'm sure we pretty much covered everything in our FIX thread. Usually when you get a game (any game) error you browse over google you don't search for a fix in a private server. Overall forum content has to remain on forums and if it's important then link it fro the website and the mandatory how to connect conten,t on the website.

    As far as I remember the first day you camed here, you also missed these important things because you didn't paid attention on reading the actual website.
    Website's menu links are explanatory enough and people should read them especially if they intend to join a private server, other than that they would normally ask for help if needed.
  4. Bglzaborg

    Bglzaborg I'm not BG Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2013
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    also i want to add about the installation that it is easy but it takes some time,reading and action from your side. but i can tell you that you wont regret the effort, once you are done with the set up you can enjoy playing without problems.
    anyway i understand your point because perhaps you just want to run 1 setup.exe to get started, right?
  5. hitch_hikers_guide

    hitch_hikers_guide Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    yes bglzabor. Because... people... in general dont like modds. modds have a bad name to it... and when people youtube...they see retarded modd versions like median xl , perfect drop etc etc... and in game history..modds of rpgs have in general been failures... due to people who wants to build something entirely different, or make stuff more casual.
    So making stuff kidz easy , like an simple install and nothing else helps. Most modding of games usually dont even work or requires alot of work overall.. u know this, all of u.

    i dont get why people are so determined in that games like this one is dead. all it really need is a hd version som balance, right connections to comercialise it.

    and then u can start work on making things better. people dont care about games in better graphic than hd in general... would be sooo easy to revive this or at least make bigger player pool.

    gix say that modded versions got no players because they change the game. Welll YEAH if u make the game to something else, then ofcourse people wont play it. BUT if u make diablo2 more diablo 2 better diablo 2, u will get players.
    problem with the other modds is that they got no real game sense... like take median xl for example.... that modd is so mad , i laugh my brains out when i watch it. someone had the energy to do some difference...but they wanted to make their own thing and thats.....not what people wanted. if we want something different we simply by a better new game.

    Like a frenchaise... MCDONALDS... yeah i might want a different burger... BUT I DONT WANT BURGERKING. and i dont want spammed ketchup in the burger or i cant ****ing eat it ( like op drop modd d2...wtf xd).

    what the modders dont get ....xD...is that we dont want the game more causual. all players just want more balance and more diablo2 in diablo 2. every new diablo 2 season still 100 k players go in battle net first few weeks, til the bots take over, and the bulgarian hacker raiders like jan pk everyone down in hell, with his modded items that one shot everything.

    WHICH MEANS : if u make physical damage heroes stronger in diablo 2. U WONT LOSE PLAYER POOL. rather the opposit. and when i mean stronger i dont mean stronger vs ubers etc. i mean only PVM. and there are many ways to this. i can even write an algorytm for it if someone would bother xD..

    ASSASIN is still in beta when it comes to anything but traps. blade armor?? i mean wtf is blade armor?? who use this , or dragon claw, or tiger strike , phoenix strike... no one do...and if they do ...they either die or give up.
    whirlwind barbar...could have some extra hits in his whirlwind xD for real...we played the game 5 years with a whirlwind that actually did something and people liked it.

    we used to have a diablo2...where damage was damage!..not crushing blow only alternative... crushing blow should be for ubers and strong bosses...the heroes had stronger damage once... all u have to do is give em back their strength...

    ive no idea who works with europebattle.net except gix. but wouldnt it at least be alright to have a vote for stuff....the only difference would be u get old diablo 2 back... the one that had 100 milion players online. i will post some statistics...showing...some reasons why people stoped play. and some of em will point out that alot of players left when...due to mass nerf of physical damage.
  6. hitch_hikers_guide

    hitch_hikers_guide Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    When 1.10 was released.... all physical damage got nerfed down to oblivion..... they did some minor changes but it didnt scale at to the new difficulty...

    Patch 1.10, released October 28, 2003

    Players of Hell difficulty Realm games are hereby warned that a new, challenging world-event has been added to Diablo II version 1.10. Players of Hardcore characters should be even more wary when encountering Super Unique monsters during an active world event. Be prepared to execute a hasty Save and Exit, if your situation seems too dangerous.

    Fundamental architecture changes/improvements

    The skill and monster systems are now completely data-driven. Skill balancing is simpler and quicker. Monster control/populating/creation is simpler. Although done for our needs, mod-makers should like these changes, too. A major result is that nearly any skill can be used by any character class.
    A skill now may have synergy Bonuses (similar to masteries) applied by putting points into other skills.
    The player stats and inventory system has been completely redone to run more efficiently, improving server performance and stability.
    The collision detection system has been sped up significantly. Again, improving server performance.

    Specific changes/improvements

    Increased difficulty for high-level players to reduce future exploitation of the game system.
    Made monsters tougher
    Beefed up monster difficulty in Act V, Nightmare, and Hell difficulties. This was accomplished by improving monster stats (hp, ac, etc.) and by boosting their AI/behavior in Nightmare and Hell difficulties (that is, by making decisions more often and by simply moving faster). In Nightmare and Hell difficulties monster damages have generally been increased -- dramatically in some cases.
    Reduced the effectiveness of Experience runs, power-leveling, and leeching.

    Reduced drops from the most-run Super Unique monsters, Thresh Socket and Pindleskin.
    Cut Experience and reduced drops in the Cow Level.
    Randomized the monster populations more thoroughly throughout Act V in Nightmare and Hell difficulties, including the addition of 'guest monsters' from other Acts.
    Increased the number of Unique Monsters in each area and difficulty.

    Patch 1.13 was released for Diablo II March 23, 2010


    Immolation Arrow - Increased radius of Explosion effect by 33% and Immolation effect by 50%.
    Immolation Arrow - Explosion effect damage increased by 20%.
    Immolation Arrow - Increased base duration by 33%.


    Dragon Claw - Synergy receives 4% additional damage per point of Claw Mastery.
    Dragon Talon - The bonus to Attack Rating per point has been increased to 35.
    Shadow Master - Increased resistance range per point from 5-80 to 5-90.
    Combo points awarded by combo moves now last 15 seconds, up from 9.


    Whirlwind - Reduced initial mana cost by 50%.
    Masteries - Changed critical strike chance from 0-25 to 0-35.


    Blessed Hammer - No longer ignores resistances of undead and demons.


    Werebear - Damage bonus increased by 15% across all ranks.
    Werebear - Increased health by 25% and armor by 1% per point.

    obviously the 1.13 changes wasnt good enough.... if physical damage skills would get a buff to scale better... game play would be better overall.. they never even gave amazon pike a chance to survive the 1.10 patch...
  7. IAmTheLawlrus

    IAmTheLawlrus Supporter

    Jan 9, 2015
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    you're obviously new so im not going to chew you out for your suggestions.

    1 this patch literally Could not be easier to install.

    2. the gem and rune thing contributes to the overall Economy on this server. Gems are used to craft and roll gcs. Actually have value on this server. this makes it so even the lowliest noob can begin playing the market and accumulating wealth. 40 pgems = 1 ohm. 2 ohms = 1 lo, 2 los = sur, 2 surs = ber. Ber is base currency. use this to gear your characters. 320 pgems = 1 ber.

    3. The only difference between this and normal d2? Bigger inv, stash , cube. Full merc gear, higher drops. Thats it. theres a few modified items, but honestly who used Tyreals might or templars might before? not me.

    4. the problem with your so called statistics? Barbs are still one of the most feared classes on d2, right next to hdins. A good barb can RULE anyone in pvp
    Gix likes this.
  8. IAmTheLawlrus

    IAmTheLawlrus Supporter

    Jan 9, 2015
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    Sorry for double post, but i actually just saw that you suggested getting rid of maphack. thats a really good way to lose the entire playerbase
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