
Need some tips

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Lolik0, Dec 17, 2017.

  1. Lolik0

    Lolik0 Member

    Nov 11, 2017
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    Hi everybody!!! I'm new in this sv and I would like some tips from old players here. I'm looking this sv and is going pretty different than others and I'm confused in some points from. My main char is a Sorc Fb/Fo, so I mean, I can farm all places in hell (keys, baalruns, chaosruns, a85 areas) and for the moment all is okey.

    I got some questions, for example:

    1- I'm used to do baalruns to get good stuff and some GC to re-roll but for the moment all the GC i got from baal are Gueed's. Im unlucky or just Ball drops unique stuff?
    2- I tried to bug some eth armors to made my treachery and i got my socks but the bug doesnt work. Is it working or I did something wrong?

    I would like to get some tips to know how's the sv working to get some HR and best places: LK is a good way as Travincal?

    THX to everyone CYA

  2. Fatty180

    Fatty180 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2016
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    Hey first of all Welcome to this server

    1-some end bosses in here are guaranteed to drop rares+Uniques uniques cannot drop twice in same game so U need to get gheeds fortune drop from somewhere else like andariel duriel mephisto etc but best place to get gheeds drop is travincial.After getting gheeds fortune drop diablo,Nithalak and baal has a chance to drop Blue Gc instead of unique grandcharm.
    2-try to ebug this way make a duress runeword (shael um thul) on eth 3 sock armor after making it try to remove that runeword by placing duress eth armor +hel rune+ Teleport scroll in horadric cube once u done that defense is increased repeat this process until 2k defense is reached.

    There are many ways of getting high runes in my opinion Running lower kurast is nice and safe cuz first of all 45 pgems = vex, 1 any gem in cube>next higher tier of the gem.Running travincial is also nice place since u can even loot nice items like eth titans revenge,etherial sandstorm treks etc.but travincial has strong monsters.
    P.S: i made my first Ber on hardcore by trading 720 perfect gems which were dropped from lower kurast.
    ashcool and Gix like this.
  3. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Best Answer
    Welcome aboard, @Lolik0.
    1. As @Fatty180 mentioned, uniques have an override value for some of the bosses (not all of them though) but other items qualities drop will still be higher than retail due to multiple factors. Gheeds wise, here is an useful guide for you to read http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/rolling-charms-high-ilvl-charms.539902/. Make sure to check out other guides posted by our community members as well.
    2. Ethereal bug works a bit different in here, you may refer to this post http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/e-bugged-armor.540234/#post-795399
  4. ashcool

    ashcool Forum Legend

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Hey and welcome!
    @Fatty180 already gave you a very detailed answer to your question, thus so I won't repeat him, however if you have further questions don't hesitate to ask here on forums, via PM or in-game at *ashcool

    Cheers, Ash.
  5. jah

    jah Active Member

    Oct 6, 2016
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    i'm asuming u'r using treachery on merc so u might consider making it in a low def base + not eth buging your helm. Most ppl use it on merc for the fade buff so u want that to proc asap.
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