because he is looking for clean skillers and with low level is easier to get one
Meanwhile on HARDCORE for 6 TRISTRAM GAMES + amazong torch 17/20 + barba torch [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
One of the ways to do Nih runs is to use blizzard sors and take him from distance WITHOUT MERK . HE CAN NOT do Explotion because no one dies and...
For energy shield sors telekiness on max or at least 16 is a MUST , otherwise doesn't worth it . DMG reduce comes 10 from shako and 35 from...
none of above really good answer . I do max block+ 45 dmg reduced - stay in the middle of there poison and do not loose more then 200-300 life ....
USE DAMAGE REDUCED ITEMS - for example - COA , SHAKO, ENIGMA,COH, UNIC STORMSHIELD, BELTS , and so . make it about 40 but no more then 50 and you...
I found for first time in cows too
This is how it looks Identified ! [IMG]
should I post my Jah Tir Ber enigma dusk 15/15 ???
Check price : Unid unic Corona level 99
YEA MAINA GOOD JOB NIGGA !!! 50 runs - 2 sojs - 2 good ravens +1 awesome jevew ALALA :p:p:p:p:p
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