1st run make.. :)
Now some prices are back for 2017 if som1 not have fast answer, use seach buttom in this tread and w8 offers~~ [ATTACH] This is ~ price + Litle...
Hi, is it possible to add special slot for only cta? (where it is impossible to put a weapon, not to upset the balance) and assign it to a special...
maybe it will be strange on softcore for pve sorc i prefer enigma + energy shield + all stats energy with out fhr and resist, it can be work with...
Item Colours[2015][7]: 4,-1 // ring unique Item Colours[2013][7]: 4,-1 // amul unique //0=White, 1=Red, 2=Light Green, 3=Blue,...
up [add tiaras for sale]
check official Microsoft update KB2859537 if he install, maybe he take error also can check KB2872339, KB2882822 in my Language seach and talk...
Gambed my barb 95 lvl, myself [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
up [updated options buy] SOLD CLOSED
up [updated]
up ( updated )
5fhr\17mp around sur to ber~ 5fhr\5@ not a 6+, i think its ber to 2ber max
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