charsi no image... all charsi except: javsk 7frw Lo-Sur 10fc ring 29life some res Lo-Sur allres how much? if 8+ allres then 2-4bers
just add those where i think there is a difference to *lequeR yours is unfortunately charsi food, the real value is in 3 conviction 3 FoH...
charsi, with life, more allres, selfrep and 2 sock could be worth some bers, but not like this charsi 2-3bers, last one i bought for 7bers...
what do you search for? this can be any 2sock 40ias gt you need 3/3/40/2? last offer was 30ber if interested, make an offer.
I dont get you. PC is there for infi in my answer, please read it carefully.
ES sorc could use it, but they then prefer 5/-5 jewels. Never saw anyone using it actually. low fc, max Sur Sc Ber-2ber you got it charsi...
have one with -20%, pm me if interested, price would be around 3 bers
i think i have one, pm me here if should check
i have some tms, mostly random stats for 1-2-3bers pm me if interested, then i can send you the stats
pm me you max offer, i have one clean. last offer was 30 bers, so try to overbid it please :)
#2 here if still have, but need just if its a jmod ^^ do you have jmod at all? I would like to buy it then if that comes in question at all.
charsi charsi
2 traps charsi, too low stats to not have 2 assa pala amu: too low fc, nice stats, but you needed 10fc at least to replace a fc ring Sur-Ber...
250-300 = Ohm-Lo 300-320 = Sur 320-330 = Ber 330-340 = 2 Ber 340-345 = 3 Ber 345-349 = 4-6 Ber 350ed --> just know 1 person who has, definitely...
nope, charsi food
druid: ohm, no really useful stats claw: WB und LS are nice mods, ber+ I would say
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