Pc please. Hardcore [ATTACH]
Thank you. I was just curious about the drop rates, but thanks for the additional info :D. Zod is like 1:30,000,000
I have to ask after i've heard of people getting like 3 zods in a week on the server. Also, i jsut started and have been running Hell Countess...
[ATTACH] offer? Price for Light skiller as well?
oh =/ i had eth CV, but i thought the faster attack speed of the thresher was preferred.
tyvm tyvm
i edited my post above your last reply with spoiler "Config"
Price Check please. This is on HC [ATTACH]
[SPOILER] i posted my config in spoiler, but it's not showing. Says my post requires moderator approval
ohh so it's intended. thank you.
I found a Jah in Pits Hell and needed it to make my first Infinity... and when i put it into cube and transmuted it gave me Sur Ber -.- Lol i...
Here's my config. I've tried a ton of different ways, but can't seem to get my rune colours for [21+] to change on automap. I believe this is all...
I added: Rune Colours[21+]: 1,0x9b Then i go into game and drop Ist Rune.. But the rune is still appearing as a Black X on my map instead of...
How do i change the color of runes on my automap?
Separate names with a comma.