
Guide Barb GOLDEN (Finder/Gold)

Discussion in 'Guides' started by NoCopyRight, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @SGPB75, you can always copy-paste guide content and credit the author or simply submit the external links for moderation. As long as the external links do not contain any inappropriate content then no one is going to delete them but in most cases pasting the guides in here and crediting the author is more recommended so others can discuss it too, besides, in some scenarios the original author may delete his previous work or make it unavailable for the public as in your example and we may be able to preserve it.
  2. SGPB75

    SGPB75 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2017
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    I just saw, and it is quite strange and even disturbing, because he is not active anywhere (even on twitter, his youtube channel and the sites/forums that we participated together thru the years...) and i hope (really hope!) he is ok and with good health, because he is from Sweden, and the Covid situation there is not good at all... We live in very strange times - quite disturbing...
    I understood your questions perfectly, and all my examples were in order to show you, that such a thing (Ideal amount of MF for unique/rare/set/magic/bla/bla/bla...) does not exist... I think to best answer for that - "the huge proportion of drops are magic items, extremely few rares or uniques." with a quote from Morpheus - "Welcome to the real world!" :) :) :) The game is designed to be like that... Just check the streamers in Twitch/Youtube - they play 1/2 year/s to obtain items like Griffon and/or CoA... We here found such items (with the help of the custom changes of course!) on 3 day after the restart (talk about the first Grif in the server this season - from me...) so just think about it... And as i said (more than once...) such hero requires patient...

    I'm not sure what you asking for the Chests or what your doing?! :D So, maybe you open Super Chests without your knowledge, because unfortunately 99.99999 % of the players know only the Super Chests in LK, but they are a lot more... I personally like to run/farm the Sparkly/Super Chests in Act 5, because of the tricky Patterns and Cases which are only for them, but i will tell you and some others, which are useful to run/farm here (with the set/edited players8 on the Alvl's - unfortunately there's no full list of the edited Alvl's, and i asked more then once Gix/Ezekiel, but without answer...) In Act 2 in Lost City, they are only in the ruined houses, and only with the Big Shape (same shape as Maggot Lair Super Chests!) i just open them on the road to the Ancient Tunnels* and/or when they are situated, nearly to the entrance. In Act 3, the first of some kind of row, that i like to do, is extremely cute for farming - the Sparkly Chest in Arachnid Lair! The cave is always near to the WP (Spider Forest) and the chest** is always in one map variant/layout ; Next is LK ; Next is the Super Chest in Kurast Bazaar- right corner in front the entrance of Disused Fane ; Next are the Super Chests in UK (Upper Kurast...) and here is very interesting! They are 2 static - one in the right corner in front the entrance of Forgotten Temple and one in the nameless "house" but with the same shape as Forgotten Temple. The others are located in the "elongated rectangular houses" with little stairs in front the door, and they can be 1 to 4 - depending on the map (Relax... With some practice you will learn how to recognize the map pattern/variant/layout - it's not :) quantum mechanics!) ; Next is Sewers Level 1 with 1 Sparkly Chest (shown on the map!) and 1 Super Chest hard to find (and most important - not situated on some of the map layouts...) in one of the 4 corners with the little bridge ; Next is Level 2 with 3 Super Chests - 2 in the West corner and 1 in the South corner. In Act 4 RoF they are 3 - 1 separate and 2 nearly to each other, but some map layouts are without them - so it's kind of luck to "catch" them... In Act 5, the first of some kind of row, that i like to do, is the Super Chest, and is in Frigid Island (once again in ruined house like the Lost City Super Chests!) but the situation is same like the Super Chest in Sewers Level 1 - does not exist in some map layouts ; Next is the Sparkly Chest in Abaddon ; Next is the Sparkly Chest in Pit of Acheron ; Next is the Super Chest beside/behind Bonesaw Breaker ; Next is the Sparkly Chest in Drifter Cavern ; Next are the Super Chests in Halls of Pain/Anguish ; Next is the Sparkly Chest in Infernal Pit ; Last is Sparkly Chest in Icy Cellar beside/behind Snapchip Shatter!

    * It's a kind of appendix to your question about "fast clearing" of Alvl's. Before some years i was on 1 millions kills project (only Champions and Boss Packs in The Pit and Ancient Tunnels!) but i abandoned the project on ~200k kills... And maybe it's sound a lot, but with good Nova Sorc you can easily kill ~10k per hour/2 and of the time of the project, i found a lot of Lo runes, and some very good skillars like ES 37 life and/or PNB 32 life from the Super Chests in the Lost City!
    And i abonded it, because of the edited/set of players 8 does not correspond with the empirical purpose of the exploration of the mechanics - maybe some day i will recreate the project on singleplayer - who knows... :)
    ** One short, but very cool story! Before ~15 years when we was on some kind of mpq surfing/triping :D in the DS1 to exploring (and most important to understand the algorithm!) hardcoded objects like 580/581 i wrote a bot for the Arachnid Lair Sparkly Chest and i saw some runs for 1/2 seconds - hahaha!
    By the way even human can make run there for ~5 seconds, but 1 second run is something... :)

    The problem with the PM's was from my side - and i want to apologize!
    Now i think (check your mail) everything is fine and if you want to ask something - ask me with PM, because i'm not sure that i will do more lectures :D Just too much edited/deleted... And it's pointless and huge waste of time for me to trying to distribute the information fine and sistematazed - and then...
    However/whatever/whoever - once again apologize to you for the problem with the PM's
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2020
    sphinx25 likes this.
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