
Guide Beginner's Guide: Road to SuperSayan in Diablo 2

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Joaiuda, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Joaiuda

    Joaiuda Highlord Cringe Supporter

    Oct 25, 2016
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    Hi guys i'd like to share some of my knowledge. Excuse my grammar. This is my first ever guide for Diablo 2. I havent played since 2001 and im currently playing in this server for about 2 months (more or less) and i like the community here (hope we can make it even better but this is for other topic). Let me know what you think. Now - Let's get started!

    First day in server:
    A man has to make character to farm with. Sorceress overall is considered the best choice cuz she has free teleport. (Work your way to Enigma or TM with others)
    Other viable choices:
    -Hammerdin - Council Slayer . Travincal offers a lot. Huge drop rate of jewels, rings and amulets and gems. Decent items (somewhat considered free;good for starter packs) but some drops like Eth Titans, Eth SS boots could loot you few bers. And while you are still at the ber rune - you just might get one (or even higher) there.

    -Javazon - The Cattle Boss. You see guys...This mighty woman have the skill to fight Hell Bovines (at The Secret Cow Level) whole day long without resting (okay - maybe to do her hair, nails, etc...). You think of her like some Rancho girl. Be devoted to the cows and you'll be rewarded with jewels, charms, runes, rare items, guillame's face, items for runewords and good news is that you can take the Cow King without punishment (meaning you can open the SCL again and again).

    -Summonmancer - General of souls. It is a necromancer but relies on Skeletons, Golems and Reincarnations (Revive). Act 2 Nightmare Offensive Mercenary!! Combining this legion of walking piles of bones and meat, might aura from mercenary with curses makes you a force to be reckoned with. You are a wielder of a furious and bloodthirsty horde - right choise for running high density areas (84-85lvl) such as Chaos Sanctuary, Halls of pain and Worldstone Keep - Anything can drop!

    Second day in server:
    As far as i know the guys playing in the server i'd take some of you are already rushed and geared and u are onto farming. Right, right. Nothing much to add for the second day. The purpose of the guide is somewhat educational - far from "Do 10 steps and u get a key to Playboy's mansion" or Ken in a Porsche (for girl players).
    1- Focus on farming and while u take break - spend time in channel and forum. Dont be afraid to ask. Look for price checks. Get yourself some useful information.
    2- Collect Gems and jewels. Sell them for runes so you can reach your core items faster.
    3- Read guides for the character you're playing and decide where to invest your first high runes.

    Third day in server:
    You we're a good student yesterday so now it's time to make something ouf ot your efforts. You should have the basics now.
    1 - Make 2-3 characters for random perfect gems, 1 for amethists, 1 for crap jewels, 1 for skulls.
    2 - Make characters for the ethereal and non ethereal base items (armor and weapeons) which u can sell if someone needs to write a runeword in it.
    3 - Make characters for random unique items (it will take time to arrange your mules in a good way - 1 for Body + Left + Right hand, 1 for the rest.

    Fourth day in server:
    Heh...i can see it in your eyes - things are getting good - now u start to make wealth. Gems are shining, jewels are in place and i guess some decent unique items (even starter pack for your next character should be enough!). Hey, hey, hey - what? Really? You have ber already? Good for you man! What about rune drops?

    1 - Start to offer things in channel more often. Example: Selling ->number< Perf gems (jewels). Second D2 is best option.
    2 - Should be active on forum as well. I know you still want to farm as much as u can and trade and etc...but hey - have some fun and u can also win some reward.
    Also being updated with recent price checks is always handy.

    Fifth day in server:
    Alright fellas. This is the last update for day-oriented manners. It's up to you - if you feel like you can continue with only one character and u dont feel like a robot - (meaning you aren't getting obnoxious by the area u are farming; or dont feel the need to change) [But hey - scratch this guide-guy mate, nobody tells you what to play, when to play and how to play. You can have everything u want. [Still i dont recommend investing in pvp oriented character - you are still way behind]. So far you should have fair amount of runes to take your Farmer character a step ahead. Either be CtA or Fortitude for your mercenary. Save the rest for stronger Runewords.

    1 - Don't try to overdo it guys. There's no such algorithm for 100% getting what-ever-item-you-think-of. If it's meant to drop - it will drop.
    2 - Do not buy items without price check in channel, or forum. You see...Blue-labaled guys are somewhat with the most knowledge, but even with their absence there are several others who can give you just about right price check or other kind of tip.
    3 - Consider the end of the 2nd week to be the last you will sell gems and try your luck with rolling 88+ grand charms. Keep them in a mule for now!

    So. After 5 days of farming, getting education or whatnot, training, facing hardships, and looking forward to your further goals a man should have a friend or two. But even without any friends you can join open cow, chaos or baal runs. The more - the merrier, right?

    Now I consider ~ 2 Weeks you will have your core items (Enigma or TM so you can start hopping like a real Sayian) on your farm character and depending on your personal choice and needs you have a farm-route. What? You dont? No worries - i'll share mine with you guys. Now...

    Introducing routes:

    1. There are things called keys. They drop from Countess/black marsh/, Summoner/arcane sanctuary/ and Nihlatak /halls of pain->halls of vaught/. (HELL difficulty)
    You can sell keys or you can ask someone (like me) to do Ubers for you. Keep in mind that the more time you spend in red Tristam portal - more mobs spawn!
    You will need 3 keys of terror, 3 keys of hate and 3 keys of destruction to have what we call a key-set. Key-set gives you the opportunity to meet the stronger versions of Mephisto, Diablo and Baal, and when u're done playing with them you just might get a yellow torch charm to boost your stats with +3 to champion skills, up to 20 to all attributes and up to 20 all resistances. This is huge for any character. Conditions for meeting them is going to act 5 on hell difficulty, mixing 1 key of terror, 1 key of hate and 1 key of destruction in cube and transmute (aka Organ set) - you will get a red portal who will lead you to stronger version of Andariel (Lilith), Duriel and Izual - and get yourself Mephito's Brain, Diablo's Horn and Baal's Eye - the ingredients you will need for ''cubing your dinner'' if u want to be a Super Sayian.

    Overall Benefits:
    Countess and some unique boss packs around her drop runes up to LO. I wouldn't consider her best choice for runes but still it can give you a nice leap finishing a runeword. Other items you can get in the Forgotten tower 5 are Charms, Rare rings and amulets, gems and some uniques. Take her keys man! Dont falter!
    Summoner and his tiny realm infused with arcane energies is often home of Ghost-type monsters which by default have higher chance of dropping runes, charms and jewelry. The Summoner himself drop rune up to Lo (Though Countess has highest overall rune-drop chance in D2) but other than that you just need the key. And read a book.
    Nihlatak is surrounded by slaves and they have a minimum chance for good drops, but still - they can drop good charm, rare item or some jewel. Nihlatak himself is the best Super-Unique boss to farm cuz he can drop literally every high-end-gear item in the game. And runes up to Zod. (Dont go wash your eyes - i mean those!). One more thing that can suffice for a ber rune is his grand charm (item level 95) which can be traded for ber rune or so... or you can roll into something good.

    With my hammerdin it takes around 2 - 2,30 mins to get all of the 3 bosses. So Key-farm-route ~ 2 to 5 mins - depending on your gameplay style.

    2. Here we have things called Essences. They are used in cube and form a Token of Absolution, which resets your stats & skill points. Sell it or use it.
    Receip for a token is 1 Essence of Suffering, Hatred, Terror and Destruction and they live by their name cuz they drop from the Primevils and their little brothers and sisters - Andariel - yellow- (and Duriel - Suffering), Mephisto - blue - (Hatred), Diablo - red - (Terror) and Baal - green - (Destruction).

    Overall Benefits:
    Andariels is also known as Jewelry Queen - Want rare and unique rings and amulets and jewels - she is the woman of your dreams then. Kappa. Check her throne.
    Duriel is the Prince of Pain - and sometimes it's really painful to get to him. I dont recommend focusing on Duriel so much cuz regardless of having a decent chance to drop high rune it's just not worth the time because items are of somewhat free-to-starter pack oriented. Goodluck if you are a Cockroach fan.
    Mephisto is a rich guy. Although 50% of the items he drops are considered free... this guy have a habit of dropping some weird Rare item who can give you some wealth or just make you stronger. And why not some good rune. Be advised that there are 3 Council Members (Remember Travincal?) there. Check chest behind him.
    Diablo and his Chaos Sanctuary warriors have everything you need in one place. Highest number of unique boss packs on a single stage. Meet them with expectations!
    Baal is sitting in his Throne of Destruction, but the destruction you bring to his minions will make you rich as well. Clear the whole stage. Check Tombs and corpses!

    Further hints - You can either focus on Andariel (+/- Duriel) and Mephisto and then u go straight for Hidden Boss packs in Chaos Sanctuary so you get to Diablo faster (same story with Baal - just rush to Worldstone keep 3) if u already set your mind on the Essences only, or you can Enjoy your stay in CS and WK and slay them all.

    I Like to Do Andariel and Mephisto with my Sorceress, and the rest with Hammardin.
    Andy + Mephisto = 1 - 2,5 min (depending on route and other stuffs).
    Chaos Sanctuary with Hammardin is ~ 3,5 min and Worldstone Keep with Baal 4-9 mins cuz there are Magic Immunes who can be a real pain in the...(you pervert!)

    Those are my favourite routes and i already shared them with you. Here i'd like to add some Super Uniques i personally find worth checking out.
    Hot areas: The Pit (Outer Cloister), Ancient Tunnels (Lost City), Chaos Sanctuary (River of Flame) and Worldstone Keep 1-3 (Kappa xD waypoint).

    Honorable Mentions:
    Aside from 85 areas i mentioned above here is my favorite bosses to check when im not farming according to Any routes. Be aware that some of those monsters are below level 85 so dont expect to get big drops and etc. They're more focused around jewels, charms, rare items, bases, set items and High Runes! Enjoy:

    Act 1:
    Bone Ash - Inner Cloister - A Skeleton Mage with habit of keeping Rare items and some runes. He has no pockets so you need to break its bones.
    Griswold - Tristam - He drops mostly bases for runewords (And Guillame!) Keep for you or sell. Some bosses around him drop charms, jewels and rare items.

    Act 2:
    Fire Eye - Pallace Cellar - Go in Arcane Sanctuary waypoint and open the portal on nearby stairs. He is inside - a monster wielding several blades. Rare items.
    Radament - Sewers 3 - Under the City of Lut Gholein (Yeah, it's a quest-related monster i know u know him) - be sure to visit him more than once!
    Ancient Kaa - Tal Rasha Tomb's - He is like Radament's tribe Elder. The Chieftain of Revenants. Has many things to offer. Check label SuperUnique Boss Here.

    Act 3:
    Stormtree - Flayer Jungle - This Guy is a walking Rock with sharp objects on his back and uses frenzy. Be sure to smash him properly. Get those Jewelries.
    Ice Crawler and Witch Doctor Endugu - Flayer Dungeon - Those guys are hillarious. Be cautious cuz some boss packs there are not messing around! Rely on Merc.
    Icehawk Riftwing - Sewers 2 - This Bat is the boss & other packs you find there have decent things to offer. Dont forget to get che chests. And be aware of Stygians!

    Note - Lower Kurast - Superchests spawns. Go check em out for gems, jewels, runes, charms.
    Kurast Bazaar and Upper Kurast's Dungeons - There are several dungeons who have either superchests or superuniques. I personally dont have much luck there.

    Act 4:
    There we have only Izual and Hephasto (both quest-related) and the boss packs around them. I consider it somewhat time-consuming (area is very wide sometimes and it's just overall better to go straight to Chaos Sanctuary because it's 85 level area and have lots of boss packs in short range of each other)

    Act 5:
    Shenk the Overseer and Eldritch the Rectifier - Bloody Foothills - Charms, Jewels, Runes but most viable is the rare items they drop. Good rings or Circlets.
    Thresh Socket - Arreat Plateau - This guy is the protector of Crystalline Passage. Back in my days i got very expensive jewelries and rare items from him. <3 Tresh!
    Frozenstein - Crystalline Passage - This YETI and his tribe were put there to prevent you from setting Anya free from Nihlatak himself! Best Drop - Death's Fathom Shard.
    Bonesaw Breaker - Glacial Trail - Driftern Caverns - The name speaks for itself! And he is guarding a sparkling chest as well! Hmm, i wonder what do we have there...
    Snapchip Shatter - Ancient's way - Icy Cellar - When this guy shatters you just might snitch something good out of him! Sparkling chest there too!

    Other Areas of Interests - Abaddon (Bloody Foothills), Pit of Acheron (Arreat Plateau), Infernal Pit (Frozen Tundra), and Halls of Pain level.
    Not quite 85 level areas but still have decent things to offer. Some density, some unique boss packs, golden chests and armor/weapeon shrines.

    The TIP:
    -Avoid trying to get all the bosses and arreas on one run. Better find what your character's current power level is and select which bosses (and or arreas) you find easiest (and/or enjoyable) to farm and within few days you will have your own routes according to personal favorites and benefits. Goodluck to everyone.
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 3, 2016, Original Post Date: Dec 3, 2016 ---
    If u like this guide add some comment so we can bring it to latest replies. I think more players will see it this way...or am i wrong :)
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
  2. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    I like this guide.
    Joaiuda likes this.
  3. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I'm sure many players will find this guide helpful, thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge.

    (moved from General Discussions > Guides)
    Joaiuda likes this.
  4. Joaiuda

    Joaiuda Highlord Cringe Supporter

    Oct 25, 2016
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    Thanks for support inayat - solid as usual :)
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 3, 2016, Original Post Date: Dec 3, 2016 ---
    Thank you very much Lord Gix :)
  5. MadVisions

    MadVisions Supporter

    Jul 8, 2014
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    nice one! next guide pls? :p

    also gz on DF from frozenstein! he allways dropps scrap fro me :mad:
    Joaiuda likes this.
  6. Joaiuda

    Joaiuda Highlord Cringe Supporter

    Oct 25, 2016
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    Ahh relax im there too...still havent dropped it! It was just to point out what's his best drop. :)
  7. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Verey helpful guide. I am sure new ppl will love this.
    Joaiuda likes this.
  8. Joaiuda

    Joaiuda Highlord Cringe Supporter

    Oct 25, 2016
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    Seeing lots of new players and some of them active on forum making me wanting to bump this. Sry for the delay Atox - thank you for the support.
  9. WindRunner

    WindRunner Active Member

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Great Work.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2017
    Joaiuda likes this.
  10. Fatty180

    Fatty180 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2016
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    Excellent guide
    Joaiuda likes this.
  11. Maintenance

    Maintenance Active Member

    Nov 19, 2016
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    Great!. Maybe i want to share with you something i foundout and using myself very often. We all know Rare jewels are rare and very hard to find even tho u need some magicfind to make them drop quite more often. Anyway what i found out and that may be usefull for you to add in this guide for you and all new players to do is Farming NIGHTMARE Travincals. Why? Well u know how often they drop Unique Rainbow Facet right? On nightmare they CAN'T drop Facets, tho they drop ALOT RARE JEWELS as often as they drop RBF on hell. Well thats what ive been doing the past days. Ive farmed over 100-200 jewels. And another thing is that on nightmare u dont need much gear or dmg to kill them. My actual runs are from 10 to 30secs and the drop is quite often. I want to also mention they drop SOJ rings alot Vipermagi even rare Orbs for sors (they can be godly if lucky) and quite some Zaka shields, Arreats faces, those can be usefull for anix or to be used/sold from new players ! :) I got lucky tho and made around 3-4Bers for 300 runs From Anix almost max, perf raven and 2-3 max Vipers. Also The itemlvl from the zone allows all affixes to be spawned on the jewels so you can find the best jewel there. For example im searching for jewel with FHR/STR/ALLrez (and that could be pretty expensive talking about alot Bers!). Imagine that could be a very good boost for new players and even for anyone else! Also that might help the trading system of the server since i know only 1 person who has good rare jewels and almost never saw anyone selling rare jewels on trade/chat or anywhere!
    Thank you if u add this in your Guide. Hopefuly some players start farming some rare jewels from time to time which would be great for all people around here :)
    Im Glad i could bump your guide!

    See you in game!
    Maintenance / Pufpafyy
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2017
    nycter, Joaiuda and inayat like this.
  12. milf35

    milf35 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2016
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    Good job, really :)
  13. reg3

    reg3 Active Member

    Sep 9, 2014
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    Amazing job . eventhough it took me much time to read it in full i enjoyed your passion while you are talking about the game . I am really sure that many player will find it usefull and full of information ! Thank ou and keep up the good work.
    Joaiuda likes this.
  14. botez94

    botez94 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2017
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    Very useful post for those who want to learn something new or they just want to start to play here. As many can say, GG!
    Joaiuda likes this.
  15. zguby

    zguby The Second Coming Forum Legend

    Nov 29, 2016
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    Also besides gems and jewels, i think you can add some extra chars for essences/tokens and keys/key sets for selling.
  16. Joaiuda

    Joaiuda Highlord Cringe Supporter

    Oct 25, 2016
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    That was very warming comment. #nohomo
  17. facuacdc

    facuacdc Senior Member

    Jan 12, 2015
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    Excellent guide!

    (Let me know when you are able to play with your Uber 'cause i have the keys but not Uber char. My acc: facuacdc)
    Joaiuda likes this.
  18. dasf

    dasf Member

    Aug 1, 2016
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    I like it-everyone points it out when a new player asks where to run(ingame and in forums) and that is the ultimate assessment.
    The format is user-friendly and you spent much time writing it.
    Thank you.

    OFFTOPIC : *facuacdc search in forums there are several threads for uber help-some people helped me there,also I can help now too-my smiter is like old diesel engine-slow but will get the job done.
    PM if need.
  19. bluedishwasher

    bluedishwasher Active Member

    May 15, 2017
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    Is any ilvl 95 GC worth a BER? I've just been selling them.......
  20. lucek333

    lucek333 Senior Member

    May 11, 2017
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    yes, any GC ilvl 94,95,99 is worth at least sur
    but we're talking about magic GC, not gheed.
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