
I quit

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ely, May 25, 2018.

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  1. ely

    ely Member

    Sep 15, 2014
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    Ive always been a big advocate of this server but with the changes that have been made I feel it has been turned into another "pay to play" game. In game, because of the repeatable larzuk q and the Griswold drops, items have become near worthless on the secondary market unless they are perfect. This creates a lot of problems for the casual and serious player. Sub par gear is not even muled much less bartered for so almost nothing but the crème ala de crème is available but only for exhoborant prices or you can buy a perfect tm from the shop ( nearly 30 us dollars...drugs are literally cheaper. o_O) Killing another player is considered "pking" when it was a clear intended function of the original game. It was easy, leave game or fight, sometimes you won sometimes you lost, but it was part of the game. Not that I advocate being a dick or anything, I just cant stomach artificial limits on one of my favorite designs of the game itself. One of the reasons for being able to pk is to climb the ladder, it was one of the original functions. ( emphasis on fun) Here however that will get you banned and to climb the ladder its more about hours spent on the server and mindless baal running than strategy and the sometimes mayhem this game was originally designed to be. The community here is great but the whole if its not 100% perfect its absolute trash attitude is incredibly elitist and a direct result of deviating away from the original design of the game. There was a reason larzuk quest was limited. There was a reason it was hard to find an Archon plate, much less a 15/15 ed. I miss those reasons, I don't see it changing so, I'm out. Peace.
  2. Quinneczech

    Quinneczech Fat! Old! HardCORE! Forum Legend

    Feb 6, 2017
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    Well, sorry to hear that.
    But I have to disagree with some of your statements.

    First of all:
    Not true. You will not lose XP when killed by another player, so it wont help you in any way to climb a ladder. Your target doesnt lose XP, you dont get any. PKing was not a big deal on sc, since if u get killed, you pick up your corpse and you move on. HC was another story tho.

    Selling not perfect low-end items is hard, but not impossible. Due to increased drops most people (even casuals) are able to obtain all necessary gear (not talking about full inv. and incredible rare stuff such as magic circlets, jmods etc.) quite quickly by farming or simply by selling gems when they are unlucky. Thats a huge plus of this server. You mentioned elitists - as I stated before, due to easily obtainable regular items players wants to have their character as perfectly geared as possible. Be happy for this kind of players, who else would have paid Ber for 120ed arach, when you can get the same item with non perf ed for free. Its people like these who keeps the market running.¨

    Third one:
    Repeatable Larzuk quest is one of the best custom changes made in this server. Everyone can get 7 larzuk quests in about 10 minutes (thats what it takes to rush 7 mules to a5 normal), which only floods the accs with useless chars and do the very same thing. The solution the admin team developed is very elegant and clever.
    About Grisswold and his drops - yes, he drops all kind of armor and weapons, but if you try to look for something specific, you will see that its not that easy as you indicate. There is a reason, why e.g. 15/15 3s AP or 15ed 5s BA cost Ber+...

    I will not talk you to coming back and staying here with us, that your decision to make and I fully respect that, but I had the urge to put my point of view on stuff you wrote.

    Neko941, Gix, iIIi_Spike_iIIi and 4 others like this.
  3. Angeloffaith

    Angeloffaith Grail Done Supporter

    Sep 8, 2017
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    if u go ill take back my free items back
    Gix, iIIi_Spike_iIIi and Baalaeron like this.
  4. iIIi_Spike_iIIi

    iIIi_Spike_iIIi Active Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    @ely , nobody is forcing you to buy items on this server. It's merely an option so that players can support the server owner with the costs. Do you even have an idea how much money that takes to run such a server? Even if you have no money to spend you can play for free here without any drawbacks which is really awesome. Thanks to the owner for that, you sir are really awesome. Regarding the PVP part: it is NOT forbidden, it just needs an consensual agreement to it. Where is the fun in joining a game with all noobs and slaying them with you ubber gear? Yeah it might be fun but only for you, if you are such a kind of player then i and probably the whole community here will just do fine without you.
    Anyway i wish you the best of luck for your future adventure.
    Gix and Quinneczech like this.
  5. Kefflar32

    Kefflar32 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    You not advocate being a dick but you want to pk players to climb the ladder, haha good one. You loose exp if monsters kill you not if another player pk you, I wonder if you joined a DUEL game before so to climb the ladder you need to spend time and get experience do baal runs and so on. How is larzuk change bad? If you create a new character and rush it to act5 you can make another item socketed, if you create 7 new characters you can socket 7 new items and it will take you few minutes to rush those characters and now with new change instead of creating new useless characters you can socket with one character, imo this was a brilliant idea like cow king fix and I did not see one single player in game that doesn't like that except you. Maybe the cheap drugs you talk about are the problem xD.
    I have over 11 bers and very good items in less than one month and I didn't spend any money, many in my f list is in same situation so you don't need to spend anything to get good items but I plan to do anyway to support the sever I like because you play this server for free and admins spend time and money to keep it running. Bye.
    Tzutzu79 likes this.
  6. aBUCHa

    aBUCHa Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2016
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    1) About PK in one side i agree, BUT i see every day new players who enter server and he ask question, he peaceful. if you stay PK here in open games and bh, some this people out in server saying WTF. For me better lost 1 player who like pk, than 100 with whom will be an interesting game.
    2) About ladder and pk this LOL write, i make 99 in early ladder in privat. how could you have me PK?
    3) In game i saw every day game =D U E L S= go here and play if you like pvp, now yes start ladder and less people have sk and gear but litle later it to be full
    4) Lazruk qwest its 100% good new, all people who i know very happy!
    5) Low mid gear can be sale for low price or pg, but tm and high-unik random allways good were sold
    6) Shop have balance. You cannt buy tiaras, sk, craft and more, shop just regular item. Its np and it can help people who not have time (buy item and sell for runes in game)

    Sorry for my English. but look for problems in yourself
    Last edited: May 25, 2018
    Gix likes this.
  7. TimmyDeezNuts

    TimmyDeezNuts Rezident Ninja Forum Legend

    Aug 6, 2016
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    Everybody has their opinions and feelings, that's our individual right. Sorry you're not happy with the way things are here, but good luck and I wish you the best in all your life endeavors. We will still be here if you change your mind and want to come back.
    Gix, iIIi_Spike_iIIi and Ganik like this.
  8. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Well... as they would say in the original game:

    Gix likes this.
  9. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @ely, I can't tell what's up with you lately but you seem really stressed out as others have noticed too in terms of language and behaviour against other people even including a GM recently. You played here before, you know it's a fast progress realm, you know it has fair and balanced webshop to sustain itself in terms of paying the monthly bills as we don't pay those in beans and prices have been exactly the same ever since you registered here and all of a sudden doing larzuk quest with one character instead of creating a dozen of mules and achieve the same result in several minutes it bothers you? You could create 100 characters and socket 100 items at larzuk before too, you can do that in the original game as well so there is actually no reason to keep larzuk quest limited and same thing applies as in case of killing cow king where you can create a new mule and open a new portal. Rather than creating 100 mule characters that you'll most likely never use, it's best off to have one character that does that, right? Regarding the TM which actually has an use here unlike the original armour it's $30 if purchased from the webshop but as others said you don't have to spend a dime if you don't want do, every single item listed in our shop can be found in game and purchased from other players as well unlike many realms who use exclusive custom donor items and on top of that our store items are limited, charms and many other items are not even available to be purchased so they maintain a perfect game balance but if you want to compare things they cost less than half of the price of a duped item on battlenet and keep in mind you get to keep that on a ladder only for about 4 to 6 months there unlike here where ladders last up to 24 months and at the end of it it's also moved to NL and you have it forever so it's way cheaper if you think of all that, besides the richest players at the end of each season are actually most if not all of them nondonors and most of them didn't even had to spend a huge amount of time to achieve that.

    Sure, there was a reason why Archon plate 15/15 was hard to find back in the days and it may still take you about 6 months or more on the original realm depending on your luck and if it's not duped but while that had sense 15 years ago, people don't have the patience anymore to grind for half a year to get some decent stuff in a 17 years old game and that's why this is a fast progress realm which some will like and some will not and that's perfectly normal as you simply cannot please everyone. Thing is, on one hand you want fast progress and runes and everything else but on the other you want stuff like archon plate to be super hard to find and low items that drop often to bring you plenty of high runes and that doesn't makes much sense. You are a casual player yourself as you just came back after a one or two years break so let me doubt you'd enjoy grinding for an armour for 6 months and have a ladder reset right next after that, to me it seems you had a bad day and you're mixing your personal feelings with the game which I remember you did recently too with other people. Private realms have a much faster progress nowdays and most of them will have new ladders way more often than we do as well.

    As for being pissed off that free pk for no reason ain't allowed makes no sense to me, imagine this kind of thinking while playing HC and let me remind you it's only been last week when you totally overreacted and starting insulting those people thinking someone called your item`shit` after a misunderstanding or because they told you were asking too much for some item you had the other day so I can only imagine you'd rage quit and curse everyone in the server first time you'd be killed. While the`no rules, free pk whoever you want` may be fine on battlenet because they never took care of these sort of things before, on private realms such action will not be tolerated, not here and not anywhere else. I'm not even sure why these things bother you really or why all of a sudden you feel like killing players for no reason is alright, you've been playing here before, you were even a GM although it was for a very short period of time as you disappeared so I guess it's just the real life stress talking due to that personal health problem you've been mentioning but that's still not a reason to be mean to others. Anyhow, I wish you the best of luck and I'm pretty sure you'll be back once irl things settle down for you. Cheers!
    Atox likes this.
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