
GM Application ivan g's Application

Discussion in 'Admin Applications' started by ivan g, Oct 19, 2020.

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  1. ivan g

    ivan g Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Online Time:
    Spoken Languages:
    bulgarian , german , english
    Account Name:
    glavniq mossad
    Game Playing Experience:
    since 2005
    How can you help the server?:
    Everybody knows who I'm. I do what our Admins don't do.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2020
    MMladenov likes this.
  2. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
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    Could be really helpful to have a member of the admin team speaking Bulgarian. I think this is a plus because there is a lot of bad language in Bulgarian in-game as well as players who don't speak English well.
    Ivan helped me with the difference in gameplay and builds in this server patch, many price checks and training duelling techniques.
    ivan g likes this.
  3. teodor

    teodor Active Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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    This person is messed eveywhere in bh, in trades and most importantly in pvp games where we need some admins to watch about good manner of dueling ,im piss of noobs fuck the pvp game the admins reaction is missing only Serbo joins some time but its not enought , so Ivan G takes my vote
    ivan g likes this.
  4. MMladenov

    MMladenov Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2017
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    From what I`ve seen at softcore Ivan is adequate and responsible person. He is always willing to help and that`s why I`d vote for him as well.
    ivan g likes this.
  5. PabloEsscobar

    PabloEsscobar Active Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    I vote ivan Boxing Machine yasha bratko
    ivan g likes this.
  6. markodzzz

    markodzzz Forum Legend

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Totaly agree with Tedo
    Ivan is very useful member of this community in all areas.
    Especially because he talks Bg, since Dafranco no active Bg admin on server, + from me.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2020
    ivan g likes this.
  7. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    From what i have seen sofar;
    yes, you have been helpful to people.
    But on the other hand i have also seen you being rude to people, argue in chat, been muted and banned several times.
    Regardless of how helpful you are, these are traits we are not looking for in a GM.
    There are players from all over the world playing here, just because someone speaks BG is no reason to make said person a GM.
    There is nothing helpful to have a member of the admin team speaking bulgarian if that person himself uses bad language.
    We had bg admins before too and we still have, just that franco is currently inactive.
    That does not really change much in the actual games though, it's not like the GM would be present in ALL games. Hence we only enforce bad language in chat.
    There is a lot more to being a GM.

    Besides you even got muted around the same time yesterday when you made this application, you edited and made it look like a serious application now, but before that it was just some troll application. So wondering if you just made this application cause you got muted again.

  8. HostileToYou1

    HostileToYou1 Active Member

    Sep 10, 2019
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    This will be worst admin ever
  9. Kefflar32

    Kefflar32 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    this is my opinion not as ur friend that u put them to post for you and not as ur enemy that u fight in chat everyday with him. u know who :p
    maybe u are nice with ur duel friends but u are very toxic too and curse ppl a lot if they dont have same opinion. how can u be good admin if u cant follow rules urself and be nice to everyone
  10. ivan g

    ivan g Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    @inayat @Kefflar32 like every normal human , its normal that i react when someone insult me . or u both dont ???
  11. kashern

    kashern Supporter

    Mar 23, 2019
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    Ivan G helps a lot and he is a very experienced player. We for sure need an admin who is often in the PvP games because we are missing admin reactions there. +1 from me
    ivan g likes this.
  12. bigicha

    bigicha Active Member

    Dec 19, 2019
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    Server needs admin like Ivan g ... He has knowledge and understanding of this game, which is very important . His help will be useful for everobody in D2 society . Good luck Ivan, my vote is for you
    ivan g likes this.
  13. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    yes it is normal to react when someone insults you.
    But it is the way you react that counts. Can you still be friendly and talk to this player and be helpful and not hold a grudge even when insulted?
    Cause trust me, as a GM you will get insulted a lot.
    If you can not handle getting insulted and think it is normal, especially in a position as a GM, to insult back. Then this is not for you.
    Kefflar32 likes this.
  14. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Thanks for your interest. I'm not sure if you initially created this thread with the purpose of trolling and then decided to actually give it a try after multiple edits to your post or you're still having the same intentions and just trying to have a laugh out of it but this is basically how your initial application was looking like https://bit.ly/35c4cV2
    Would an unbiased person consider that a serious application at all? I think not.
    However, if you are indeed seriously thinking to occupy a position that requires maturity and quite some self-control because the experience is really not that relevant as long as you master those two and you are a likable person, then here is some worthy advice for you, buckle up:
    - First of all, you need to learn how to become more humble because someone spamming the chat and calling himself "king" or "boss" and not as a joke, is really awkward to see for a 30 years old. You were in this position as a regular player not long ago but imagine being a GM and telling people to call you king or boss in the main channel so they get a free rune, this is neither professional nor part of GM duties. People are helping each other all the time giving away items for various reasons, this is not what makes a good GM at all, especially if said person is doing it to boost his own self-esteem. Instead, we would like to see how would you actually respond to some help requests because so far except a few random price checks in months I don't think I ever seen you replying to any support thread.
    - We encourage players to provide feedback for those applying for the game master position but that should be done willingly, you on the other hand messaged everyone closer to you to add a positive comment in this thread and some of them haven't even visited the forums for months. There are even some negative lines taken out from some posts and I dare to think they were done at your request.
    - Probably some of these people are not aware of this but you broke the community rules multiple times before, in fact, your closest violation was less than 24 hours ago even though other people drew your attention. A couple of months ago you went on a spam fest in the chat channel disturbing other players which lead to an hour mute to one of your accounts and instead of being a mature fella and calm down you mute evaded and insulted multiple people who told you to stop spamming as well as the staff member that warned you multiple times before you ended up being banned for several days and this was not your first time when you got banned. Being drunk while doing that is absolutely no excuse and the only reason you received a second chance it's because you were an older active member of the community and I believe in second chances otherwise if you would have been a newly registered player you would have been long gone after that night. Like it or not, we reserve the right to choose our members just as anyone else has the right to choose to play here or not and as most should realize by now this has always been an extremely friendly community and we do not tolerate toxicity.
    If you are unable to follow common-sense rules as a regular player then how would you be able to enforce others to follow them, as a GM? Moreover, do you think that insulting one of your colleagues would be within the community spirit and collegiality? You wouldn't be able to work in a team with such an attitude
    - Now, if you actually had in plan to change and become a better and helpful person that's great, kudos. However, this should involve everyone and not just a selective group of people that are closer to you. You are pretty much forced to behave in duel games anyway otherwise no one would duel with you anymore, the point is to be friendly in general and not only with a group of people and the reason I'm saying that is because you were and you still are considered a toxic individual by many. Quite a few people took their time to whisper and say that they hope the punishment was permanent back when you got suspended last time which is not a good sign at all and this got me thinking at the time. Yes, you did something that other admins didn't do so far and apparently that was getting banned.
    - Next thing on the list would be account sharing. You are currently sharing accounts with several different people, at some point I'm pretty sure you were even more than 3 or 4 different people having access to common accounts, some of them not even being your own accounts and I'm not even sure that the original account owner knows you shared his account in the first place. It doesn't matter if they are close friends but this alone decreases the trust factor by a lot considering we've seen it all in 15 years of experience.

    Let me answer your question with another question. Did @inayat insult you back when you got banned last time? He was the staff member, among other people from the chat too, that you insulted that day and according to your logic he could have insulted you back and be considered a normal reaction but he didn't and this my friend, is how a mature person acts like.
    As a GM you will find yourself in similar situations many times in absolutely any game, it's a fact. As it's been mentioned, the way you react matters and as a GM you would have to keep calm and remain professional even though sometimes that's a real challenge. Maybe it's a normal reaction for a regular player but not for a GM who requires quite some self-control to cope with some of the typical gamers bs. In your current state, I cannot see you doing that as you would basically have to leave your grudges with other players behind and drop the nonsense and trash-talking all together.
    You would be amazed at how sick some people can really be so keeping yourself together and remain professional is not as easy as it sounds. Don't believe it? Here is a nice example of someone I had to deal with few months ago, he had to verify his account identity from the correct email address which he eventually did but not before this https://bit.ly/2HjHKkG and somehow I still managed to try to understand him and help him. Shocking isn't it? All that fuss for something that insignificant and I've been told I'm too patient before but I highly doubt many would interact with a person that behaves like that.

    Game knowledge and activity do not make it up for the attitude you have towards players in general and this is what you need to focus on and improve if you are serious about this and want to be taken seriously. Besides, you tend to argue and fight with other people in chat rather than giving advice or answering to someone in need of help which is something I've rarely seen and as a GM this should become your main priority. People can change, I agree, they cannot change completely within a month or two though and to be honest so far you haven't shown too many signs of improvement so I would work on that and prove myself because you will not be a respected person anyway if you are not able to respect those around you and I'm not talking only about in-game friends but everyone else as well.
    Being active in PvP games is a good thing for sure, however, not you nor anyone else will be able to be present in absolutely all games all the time no matter how much of a good job you think you would do, besides yet again attitude towards those who may break the rules is very important as most of the time people will understand they are doing something wrong if and only if you know how to talk to them. Also, remember that we are one of the very few realms where you can actually talk to a GM in the game and we actually handle reports which many wouldn't do, especially when it comes to reports involving dueling. If any of you played this game in the original servers back in the days you know what I am talking about.

    There could be one or two more things worth mentioning but you should be able to find them in the two sticky threads that belong to this category. Either way, I hope this will help you to understand and improve yourself. Meanwhile, we will continue observing your progress and see if your actions are worthy of this position in the future.

    PS: One last thing, I've noticed rather a silly pattern lately where you are basically liking only posts made by the people whom you messaged to vouch for you in this thread and posts that are either against, share a different opinion than a staff member or correct a statement they made like they are supposed to have only perfect thoughts and opinions when absolutely no one is perfect in this world. You haven't shown a single appreciation towards any of the other helpful posts except the ones I just mentioned. The fact that this is fully intended makes it really silly for a 30 years old man, think about it.
    The same goes for complimenting, backing yourself up or trolling people from different accounts you own while making it look like there are different persons involved, this is really not necessary at all.
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