
Announcement Patch #13: QoL Improvements, Charm Inventory, Server Selection and More

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Ezekiel, Dec 5, 2021.

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  1. ephwurd123

    ephwurd123 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Great changes but the inventory should be the same like before or like lightning fury said you will lose identity bring back the old inventory please <3
    markodzzz and lightning_fury like this.
  2. ephwurd123

    ephwurd123 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2016
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    If you can make bag for runes or make them stackable will be great my personal opinion i like most of the new changes except inventory part
    Gaijin and wytwo like this.
  3. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    That can be done, but we are skipping the runes bag for now still due to various reasons mentioned before besides, upgrading and downgrading up to Ber rune with no fees gives you plenty of room to store your runes. We will eventually come up with a similar feature for runes too but has to be something where you don't risk selling the whole item to the vendor or dropping a whole bag by mistake and then complaining it was taken by someone else.

    As for the new charm zone, we're currently gathering feedback. It's been less than 12 hours since the update, so I suggest playing the game first and foremost and checking things out.

    Keep in mind that we are looking for proper feedback, not some rage comment as I've seen from one person earlier on not even 12 hours after the update. There's nearly a week before the reset and the perfect time to test things out is before the ladder reset.
    ephwurd123 and wytwo like this.
  4. wytwo

    wytwo Supporter

    Jul 26, 2018
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    Overall i pretty much like the new features except the charm-inventory thing. (Don't really care much about the character item layout but i can agree it bugs me in strange manner)
    While i like the idea of the basic D2 layout + free inventory space it is like many ideas - impractical romance. Why ?
    I absolutely agree with some of the comments i saw on this topic. In the first place this additional charm usage gave a pretty neat edge and experience in the game. Especially in PVM.
    Taking it away surely is a big cringe due to the nihilation of the old feature with which all of us got used to and personally for me that was one of the things that i liked the most from all. (that's how i felt and at first was even emotionally pissed about it. Glad to see you are reasonable people to hear the feedback. Cheers about that!)
    Although i understand the reason for this i cannot agree that there should be restrictions of the personal choice use of a players inventory. Why?
    Because if a player needs more item space he can choose how to adapt to that no matter the charm use. (And that's one of the thing we as humans like - the freedom of choice) And while its often that we can overdue it unconsciously a need is a need and it can never be skipped.
    I can also agree that certain interesting builds would be way harder even impossible to achieve with the basic charm set up. (it is what gave many possibilities for different and new things)
    So if i have to sum up my personal views on this. It would be the following:
    The idea of additional inventory space is pretty cool but not for the price of an already cool and neat feature which makes the game rich and fun. I would search for a some sort of medium between this and the old one. Which in my head is:
    1.leaving the old inventory space for usage of charms or maybe about 80-90% of it and the additional inventory space.
    2.Leaving 100% of the old inventory usage of charm + the additional (non usable of charms) inventory space.
    In both cases the player keeps the nice old features and still gets the freedom of using his inventory pretty much by his own choice and preferences. ( Maybe try a vertical split of the two zones not a horizontal one ? )

    * And maybe here the place i can trow a quick idea for the gem bags: No matter the gem color and quantity being put in the bag at once. And somehow taking more than 1 gem at a time from it. *

    Thank you for the opportunity of letting us players speak our thoughts and ideas. I hope you get to a satisfying decision for all of us. Cheers!
    kiwifruit, Blessedone, Nopik and 2 others like this.
  5. prezgab

    prezgab Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2019
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    I really like the new inventory. It is great that we have a lot of additional space even if we can not use there charms.
    Nopik likes this.
  6. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Now that's a proper feedback, kudos for that @wytwo and yes, that's the reason why this thread exists and we made it clear that we are collecting feedback.

    You can always open a thread in the suggestions forums for that, but since you already posted it in here, I'll answer.
    While this can be done, many people are also sorting out gems and sell them individually; the most popular ones are amethysts, rubies and skulls and they usually sell for nearly double the price of mixed gems.
    Also, unfortunately, you cannot take out more than one at a time due to game limitations.

    We were also considering a middle way of 5x10 charms zone which is between the old 6x10 and the new one 4x10 so both options 1) and 2) are on the table.
    wytwo likes this.
  7. ameth

    ameth Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Update the rune break / join penalty-free up to zod is a more simple and clean solution. Rune bag is something does not make too much sense. There is an another game realm with that feature (I am sure you know, which one) - and that is terrible.
  8. ephwurd123

    ephwurd123 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Im okay with the inventory dont get me wrong but the server is too fast for a vanila invetory and peoples will get their "dream charms" faster than the ussual and that will affect the server population thats my opinion for a vanilla invetory drop rates on charms runes uniques etc. should be way more less than x10 otherwise after 2-3 months lots of peoples will have all they want for their characters and will stop playing :/ but congrats for your hardwork appreciate it ! :)
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
    offline likes this.
  9. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    You already know by now that things are very different in here @ephwurd123. Even with the current settings you can still get pretty much anything you want within 2-3 months of playing and you can say the same for vanilla (obviously per vanilla standards). The mentality here is very different, and fortunately this allows us to maintain long-term ladders and not 3 or 4 months ladders, which is amazing.
    /edit PS: The drop rate has never been x10, that's the starting experience rate not the drop rate.

    @ameth, the break fee for highest runes stays and the reason for that has already been explained in your suggestions thread. Having people trade runes like jah, cham and zod between them or take a penalty and get an instant result is something that a lot of people loved over the years. Let us stick to the changes announced in the first post for now please, we are taking feedback on those at the moment so we have a better idea of what we can tweak before the ladder reset.
  10. ameth

    ameth Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Skillers are the whole point. 6x10 can support +23 skills (19 skiller + anni + torch), 4x10 can support +13 skills, 5x10 can support +14 skills (you can put torch and anni into the upper 2 lines). Don't get me wrong, +life +resi +fhr +frw are all nice in the upper lines, but that is not the real deal. Defensive charms are only needed if the character cannot do enough damage because of a brutal nerf of -10 skills. The gaming experience never will be the same.

    At least, can you real-time change those lines for being activated for charms or not? Let say a player relogs into a next game in a baal run, and only for that one player on the realm, all 8 lines are getting activated for charms what was not activated 10 seconds before. Is it possible to change it that dynamically? Is it possible to sell that in the game shop as a service? If both answers are yes, then changes do make sense. The system of pay to win does make sense. Otherwise, it is a simple nerf.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
    ephwurd123 likes this.
  11. ameth

    ameth Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Oh, I already tested things enough. Math tells me the truth. Ofc, this nerf won't strike my dreams dead. But neither will I like it.

    How does that feel? You know, some players hoped for extras. Instead, they get this nerf. Feels like a betrayal. That is how that feels.
    ephwurd123 likes this.
  12. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    And that's why feedback is expected besides, everything else counts as extras just well not the charm inventory which is being discussed. I suggest reading the first post again, not like this is the only change that has been made, there are others too. As for your idea to make some sort of dynamic pay to win system out of this and sell it as a service, you can't really expect that to happen and using all 8 lines on top of that, would be nonsense. Game features shall always be free.
    Blessedone, Atox, Nopik and 2 others like this.
  13. realaki

    realaki Supporter

    Jun 29, 2020
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    Bro you really want even easier pvm? what are you smoking, the farming couldn't be less of a challenge. At least now you can pick up items from the ground cause you don't have full inventory for bonuses.
    mtgfanatic and Nopik like this.
  14. d3v1lk1n

    d3v1lk1n Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Thanks for the patch.
    So i really like the uber keys feature, but is it possible to make perfect gems stack like that without using the bags?
    wytwo likes this.
  15. Stany

    Stany Supporter

    May 20, 2018
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    Hello guys, overall great new features - expecialy the Keys bags, Jerhyn placed and Nihlathak's Temple portal... Congrats for your hard work and good ideas!:tup:

    But guys, please turn back the character items layout - the new one is... sorry but... very bad :(:eek: Acctualy, I prefer the old way with the good looking character items layout... and in my opinion this new character items layout is maybe the worst thing since I play here.

    However, this is my opinion... and thanks for the opportunity to share it!
    wytwo and ameth like this.
  16. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Check out this line @Stany: Character inventory has been increased with an additional two rows, graphics have been modified to fit native resolution and avoid enforcing external addons.
    With the increased inventory, the regular gear layout will simply not fit in the native resolution otherwise you won't be able to visually see part of the top and bottom of your character panel. You're saying that now because it's something new and you obviously were used to the old feeling but you'll definitely get used to the new layout as well in no time, in fact it is less mouse traveling to inspect items as well. Either way, in time the idea is to bring an extra add-on that will allow native resolution to support both bigger inventory and regular character layout which is merely design related.
    It's the inventory spacing we're focused on now, since that's the practical usage for this part of the update.

    @d3v1lk1n, that would be less practical than the bag itself.
    wytwo likes this.
  17. ameth

    ameth Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Yeah, it is ugly as hell :(
    Stany likes this.
  18. Kefflar32

    Kefflar32 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    u are not beautiful eithr man :D wtf is matter u have belt in mid or right i thinked kids dont play this game and u speak to make it more easy :confused:
  19. Stany

    Stany Supporter

    May 20, 2018
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    @Gix, I have read all the changes and I understand very well the whole idea about the "additional two rows, graphics... etc.". Personaly, please belive me I will not "get used to the new layout as well in no time". I have played in other D2 servers with this looking "character items layout" and it is mess and definitely not looking good :unsure:
    ameth likes this.
  20. starxplor

    starxplor Supporter

    Jun 12, 2017
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    I have a shell script with the following single command "wine EuropeBattle.exe -skiptobnet -ns $1" ($1 allowed me to add -w when I wanted to multibox)
    I have tried it manually with just "wine EuropeBattle.exe -ns"

    I did not notice anything different in how the game launched. (I already have dotnet installed for wine)
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