
Announcement Patch #13: QoL Improvements, Charm Inventory, Server Selection and More

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Ezekiel, Dec 5, 2021.

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  1. Stany

    Stany Supporter

    May 20, 2018
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    @kiwifruit , sorry I missed that one! Thanks a lot! :tup::tup::tup:
    If we have normal gear layout and same time we have 2x10 more inventory this will be insane! Great job!
    jenyas90 likes this.
  2. MMladenov

    MMladenov Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2017
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    @Gix :
    -First of all: the inventory looks .. ugly. Gloves at the same level with the Helmet. There is no left/right ring anymore. The main items looks flattened.

    - In dueling the player will have 1/2 of their inventory empty - too much space for cheating. You can check the items of the other player with the maphack, but the inventory - nope. So gearing off and on the belt won`t show the opponents potions. At hardcore this is essential. At softcore the player will just have 1/2 of their inventory with mana pots. All okay, but is this fair to the ES sorcs?
    I don`t want even to imagine a good player with frozen orb sorc with 95% ES absorb with points in telekinesis and 40 mana pots in the inventory and 12 in the belt. What kind of duel will it be?

    - As a hardcore member since the 2014 (3 seasons) my observations are: ~1 year ~ 1year and a half to fulfill the inventory with 19x30+life skillers. Less players there, less trades, less communication. So this was a good reason for the extended season length (2 years). But if the inventory is half cut - finding the charms will take 1/2 less time. So the grinders like me - will lose interest earlier. And for softcore - I don`t know, It would take probably half a month to make a char with end-game gear/inventory - so if the inventory is half cut, probably the season length should be half cut?

    -Last but not least: - Grinding characters requires a lot of time/efforts. Finding that all of your previous characters which you have considered finished are messed up - quite disappointing feeling.
  3. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    There's a reason why they are/were at the same level, you cannot fit the graphics and keep the regular layout due to game limitations. It's a trade-off and I'm almost tempted to show you some examples of actual ugly layouts so you have something to compare with but then again that comes down to personal preference and while it's normal for some to care about aesthetics there are plenty of others who don't hence why you've only seen a few mentioning it. You also have a perfect example of this in plenty of modern games.

    For the dueling part, you've missed @sphinx25 and @kiwifruit explanation a few posts back, as none of this would happen and still expect someone to duel you afterwards. Actually, you don't even have to imagine as this has happened before both here as well as in vanilla and everywhere else too so it's not that big of a deal when you have freedom of choice on your side. Are you going say that you are unable to track if someone uses potions or changes gear and such which would most probably lead to stop dueling that person as a result? I highly doubt as that's pretty easy to spot and you can always walk away from the fight and find a suitable opponent. BM exists ever since this game was released and will continue to exist no matter what;. Heck, in most other places no one would even consider a dueling report or anything similar to that as we would do in here. If someone does not fight with honor, then it's almost guaranteed that others shall stop dueling that person and we have seen plenty of examples to confirm that.
    Blessedone, kiwifruit and MMladenov like this.
  4. Evgeni Nedelchev

    Evgeni Nedelchev Senior Member

    Sep 12, 2019
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    About PVM, the old inventory style makes this server unique and recognizable. More inventory space mean more fun, less time wasting i am sure.
    PVP will benefit from the big inventory.

    Be sure ES sorc will drinking mana pots like ice cold beer. This was possible before, yes but only 4 pots (in belt).. now u have 40 more to carry with u..
    Imagine bars, necros, even ass-a will benefit with this 40 more mana pots. Less tactical duels/ no mana suffering :D
    And i dont mention the item switch ( for more abs, res, dmg red) - hard cheating or for better (BO, es) end every other boosting - chicky cheating + skill items u can carry without losing 2 GC skiller or 4 SC ( for cube ) like before.
    This will happened with those extra 2 rows.
    I know admins are trying to evolve and to give us new things, but its hard to "scale" between PVP and PVM
    PVP will suffer, this is my final conclusion.

    In the end i am glad that admins will bring the old inventory back, ty for this!
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2021
    kiwifruit likes this.
  5. Kefflar32

    Kefflar32 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    can you read this or u need more bold?
    if u want to talk pvp first learn to play it and stop crying. like gix say if i drink pots or do bo and ur blind to see u dont deserve to be in pvp game and need to learn more
    there is many ppl who drop extra shit gc for cube in all duels ppl bcz they dont have max charm its hard to get all. i see here who never play original bcz u cry too much but in all years if i want to find a fair duel i always do and can find witout or with precast speak with other ppl and decide what u use its ez
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2021
    starxplor and Remind like this.
  6. MMladenov

    MMladenov Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2017
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    Act like an adult. No need for toxic comments or something else. Probably you`ve played too much softcore.
  7. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Keep the thread clean guys, you can poke each other in private. We can also read regular text too, we're not quite at the age where we need bolded fonts, fortunately.

    The latest update has been released, make sure to download the new server patch from the website. Some of the files are not currently enforced through the launcher, but they will be in the future.
    Also, re-patching the game with the latest update will not replace your maphack library files from here on.

    A separate installer that will automatically detect and install OS dependencies next to the server patch and the new launcher will also be released later today.
    Kefflar32 likes this.
  8. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    I would add 2 things:
    1. @Joaiuda had a very on-point comment about PvP pros and cons
    2. While I'm not into PvP, people who are can always organize events here in forum, who will stop them? Also, another idea would be to establish a 'Hall of Fame', where everyone could write about other players - GM duelers, fair play, a.s.o. (without ass kissing or boot licking, which can be easily detected); also, probably more important, a 'Hall of Shame', where BM / cheating / disrespectful duelers would be 'advertised' for all community to see and stay away from. Always with screenshots / proofs of the accusations, not innuendo or hearsay / gossip or outright lies.
    This way, given time, the PvP community will start to learn who's who (newcomers especially, veterans already know), who to avoid, who to learn from. PvP was intended by Blizzard to be fun, but it is taken as a life and death matter by too many green, immature kids and wannabees (grow the fuck up, you've only lost a duel, not your eye / arm / car / house / bank account etc.; instead of bitching, learn and you'll have your day).
    Taking a character to a competitive dueling level takes time, so a stain of BM dueler won't be erased easily.
    Joaiuda, wytwo, Kefflar32 and 2 others like this.
  9. Stany

    Stany Supporter

    May 20, 2018
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    @Gix and team,
    I have just cheked the layout but the "close"and "gold" buttons are in not so good place. Please check the SS below. Any idea how to fix it?

  10. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I've literally made a post above yours saying The latest update has been released, make sure to download the new server patch from the website.
    Update your client and that will be fixed, whenever you see something is wrong make sure your client is up-to-date. We introduced the launcher for this reason and even though we usually come with seasonal updates we plan to make it mandatory so the update process becomes much easier.
    Stany likes this.
  11. ephwurd123

    ephwurd123 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Kefflar32, Stany and kiwifruit like this.
  12. Stany

    Stany Supporter

    May 20, 2018
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    Sorry :D Everything works fine now! Please delete this one and my previous posting.
    Kefflar32 likes this.
  13. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
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    @Evgeni Nedelchev I must mention that occasionally we have already been playing with an extra belt of mana potions when needed.
    e.g. a duel is long and hard, like assassin vs necro. It has happened when we run out of mana potions due to multiple reasons, like trying different strategies, overly defensive opponents or simply not having enough rare items with + mana, or both players are still quite new to the characters and are pretty much practising to get better. This has happened even on bet duels, before starting the duel both players would agree on a set of rules that pleases them and is fair.
    Plus in public duel games, you have noticed that it is always full of extra mana potions.
    After all, PvP is to have fun, especially in public games. Closed games, bet duels, High-Level PVP events can always be run by more strict rules.
    Needless to say that if the new inventory size and limits cause any negative effect to PvP/PvM or they simply need to evolve to accommodate the community needs we could always tweak, change certain limitations and focus efforts to improve the overall experience.

    PS. We will keep taking feedback and try to improve our gameplay to be as balanced as possible for both PvM and PvP. We already have the 4x10 functionality built, and we could use it in the future in a different method, such as settings to set inventory limits when making a game by keeping a separate gameserver with a specific set of rules (for events).

    @MMladenov If what I write about Softcore PvP is very different to, hardcore PvP please feel free to keep adding your input. I do not fully understand the reasoning and how would one play duels on Hardcore so it is highly possible that my understanding of the matter is not applicable or logical for the HC scenario.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2021
    Kefflar32 likes this.
  14. krustew

    krustew Active Member

    Jun 26, 2021
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    guys bring the old way back i mean that one with 9 sk charms and 10 sc we all like it better ! thats all we talk in the duelz game rn u can check yall self

    dont let few ppl cry bout old ways and bring it back thats the classci of d2 and its better i mean for pvp come in the game and ask us players who play everyday
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2021
  15. oniq_tam

    oniq_tam Senior Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    " Stacking uber keys is now possible via the following recipe: place two or more same type uber keys in the cube to stack them. Cube the stack alone for unstacking https://i.imgur.com/iDjlFTQ.jpg "
    Any limit on the keys? Or is it like gems?

    Already answered in-game earlier on, the limit is set to around ~100 keys per keychain.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2021
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