
Guide STING Maphack Configuration Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Gix, May 8, 2016.

  1. Nopik

    Nopik Game Master

    Dec 13, 2014
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    Sure there is :
    Perm Show Items Toggle: 1, VK_F //Permanent show items on the ground
    pipo, Atox, SGPB75 and 2 others like this.
  2. kvs25

    kvs25 Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    si if u may.. i wanna know where to set this key bindings, like the auto portal and go home.. i jsut want to re bind it with other keys thanks
  3. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    You need to add or edit this line in your d2hackmap.cfg
    Quick Back To Town Key: VK_E //Make portal and put you back in town
    Replace E with what other key you want
    Gix likes this.
  4. kvs25

    kvs25 Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    i dunno why but it doesnt work
    :( i dunno what i did wrong
  5. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Probably you are doing something wrong, I suggest that you check if you are editing the correct d2hackmap.cfg or probably you added the line for the second time in your cfg. Alternatively, you can check out some premade loot filters from here http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/sting-maphack-loot-filters.544929/ I recommend mine because it has all the settings in it so you would only need to edit keybinds/items.
    Gix and Nopik like this.
  6. Duduloi

    Duduloi Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2018
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    Another newbie question, thanks in advance for answwer.

    Every time I start a new game I need to press TAK bey to reveal the map. There is any way to config STING in order to see the map by default ?

  7. Nopik

    Nopik Game Master

    Dec 13, 2014
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    AutoMap Toggle: 1, -1
    Duduloi, Atox and Gix like this.
  8. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    You need this line to be with 1
    Auto Reveal Act: 1
    Gix likes this.
  9. Duduloi

    Duduloi Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2018
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    I have "Auto Reveal Act: 1" but isn't working, at least for me. I still need to press TAB every game.

    I will test with other filters already made, probably i messed my config. Thanks for help.

    Posts Merged

    AutoMap Toggle: 1, -1 was solution. Thanks Nopik!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2020
    Atox and Nopik like this.
  10. TheBigL

    TheBigL Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    Hi people, I am using the latest standalone STING Maphack but I am only want it to function as a map reveal and nothing else.
    What do I need to do in order to achieve this?

    Do I need to delete configuration files?
    Make them blank?
    Configure in specific way all values to align with my wishes?

    Sorry if it is a stupid question but was not able to find my answer via search function.

    Thank you.
  11. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
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    You can open d2hackmap.config and change the desired functions to value 0 which will disable or set to default behaviour.

    For example, you can stop automatic join to party by changing 1 to 0 as below:
    Auto Party Toggle: 0
    Gix likes this.
  12. TheBigL

    TheBigL Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    Got it... Thanks for the answer. So I will need to simply configure it in a way that all functionality is disabled besides map reveal. Thank you.
    kiwifruit likes this.
  13. HanzyKeat

    HanzyKeat Member

    Jan 9, 2021
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    Hi guys, i have question with sting maphack, i have downloaded from the tools webpage using the default conf
    Now i have noticed some items are being displayed in the minimap when they are dropped.
    Let's take one as example full rej pots
    by default i got this maphack line
    Rejuv Pot Colours[1+]: Purple
    As i understand, what that line should do is just simply show the item in color Purple no mini map icon, however as i described , it does.
    Now i have played with that line adding something like this.
    Rejuv Pot Colours[1+]: Purple, 0x0e
    But the icon color remains the same
    i have disable that like with // and created a new one
    Item Colours[2008-2009]: Purple, 0x0e
    with and without the , 0x0e part, i continues showing the icon.
    I have noticed something interesting it only happens with Purple color, if i change the call to something else, for instance Green it change the color of the item as it should, and no mini icon displayed, also as it should.
    Now any way to fix this? i mean i like the Rej pots as purple but i would like to remove the icon.
    And as i mentioned at the beginning it happens to other items as well, like runes were it actually would be handy to have the icon but i would like to change it, anyways i think will be better to focus on the ruj for now.

    Thanks a lot for you attention, sorry there is a lot of text but i wanted to explain it a little bit!
  14. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Hi there, please post your config inside of a spoiler so we can have a better look at it as it could be from some other settings that you have or having the line more than once. Alternatively you can get one config from our loot filter thread http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/sting-maphack-loot-filters.544929/
    Nopik likes this.
  15. HanzyKeat

    HanzyKeat Member

    Jan 9, 2021
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    Hi there, for sure this is the current conf that i have

    Show CFGCheck Info : 0
    Enable Language Check : 0
    GameFilterSupport: 0
    Localization Support: 0
    CFG Version Eng : "Hanzy Keat!!"

    Reload Config Key: VK_END
    Reveal Act Automap Key: VK_SUBTRACT
    View Player Stats Key: VK_OEM_2
    First Player Stat Key: -1
    Next Player Stat Key: VK_9
    Previous Player Stat Key: VK_OEM_COMMA
    Perm Show Items Toggle: 0, -1
    Monster Resists Toggle: 1, -1
    Socket Protect Toggle: 1, VK_8
    View Socketables Toggle: 0, VK_6
    Item Basic Stats Toggle: 0, VK_6
    View Socket Base Items Toggle : 0 ,VK_6
    Item Value Toggle: 0, -1
    Item Levels Toggle: 1, VK_D
    Show Item Variable Prop Toggle: 1 , -1
    Townportal Nums Alert : 3
    Quick Next Game Key: VK_DELETE
    View Equipment Key: VK_0

    //BugKD Toggle: 0, 0 , 2
    //BugKM Toggle: 0, 0 , 2
    //BugKB Toggle: 0, 0 , 2

    //Item QLevel Toggle: 0, VK_V
    //Item MLevel Toggle: 0, VK_V
    //Item ALevel Toggle: 0, VK_V
    //Item After Cube Toggle: 0, VK_V

    Hidden Items Toggle: 1, VK_u
    Switch Item Show Mode: VK_9
    Default Item Show Mode : 0
    Show Identified Item : 1, 1
    Show Base ED Toggle : 1, -1
    Show Base Stat: 1, VK_

    Default Game Name: ""
    Default Game Password: ""
    ULC Mask Toggle: 0, -1
    Bug Auto Quit Toggle: 0, -1
    Bug Alert Times: 3
    Skip Quest Message: 8

    Item ExtInfo Toggle : 1 , -1
    Item ExtInfo File Eng: "ItemInfo_Eng.cfg"
    Default ExtInfo Colour : 8

    State Monitor Toggle: 1 , VK_L

    State Monitor[2] : 1 , "Poison" , "Trucizna"
    State Monitor[11] : 1 , "ColdSlow" , "Zniedoleznienie"
    /State Monitor[61] : 1 , "LowerRes" , "Zmniejszenie odpor"
    State Monitor[62] : 1 , "OpenWound" , "³öѪ"
    State Monitor[60] : 1 , "Decrepify" , "Ë¥ÀÏ"
    State Monitor[1] : 1 , "Freeze" , "Zamarzniecie"
    State Monitor[8] : 3 , "Salvation" , "¾ÈÖú"
    State Monitor[159] : 3 , "Fade" , "ÄÜÁ¿Ïû½â"
    State Monitor[149] : 3 , "OakSage" , "Oak¼ÓѪ"
    State Monitor[16] : 3 , "QH" , "Ç¿»¯"
    State Monitor[10] : 3 , "FrozenArmor" , "Zbroja mrozu"
    State Monitor[20] : 3 , "ChillingArmor" , "Ladowata zbroja"
    State Monitor[88] : 3 , "ShiverArmor" , "Zamrazajaca zbroja"
    State Monitor[32] : 3 , "BattleOrders" , "Boo"
    State Monitor[51] : 3 , "BattleCommand" , "Dowodzenie"
    State Monitor[26] : 3 , "Shout" , "Okrzyk"
    State Monitor[134] : 3 , "ShrineSkill" , "Kapa"
    State Monitor[137] : 3 , "ShrineExp" , "Kapa expa"
    State Monitor[101] : 3 , "HolyShield" , "Swieta tarcza"

    Show Exp Toggle: 1, -1 , 2
    Show Ping Toggle: 1, -1
    Out Town Select Toggle: 0, -1

    //Kill Count Toggle: 1, -1, 3
    //GetHit Count Toggle: 0, -1, 2

    //Show Base ED Toggle : 1, 1
    //Show Party Position Toggle: 1, -1
    //Show Party Level Toggle: 1, -1

    //ustawienia mapy
    Center Map Scroll Key: VK_PAUSE
    Scroll Map Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL
    Diagonal Scroll Toggle: 1, -1

    //Scroll Mode: 2
    //Map Scroll Key1: VK_J
    //Map Scroll Key2: VK_H
    //Map Scroll Key3: VK_Y
    //Map Scroll Key4: VK_U
    //Map Scroll Key5: VK_N

    Map Scroll Offset1[1-5]: 20, 12
    Map Scroll Offset2[1-5]: -20, 12
    Map Scroll Offset3[1-5]: -20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset4[1-5]: 20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset5[3]: -40, 10

    //Player Blob File: "blobplayer"
    //Monster Blob File: "blobmonster"
    //Object Blob File: "blobchest"
    Missile Blob File: "blobdot"
    //Item Blob File: "blobitem"
    //Boss Blob File: "blobBoss"
    //Npc Blob File: "blobNpc"
    //My Blob File: "blobMe"
    //Corpse Blob File: "blobCorpse"

    Full Visuals Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Weather Toggle: 0, VK_MULTIPLY
    Infravision Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Light Radius Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Screen Shake Toggle: 0, VK_MULTIPLY

    Reveal Level Automap Key: -1
    Auto Reveal Act: 1
    AutoMap Toggle: 1, -1
    Auto Next Game Name: 1
    Auto Next Game Password: 1

    //Locale MPQ:"d2locale.mpq"
    Input Line Toggle: 1, -1

    //Extrawork Dll Action: 0
    //Version Checking Dll Action: 0

    Enter Game Sound : 0
    Right Click Swap Toggle: 1, -1
    Ctrl Click Swap Toggle : 1, -1
    Quick Drop Toggle : 1, -1

    Message Log Toggle: 2
    Message Log File Size : 1000

    Game Time Toggle: 1, -1
    Clock Toggle: 0, -1
    Layer Level No Toggle : 0, -1
    Server Ip Toggle: 0, -1
    Area Level Toggle: 0, -1

    Automap Active Rooms Toggle: 0, -1
    Automap Ready Rooms Toggle: 0, -1
    Automap Screen Area Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL

    Automap Active Rooms Colour: 0x77
    Automap Ready Rooms Colour: 0x77
    Automap Screen Area Colour: 0x55
    Mini Shrines Toggle: 1, -1
    //Life Bar Transparency: 2
    //Life Bar Colour: 0x50

    Perm Show Orbs Toggle: 1, -1

    Dangerous Monster Action: back to town
    Dangerous Monster Chicken Toggle: 0, VK_G
    Dangerous Monster[Burning Soul 2, Black Soul 2]: lr,-30 // fr, cr, lr, pr

    Automap Level Names Toggle: 1, -1
    Level Name Colour: White
    Staff Tomb Level Desc: "%2<==Toomb"
    Minimap Size: 3
    Minimap Toggle: 1, -1
    Minimap Cell Colour: 0x84
    // format: Minimap Cells[level number][cell no.1, cell no.2, ...] : 1 , color2 // 1 for enable, -1 for disable
    // example:
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Rogue Encampment][The Secret Cow Level]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Blood Moor][Den of Evil]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Stony Field][Cairn Stone]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Black Marsh][Forgotten Tower]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Dark Wood][Tree of Inifuss]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 1][Tower Cellar Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 2][Tower Cellar Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 3][Tower Cellar Level 4]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 4][Tower Cellar Level 5]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tamoe Highland][Pit Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Pit Level 1][Pit Level 2]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 1][Jail Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 2][Jail Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 3][Inner Cloister]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 1][Catacombs Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Cold Plains][Crypt]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Barracks][316]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Far Oasis][Maggot Lair Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 1][Maggot Lair Level 2]:1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 2][Maggot Lair Level 3]:1
    Minimap Cells[lost city][Claw Viper Temple Level 1] :1
    Minimap Cells[Lost City][Ancient Tunnels]: 1 ,0x62
    Minimap Cells[Claw Viper Temple Level 1][Claw Viper Temple Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Arcane Sanctuary][Horazon's Journal]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Kurast Bazaar][Ruined Temple]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 1][Durance of Hate Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 2][Durance of Hate Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Flayer Jungle][315]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Plains of Despair][Izual on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[River of Flame][Hellforg on Minimap]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Crystalline Passage][Frozen River]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Frozen River][Anya on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[118][Arreat Summit]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Anguish][Halls of Pain]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Pain][Halls of Vaught]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Vaught][Nihlathak on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 1][Worldstone Keep Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 2][Worldstone Keep Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 3][Throne of Destruction]: 1

    Monster Death Anims[1+]: 1
    Monster Level Toggle: 1, -1
    Monster TC Toggle: 1, -1
    Monster Rune TC Toggle: 0, -1
    Monster HPPercent Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Monster Resists Toggle: -1, VK_y
    Monster Distance Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Player Level Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Player Distance Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Player HPPercent Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Boss Name Toggle: 1 , -1

    Automap Items Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Rune Numbers Toggle: 1, -1
    Automap Party Default: 1
    Automap Names Default: 1

    Auto Invite Toggle: 1, VK_z
    Auto Party Toggle: 1, VK_x
    Auto Loot Permit : 1, VK_c

    //Item Colours[?]: ?

    //Example :-
    //Item Colours[Shako][Unique]: 1,0x20 //show unique shako name red and automap white
    //Item Colours[Ear]: -1,-2 //hide ears

    Charm Colours[1+]: Purple
    //Rejuv Pot Colours[1+]: Purple
    Healing Pot Colours[1+]: -1
    Mana Pot Colours[1+]: -1
    Gem Colours[1+]: -1
    Amethyst Colours[4+]: 10
    Topaz Colours[3+]: 10
    Sapphire Colours[4+]: 10
    Emerald Colours[4+]: 10
    Ruby Colours[4+]: 10
    Diamond Colours[4+]: 10
    Skull Colours[4+]: 10

    Item Colours[2140-2146][2]: 1,0x62
    Item Colours[Jewel]: -1
    Item Colours[All][Rare]: -1
    Item Colours[All][Unique]: -1
    Item Colours[1+][3]: 12
    Item Colours[94-103,108-114,129-161,2001,2006,2010,2019,2021][1-2]: -2
    Item Colours[1-10,15-20,23-29,31-86][1-2]: -2
    Item Colours[165-175,202-206,221-225,227-234][1-2]: -2
    Item Colours[1001-1020,1022,1029][1-2]: -2
    //Item Colours[187-190,194-196]:
    Item Colours[][1]: -2
    Item Colours[Ear]: -2
    Item Colours[104-107,207-210][2]: ORANGE
    Item Colours[187-196][2]: ORANGE
    Item Colours[201][2]: ORANGE
    Item Colours[1197][2]: ORANGE
    //Item Colours[1094-1097][2]: ORANGE
    Item Colours[2008-2009]: Purple, 0x0e

    // Hide different potions
    Item Colours[Stamina Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Antidote Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Thawing Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[2080-2089]: -2
    Item Colours[Scroll of Town Portal]: -2
    Item Colours[Scroll of Identify]: -2
    Item Colours[Key]: -2

    //Item Colours[Key]: 3
    //Item Colours[2022]: 3

    //Examples :-
    Gem Colours[Chipped]: Purple

    Rune Colours[1-19]: Orange
    Rune Colours[20+]: Red, 0x20

    Good Gold Number: 5000
    Good Gold Colour: Gold
    Poor Gold Number: 1500
    Poor Gold Colour: -2

    //Example :-
    //Poor Gold Colour: -1,-2

    Hidden Corpses Toggle: 0, -1
    Automap Corpses Toggle: 0, -1
    //Normal Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Boss Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Minion Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Champion Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Monster Corpse Colours[0+]: 0x08
    //Monster Corpses[0+]: 1

    Party Player Text Colour: 2
    Neutral Player Text Colour: 9
    Hostile Player Text Colour: 1
    Neutral Player Colour: 0x6f
    Hostile Player Colour: 0x5b
    Friend Minion Colour : 0x7f
    Player Minion Colour: 0xcb

    Automap Monsters Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Normal Monster Colour: 0x62
    Boss Monster Colour: 0x5b
    Minion Monster Colour: 0x66
    Champion Monster Colour: 0x68
    Act5 Barbarian Colour: 0x9f
    Super Unique Colour : 0x6f

    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Gloam 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Gloam 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[734]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 3]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 4]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Frenzied Ice Spawn]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Tomb viper 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Tomb Viper 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Undead Soul Killer 2]: 0x9b

    Monster Colours[411]: 0x20 //wake of fire
    Monster Colours[412]: 0x20 //Charged Bolt Sentry
    Monster Colours[413]: 0x20 //Lightning Sentry
    Monster Colours[417]: 0x20 //Death Sentry
    Monster Colours[352-354]: 0x20 //Hydra1-Hydra3 »ðÁúÒ»´Î3Í·£¬·Ö±ð¶ÔÓ¦1,2,3

    Monster Desc Colour: Red
    Enchantment Descs: 0
    Extra Strong Desc: "S"
    Extra Fast Desc: "F"
    Cursed Desc: "%2C"
    Magic Resistant Desc: "%8m"
    Fire Enchanted Desc: "%1FE"
    Lightning Enchanted Desc: "%9LE"
    Cold Enchanted Desc: "%3CE"
    Thief Desc: 0
    Mana Burn Desc: "%3MB"
    Teleportation Desc: "T"
    Spectral Hit Desc: "H"
    Stone Skin Desc: "%4SS"
    Multiple Shots Desc: "%12MS"
    Ghostly Desc: "Ghost"
    Fanatic Desc: "%11Fan"
    Possessed Desc: "Poss"
    Berserker Desc: "%4B"
    Champion Desc: 0

    // Auras Enhanted:
    Aura Descs : 0
    Might Aura Desc: "%4Aur"
    Holy Fire Aura Desc: "%1Fire"
    Blessed Aim Aura Desc: "%0Bless"
    Holy Freeze Aura Desc: "%3Freez"
    Holy Shock Aura Desc: "%9Shock"
    Conviction Aura Desc: "%1Conv"
    Fanaticism Aura Desc: "%5Fana"

    // Immunities:
    Immunity Descs : 0
    Physical Immunity Desc: "%4i"
    Magic Immunity Desc: "%8i"
    Fire Immunity Desc: "%1i"
    Lightning Immunity Desc: "%9i"
    Cold Immunity Desc: "%3i"
    Poison Immunity Desc: "%2i"

    Automap Chests Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Closed Chest Colour: 0x09
    Locked Chest Colour: 0x7a

    Automap Missiles Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE

    Missile Automaps[All]: 1 //Show all missiles on automap
    Missile Automaps[All Arrows]: 1 //Show all arrows on automap
    Missile Automaps[Firewall Missiles]: 1 //Show firewall/blaze on automap
    Missile Automaps[Frozen Orb Missiles]: 1 //Show frozen orb on automap

    Missile Colours[All][Owner None]: 0x50
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Self][Player]: 0x97
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Self][Monster]: 0xcb
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Party]: 0x84
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Hostile]: 0x62
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Hostile][All][True]: 0x5b
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Other]: 0x0a
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Dead]: -1

    Missile Colours[Vine Beast Death Missile][Owner Dead]: -2 //Hide on ground

    Ethereal Item Prefix: "Eth "
    Ethereal Item Postfix: ""
    Thanks a lot!
  16. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Hi there,
    You need to have
    Default Item Show Mode : 1
    to 1 not 0 then you can use this line Rejuv Pot Colours[1+]: Purple, -1

    There are a lot of settings in your config all over the place which is hard to keep up with, I will be honest you still have to add and edit a lot of lines to be close to be a decent config. I do recommend to have a look at my config http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/atox-sting-config.544865/ as you won't need to add anything just edit what items you want to be hidden/shown or you could choose a different one from our loot filter section http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/sting-maphack-loot-filters.544929/ but it will take you less time to edit the items that you want from mine rather than adding/removing from yours.
    Nopik likes this.
  17. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    In order for any change to take effect, you need to reload the config (and get a message on-screen saying that config was reloaded). Have you done that after each change?
    Now, for this line: Item Colours[2008-2009]: Purple, 0x0e, as far as I remember, the 0x0e part is telling the MH how to colour a certain item on the minimap, while Purple tells it how to show it on the main map.
    Personal advice: do this minimap recolouring with meaningful items, not full rejuvs.
    Atox likes this.
  18. Haisom

    Haisom Member

    Jan 13, 2021
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    I would like to add something. Please add next to VK_MENU on Section 5, that this key stands for ALT on Windows.
    This way we can set items names appearing more like Diablo 3.
    Perm Show Items Toggle: 1, VK_MENU
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2021
  19. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Hi there, section 5 is the d2hackmap.vcb from where the d2hackmap.cfg gets all the codes for items and others it is recommended to not modify any of the codes in there. You can put a note in your d2hackmap.cfg on this line Perm Show Items Toggle: 1, VK_MENU the key(VK_MENU) can be changed to other keys, here is an example from my config
    Perm Show Items Toggle: 1, VK_F //Permanent show items on the ground
    Kefflar32 likes this.
  20. Haisom

    Haisom Member

    Jan 13, 2021
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    Oh I didn't realize that was the actual content of the file! I just wanted to use the default Alt for toggling item names on ground but the VK_MENU works as ALT without any editing on the .vcb file. Had to do some research on programming to figure it out though lmao
    Maybe using this VK_MENU as an example in the guide would be great for beginners
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