
Guide STING Maphack Configuration Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Gix, May 8, 2016.

  1. Nalfgarsorc

    Nalfgarsorc Active Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    Well i were very unhappy with most of cfg files so i created my own but i tried upload multible times to upload cfg or zip both not allowed external upload also forbidden so i just place here the data from my file you just need replace it in your cfg file. (other solution would make me happier also but i dont see any)
    To disable a line just place // before start of line (like the line for spirit swords n such)
    Edited 40 lines fixed discriptions for easier understanding and added 32 socket lines cause even ancient eth armor can be used for eth bug dont get why only elite eth armor were in the cfg so far:

    Update: Translated the full file sorted the lines better added better descriptions added alot of items still missing and broke a few lines to diffrent lines to easier modify your need list.

    Xplain the Lines:
    Item Colours[156][2,3][1][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Grim Scythe NON ETH 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)

    156= Grim Scythe
    2,3 = 2 Normal / 3 Superior
    1 = Not Etheral
    5= 4 Sockets (count is allways -1) cause 1 mean clean = 0 Sockets
    8= Orange
    the 3 0x60 mean how the color is used at diffrent places.

    The counts can be looked up in the D2HackMap.vcb

    //Original Author typed here there is some Data about 2 txts and 1 jpg but cause he did in chinese or korean and my programs cant read it im unable to tell what it was//

    //---------------------General Things-----------------------------------------
    Show CFGCheck Info : 1 // Cant explain what those lines do
    Enable Language Check : 0 ¡¡// Cant explain what those lines do
    GameFilterSupport: 1 // show/hide filter box in "join games" section
    Localization Support: 1 // Cant explain what those lines do
    CFG Version Eng : "Recommend Cfg , Only for reference "
    CFG Version Chi : "ÍÆË]ÅäÖ㬃H¹©…¢¿¼ "
    FixSocketError: 1 //Cant explain what those lines do
    SocketTimeOutValue: 100 //Cant explain what those lines do
    //-------------------------------Key Setting-----------------------------

    Reload Config Key: VK_NUMPAD9 // Key to Reload Config from File
    Reveal Act Automap Key: VK_SUBTRACT // Key to Autoreveal Map
    Quick Exit Game Key: VK_OEM_MINUS // Key to leave game and save Game name in Cache (temporary save of Maphack)
    Quick Next Game Key: VK_OEM_PLUS // Key to leave game and set Game name +1 in Cache (temporary save of Maphack)
    Quick Next Game Key2: -1 // Key 2 to leave game and set Game name +1 in Cache (temporary save of Maphack)
    Quick Back To Town Key: VK_BACK // Key to do Portal and use it automatical
    Use Custom Font Toggle: 2, VK_9 // Dont know whats meaned here
    Auto Invite Toggle: 1, VK_U // Key to On/Off Autoinvite to Party
    Auto Party Toggle: 1, VK_U // Key to On/Off Autoaccept to Party
    Auto Loot Permit : 1, VK_NUMPAD4 // Key to On/Off allow Loot
    Wisper Notice Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD5 // Key to Show/Hide Whisper Notice
    View Equipment Key: VK_K // Key to Inspect Player Eqquipment
    View Player Stats Key: VK_OEM_2 // Key to Show/Hide Extra Stats
    First Player Stat Key: -1 // Key to select first extra stats
    Next Player Stat Key: VK_OEM_PERIOD // Key to scroll up the extra stats on stat screen
    Previous Player Stat Key: VK_OEM_COMMA // Key to scroll down the extra stats on stat screen
    Perm Show Items Toggle: 1, VK_F // Key to On/Off Permanent show Items
    Monster Resists Toggle: 1, VK_D // Key to Show/Hide Monster Resists
    Socket Protect Toggle: 1, VK_INSERT // Key to Allow/Forbid Place Something into an Socket
    View Socketables Toggle: 0, VK_J // Key to Show/Hide Possible Sockets on an Item
    Item Basic Stats Toggle: 0, VK_J // Key to Show/Hide Basic Item Bonuses (rune bonus or runeword bonuses)
    View Socket Base Items Toggle : 0 ,VK_J // Key to Show/Hide Basic Item Rune Bonuses (rune bonus or runeword bonuses)
    Item Value Toggle: 0, VK_V // Key to Show/Hide Item Prices
    Item Levels Toggle: 1, VK_L // Key to Show/Hide Itemlevel
    Show Item Variable Prop Toggle: 1, -1 // Key to Show/Hide Variable stats and reference em

    //Bug Dont know what that line do
    BugKD Toggle: 1, -1 , 2 //Dont know what that line do
    BugKM Toggle: 1, -1 , 2 //Dont know what that line do
    BugKB Toggle: 1, -1 , 2 //Dont know what that line do

    //Item Data
    Item QLevel Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD6 // Key to Show/Hide Item Quality Level
    Item MLevel Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD6 // Key to Show/Hide Item Magical Level
    Item ALevel Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD6 // Key to Show/Hide Affix Level
    Item After Cube Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD6 // Key to Show/Hide After Cube Level

    Hidden Items Toggle: 1, VK_CONTROL // Key to Show/Hide Hidden Items
    Switch Item Show Mode: VK_9 // Key to Switch Displaymode on and off
    Default Item Show Mode : 1 // Defines Default Show Mode
    Show Identified Item : 1, -1 // Defines to allways Show Identified Items
    Show Base Stat: 1, VK_OEM_4 // Key to Show/Hide Base Stats


    //-------------------General Game Settings-------------------------------------------------------
    Default Game Name: "" //The Preloaded Game name if you open
    Default Game Password: "" //The Preloaded Password name if you open
    ULC Mask Toggle: 1, -1 //Dont know what that line do
    Bug Auto Quit Toggle: 0, -1 //Defines Rule if you Want Autoquit if you Bug (like for Hardcore to dont die)
    Bug Alert Times: 3 //How often alert about Bug
    Townportal Nums Alert : 5 //Count when you get message cause you running outa Portal Scrolls
    Skip Quest Message: 8 //Duration till it Autoskip Quest Messages (Like Cain Speaking)

    Item ExtInfo Toggle : 0, -1 //On/Off Item Reference File
    Item ExtInfo File Eng: "ItemInfo_Eng.cfg" //Item Reference File Name for English Items
    Item ExtInfo File Chi: "ItemInfo_Chi.cfg" //Item Reference File Name for Chinese Items
    Default ExtInfo Colour : 8 //Default Reference Data Color

    State Monitor Toggle: 1 , -1 //Show/Hide Rest Duration of State Monitor
    //Defines How Skill and Shrine Bonuses are Displayed
    //State Monitor
    State Monitor[2] : 1 , "Poison" , "Öж¾"
    State Monitor[11] : 1 , "ColdSlow" , "±ùœpËÙ"
    State Monitor[61] : 1 , "LowerRes" , "½µµÍµÖ¿¹"
    State Monitor[62] : 1 , "OpenWound" , "³öѪ"
    State Monitor[60] : 1 , "Decrepify" , "Ë¥ÀÏ"
    State Monitor[1] : 1 , "Freeze" , "ƒö½Y"
    State Monitor[8] : 3 , "Salvation" , "¾ÈÖú"
    State Monitor[159] : 3 , "Fade" , "ÄÜÁ¿Ïû½â"
    State Monitor[149] : 3 , " OakSage" , "Oak¼ÓѪ"
    State Monitor[16] : 3 , "QH" , "Š»¯"
    State Monitor[10] : 3 , "FrozenArmor" , "±ù·âÑb¼×"
    State Monitor[20] : 3 , "ChillingArmor" , "º®±ùÑb¼×"
    State Monitor[88] : 3 , "ShiverArmor" , "Ëé±ù¼×"
    State Monitor[32] : 3 , " BattleOrders" , "BOѪ"
    State Monitor[51] : 3 , " BattleCommand" , "BO¼¼ÄÜ"
    State Monitor[26] : 3 , " Shout" , "BO·À"
    State Monitor[134] : 3 , "ShrineSkill" , "¼¼Äܘä"
    State Monitor[137] : 3 , "ShrineExp" , "½›òž˜ä"
    State Monitor[101] : 3 , "HolyShield" , "Â}¶Ü"

    Show Exp Toggle: 1, -1 , 2 //Show/Hide Expirience Data
    Show Ping Toggle: 1, -1 //Show/Hide Ping
    Out Town Select Toggle: 0, -1 //Show/Hide next region outa Town

    Kill Count Toggle: 1, -1, 3 //Show/Hide how much killed
    GetHit Count Toggle: 1, -1, 2 //Show/Hide how often Got Hit

    Show Base ED Toggle : 1, -1 //Show/Hide Base Enhanced Defense/Damage of an Item (Runeword Bases)
    Show Party Position Toggle: 1, -1 //Show/Hide Position of Team
    Show Party Level Toggle: 1, -1 //Show/Hide Level of Teammates

    Center Map Scroll Key: VK_PAUSE //Jumps you Back to Center Mark
    Scroll Map Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL //Marks Center on Map (You)
    Diagonal Scroll Toggle: 1, -1 //Dont know what that line do

    Scroll Mode: 2 //Allows you to alter the Scroll Method like 1 Numpad (offset) 2 arrows 3 Keys like HGTYN
    //Map Scroll Key1: VK_H // Centrate Map
    //Map Scroll Key2: VK_G
    //Map Scroll Key3: VK_T
    //Map Scroll Key4: VK_Y
    //Map Scroll Key5: VK_N

    //1,2,4 1-5 1+ ;
    Map Scroll Offset1[1-5]: 20, 12
    Map Scroll Offset2[1-5]: -20, 12
    Map Scroll Offset3[1-5]: -20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset4[1-5]: 20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset5[3]: -40, 10

    // µØͼÉϸ÷ÖÖͼ±êÏÔʾ
    Player Blob File: "blobplayer" // Poison Sound file for Player
    Monster Blob File: "blobmonster" // Poison Sound file for Monster
    Object Blob File: "blobchest" // Poison Sound file for Object
    Missile Blob File: "blobdot" // Poison Sound file for Missile
    Item Blob File: "blobitem" // Poison Sound file for Item
    Boss Blob File: "blobBoss" // Poison Sound file for Boss
    Npc Blob File: "blobNpc" // Poison Sound file for NPC
    My Blob File: "blobMe" // Poison Sound file for Self
    Corpse Blob File: "blobCorpse" // Poison Sound file for Corpse

    Full Visuals Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY //Show/Hide Full Visuals
    Weather Toggle: 0, VK_MULTIPLY //Show/Hide Weather
    Infravision Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY //On/Off Infravision
    Light Radius Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY //Show/Hide Light Radius
    Screen Shake Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY //On/Off Screen Shake (Diablo Spawn Effect)
    Chicken Life Action: 1 //exit game or back to town
    Chicken Life Toggle: 1, VK_OEM_7 //On/Off Chicken Life
    Chicken Hostile Toggle: 0, -1 //On/Off Chicken Hostile
    Chicken Hostile Nearby Toggle: 1, -1 //On/Off Chicken Nearby Hostile
    // һЩ¹ØÓÚÈçºÎ±£ÃüµÄÊý×Ö¶¨Ò壬HCÍæ¼ÒÒª³ä·ÖÀûÓÃ^^
    Chicken Life: 0 //Chicken With X Absolute Life left
    Chicken Life Percent: 30 //Chicken With X Percent Life left
    Chicken Hostile Life: 0 //Hostile Chicken With X Absolute Life left
    Chicken Hostile Life Percent: 80 //Hostile Chicken With X Percent Life left
    Chicken Hostile Nearby Life: 0 //Hostile Chicken With nearby X Absolute Life left
    Chicken Hostile Nearby Life Percent: 80 //Hostile Chicken With nearby X Percent Life left

    Reveal Level Automap Key: -1 //Default Key Reveal Level Automap Key
    Auto Reveal Act: 2 //Default Auto Reveal Act
    AutoMap Toggle: 1, -1 //On/Off Auto Reveal Map
    Auto Next Game Name: 1 //Create Next Game Name
    Auto Next Game Password: 1 //Create Next Game Password

    //Locale MPQ:"d2locale.mpq"
    Input Line Toggle: 1, -1 //Dont know what that line do

    //Extrawork Dll Action: 0 // extrawork.dll protect ,for Battle.Net
    //Version Checking Dll Action: 0 // keep loaded when logging into Battle.Net

    Enter Game Sound : 0 //Sound if you enter game
    Right Click Swap Toggle: 1, -1 //Defines Active and Inactive behavior for Right Click (Autoteleport)
    Ctrl Click Swap Toggle : 1 ,-1 //Defines Active and Inactive behavior for CTRL
    Quick Drop Toggle : 1 ,-1 //allow/refuse quick drop items (CTRL or left-right click) on ground

    Message Log Toggle: 2 //Messages from Maphack toward Player
    Message Log File Size : 1000 //Dont know what that line do

    Game Time Toggle: 1, -1 //Show Hide Time is passed since game were opened
    Clock Toggle: 1, -1 //Show Hide Local Time
    Layer Level No Toggle : 0, -1 //Dont know what that line do
    Server Ip Toggle: 1, -1 //Show/Hide Ip of the Server
    Area Level Toggle: 1, -1 //Show/Hide Area Level

    Automap Active Rooms Toggle: 0, -1 //Dont know what that line do
    Automap Ready Rooms Toggle: 0, -1 //Dont know what that line do
    Automap Screen Area Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL //Dont know what that line do

    Automap Active Rooms Colour: 0x77 //Dont know what that line do
    Automap Ready Rooms Colour: 0x77 //Dont know what that line do
    Automap Screen Area Colour: 0x55 //Color of Minimap
    Mini Shrines Toggle: 1, -1 //Show/Hide Shrines on Map

    Life Bar Transparency: 2 //Transparency of the Lifebar
    Life Bar Colour: 0x08 //Color of the Lifebar

    Perm Show Orbs Toggle: 1, -1 //Show/Hide Permanently Life/Mana Orbs

    // Dangerous Mobs like Black Soul..
    Dangerous Monster Action: back to town //Options are "exit game" or "back to town"
    Dangerous Monster Chicken Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD8
    //Activate/Deactivate Chicken action if dangerous mob near
    // resistance type can be one of fr, cr, lr, pr; resistance thresold ranges between -127 and 128
    // for example:
    Dangerous Monster[Burning Soul 2, Black Soul 2]: lr,-30 // fr, cr, lr, pr

    // ------------------------------------------------Map Discription Settings-----------------------------------------------

    Automap Level Names Toggle: 1, -1 //Show/Hide Level and Name of Regions on Minimap
    Level Name Colour: White //Color of the Name of the Next regions at stairs and doors and such
    Staff Tomb Level Desc: "%2<==Tomb Here" //Mark of the Right Tomb Act 2
    Minimap Size: 6 //Size of the Minimap
    Minimap Toggle: 1, -1 //Show/Hide Map
    Minimap Cell Colour: 0x84 //Color of Cell on Map
    // format: Minimap Cells[level number][cell no.1, cell no.2, ...] : 1 , color2 // 1 for enable, -1 for disable
    // example:
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Rogue Encampment][The Secret Cow Level]: 1 // Portal
    Minimap Cells[Blood Moor][Den of Evil]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Stony Field][Cairn Stone]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Black Marsh][Forgotten Tower]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Dark Wood][Tree of Inifuss]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 1][Tower Cellar Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 2][Tower Cellar Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 3][Tower Cellar Level 4]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 4][Tower Cellar Level 5]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tamoe Highland][Pit Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Pit Level 1][Pit Level 2]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 1][Jail Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 2][Jail Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 3][Inner Cloister]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 1][Catacombs Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Cold Plains][Crypt]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Barracks][316]: 1 //Gate
    Minimap Cells[Far Oasis][Maggot Lair Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 1][Maggot Lair Level 2]:1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 2][Maggot Lair Level 3]:1
    Minimap Cells[lost city][Claw Viper Temple Level 1] :1
    Minimap Cells[Lost City][Ancient Tunnels]: 1 ,0x62 //trap door
    Minimap Cells[Claw Viper Temple Level 1][Claw Viper Temple Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Arcane Sanctuary][Horazon's Journal]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Kurast Bazaar][Ruined Temple]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 1][Durance of Hate Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 2][Durance of Hate Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Flayer Jungle][315]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Plains of Despair][Izual on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[River of Flame][Hellforg on Minimap]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Crystalline Passage][Frozen River]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Frozen River][Anya on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[118][Arreat Summit]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Anguish][Halls of Pain]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Pain][Halls of Vaught]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Vaught][Nihlathak on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 1][Worldstone Keep Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 2][Worldstone Keep Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 3][Throne of Destruction]: 1

    //--------------------------Player Mob and Interactable color on map------------------------------
    Monster Death Anims[1+]: 1 //Show/Hide Mob Death Animations
    Monster Level Toggle: 1, -1 //Show/Hide Monster Level
    Monster TC Toggle: 1, -1 //Show/Hide Treasurer Class of Monsters
    Monster Rune TC Toggle: 0, -1 //Show/Hide Rune Treasurer Class of Monsters
    Monster HPPercent Toggle: 0, -1 //Show/Hide % on Lifebar of Monsters
    Monster Distance Toggle: 0, -1 //Show/Hide Near Monsters on Map
    Player Level Toggle: 0, -1 //Show/Hide Level of Player on Icon
    Player Distance Toggle: 0, -1 //Show/Hide Near Players on Map
    Player HPPercent Toggle: 0, -1 //Show/Hide % on Lifebar of Player
    Boss Name Toggle: 0, -1 //Show/Hide Boss Name

    Automap Party Default: 1 //Show/Hide Team on Map
    Automap Names Default: 1 //Show/Hide Names on Map

    Hidden Corpses Toggle: 0, -1 //Show/Hide Corpses
    Automap Corpses Toggle: 0, -1 //Show/Hide Corpses on Map
    //Normal Corpse Colour: 0x08 //Color of Corpses of Normal Monsters on Map
    //Boss Corpse Colour: 0x08 //Color of Corpses of Boss Monsters on Map
    //Minion Corpse Colour: 0x08 //Color of Corpses of Minion Monsters on Map
    //Champion Corpse Colour: 0x08 //Color of Corpses of Champion Monsters on Map
    //Monster Corpse Colours[0+]: 0x08 //Color of Corpscount Above x on Map
    //Monster Corpses[0+]: 1 //Show Corpse Count Above x on Map

    Party Player Text Colour: 2 //Color of Name on Map of Teammate Player
    Neutral Player Text Colour: 9 //Color of Name on Map of Neutral Player
    Hostile Player Text Colour: 1 //Color of Name on Map of Hostile Player
    Neutral Player Colour: 0x6f //Color on Map of Neutral Player
    Hostile Player Colour: 0x5b //Color on Map of Hostile Player
    Friend Minion Colour : 0x7f //Color on Map of Teammate Mercenary/Pet
    Player Minion Colour: 0xcb //Color on Map of Your Mercenary/Pet

    Automap Monsters Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE //Show/Hide Monsters on Map
    Normal Monster Colour: 0x62 //Color on Map of Normal Monsters
    Boss Monster Colour: 0x5b //Color on Map of Bosses like Diablo and Baal and Izual
    Minion Monster Colour: 0x66 //Color on Map of Minion Monsters
    Champion Monster Colour: 0x68 //Color on Map of Champion Monsters
    Act5 Barbarian Colour: 0x9f //Color on Map of Act5 Barbarian
    Super Unique Colour : 0x6f //Color on Map of Superuniq Mobs

    //Dangerous Maps so they Purple on Map
    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 1]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 2]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Gloam 1]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Gloam 2]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 1]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 2]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[734]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 1]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 2]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 3]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 4]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Frenzied Ice Spawn]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Tomb viper 1]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Tomb Viper 2]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Undead Soul Killer 2]: 0x9b //

    //Color of Hydra And Assassin Traps on Map
    Monster Colours[411]: 0x20 //wake of fire
    Monster Colours[412]: 0x20 //Charged Bolt Sentry
    Monster Colours[413]: 0x20 //Lightning Sentry
    Monster Colours[417]: 0x20 //Death Sentry
    Monster Colours[352-354]: 0x20 //Council and Baal Wave Hydras

    Monster Desc Colour: Red
    //The Color of xplain of mob abilities on Lifebar of Mob
    Enchantment Descs: 0
    //Down here you see shortcuts used on maps for mob abilities
    Extra Strong Desc: "S"
    Extra Fast Desc: "F"
    Cursed Desc: "%2C"
    Magic Resistant Desc: "%8m"
    Fire Enchanted Desc: "%1FE"
    Lightning Enchanted Desc: "%9LE"
    Cold Enchanted Desc: "%3CE"
    Thief Desc: 0
    Mana Burn Desc: "%3MB"
    Teleportation Desc: "T"
    Spectral Hit Desc: "H"
    Stone Skin Desc: "%4SS"
    Multiple Shots Desc: "%12MS"
    Ghostly Desc: 0
    Fanatic Desc: "%11F"
    Possessed Desc: 0
    Berserker Desc: "%4B"
    Champion Desc: 0
    // Auras Enhanted:¹â»·¸½×Å
    Aura Descs : 0
    Might Aura Desc: "%4a"
    Holy Fire Aura Desc: "%1a"
    Blessed Aim Aura Desc: "%0a"
    Holy Freeze Aura Desc: "%3a"
    Holy Shock Aura Desc: "%9a"
    Conviction Aura Desc: "%11a"
    Fanaticism Aura Desc: "%5a"
    // Immunities:ÃâÒßÊôÐÔ
    Immunity Descs : 0
    Physical Immunity Desc: "%4i"
    Magic Immunity Desc: "%8i"
    Fire Immunity Desc: "%1i"
    Lightning Immunity Desc: "%9i"
    Cold Immunity Desc: "%3i"
    Poison Immunity Desc: "%2i"

    //----------------------------------------------Show Specials on Map-------------------------------
    Automap Chests Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE //Show/Hide Chests on Map
    Closed Chest Colour: 0x09 //Color of not Opened Chests
    Locked Chest Colour: 0x97 //Color of not Locked Chests
    Automap Missiles Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE //Show/Hide Missile on Map
    Hostile Missile Colour: 0x62 //Color of Hostile Missiles
    Guided Missile Colour: 0x5b //Color of Target Finding Missiles
    Tracer Missile Colour: 0x97 //Color of Missiles with Effect
    Other Missile Colour: 0x84 //Color of other Missiles

    //Missile Colours[Firewall, FireSmall, FireMedium]: -2 //Skills
    //Missile Colours[FrozenOrbBolt, FrozenOrbNova]: -2
    Missile Colours[All Arrows]: -2
    Missile Colours[BattleOrders,BattleCommand,BattleCry,Shout,warcry,Howl]: -2
    Missile Colours[BoneSpear]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[teeth]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[BoneSpirit]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[PoisonNova]: 0x84
    Missile Colours[BlessedHammer 1]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[Tornado,Twister]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[BladeFury1, BladeFury2, BladeFury3, BladeFragment1, BladeFragment2, BladeFragment3]: 0x20


    //-------------------------------------------General Toggles---------------------------------------

    Automap Items Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE // Show/Hide Items on Map
    Rune Numbers Toggle: 1, -1 // Show/Hide Rune Number (Numbers Listed Under Misc)
    Socket Numbers Toggle: 1, -1 // Show/Hide Possible Sockets on Items
    Unit Numbers Toggle: 0, -1 // Show/Hide Unit Numbers
    Item Indexs Toggle: 0, -1 // Dont know what this line do
    Item FileIndexs Toggle: 0, -1 // Dont know what this line do
    Item Life Per Level Toggle: 1,-1 // Show in Item Delve the Life Per Level Count
    Quest Item Colour: 4 // Color of Quest items like Potion for Anya

    Ethereal Item Prefix: "[Eth]" // Word at Start of Item to Mark its Etheral
    Ethereal Item Postfix: "" // Word at End of Item to Mark its Etheral

    Good Gold Number: 2000 // Show Goldpiles that are Same or Bigger then Listed
    Good Gold Colour: 0 // Change Count to make Goldpiles visible on map
    Poor Gold Colour: -1,-2,-2,-2 // What to do With smaller piles? (-1 = Hide)
    Item Hide Lvl[0+][0+]: 0 // ÎïÆ·ÏÔʾ¼¶±ðÏÂÏÞ


    //×ÊÁÏƬ, ģʽ1 µ¥ÈËmf ģʽ2 open room , ģʽ3 pass


    //The Following 4 Lines Define Standarts for Items not listed anywhere else in here//

    Item Colours[0+][1-4]: -1,-2,-2,-2 //All Low Normal High Quality and Magic items
    Item Colours[0+][7]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //All Uniq Items
    Item Colours[0+][6]: -1,-2,-2,-2 //All Rare Items
    Item Colours[0+][5]: 10,-1,-2,-2 //All Set Items

    // Uniq Items (Armor) //
    Item Colours[1055,1125][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Skin of ViperMage Serpentskin
    Item Colours[1127][7][2]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //ETH Gladiator Bane Wire Fleece
    Item Colours[1116][7]: 7,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Griffon's Eye Diadem
    Item Colours[1123][7][2]: 7,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Andariel's Visage Demonhead
    Item Colours[1122][7]: 7,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Crown of Ages Corona
    Item Colours[1151][7]: 7,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Sandstorm Trek Scarabshell Boots
    Item Colours[1137][7]: 7,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Templar's Might or Tyrael's Might Sacred Armor
    Item Colours[1062][7][2]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //ETH Skullder's Ire Russet Armor
    Item Colours[1157][7]: 7,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Verdungo's Hearty Cord Mithril Coil
    Item Colours[1060,1130][7][2]:-1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //ShaftStop Mesh Armor
    Item Colours[1172][7][2]: 7,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Arreat's Face Slayer Guard
    Item Colours[1121][7]: 7,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Nightwing's Veil Spired Helm
    Item Colours[1154][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Shadow Dancer Myrmidon Greaves
    Item Colours[1061,1131][7][2]: 7,0x63,0x63,0x63 //ETH Duriels Shell Cuirass or Great Hauberk
    Item Colours[1176][7]: 7,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Herald Of Zakarum Gilded Shield
    Item Colours[1090,1160][7][2]:-1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Vampire Gaze Grim Helm

    Item Colours[1032][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //MageFist Light Gauntlets
    Item Colours[1146][7]: 7, -1 , -1 , -1 //Dracul's Grasp Vampirebone Gloves
    Item Colours[1084][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Gore Rider War Boots
    Item Colours[1083][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //War Traveler Battle Boots
    Item Colours[1081][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Waterwalk Sharkskin-Boots
    Item Colours[1115][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Kira's Guardian Tiara
    Item Colours[1152][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Marrowwalk Boneweave Boots
    Item Colours[1155][7]: 7, -1 , -1 , -1 //Arachnid Mesh Spiderweb Sash
    Item Colours[1117][7]: 7, -1 , -1 , -1 //Harlequin Crest Shako
    Item Colours[1142][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //StormShield Monarch
    Item Colours[1132][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Arkaine's Valor Balrog Skin

    Item Colours[1031][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Chance Guards Chain Gloves
    Item Colours[1063][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Guardian angel Templar Coat
    Item Colours[1068][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Que-Hegan's Wisdom Mage Plate
    Item Colours[1082][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Silkweave Mesh Boot
    Item Colours[1085][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //String Of Ears Demonhide Sash
    Item Colours[1086][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Razortail Sharkskin Belt
    Item Colours[1089][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //ThunderGod's War Belt
    Item Colours[1091][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Lidless Wall Grim Shield
    Item Colours[1140][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Blackoak Shield Luna
    Item Colours[1156][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Nosferatu's Coil Vampirefang Belt
    Item Colours[1202][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Darkforce Spawn Bloodlord Skull
    Item Colours[1189][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Wolfhowl Fury Visor
    Item Colours[1194][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Alma Negra Sacred Rondache
    Item Colours[1134][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Leviathan Kraken Shell
    Item Colours[1149][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Steelrend Ogre Gauntlets
    Item Colours[1136][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Steel Carapace Shadow Plate
    Item Colours[1124][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Ormus' Robes Dusk-Shroud

    // Uniq Items (Weapons) //

    Item Colours[149,252][7][2]:-1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //ETH Hone Sundan Yari
    Item Colours[296][7][2]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //ETH Titan's Revenge Ceremonial Javelin
    Item Colours[147,250][7][2]:-1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //ETH Kelpie Snare Exceptional or Elite
    Item Colours[301][7]: 7,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Death's Fathom Dimensional Shard
    Item Colours[257][7][2]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //ETH Tomb Reaver Cryptic Axe
    Item Colours[256][7][2]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //ETH The Reaper's Toll Thresher
    Item Colours[210][7]: 7,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Death's Web Unearthed Wand
    Item Colours[298][7]: 7,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Eschuta's Temper Eldritch-Orb
    Item Colours[264][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Mang Song's Lesson Archon Staff

    Item Colours[212][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Heaven's Light or The Redeemer Mighty Scepter
    Item Colours[235][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //The Grandfather Colossus Blade
    Item Colours[201][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Death Cleaver Berserker Axe
    Item Colours[218][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Stormlash Scourge
    Item Colours[271][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Widowmaker Ward Bow
    Item Colours[272][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Windforce Hydra Bow

    Item Colours[107][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Blackhand Key Grave Wand
    Item Colours[122][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Blade Of Ali Baba Tulwar
    Item Colours[172][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Buriza-Do Kyanon Ballista
    Item Colours[188][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Bartuc's Cut-Throat Greater Talons
    Item Colours[204][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //HellSlayer Decapitator
    Item Colours[205][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Messerschmidt's Reaver Champion Axe
    Item Colours[219][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Shaefer's Hammer Legendary Mallet
    Item Colours[221][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //The Cranium Basher Thunder Maul
    Item Colours[226][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Azurewrath or Light Sabre Phase Blade
    Item Colours[233][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //DoomBringer Champion Sword
    Item Colours[236][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Wizard Spike Bone Knife
    Item Colours[259][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //StormSpire Giant Thresher
    Item Colours[270][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //EagleHorn Crusader Bow
    Item Colours[291][7]: 7, -1 , -2 , -2 //The Oculus Swirling Crystal
    Item Colours[247][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Wraith Flight Ghost Glaive
    Item Colours[253][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Steel Pillar War Pike
    Item Colours[209][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Boneshade Lich Wand
    Item Colours[169][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Goldstrike Arch Gothic Bow
    Item Colours[243][7][2]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //ETH Lacerator Winged Axe
    Item Colours[242][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Warshrike Winged Knife
    Item Colours[214][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Astreon's Iron Ward Caduceus
    Item Colours[254][7][2]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //ETH Bonehew Ogre Axe

    // Set Items //
    Item Colours[1135][5]: 2,0x84,0x84,0x84 //Tal Rasha's GuardianShip Lacquered Plate
    Item Colours[1116][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //M'avina's True Sight Diadem
    Item Colours[1122][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Griswold's Valor Corona
    Item Colours[1136][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Aldur's Deception Shadow Plate
    Item Colours[1137][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Immortal King's Soul Cage Sacred Armor
    Item Colours[1158][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Trang-Oul's Girth Troll Belt
    Item Colours[1160][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Trang-Oul's Guise Bone Visage
    Item Colours[1077][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 // Trang-Oul's claws Heavy Bracers
    Item Colours[1197][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Griswold's Honor Vortex Shield
    Item Colours[196][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Natalya's Mark Scissors Suwayyah
    Item Colours[214][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Griswold's Redemption Caduceus
    Item Colours[229][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian Mythical Sword
    Item Colours[235][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge Colossus Blade
    Item Colours[303][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //M'avina's Caster Grand Matron Bow
    Item Colours[1039][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Death's Hand Sash
    Item Colours[1029][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Death's Hand Leather Gloves

    // Misc Items //

    Item Colours[2136]: -1,0x4b,0x4b,0x4b //Jewels
    Item Colours[2136][7]: -1,0x20,0x20,0x20 //Rainbow Facets
    item Colours[2096-2098]: 11,0x9b,0x9b,0x9b //All Charms
    item Colours[2096-2098][7]: -1,0x20,0x20,0x20 //Annilus, Torch, Gheed

    Rune Colours[1-14]: 9,-1,-1,-1 // 0=White 1=Red 2=Green 3=Blue 4=Dark Gold 5=Grey 6=Nothing 7=Light Gold 8=orange 9=Yellow
    Rune Colours[15-17]: 9,-1,-1,-1 //4,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,20,21
    Rune Colours[18-23]: 2,-1,-1,-1 //4,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,20,21
    Rune Colours[24+]: 8,0x63,0x63,0x63 //High Runes

    //Rune Colours[1-14]: 9,-1,-1,-1 // 0=White 1=Red 2=Green 3=Blue 4=Dark Gold 5=Grey 6=Nothing 7=Light Gold 8=orange 9=Yellow
    //Rune Colours[15-19]: 9,-1,-1,-1 //4,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,20,21
    //Rune Colours[20-21]: 2,-1,-1,-1 //4,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,20,21
    //Rune Colours[22+]: 8,0x63,0x63,0x63 //High Runes

    //Rune Explain: //
    //Lowest counting up: El Eld Tir Nef Eth Ith Tal Ral Ort Thul Amn Sol Shael Dol Hel Io Lum Ko Fal Lem Pul Um Mal Ist Gul Vex Ohm Lo Sur Ber Jah Cham Zod //
    //Representing Count: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 //

    // Rare Items //

    Item Colours[1113-1116][6]: -1,0x6f,0x6f,0x6f //Skill Circlets: Circlet, Coronet, Tiara and Diadem

    Item Colours[1034-1038][6]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //Normal Boots
    Item Colours[1080-1084][6]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //Exceptional Boots
    Item Colours[1150-1154][6]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //Elite Boots
    Item Colours[1029-1033][6]: -1,-1,-1,-1 //Normal Gloves
    Item Colours[1075-1079][6]: -1,-1,-1,-1 //Exceptional Gloves
    Item Colours[1145-1149][6]: -1,-1,-1,-1 //Elite Gloves
    Item Colours[1039-1043][6]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //Normal Belts
    Item Colours[1085-1089][6]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //Exceptional Belts
    Item Colours[1155-1159][6]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //Elite Belts
    Item Colours[277-281][6]: -1, -1 ,-2, -1 //Normal Sorcereress Orbs
    Item Colours[287-291][6]: -1, -1 ,-2, -1 //Exceptional Sorcereress Orbs
    Item Colours[297-301][6]: -1, -1 ,-2, -1 //Elite Sorcereress Orbs
    //Item Colours[11-14][6]: -1,0x6f,-2,-2 //Normal Necromancer Wands
    //Item Colours[104-107][6]: -1,0x6f,-2,-2 //Exceptional Necromancer Wands
    //Item Colours[207-210][6]: -1,0x6f,-2,-2 //Elite Necro Wands

    Item Colours[176-196][6]: -1,-1,-1,-1 //Assassin Claws

    //Rare Weapons//

    Item Colours[1-10,15-39,53-80,94-103,108-132,148-173,176-206,211-235,253-283,292-296,302-306][6]: -1,0x6f,0x6f,0x6f //Can be better then Grief

    // Magical Items //

    Item Colours[1113-1116][4]: -1,-1,-1,-1,-1 //Circlet
    //Item Colours[1113-1116][4]: 3,-1,-1,-1,-1 //Circlet
    Item Colours[1142][4]: -1,-1,-1,-1,-1 //Monarch
    //Item Colours[1142][4]: 3,0x97,0x97,0x97 //Monarch
    //Item Colours[1142][3][1,2][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 // Monarch line for comparison
    Item Colours[1124-1127,1131,1138][4]: -1,-1,-1,-1,-1 //elite Armours
    //Item Colours[1124-1127,1131,1138][4]: 3,0x97,0x97,0x97 //elite Armours
    Item Colours[176-196][4]: -1,-1,-1,-1 //Assassin-Katars
    Item Colours[277-281][4]: -1,-1,-2,-1 //Sorceress-Orbs
    Item Colours[287-291][4]: -1,-1,-2,-1 //Sorceress-Orbs
    Item Colours[297-301][4]: -1,-1,-2,-1 //Sorceress-Orbs
    Item Colours[1098-1102,1168-1172,1188-1192][2,3][1,2][1,4]: 1,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Barbarian-Helms
    Item Colours[1098-1102,1168-1172,1188-1192][4]: -1,-1,-1,-1 //Barbarian-Helms

    // Craft Items //

    //Blood Recipe:
    Item Colours[1076][4]: -1,-1,-2,-2 // Sharkskin Gloves
    Item Colours[1146][4]: -1,-1,-2,-2 // Vampirebone Gloves
    //Mage Recipe:
    Item Colours[1086][4]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //Sharkskin-Belt
    Item Colours[1156][4]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //Vampirefang-Belt

    // Sockable Items //

    //Starter Items Start//

    //Level 9 PvP Helmets//

    //Item Colours[1098-1102][3][1][1,4]: 8,0x35,0x35,0x35 //Superior Barbarian (Normal) Helmet 0 or 3 Sockets
    //Item Colours[1098-1102][3][2][1,4]: 8,0x35,0x35,0x35 //ETH Superior Barbarian (Normal) Helmet 0 or 3 Sockets
    //Item Colours[1004-1006][3][1][1,4]: -1,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Superior Great Helm, Crown and Mask 0 or 3 Sockets
    //Item Colours[1004-1006][3][2][1,4]: -1,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Superior Great Helm, Crown and Mask 0 or 3 Sockets

    //Level 9 PvP Armor //

    //Item Colours[1019-1021][3][1][1,4]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Superior Gothic Plate, Full Plate Mail and Ancient Armor 0 or 4 Sockets
    //Item Colours[1019-1021][3][2][1,4]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //ETH Superior Gothic Plate, Full Plate Mail and Ancient Armor 0 or 4 Sockets

    //Level 9 PvP Shields //

    //Item Colours[1025-1028][3][1][1,4]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Superior Shields (Normal) 0 or 3 Sockets
    //Item Colours[1025-1028][3][2][1,4]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //ETH Superior Shields (Normal) 0 or 3 Sockets
    //Item Colours[1103-1107][3][1][1,5]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Superior Paladin Shields (Normal) 0 or 4 Sockets
    //Item Colours[1103-1107][3][2][1,5]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //ETH Superior Paladin Shields (Normal) 0 or 4 Sockets

    //Level 9 PvP Weapons //

    //Item Colours[5][3][1][1,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Superior War Axe 0 and 6 Sockets
    //Item Colours[30][3][1][1,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Superior Crystal Sword 0 and 6 Sockets
    //Item Colours[5][3][2][1,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Superior War Axe 0 and 6 Sockets
    //Item Colours[30][3][2][1,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Superior Crystal Sword 0 and 6 Sockets
    //Item Colours[39][3][1][1,5,6,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Great Sword 4 and 5 and 6 Sockets
    //Item Colours[39][3][2][1,5,6,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Great Sword 4 and 5 and 6 Sockets
    //Item Colours[18][1,2,3][1,2][1,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //War Scepter 0 and 5 Sockets

    //Low Helmet Bases//
    //Item Colours[1113-1116][3]: -1,-1,-1,-1 //Circlet, Coronet, Tiara and Diadem
    Item Colours[1052,1053,1090,1115.1116,1123,1160][3][1][1,4]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Grand Crown, Death Mask, Grim Helm, Coronet, Diadem, DemonHead, Bone Visage 0 or 3 Sockets (Dream)
    Item Colours[1052,1053,1090,1115.1116,1123,1160][3][2][1,4]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Grand Crown, Death Mask, Grim Helm, Coronet, Diadem, DemonHead, Bone Visage 0 or 3 Sockets (Dream)
    Item Colours[1051,1121,1122][3][1][1,4]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Merc Only Winged Helm, Spired Helm, Corona, 0 or 3 Sockets(Dream)
    Item Colours[1051,1121,1122][3][2][1,4]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Eth Merc Only Winged Helm, Spired Helm, Corona, 0 or 3 Sockets (Dream)

    //Low Weapon Bases//

    Item Colours[5][1,2,3][1][1,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //War Axe 0 and 6 Sockets (Gold Barbarian Weapon)
    Item Colours[5][1,2,3][2][1,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH War Axe 0 and 6 Sockets (Gold Barbarian Weapon)
    Item Colours[30][1,2,3][1][1,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Crystal Sword 0 and 6 Sockets (Gold Barbarian Weapon)
    Item Colours[30][1,2,3][2][1,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Crystal Sword 0 and 6 Sockets (Gold Barbarian Weapon)
    Item Colours[22][1,2,3][1][5,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Flail 4 Sockets (Heart of the Oak)
    Item Colours[22][1,2,3][2][5,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Flail 4 Sockets (Heart of the Oak)
    Item Colours[5,22,30][1,2,3][1][0,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Flail, War Axe and Crystal Sword 0 and 5 Sockets (Call to Arms)
    Item Colours[5,22,30][1,2,3][2][0,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Flail, War Axe and Crystal Sword 0 and 5 Sockets (Call to Arms)

    //Item Colours[30][1,2,3][1][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Crystal Sword 4 Sockets (Spirit)
    //Item Colours[30][1,2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Crystal Sword 4 Sockets (Spirit)
    //Item Colours[31][1,2,3][1][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Broad Sword 4 Sockets (Spirit)
    //Item Colours[31][1,2,3][2][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Broad Sword 4 Sockets (Spirit)
    //Item Colours[32][1,2,3][1][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Long Sword 4 Sockets (Spirit)
    //Item Colours[32][1,2,3][2][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Long Sword 4 Sockets (Spirit)

    //Item Colours[59][2,3][2][1,5,6,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Voulge ETH (Insight)
    //Item Colours[59][2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Voulge 4s ETH (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[61][2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Polaxe 4s ETH (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[62][2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Halberd 4s ETH (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[63][2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //War Scythe 4s ETH (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[152][2,3][2][1,5,6,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Bill ETH (Insight)
    //Item Colours[152][2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Bill ETH 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[153][2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Battle ETH Scythe 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[154][2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Partizan 4s ETH (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[155][2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Bec de Corbin 4s ETH (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[156][2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Grim Scythe 4s ETH (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[59][2,3][1][1,5,6,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Voulge NON ETH (Insight)
    //Item Colours[59][2,3][1][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Voulge NON ETH 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[61][2,3][1][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Polaxe NON ETH 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[62][2,3][1][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Halberd NON ETH 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[63][2,3][1][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //War Scythe NON ETH 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[152][2,3][1][1,5,6,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Bill NON ETH (Insight)
    //Item Colours[152][2,3][1][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Bill NON ETH 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[153][2,3][1][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Battle Scythe NON ETH 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[154][2,3][1][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Partizan NON ETH 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[155][2,3][1][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Bec de Corbin NON ETH 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)
    //Item Colours[156][2,3][1][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Grim Scythe NON ETH 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s) (Insight)

    //Elite Armor //

    Item Colours[1138][3][1][1,4,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 // Archon-Plate
    Item Colours[1138][1,2][1][1,4]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 // Archon-Plate
    Item Colours[1124,1125,1127,1131][3][1][1,4,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Dusk Shroud, Wyrmhide, Wire-Fleece, Great-Hauberk
    Item Colours[1019,1020,1021,1065,1066,1067][2,3][2][1]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Bug Gothic Plate, Full Plate Mail, Ancient Armor, Embossed Plate, Chaos Armor, Ornate Plate
    Item Colours[1019,1020,1021,1065,1066,1067][2,3][2][5]: 8, -1 , -1 , -1 //ETH 4s Gothic Plate, Full Plate Mail, Ancient Armor, Embossed Plate, Chaos Armor, Ornate Plate
    Item Colours[1124,1125,1135,1137,1138][2,3][2][1]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Bug Dusk Shroud, Lacquered-Plate,Sacred-Armor, Archon-Plate
    Item Colours[1124,1125,1135,1137,1138][2,3][2][5]: 8, -1 , -1 , -1 //ETH 4s Dusk Shroud, Lacquered-Plate,Sacred-Armor, Archon-Plate
    Item Colours[1137][2,3][2][4]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //3s Bug SA+ Sacred-Armor

    //Elite Shield //

    Item Colours[1142][3][1,2][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 // Monarch
    Item Colours[1142][2][2][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //4s Monarch ETH
    Item Colours[1142][2][1][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //4s Monarch

    //Elite Weapon //

    Item Colours[252,253][3][2][1,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Ghost Spear, War Pike (Breath of the Dying)
    Item Colours[226][3][1,2][6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Phase Blade 5 Sockets (Grief Base)
    Item Colours[226][1,2][1,2][6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Phase Blade 5 Sockets (Smiter Grief Base)
    Item Colours[226][3][1,2][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Phase Blade 4 Sockets
    Item Colours[235][3][1,2][1,5,6,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Colossus Blade 4 and 5 and 6 Sockets (Breath of the Dying and others)
    Item Colours[234][3][1,2][5,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Colossus Sword 4 and 5 Sockets
    Item Colours[201][3][1][1,5,6,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Berserker Axe 4 and 5 and 6 Sockets (Breath of the Dying and others)
    Item Colours[201][2,3][2][1,5,6,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Berserker Axe 4 and 5 and 6 Sockets (Breath of the Dying and others)
    Item Colours[270,272,268][3][1][1,7]: -1,-1 , -2 , -2 //Crusader Bow, Great Bow, Hydra Bow 0 and 6 Sockets

    //PVP Enigma //

    Item Colours[1068][3][1][1,4]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Superior Mage-Plate 0 or 3 Sockets
    Item Colours[1124][3][1][1,4]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Superior Dusk Shroud 0 or 3 Sockets
    Item Colours[1124][3][1][1,4]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Superior Wyrmhide 0 or 3 Sockets

    //Class Items//

    Item Colours[18][1,2,3][1,2][1,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //War Scepter 0 and 5 Sockets (Paladin Runeword Skill Scepter)
    Item Colours[111][1,2,3][1,2][1,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Divine Scepter 0 and 5 Sockets (Paladin Runeword Skill Scepter)
    Item Colours[214][1,2,3][1,2][1,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Caduceus 0 and 5 Sockets (Paladin Runeword Skill Scepter)

    //Item Colours[1103-1107][2,3][1][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Paladin Shields (Normal) 0 or 4 Sockets
    //Item Colours[1103-1107][2,3][1][4]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Paladin Shields (Normal) 3 Sockets

    Item Colours[1098-1102][2,3][1][1,4]: 1,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Barbarian Helmet (Normal) 0 or 3 Sockets (Delirium BO Barbarian)
    Item Colours[1168-1169][2,3][1][1,4]: 1,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Barbarian Helmet (Exceptional) 0 or 3 Sockets (Delirium BO Barbarian)
    Item Colours[1188-1192][2,3][1][1,4]: 1,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Barbarian Helmet (Elite) 0 or 3 Sockets (Delirium BO Barbarian)
    Item Colours[1098-1102][2,3][2][1,4]: 1,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Barbarian Helmet (Normal) 0 or 3 Sockets (Delirium BO Barbarian)
    Item Colours[1168-1169][2,3][2][1,4]: 1,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Barbarian Helmet (Exceptional) 0 or 3 Sockets (Delirium BO Barbarian)
    Item Colours[1188-1192][2,3][2][1,4]: 1,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Barbarian Helmet (Elite) 0 or 3 Sockets (Delirium BO Barbarian)

    Item Colours[1193-1197][2,3][1][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Paladin Shields (Elite) 0 or 4 Sockets
    Item Colours[1193-1197][2,3][1][4]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Paladin Shields (Elite) 3 Sockets
    Item Colours[1193-1197][2,3][2][1]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Paladin Shields
    Item Colours[1193-1197][2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH Paladin Shields 4 Sockets

    Item Colours[302,303][3][1][5]: 1,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Matriarchal Bow and Grand Matron Bow 4 Sockets
    Item Colours[190,195,196][1,2,3][1,2][1,4]: 1,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Suwayyah and Scissors Suwayyah and Runic Talons 0 and 3 Sockets
    Item Colours[105-107,207-210][2,3][1,2][1,3]: 1,-1,-2,-2 //All Kind of Necromancer Wands 0 and 2 Sockets
    Item Colours[1108-1112,1178-1182,1198-1202][2,3][1,2][1,3]: 1,-1,-2,-2 //All Kind of Necromancer Heads 0 and 2 Sockets

    //Act 2 Merc Weapons//

    Item Colours[255][2,3][2][1,5,6,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Colossus Voulge ETH
    Item Colours[255][2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Colossus Voulge 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s)
    Item Colours[256][2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Thresher 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s)
    Item Colours[257][2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Cryptic Axe 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s)
    Item Colours[258][2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Great Poleaxe 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s)
    Item Colours[259][2,3][2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Giant Thresher 4s (4th Brackets are the sockets 1=0s 5=4s)
    Item Colours[256,257,258,259][1,2,3][2][1,6,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Thresher, Cryptic Axe, Great Poleaxe, Giant Thresher 0 and 5 and 6 Sockets

    //Hide Items//

    Item Hide Lvl[22,30-32,226][1-3]: 25 //Hides Crystal Sword, Phase Blade and Flail that cant have more then 3 Sockets
    Item Hide Lvl[59-63][1-3]: 25 //Hides Normal Polearms that cant have more then 3 Sockets
    Item Hide Lvl[152-156][1-3]: 25 //Hides Exceptional Polearms that cant have more then 3 Sockets
    Item Hide Lvl[1103-1107][1-3]: 25 //Hides Paladin Shields (Normal) that cant have more then 3 Sockets

    // Other Misc and Craft Mats //

    Item Colours[2013,2015][4]: 3,-1,-1,-1 // Magic Amulet
    Item Colours[2013,2015][6]: -1,0x6f,0x6f,0x6f // Rare Amulet
    Item Colours[2013,2015][7]: -1,0x20,0x20,0x20 // Unique Amulet
    //Item Hide Lvl[2013][6,8]: 90 //Hide Rare and Set Amulets that are under level 90
    Item Colours[2015][5]: 10,-1 , -1 , -1 // Set Ring Angelic
    Item Colours[2013][5]: 2,0x20,0x20,0x20 // Set Amulet Talrasha or Angelic
    Item Colours[2013,2015][8]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 // Crafted Amulet

    Item Colours[2089]: -1, -2 , -2 , -1 // Super Mana Potion
    Item Colours[2084]: -1, -2 , -2 , -1 // Super Healing Potion
    item Colours[2022]: -1, -2 , -2 , -1 // Scroll of Town Portal
    item Colours[2011,2012]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 // Tome of Town Portal,Tome of Town Identify
    item Colours[2008,2009]: 11, -1 , -1 , -1 // Rejuvenation Potion, Full Rejuvenation Potion

    item Colours[LGem]: -1, -1 , -2 , -1 //Chipped Flawed Normal Gems
    item Colours[HGem]: 1,0x62,0x62,0x62 //¸Flawless Perfekt Gems
    Item Colours[2142]: 7,0xDA,0xDA,0xDA // Key of Terror
    Item Colours[2141]: 7,0xDA,0xDA,0xDA // Key of Hate
    Item Colours[2140]: 7,0xDA,0xDA,0xDA // Key of Destruction
    Item Colours[2145]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f // Mephisto's Brain
    Item Colours[2144]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f // Diablo's Horn
    Item Colours[2143]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f // Baal's Eye
    Item Colours[2146]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Token of Absolution
    Item Colours[2147]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Twisted Essence of Suffering
    Item Colours[2148]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Charged Essense of Hatred
    Item Colours[2149]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Burning Essence of Terror
    Item Colours[2150]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Festering Essence of Destruction

    //Quest Items
    Item Colours[89]: 4,0x62,0x62,0x62 //Wirrets Leg
    Item Colours[2017,2018,90]: 4, 0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Act1
    Item Colours[2045,2042,93,2014,92]: 4, 0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Act2
    Item Colours[88,2038,2039,2040,2041,2046,2047,2048,174,175]: 4, 0x1f,0x1f,0x1f//Act3
    Item Colours[2044,91]: 4, 0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Act4
    Item Colours[2137,2139]: 4, 0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Act5
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017
  2. aBUCHa

    aBUCHa Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2016
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    Why did change the download version integrated v2
    old version (~one year early) did not have any problems
    i make 99lvl in 8 windows + torrent + ,music and more, no freezes
    Also he had a dark icon in topic
    NEW version in me, i have little freez and lag
    Today i talk in one man he have some problem.
    pls turn back old version mh on choose for new players who not have old mh.
    Also the old version mh had a better view of the minimap
    i post pic on old version for understand

    add: i personaly tested many times reinstall game, new ver mh vs old mh

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 18, 2017
    Minty likes this.
  3. PeaceMaker

    PeaceMaker Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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  4. PeaceMaker

    PeaceMaker Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    I have that line in my cfg
    Item Colours[30][2][2][1,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Crystal Sword ETH

    that means that I should see all eth crystal sword with 0 and 5 socket
    but when i press CTR to hide items I still don't see eth cs with 0 socket
    any clue?
  5. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Item Colours[Crystal Sword][2,3][Ethereal][1,6]: RED, 0x0e// Crystal Sword for CTA

    If im not mistaken this should be code for eth crystal swords 0-5 socks
  6. PeaceMaker

    PeaceMaker Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    Still not working, only the color of the item changed to red.
    I do not know why the CTR hides these items when pressed. Unique does not hide.
  7. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Item Colours[Crystal Sword][2,3][Ethereal, Real][1,6]: RED, 0x0e// Crystal Sword for CTA

    This code is taken straight from the guide on page 1.
    It should show eth and non eth crystal swords 0-5 socks.
    If this code doesnt work either, then you doing something wrong
    Nopik likes this.
  8. PeaceMaker

    PeaceMaker Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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  9. PeaceMaker

    PeaceMaker Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    Can you upload your version of MH?
  10. Nopik

    Nopik Game Master

    Dec 13, 2014
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    Item Colours[30][2,3][2][1,6]: 2, 0x0e //ETH Crystal Sword for CTA colored light green
    If this doesnt work you must do something wrong. Maybe you have somewhere in your cfg other commad for crystal sword. That command can contain a number 30 or a range of numbers that also includes 30.
    Hope i help
    edit : maybe this will help you understand too : http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/mh-socketed-items-filter.540433/#post-798320
  11. Nalfgarsorc

    Nalfgarsorc Active Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    The Line:
    Item Colours[30][2][2][1,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Crystal Sword ETH

    30 = Crystal Sword
    2 = Normal
    2 = Etheral
    1,6 = 0 or 5 Sockets

    So it Should work but the thing is there 1 rule that make that not fully working if you farm for example nightmare cow.
    Item Hide Lvl[30,226,22][2]: 88
    Cause it hide all items under an given level

    On other hand i know you know it but i still say if // infront of line the line is disabled.
  12. Nalfgarsorc

    Nalfgarsorc Active Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    Reworked the CFG i posted above (edited the post)
    To get rid of all non understandable lines
    Now it should be very easy understandable but a few lines i were clueless what they do so i just did //Dont know what that line do
    But it should help you very well to get into the maphack configuration.
  13. Nalfgarsorc

    Nalfgarsorc Active Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    Thanks to Nopik i added his //xplains to 2 more lines.
    Messed Up the Hide line at start fixed it now.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
    Vyiar likes this.
  14. Nalfgarsorc

    Nalfgarsorc Active Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    At start of this side i posted my d2hackmap.cfg and i just post here the original file without my modification as reference file.

    // ¿ì½Ý¼üÉèÖÃÇë²Î¿¼"¿ì½Ý¼ü˵Ã÷.txt"
    // ÑÕÉ«ÉèÖÃÇë²Î¿¼ "ÑÕÉ«ÏÔʾ.jpg"
    // ÎïÆ·ÉèÖÃÇë²Î¿¼ "ÎïÆ·ÅäÖÃ˵Ã÷.txt"
    // ÅäÖÃÈçÎÞÌØÊâ˵Ã÷,¾ùΪ 0 ¹Ø±Õ¹¦ÄÜ 1 ¿ªÆô¹¦ÄÜ
    // ¸üÏêϸµÄÅäÖÃ˵Ã÷Çë¿´BBS¾«»ªÌù

    Show CFGCheck Info : 1 //CFGУÑé 0 ¿ªÆô 1 ¹Ø±Õ
    Enable Language Check : 0 ¡¡//ÓïÑÔУÑé 1 ¿ªÆô 0 ¹Ø±Õ ÓÎÏ·ÄÚÎÞ·¨ÖØмÓÔØ
    GameFilterSupport: 1 //ÓÎÏ·Áбí¹ýÂËÆ÷ ÓÎÏ·ÄÚÎÞ·¨ÖØмÓÔØ
    Localization Support: 1 //ÖÐÎÄÖ§³Ö 1 ¼òÌå 2 ·±ÌåD2µ«Ê¹ÓüòÌåÁÄÌì 3 ·±ÌåD2¼òÌåÊäÈë×Ô¶¯×ª·±Ìå ÓÎÏ·ÄÚÎÞ·¨ÖØмÓÔØ
    CFG Version Eng : "Recommend Cfg , Only for reference "
    CFG Version Chi : "ÍÆË]ÅäÖ㬃H¹©…¢¿¼ "
    FixSocketError: 1 //ÐÞÕýSocket³ö´íÅж¨£¬ÓÃÓڶ࿪ʱ·ÀÖ¹³ö´í
    SocketTimeOutValue: 100 //Socket³¬Ê±Ê±¼ä£¬µ¥Î»Ã룬ÓÎϷĬÈÏÊÇ100Ãë,ÓÃÓÚÌØÊâÍøÂçÇé¿ö

    Reload Config Key: VK_NUMPAD9 //ÓÎÏ·ÄÚÖØмÓÔØÅäÖã¬Ð¡¼üÅÌ9
    Reveal Act Automap Key: VK_SUBTRACT //¿ªÕûÄ»µØͼ,С¼üÅÌ-ºÅ
    Quick Exit Game Key: VK_OEM_MINUS //¿ìËÙÍ˳öÓÎÏ·,´ó¼üÅÌ"-"
    Quick Next Game Key: VK_OEM_PLUS //¿ìËÙÍ˳öÓÎÏ·£¬ÓÎÏ·Ãû×Ô¶¯+1,´ó¼üÅÌ"+"
    Quick Next Game Key2: -1 //¿ìËÙÍ˳öÓÎÏ·£¬ÓÎÏ·Ãû×Ô¶¯+2,δÉèÖÃ
    Quick Back To Town Key: VK_BACK //Ò»¼ü»Ø³Ì,Í˸ñ¼ü"¡û"
    Use Custom Font Toggle: 2, VK_9 //ÖÐÎÄÊäÈë
    Auto Invite Toggle: 0, VK_U //×Ô¶¯ÑûÇ룬×îÔç½øÓÎÏ·µÄÈËÎï¿ÉÒÔ×Ô¶¯¼¤»î£¬U¼ü
    Auto Party Toggle: 0, VK_U //×Ô¶¯½ÓÊÜ×é¶ÓÑûÇ룬U¼ü
    Auto Loot Permit : 0, VK_NUMPAD4 //HC×Ô¶¯¿ªËø£¬Ð¡¼üÅÌ4
    Wisper Notice Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD5 //ÊÕµ½ÃÜÓïʱÒÔÁÄÌ췽ʽÌáʾ£¬Ð¡¼üÅÌ5
    View Equipment Key: VK_K //²é¿´ÆäËûÍæ¼Ò×°±¸(Êó±êµãÖÐÆäËûÍæ¼ÒµÄÇé¿öÏÂÆôÓÃ)
    View Player Stats Key: VK_OEM_2 //²é¿´ÆäËüÍæ¼ÒÊôÐÔ(ºÜ¶àÊôÐÔ²»×¼)"/ ?"¼ü
    First Player Stat Key: -1 //²é¿´Íæ¼ÒÊ׸öÌØÊâÊôÐÔ
    Next Player Stat Key: VK_OEM_PERIOD //²é¿´Íæ¼ÒÏÂÒ»Ò³ÊôÐÔ "<"
    Previous Player Stat Key: VK_OEM_COMMA //²é¿´Íæ¼ÒÉÏÒ»Ò³ÊôÐÔ ">"
    Perm Show Items Toggle: 0, VK_F //Ç¿ÖÆÏÔʾÎïÆ·¿ª¹Ø,²»°´ALTÏÔʾÎïÆ·,ÇÀDD·½±ã,Y¼ü
    Monster Resists Toggle: 1, VK_D //¹ÖÎï4RÏÔʾ,D¼ü
    Socket Protect Toggle: 0, VK_INSERT // SOCKET±£»¤£¬·ÀÖ¹²»Ð¡ÐÄ°ÑDDÏâµ½²»Ó¦¸ÃÏâµÄµØ·½.Insert¼ü
    View Socketables Toggle: 0, VK_J // ÏÔʾËùÏâÎïÆ·¿ª¹Ø, ´ó¼üÅÌ6
    Item Basic Stats Toggle: 0, VK_J // ÏÔʾÎïƷδÏâÇ°µÄÔʼ״̬¿ª¹Ø, ´ó¼üÅÌ6
    View Socket Base Items Toggle : 0 ,VK_J //²é¿´ÎïÆ·ËùÏâÎïÆ·ºÍ»ù´¡²ÄÁÏ
    Item Value Toggle: 0, VK_V // ÏÔʾÎïÆ·Âô³ö¼ÛÖµ(½ðÇ®)£¬V¼ü
    Item Levels Toggle: 1, VK_L // iLvlÏÔʾ£¬´ó¼üÅÌ8
    Show Item Variable Prop Toggle: 1, -1 //ÏÔʾװ±¸±äÁ¿·¶Î§(°µ½ð£¬ÂÌÉ«£¬Éñ·ûÖ®Ó·À¾ß»ù´¡·ÀÓù£¬ÎäÆ÷¹¥»÷·¶Î§µÈ)

    //Bug ±£»¤ £¬ µÚ3λ 1 Ϊ½øÓÎϷУÑé 2 Ϊ´¥·¢ÈÎÎñʱУÑé(°Í¶ûתÉí£¬·âÓ¡¿ªÍ꣬ÀÏÄ«·¿¼ä)
    BugKD Toggle: 1, -1 , 2 //bugkd±£»¤,ͨ¹ýºóÃæÉèÖýöÌáʾ²»Í˳ö£¬ËùÒÔ²»ÉèÖÿì½Ý¼ü
    BugKM Toggle: 1, -1 , 2 //bugkm±£»¤,ͨ¹ýºóÃæÉèÖýöÌáʾ²»Í˳ö£¬ËùÒÔ²»ÉèÖÿì½Ý¼ü
    BugKB Toggle: 1, -1 , 2 //bugkb±£»¤,ͨ¹ýºóÃæÉèÖýöÌáʾ²»Í˳ö£¬ËùÒÔ²»ÉèÖÿì½Ý¼ü

    //ÒÔÏÂ4¸öΪϴddÏà¹ØµÈ¼¶²Î¿¼£¬µ±È»Ò²¿ÉÓÃÀ´¼ÓÇ¿kd roomÇÀddµÄËÙ¶È
    Item QLevel Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD6 // ¸ÃÖÖÎïÆ·µÄQlevelÏÔʾ,·Ç°µ½ðqlevel£¬Ð¡¼üÅÌ7
    Item MLevel Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD6 // Magic levelÏÔʾ£¬Ð¡¼üÅÌ7
    Item ALevel Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD6 // µ±Ç°Alevel,½ö»Æ½ðºÍÀ¶É«ÎïÆ·ÏÔʾ£¬Ð¡¼üÅÌ7
    Item After Cube Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD6 // cubeºóеÄilvlºÍalvlÏÔʾ,Ö»Õë¶ÔÀ¶É«ºÍ»Æ½ðÎïÆ·£¬Ð¡¼üÅÌ7

    Hidden Items Toggle: 1, VK_CONTROL // µØÃæÀ¬»øÎïÆ·Òþ²Ø¿ª¹Ø£¬CTRL¼ü
    Switch Item Show Mode: VK_9 // ģʽÇл»°´¼ü,´ó¼üÅÌ9
    Default Item Show Mode : 1 // ĬÈÏÎïÆ·ÏÔʾģʽ,ĬÈÏ1
    Show Identified Item : 1, -1 //ÏÔʾÒѱæʶÎïÆ·£¬ÒѱæʶÎïÆ·²»×öÒþ²Ø
    Show Base Stat: 1, VK_OEM_4 //ÏÔʾÈËÎï»ù´¡ÊôÐÔ,'[{'

    //СµØͼͼ±ê¿ª¹ØVK_DIVIDE,С¼üÅÌ /
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    //µØͼ¾í¶¯VK_SCROLL(Scroll Lock¼ü),¾í¶¯¸´Î»VK_PAUSE(Pause Break¼ü)

    Default Game Name: "" //ÉèÖÃĬÈÏÓÎÏ·Ãû,×¢ÒâÒýºÅ±ØÐëÓÐ
    Default Game Password: "" //ÉèÖÃĬÈÏÓÎÏ·ÃÜÂë
    ULC Mask Toggle: 1, -1 //ÆÁ±ÎULC¶¯», 1ÆÁ±Î 0²»ÆÁ±Î
    Bug Auto Quit Toggle: 0, -1 //bug±£»¤ÌáʾºóÊÇ·ñ×Ô¶¯Í˳öÓÎÏ· 0 ²»Í˳ö 1Í˳ö
    Bug Alert Times: 3 //bugÌáʾ´ÎÊý
    Townportal Nums Alert : 3 //»Ø³Ç¾íÖáÊýÁ¿Ìáʾ
    Skip Quest Message: 8 //Ìø¹ýNPCÈÎÎñÌáʾ 0 ²»Ìø¹ý ·Ç0Ìø¹ýËÙ¶È

    Item ExtInfo Toggle : 0, -1 //¿ªÆôÃüÁî
    Item ExtInfo File Eng: "ItemInfo_Eng.cfg" //Ó¢ÎÄÎĵµ
    Item ExtInfo File Chi: "ItemInfo_Chi.cfg" //ÖÐÎÄÎĵµ
    Default ExtInfo Colour : 8 //ĬÈÏÑÕÉ«

    State Monitor Toggle: 1 , -1 //״̬¼à¿ØÆ÷
    //State Monitor[״̬±àºÅ]: ÑÕÉ« , Ó¢ÎÄÃèÊö , ÖÐÎÄÃèÊö
    State Monitor[2] : 1 , "Poison" , "Öж¾"
    State Monitor[11] : 1 , "ColdSlow" , "±ùœpËÙ"
    State Monitor[61] : 1 , "LowerRes" , "½µµÍµÖ¿¹"
    State Monitor[62] : 1 , "OpenWound" , "³öѪ"
    State Monitor[60] : 1 , "Decrepify" , "Ë¥ÀÏ"
    State Monitor[1] : 1 , "Freeze" , "ƒö½Y"
    State Monitor[8] : 3 , "Salvation" , "¾ÈÖú"
    State Monitor[159] : 3 , "Fade" , "ÄÜÁ¿Ïû½â"
    State Monitor[149] : 3 , " OakSage" , "Oak¼ÓѪ"
    State Monitor[16] : 3 , "QH" , "Š»¯"
    State Monitor[10] : 3 , "FrozenArmor" , "±ù·âÑb¼×"
    State Monitor[20] : 3 , "ChillingArmor" , "º®±ùÑb¼×"
    State Monitor[88] : 3 , "ShiverArmor" , "Ëé±ù¼×"
    State Monitor[32] : 3 , " BattleOrders" , "BOѪ"
    State Monitor[51] : 3 , " BattleCommand" , "BO¼¼ÄÜ"
    State Monitor[26] : 3 , " Shout" , "BO·À"
    State Monitor[134] : 3 , "ShrineSkill" , "¼¼Äܘä"
    State Monitor[137] : 3 , "ShrineExp" , "½›òž˜ä"
    State Monitor[101] : 3 , "HolyShield" , "Â}¶Ü"

    Show Exp Toggle: 1, -1 , 2 //ÏÔʾ¾Ñé»ñÈ¡,µÚ3λ 1Ϊµ¥ÐÐ 2Ϊ˫ÐÐ
    Show Ping Toggle: 1, -1 //ÏÔʾpingºÍfpsÖµ
    Out Town Select Toggle: 0, -1 //³ÇÍ⿪¹Ø£¬Ä¬ÈÏ¿ªÆô

    Kill Count Toggle: 1, -1, 3 //ɱ¹ÖÊýͳ¼Æ(×ÔÉí£¬²»º¬pet)£¬µÚ3λΪÑÕÉ«+1
    GetHit Count Toggle: 1, -1, 2 //±»´ò³öFHRÊýͳ¼Æ£¬µÚ3λΪÑÕÉ«+1

    Show Base ED Toggle : 1, -1 //Éñ·ûÖ®Óï²ÄÁÏ»ù´¡ed
    Show Party Position Toggle: 1, -1 //Í·ÏñÉÏÏÔʾ³¡¾°±àºÅ
    Show Party Level Toggle: 1, -1 //Í·ÏñÉÏÏÔʾµÈ¼¶

    Center Map Scroll Key: VK_PAUSE //Scroll¸´Î»
    Scroll Map Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL //¾í¶¯¿ª¹Ø "Scroll Lock"
    Diagonal Scroll Toggle: 1, -1 //бÏò¾í¶¯

    Scroll Mode: 2 //ĬÈÏģʽ 1 µ¥¼ü¸´Î» 2 Çл»¸´Î» 3 ×Ô¶¯¸´Î»
    //Map Scroll Key1: VK_H //·½Ïò1 ¿ì½Ý¼ü
    //Map Scroll Key2: VK_G
    //Map Scroll Key3: VK_T
    //Map Scroll Key4: VK_Y
    //Map Scroll Key5: VK_N

    //Æ«ÒÆÉèÖÃ[]ÖÐÄÚÈÝΪÉúЧACT£¬¿ÉÓøñʽΪ1 1,2,4 1-5 1+ ;
    Map Scroll Offset1[1-5]: 20, 12
    Map Scroll Offset2[1-5]: -20, 12
    Map Scroll Offset3[1-5]: -20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset4[1-5]: 20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset5[3]: -40, 10

    // µØͼÉϸ÷ÖÖͼ±êÏÔʾ
    Player Blob File: "blobplayer" // ÓÎÏ·Õß
    Monster Blob File: "blobmonster" // ¹ÖÎï
    Object Blob File: "blobchest" // Ïä×ÓµÈ
    Missile Blob File: "blobdot" // ·¢ÉäÎï
    Item Blob File: "blobitem" // ÎïÆ·
    Boss Blob File: "blobBoss" // boss
    Npc Blob File: "blobNpc" // npc
    My Blob File: "blobMe" // Íæ¼Ò×ÔÉí
    Corpse Blob File: "blobCorpse" // ʬÌå

    Full Visuals Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY //×Ü¿ª¹Ø,ÏÂÁÐ4Ïîδµ¥¶ÀÉèÖõÄÒÔÕâ¸öΪ׼
    Weather Toggle: 0, VK_MULTIPLY //ÌìÆø¿ª¹Ø 0¿ªÆôÌìÆø 1¹Ø±ÕÌìÆø
    Infravision Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY //͸ÊÓ¿ª¹Ø 0¿ªÆô͸ÊÓ 1¹Ø±Õ͸ÊÓ
    Light Radius Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY //ÕÕÁÁ¿ª¹Ø 0¿ªÆôÕÕÁÁ 1¹Ø±ÕÕÕÁÁ
    Screen Shake Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY //µØÕð¿ª¹Ø 0¿ªÆôµØÕð 1¹Ø±ÕµØÕð

    Chicken Life Action: 1 //exit game»òback to town (ÊýÖµ1ºÍ2) ĬÈÏÊÇ1
    Chicken Life Toggle: 0, VK_OEM_7 //Ѫ±£¿ª¹Ø£¬''"'
    Chicken Hostile Toggle: 0, -1 //µÐ¶ÔѪ±£¿ª¹Ø
    Chicken Hostile Nearby Toggle: 0, -1 //µÐ¶ÔÔÚ¸½½üѪ±£¿ª¹Ø
    // һЩ¹ØÓÚÈçºÎ±£ÃüµÄÊý×Ö¶¨Ò壬HCÍæ¼ÒÒª³ä·ÖÀûÓÃ^^
    Chicken Life: 0 //Ѫ±£ÊýÖµ
    Chicken Life Percent: 40 //Ѫ±£°Ù·Ö±È0~100
    Chicken Hostile Life: 0 //Ѫ±£ÊýÖµ
    Chicken Hostile Life Percent: 40 //°Ù·Ö±È 0~100
    Chicken Hostile Nearby Life: 0 //Ѫ±£ÊýÖµ
    Chicken Hostile Nearby Life Percent: 40 //°Ù·Ö±È0~100

    Reveal Level Automap Key: -1 //¿ªµ±Ç°ÇøÓòµØͼ
    Auto Reveal Act: 2 //×Ô¶¯¿ªÈ«²¿µØͼ
    AutoMap Toggle: 1, -1 //×Ô¶¯ÏÔʾСµØͼ
    Auto Next Game Name: 1 //×Ô¶¯¼ÇÒäÉÏÒ»ÓÎÏ·Ãû
    Auto Next Game Password: 1 //×Ô¶¯¼ÇÒäÉÏÒ»ÓÎÏ·ÃÜÂë

    //Locale MPQ:"d2locale.mpq" //¼ÓÔØÖÐÎÄ×Ö¿â
    Input Line Toggle: 1, -1 //GAMEÖеÄÁÄÌì±à¼¹¦ÄÜ(¸´ÖÆÕ³Ìù)

    //Extrawork Dll Action: 0 // extrawork.dll protect ,for Battle.Net
    //Version Checking Dll Action: 0 // keep loaded when logging into Battle.Net

    Enter Game Sound : 0 //½øÈëÓÎÏ·ºóÌáʾÉùÒô
    Right Click Swap Toggle: 1, -1 //Êó±êÓÒ½¡¿ìËÙÒƶ¯ÎïÆ·
    Ctrl Click Swap Toggle : 1 ,-1 //Ctrl+µã»÷Òƶ¯ÎïÆ·
    Quick Drop Toggle : 1 ,-1 //¿ìËÙÒƶ¯Ê±¿ÉÒÔÈÓµØÉÏ

    Message Log Toggle: 2 //¼Ç¼ÓÎÏ·ÈÕÖ¾ 0²»¼Ç¼ÈÕÖ¾, 1¼Ç¼ÈÕÖ¾ 2 ²»¼Ç¼ÁÄÌìÐÅÏ¢
    Message Log File Size : 1000 //ÈÕÖ¾Îļþ´óСÉÏÏÞ,µ¥Î»K

    Game Time Toggle: 1, -1 //ÓÎϷʱ¼äÏÔʾ ¿ª
    Clock Toggle: 1, -1 //ʵ¼Êʱ¼äÏÔʾ ¿ª
    Layer Level No Toggle : 0, -1 //ÏÔʾ³¡¾°±àºÅ
    Server Ip Toggle: 1, -1 //ÏÔʾGAME IP
    Area Level Toggle: 1, -1 //ÏÔʾ³¡¾°µÈ¼¶

    Automap Active Rooms Toggle: 0, -1 //»î¶¯ÇøÓòÏÔʾ,3*3¾ØÐÎ
    Automap Ready Rooms Toggle: 0, -1 //µØͼ³¡¾°»º³å
    Automap Screen Area Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL //µØͼÉÏÏÔʾÆÁÄ»ÇøÓò,ÅäºÏScroll¸´Î»Ê¹ÓÃ

    Automap Active Rooms Colour: 0x77 //µØͼÉϻÇøÓòÑÕÉ«
    Automap Ready Rooms Colour: 0x77 //µØͼÉÏÒÑ×¼±¸ÇøÓòÑÕÉ«
    Automap Screen Area Colour: 0x55 //µØͼÉÏÆÁÄ»ÇøÓòÑÕÉ«
    Mini Shrines Toggle: 1, -1 //µØͼÉÏÏÔʾÉñµî¿ª¹Ø

    Life Bar Transparency: 2 //Ѫ²Û͸Ã÷¶È
    Life Bar Colour: 0x08 //Ѫ²ÛÑÕÉ«

    Perm Show Orbs Toggle: 1, -1 //ÓÀ¾ÃÏÔʾlife/mana ¿ª

    // µ±Óö¼ûΣÏÕ¹ÖÎÈçblack soul£©ÇÒÄãµÄ4rµÍÓÚÁÙ½çֵʱ£¬¿É×Ô¶¯Í˳öÓÎÏ·»ò»Ø³Ç¡£
    Dangerous Monster Action: back to town //ΣÏÕʱ²ÉÈ¡µÄ¶¯×÷,exit game»òback to town (ÊýÖµ1ºÍ2)
    Dangerous Monster Chicken Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD8
    //¸ñʽDangerous Monster[Monster Index 1, Monster Index 2]: resistance type, resistance threshold
    // resistance type can be one of fr, cr, lr, pr; resistance thresold ranges between -127 and 128
    // for example:
    Dangerous Monster[Burning Soul 2, Black Soul 2]: lr,-30 // fr, cr, lr, pr

    // ------------------------------------------------³¡¾°Ö¸Ê¾-----------------------------------------------

    Automap Level Names Toggle: 1, -1 //³¡¾°Èë¿ÚÃû×Ö¿ª¹Ø£¬Ò»°ãΪ¶´Ñ¨
    Level Name Colour: White //³¡¾°Ãû×ÖÑÕÉ«
    Staff Tomb Level Desc: "%2<==Tomb Here" //A2ÕýÈ·¹ÅĹÏÔʾ
    Minimap Size: 6 //ָʾÏß´óС
    Minimap Toggle: 1, -1 //ָʾ¿ª¹Ø
    Minimap Cell Colour: 0x84 //ָʾÏßÑÕÉ«
    // format: Minimap Cells[level number][cell no.1, cell no.2, ...] : 1 , color2 // 1 for enable, -1 for disable
    // example:
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Rogue Encampment][The Secret Cow Level]: 1 //½øÓÎÏ·ºó¿ªÆôµÄÅ£¹ØÎÞ·¨Ö¸Ïò
    Minimap Cells[Blood Moor][Den of Evil]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Stony Field][Cairn Stone]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Black Marsh][Forgotten Tower]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Dark Wood][Tree of Inifuss]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 1][Tower Cellar Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 2][Tower Cellar Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 3][Tower Cellar Level 4]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 4][Tower Cellar Level 5]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tamoe Highland][Pit Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Pit Level 1][Pit Level 2]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 1][Jail Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 2][Jail Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 3][Inner Cloister]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 1][Catacombs Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Cold Plains][Crypt]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Barracks][316]: 1 //Ö¸ÏòA1Ìú½³ÈÎÎñ
    Minimap Cells[Far Oasis][Maggot Lair Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 1][Maggot Lair Level 2]:1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 2][Maggot Lair Level 3]:1
    Minimap Cells[lost city][Claw Viper Temple Level 1] :1
    Minimap Cells[Lost City][Ancient Tunnels]: 1 ,0x62 //¹Å´úͨµÀÒÔ½ðÉ«ÏÔʾ
    Minimap Cells[Claw Viper Temple Level 1][Claw Viper Temple Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Arcane Sanctuary][Horazon's Journal]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Kurast Bazaar][Ruined Temple]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 1][Durance of Hate Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 2][Durance of Hate Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Flayer Jungle][315]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Plains of Despair][Izual on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[River of Flame][Hellforg on Minimap]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Crystalline Passage][Frozen River]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Frozen River][Anya on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[118][Arreat Summit]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Anguish][Halls of Pain]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Pain][Halls of Vaught]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Vaught][Nihlathak on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 1][Worldstone Keep Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 2][Worldstone Keep Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 3][Throne of Destruction]: 1

    Monster Death Anims[1+]: 1 //¹ÖÎïËÀÍö¶¯»¿ª¹Ø 0¹Ø±Õ 1¿ªÆô
    Monster Level Toggle: 1, -1 //ÎïMLVLµÈ¼¶ÏÔʾ¿ª¹Ø ¿ª
    Monster TC Toggle: 1, -1 //¹ÖÎïTCµÈ¼¶ÏÔʾ¿ª¹Ø ¿ª
    Monster Rune TC Toggle: 0, -1 //¹ÖÎïRune TCµÈ¼¶ÏÔʾ¿ª¹Ø ¿ª
    Monster HPPercent Toggle: 0, -1 //¹ÖÎïѪÁ¿°Ù·Ö±ÈÏÔʾ
    Monster Distance Toggle: 0, -1 //¹ÖÎï¾àÀëÏÔʾ
    Player Level Toggle: 0, -1 //Íæ¼ÒµÈ¼¶ÏÔʾ
    Player Distance Toggle: 0, -1 //Íæ¼Ò¾àÀëÏÔʾ
    Player HPPercent Toggle: 0, -1 //Íæ¼ÒѪÁ¿°Ù·Ö±ÈÏÔʾ
    Boss Name Toggle: 0, -1 //¼¸¸öbossµÄСµØͼÃû×ÖÏÔʾ

    Automap Party Default: 1 //СµØͼÏÔʾ¶ÓÓÑ
    Automap Names Default: 1 //СµØͼ¶ÓÓÑÃû×Ö

    Hidden Corpses Toggle: 0, -1 //µØÃæÒþ²ØʬÌ忪¹Ø 1 Òþ²Ø 0 ²»Òþ²Ø
    Automap Corpses Toggle: 0, -1 //СµØͼÏÔʾ¹ÖÎïʬÌåÏÔʾ¿ª¹Ø
    //Normal Corpse Colour: 0x08 //ÆÕͨ¹ÖÎïʬÌåÑÕÉ«
    //Boss Corpse Colour: 0x08 //bossʬÌåÑÕÉ«
    //Minion Corpse Colour: 0x08 //Ëæ´ÓʬÌåÑÕÉ«
    //Champion Corpse Colour: 0x08 //½ð¹ÖʬÌåÑÕÉ«
    //Monster Corpse Colours[0+]: 0x08 //Ö¸¶¨¹ÖÎïʬÌåÑÕÉ«
    //Monster Corpses[0+]: 1 //Ö¸¶¨¹ÖÎïµØÃæʬÌåÒþ²ØÉèÖÃ,1ÏÔʾ,0Òþ²Ø

    Party Player Text Colour: 2 //×é¶ÓÍæ¼ÒСµØͼÃû×ÖÑÕÉ«
    Neutral Player Text Colour: 9 //ÖÐÁ¢Íæ¼ÒСµØͼÃû×ÖÑÕÉ«
    Hostile Player Text Colour: 1 //µÐ¶ÔÍæ¼ÒСµØͼÃû×ÖÑÕÉ«
    Neutral Player Colour: 0x6f //ÖÐÁ¢Íæ¼ÒСµØͼͼ±êÑÕÉ«
    Hostile Player Colour: 0x5b //µÐ¶ÔÍæ¼ÒСµØͼͼ±êÑÕÉ«
    Friend Minion Colour : 0x7f //¶ÓÓÑËæ´ÓÑÕÉ«
    Player Minion Colour: 0xcb //×Ô¼ºµÄËæ´ÓÑÕÉ«

    Automap Monsters Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE //СµØͼÏÔʾ¹ÖÎ↑¹Ø
    Normal Monster Colour: 0x62 //ÆÕͨ¹ÖÎïÑÕÉ«
    Boss Monster Colour: 0x5b //bossÑÕÉ«
    Minion Monster Colour: 0x66 //Ëæ´ÓÑÕÉ«
    Champion Monster Colour: 0x68 //½ð¹ÖÑÕÉ«
    Act5 Barbarian Colour: 0x9f //act5Ò°ÂùÈËÑÕÉ«
    Super Unique Colour : 0x6f //³¬¼¶½ð¹ÖÑÕÉ«

    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 1]: 0x9b //Ú¤ºÓÍÞÍÞ
    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 2]: 0x9b //Ú¤ºÓÍÞÍÞ
    Monster Colours[Gloam 1]: 0x9b //µç¹í
    Monster Colours[Gloam 2]: 0x9b //µç¹í
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 1]: 0x9b //µç¹í
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 2]: 0x9b //µç¹í
    Monster Colours[734]: 0x9b //µç¹í
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 1]: 0x9b //µç¹í
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 2]: 0x9b //µç¹í
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 3]: 0x9b //Áé»êɱÊÖ
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 4]: 0x9b //Áé»êɱÊÖ
    Monster Colours[Frenzied Ice Spawn]: 0x9b //×Ô±¬ÈË
    Monster Colours[Tomb viper 1]: 0x9b //¶¾Éß
    Monster Colours[Tomb Viper 2]: 0x9b //¶¾Éß
    Monster Colours[Undead Soul Killer 2]: 0x9b //Áé»êɱÊÖ

    // ·ÀPK£¬µØͼÉÏÏÔʾһЩÏÝÚ壬´Ì¿ÍµÄºÍÅ®Î׵ĻðÁú£¬°×É«
    Monster Colours[411]: 0x20 //wake of fire
    Monster Colours[412]: 0x20 //Charged Bolt Sentry
    Monster Colours[413]: 0x20 //Lightning Sentry
    Monster Colours[417]: 0x20 //Death Sentry
    Monster Colours[352-354]: 0x20 //Hydra1-Hydra3 »ðÁúÒ»´Î3Í·£¬·Ö±ð¶ÔÓ¦1,2,3

    Monster Desc Colour: Red
    // ÌØÊâÊôÐÔ¹ÖÎïµÄÏÔʾµÄÈçÏÂ:
    Enchantment Descs: 0
    Extra Strong Desc: "S"
    Extra Fast Desc: "F"
    Cursed Desc: "%2C"
    Magic Resistant Desc: "%8m"
    Fire Enchanted Desc: "%1FE"
    Lightning Enchanted Desc: "%9LE"
    Cold Enchanted Desc: "%3CE"
    Thief Desc: 0
    Mana Burn Desc: "%3MB"
    Teleportation Desc: "T"
    Spectral Hit Desc: "H"
    Stone Skin Desc: "%4SS"
    Multiple Shots Desc: "%12MS"
    Ghostly Desc: 0
    Fanatic Desc: "%11F"
    Possessed Desc: 0
    Berserker Desc: "%4B"
    Champion Desc: 0
    // Auras Enhanted:¹â»·¸½×Å
    Aura Descs : 0
    Might Aura Desc: "%4a"
    Holy Fire Aura Desc: "%1a"
    Blessed Aim Aura Desc: "%0a"
    Holy Freeze Aura Desc: "%3a"
    Holy Shock Aura Desc: "%9a"
    Conviction Aura Desc: "%11a"
    Fanaticism Aura Desc: "%5a"
    // Immunities:ÃâÒßÊôÐÔ
    Immunity Descs : 0
    Physical Immunity Desc: "%4i"
    Magic Immunity Desc: "%8i"
    Fire Immunity Desc: "%1i"
    Lightning Immunity Desc: "%9i"
    Cold Immunity Desc: "%3i"
    Poison Immunity Desc: "%2i"

    Automap Chests Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE //СµØͼÏÔʾÏä×Ó¿ª¹Ø
    Closed Chest Colour: 0x09 //Ïä×ÓÑÕÉ«
    Locked Chest Colour: 0x97 //´øËøÏä×ÓµÄÑÕÉ«

    Automap Missiles Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE // µØͼÉÏÏÔʾµÐÈ˵ķ¢ÉäÎï¹¥»÷(Ïòµ¼¼ý¡¢¹Ç¾«ÁéµÈ)
    Hostile Missile Colour: 0x62 // µÐÈË·¢ÉäÎïµÄÑÕÉ«
    Guided Missile Colour: 0x5b // ÖƵ¼ÐÍ·¢ÉäÎïµÄÑÕÉ«
    Tracer Missile Colour: 0x97 // Íæ¼Ò·¢ÉäÎïµÄÑÕÉ«
    Other Missile Colour: 0x84 // ÆäËû·¢ÉäÎïÑÕÉ«

    //Missile Colours[Firewall, FireSmall, FireMedium]: -2 //µ¥¶ÀÉèÖã¬-2Ôò°´ÒÔÉÏÉèÖÃ
    //Missile Colours[FrozenOrbBolt, FrozenOrbNova]: -2
    Missile Colours[All Arrows]: -2
    Missile Colours[BattleOrders,BattleCommand,BattleCry,Shout,warcry,Howl]: -2
    Missile Colours[BoneSpear]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[teeth]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[BoneSpirit]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[PoisonNova]: 0x84
    Missile Colours[BlessedHammer 1]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[Tornado,Twister]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[BladeFury1, BladeFury2, BladeFury3, BladeFragment1, BladeFragment2, BladeFragment3]: 0x20



    Automap Items Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE // СµØͼÎïÆ·Òþ²Ø¿ª¹Ø
    Rune Numbers Toggle: 1, -1 // RUNE±àºÅÏÔʾ
    Socket Numbers Toggle: 1, -1 // ¿×ÊýÏÔʾ
    Unit Numbers Toggle: 0, -1 // µ¥ÔªÊý×Ö¿ª¹Ø(ÎïÆ·ÄÚ²¿´úÂë)
    Item Indexs Toggle: 0, -1 // ÎïÆ·Ë÷Òý¿ª¹Ø(mapË÷Òý)
    Item FileIndexs Toggle: 0, -1 // ÎïÆ·ÎļþË÷Òý¼°Àà±ðµÈ
    Item Life Per Level Toggle: 1,-1 // °´µÈ¼¶Ôö¼ÓѪÁ¿ÊôÐÔ»ù´¡ÖµÏÔʾ(ÏÞÓÚÉñ·ûÖ®Óï)
    Quest Item Colour: 4 // ÈÎÎñÎïÆ·ÑÕÉ«

    Ethereal Item Prefix: "[Eth]" // EthÎïƷǰ׺
    Ethereal Item Postfix: "" // EthÎïÆ·ºó׺

    Good Gold Number: 2000 // ÓÅÖÊgold¶¨Òå
    Good Gold Colour: 0 // ÓÅÖÊgoldÑÕÉ«
    Poor Gold Colour: -1,-2,-2,-2 // Ï¡ÉÙgold
    Item Hide Lvl[0+][0+]: 0 // ÎïÆ·ÏÔʾ¼¶±ðÏÂÏÞ


    //×ÊÁÏƬ, ģʽ1 µ¥ÈËmf ģʽ2 open room , ģʽ3 pass

    Item Colours[0+][1-7]: -1,-2,-2,-2 //ÎïÆ·ÏÔʾ×ÜÉèÖÃ
    Item Colours[0+][7]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //ÆÕͨ°µ½ðÎïÆ·
    Item Colours[0+][6]: -1,-2,-2,-2 //ÆÕͨüS½ðÎïÆ·
    Item Colours[0+][5]: 10,-1,-2,-2 //ÆÕͨÌ××°ÎïÆ·

    Item Colours[Gold_Items][2,3,4,6]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //Âô¼Û35KÎïÆ·
    Item Colours[Elite Weapons][3]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //³¬Ç¿µÄ¾«»ªÎäÆ÷
    Item Colours[Elite Armor][3]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //³¬Ç¿µÄ¾«»ª·À¾ß

    // ÒÔÏÂÏÔʾÓн»Ò×¼ÛÖµµÄUnique×°¼×: //
    Item Colours[1055,1125][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Skin of ViperMage Serpentskin Item º£ÉßƤ¼×;
    Item Colours[1127][7][2]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Gladiator Bane Wire Fleece ETHÏßÑòëƤ¼×;
    Item Colours[1116][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Diadem; Ȩ¹Ú£»Griffon's Eye
    Item Colours[1123][7][2]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Andariel's Visage£»ETH¶ñħͷ¸Ç¹ÇÃæ¾ß
    Item Colours[1122][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Crown of Ages£»Corona Í·¹Ú
    Item Colours[1151][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //ɳ±©Ö®ÂÃ(Sandstorm Trek Scarabshell Boots)
    Item Colours[1137][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Templar's Might or Tyrael's Might£»Sacred Armor
    Item Colours[1062][7][2]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Skullde's Ire ETH˹¿â¶ûµÂµÄ·ßż×;
    Item Colours[1157][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Mithril Coil ÃØÒøÑü´ø
    Item Colours[1060,1130][7][2]:-1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //ShaftStop Mesh Item ETHÎïÃâ¼×;
    Item Colours[1172][7][2]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Arreat's Face ³á°ò (Ò°ÂùÈËרÓÃÍ·¿ø);
    Item Colours[1121][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Nightwing's Veil Spired Helm ÂÝÐýÍ·¿ø;
    Item Colours[1154][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Shadow Dancer;Myrmidon Greaves ¼±ËÙÑ¥
    Item Colours[1061,1131][7][2]:-1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Cuirass ETH¶½Èð¶øµÄ¿Ç
    Item Colours[1176][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Herald Of Zakarum Êνð¶ÜÅÆ;
    Item Colours[1090,1160][7][2]:-1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Vampire Gaze ÎüѪ¹íµÄÄýÊÓ_²Ð¿áÍ·¿ø;

    Item Colours[1032][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //MageFist ·¨Ê¦Ö®È (ÊÖÌ×);
    Item Colours[1146][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //(Dracul's Grasp Vampirebone Gloves)ÎüѪ¹íº¡¹ÇÊÖÌ×
    Item Colours[1084][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Gore Rider War Boots Ê´ÈâÆïÊ¿;
    Item Colours[1083][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //War Traveler Õ½ÕùÖ®ÂÃ;
    Item Colours[1081][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //[Ë®ÉÏÆ®]£¨öèƤ֮ѥSharkskin-Boots£©;
    Item Colours[1115][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Tiara; ÈýÖعڣ»Kira's Guardian
    Item Colours[1152][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Marrowwalk;Boneweave Boots º¡¹ÇÑ¥
    Item Colours[1155][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Arachnid Mesh;Spiderweb SashÖëÍøÑü´ø
    Item Colours[1117][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Shako ¾üñ;
    Item Colours[1142][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //StormShield ÎïÃâ¶Ü;
    Item Colours[1132][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Arkaine's Valor °¢¿ÄáµÄÈÙÒ«;

    Item Colours[1031][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Chance Guards ÐÒÔËÊØ»¤ (MFÊÖÌ×);
    Item Colours[1063][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Guardian angel Templar Coat Ê¥ÌÃÎäÊ¿ÍâÅÛ;
    Item Colours[1068][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Que-Hegan's Wisdom ·¨Ê¦×°¼×;
    Item Colours[1082][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Mesh Boot É´Ö¯£»
    Item Colours[1085][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //String Of Ears ³¤´®Ö®¶ú (ÎïÃâÑü´ø);
    Item Colours[1086][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Razortail ´©´ÌÑü´ø;
    Item Colours[1089][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //ThunderGod's Vigor À×ÉñÖ®Á¦ (Ñü´ø);
    Item Colours[1091][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Lidless Wall ¾¯½ä֮ǽ (·¨Ê¦¶ÜÅÆ);
    Item Colours[1140][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Luna Ïðľ¶Ü;
    Item Colours[1156][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Vampirefang Belt ÎüѪ¹íâ²ÑÀÑü´ø;
    Item Colours[1202][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Darkforce Spawn£»Bloodlord SkullѪÍõÖ®¹Ç
    Item Colours[1189][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Wolfhowl£»Fury Visor ±©ÅÃæ¼×
    Item Colours[1194][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Alma Negra£»Sacred Rondache ÉñÊ¥ÇáÔ²¶Ü
    Item Colours[1134][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Leviathan£»Kraken Shell
    Item Colours[1149][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //ʳÈËħÌúÊÖÌ×(Steelrend Ogre Gauntlets)
    Item Colours[1136][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //ÒõÓ°îø¼×
    Item Colours[1124][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Dusk-Shroud»ÒĺÊÙÒÂ

    // ÒÔÏÂÏÔʾÓн»Ò×¼ÛÖµµÄUniqueÎäÆ÷ //

    Item Colours[149,252][7][2]:-1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Yari ºêɵ¤
    Item Colours[296][7][2]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Titan's Revenge ̩̹;
    Item Colours[147,250][7][2]:-1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //ETHµÄ¼õËÙ²æ
    Item Colours[301][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Death's Fathom£»´ÎÔªËéƬ
    Item Colours[257][7][2]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Tomb Reaver;µÁĹÕߣ¬ÉñÃظ«
    Item Colours[256][7][2]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //The Reaper's Toll;É¥ÖÓ£¬ÈñÀûÖ®¸«
    Item Colours[210][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //[ËÀÍöÖ®Íø]£¨ÆÆÒþ·¨ÕÈ£©Death's Web[Unearthed Wand]
    Item Colours[298][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //[°¬Ë¿ÇüËþµÄÆ¢Æø]£¨¹ÖÒìÖ®ÇòEldritch-Orb£©
    Item Colours[264][7]: -1,0x63,0x63,0x63 //Mang Song's Lesson;Archon StaffÖ´Õþ¹ÙÖ®ÕÌ

    Item Colours[212][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //Heaven's Light or The Redeemer;Ç¿ÍþȨÕÌ
    Item Colours[235][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //The Grandfather ×游֮½£;
    Item Colours[201][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //[ËÀÍöÖ®µ¶]£¨¿ñսʿ¸«£©Death Cleaver[Berserker Axe]
    Item Colours[218][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //[±©·çÖ®½á]£¨Ìì·£Ö®´¸£©Stormlash[Scourge]
    Item Colours[271][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //ß±·òÈУ¨±Ó»¤Ö®¹) Widowmaker[Ward Bow]
    Item Colours[272][7]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //[·çÖ®Á¦]£¨¾ÅÍ·Éß¹£©Windforce [Hydra Bow];

    Item Colours[107][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Blackhand Key ºÚÊÖÖ®Ô¿(ÄÐÎ×·¨ÕÈ);
    Item Colours[122][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Blade Of Ali Baba °¢Àï°Í°Í;
    Item Colours[172][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Buriza-Do Kyanon Ballista ´óÅÚ;
    Item Colours[188][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Bartuc's Cut-Throat °ÍÌؿ˵ÄÃÍ»÷ ;
    Item Colours[204][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //HellSlayer µØÓüÍÀɱÕß;
    Item Colours[205][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Champion Axe ¹Ú¾ü¸«;
    Item Colours[219][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Shaefer's Hammer ´«ËµÖ®´¸;
    Item Colours[221][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //The Cranium Basher ËéÄÔ;
    Item Colours[226][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Azurewrath or Light Sabre;¹âµ¶
    Item Colours[233][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //DoomBringer ¹Ú¾üÖ®½£;
    Item Colours[236][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Wizard Spike º¡¹ÇСµ¶;
    Item Colours[259][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //StormSpire ±©·ç¼âËþ;
    Item Colours[270][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //EagleHorn Ó¥¹;
    Item Colours[291][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //The Oculus ÎÐÁ÷Ë®¾§;
    Item Colours[247][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Wraith Flight;¹í»ê¼âǹ
    Item Colours[253][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Steel Pillar;War Pikeսǹ
    Item Colours[209][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Boneshade;Lich WandÎ×Ñý·¨ÕÌ
    Item Colours[169][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Goldstrike Arch ½ð“ôˆA»¡;Gothic Bow¸çµÂ¹
    Item Colours[243][7][2]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //ETHµÄÒí¸«(Lacerator Winged Axe)
    Item Colours[242][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //񒵦(Warshrike Winged Knife)
    Item Colours[214][7]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //Éñʹ֮ÕÈ(Astreon's Iron Ward Caduceus)
    Item Colours[254][7][2]: -1, -1 , -2 , -2 //ETHʳÈËħ֮¸«(Bonehew Ogre Axe)

    // ÒÔÏÂÏÔʾÓÐÓÃÌ××°×°±¸ //
    Item Colours[1135][5]: 2,0x84,0x84,0x84 //Tal Rasha's GuardianShip Ëþ.ÀÏĵÄÊØ»¤ (Å®Î×Ì××°Æá¼×)
    Item Colours[1116][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //M'avina's True Sight ÂíάÄȵÄÕæʵ֮ÑÛ (ÑÇÂíÑ·Ì××°Í·»·)
    Item Colours[1122][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Griswold's Valor ¸ñÈð˹»ª¶ûµÂµÄÓÂÆø (ÓÎÏÀÌ××°Í·¿ø)
    Item Colours[1136][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Aldur's Deception °¬¶û¶àµÄÆÛÂ÷ (µÂ³ÒÀÌ××°ÒõÓ°¼×)
    Item Colours[1137][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Immortal King's Soul Cage ²»ÐàÖ®ÍõµÄÁé»êÀÎÁý (Ò°ÂùÈËÌ××°¼×)
    Item Colours[1158][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Trang-Oul's Girth Ëþ¸ñ°ÂÖ®Êø´ø (ÄÐÎ×Ì××°Ñü´ø)
    Item Colours[1160][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Trang-Oul's Guise Ëþ¸ñ°ÂÖ®Íâ×° (ÄÐÎ×Ì××°Í·¿ø)
    Item Colours[1077][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 // Trang-Oul's clawsËþ¸ñ°ÂÖ®ÊÖÌ×
    Item Colours[1197][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Griswold's Honor ¸ñÈð˹»ª¶ûµÂµÄÈÙÒ« (ÓÎÏÀÌ××°¶ÜÅÆ)
    Item Colours[196][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Natalya's Mark ÄÈËþÑǵļǺŠ(´Ì¿ÍÌ×װצ)
    Item Colours[214][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Griswold's Redemption ¸ñÈð˹»ª¶ûµÂµÄ¾ÈÊê(ÓÎÏÀÌ×װȨÕÈ)
    Item Colours[229][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian ²¼¶û¿Ë÷µÄ²¿×åÊØ»¤ (ÉñÃØС½£)
    Item Colours[235][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge ²¼¶û¿Ë÷µÄÉñÊ¥´ú¼Û (¾ÞÉñÖ®ÈÐ)
    Item Colours[303][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //M'avina's Caster ÂíάÄȵÄÊ©Õ¹ (ÑÇÂíÑ·Ì××°¹)
    Item Colours[1039][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Sash ËÀÉñÖ®ÊØÎÀ
    Item Colours[1029][5]: 2, -1 , -2 , -2 //Leather Gloves ËÀÉñÖ®ÊÖ

    // ÁÁÉ«ÏÔʾÖ鱦,·ûÎĺÍЯ´ø»¤Éí·û //

    Item Colours[2136]: -1,0x4b,0x4b,0x4b //ÆÕͨÖ鱦
    Item Colours[2136][7]: -1,0x20,0x20,0x20 //°µ½ðÖ鱦
    item Colours[2096-2098]: 11,0x9b,0x9b,0x9b //ÆÕͨ»¤Éí·û
    item Colours[2096-2098][7]: -1,0x20,0x20,0x20 //°µ½ð»¤Éí·û

    Rune Colours[1-21]: 8,-1,-1,-1 //µÍ¼¶·ûÎÄ 0=White 8=orange
    Rune Colours[4,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,21]: 8,-1,-1,-1 //ÓÃÓÚcraftµÄ·ûÎÄ
    Rune Colours[22+]: 8,0x63,0x63,0x63 //¸ß¼¶·ûÎÄ

    // ÓÐÓõĻƽðÎïÆ· //

    //Rare ½Ü³öÍ·»·;
    Item Colours[1113-1116][6]: -1,0x6f,0x6f,0x6f //Circlet Í·ÊÎ;Coronet ±¦¹Ú;Tiara; ÈýÖعڣ»Diadem; Ȩ¹Ú£»
    Item Colours[1113-1116][1,2,3]: -1,-1,-1,-1 //Diadem; °×ɫȨ¹Ú=

    Item Colours[1034-1038][6]: -1,-1,-2,-2
    Item Colours[1080-1084][6]: -1,-1,-2,-2
    Item Colours[1150-1154][6]: -1,-1,-2,-2

    Item Colours[1029-1033][6]: -1,-1,-1,-1
    Item Colours[1075-1079][6]: -1,-1,-1,-1
    Item Colours[1145-1149][6]: -1,-1,-1,-1
    Item Colours[1039-1043][6]: -1,-1,-2,-2
    Item Colours[1085-1089][6]: -1,-1,-2,-2
    Item Colours[1155-1159][6]: -1,-1,-2,-2
    //Å®Î× Rare ORB
    Item Colours[277-281][6]: -1, -1 ,-2, -1
    Item Colours[287-291][6]: -1, -1 ,-2, -1
    Item Colours[297-301][6]: -1, -1 ,-2, -1
    //Item Colours[104-107][6]: -1,0x6f,-2,-2 // exec
    //Item Colours[207-210][6]: -1,0x6f,-2,-2 // elite

    Item Colours[176-196][6]: -1,-1,-1,-1

    // ÓмÛÖµµÄÀ¶É«ÎïÆ· //
    Item Colours[1113-1116][4]: 3,-1,-1,-1,-1 //Í·»·;±¦¹Ú;ÈýÖعÚ;Ȩ¹Ú£»
    Item Colours[1142][4]: 3,0x97,0x97,0x97 //À¶É«Í³ÖÎÕß´ó¶Ü
    Item Colours[1124-1127,1131,1138][4]: 3,0x97,0x97,0x97 //Ѫ+Îȶ¨+
    Item Colours[176-196][4]: -1,-1,-1,-1 //asnÀäÄýצ
    Item Colours[277-281][4]: -1,-1,-2,-1 //sorµ¥ÊÖÕÈ,QHÕÈ
    Item Colours[287-291][4]: -1,-1,-2,-1 //sorµ¥ÊÖÕÈ,QHÕÈ
    Item Colours[297-301][4]: -1,-1,-2,-1 //sorµ¥ÊÖÕÈ,QHÕÈ
    Item Colours[1098-1102,1168-1172,1188-1192][4]: -1,-1,-1,-1 //BBÍ·£¬¿ÉÄÜ6Bo

    // Cube²ÄÁÏ //

    Item Colours[1076][4]: -1,-1,-2,-2 // Sharkskin Gloves öèƤÊÖÌ×
    Item Colours[1146][4]: -1,-1,-2,-2 // Vampirebone Gloves ÎüѪ¹íº¡¹ÇÊÖÌ×£»
    Item Colours[1086][4]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //Sharkskin-Belt öèƤÑü´ø-
    Item Colours[1156][4]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //Vampirefang-Blt ÎüѪ¹íÁÇÑÀÑüŽ§

    // Éñ·ûÖ®Óï²ÄÁÏ //

    Item Colours[1068][3][1][1,4]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //³¬Ç¿µÄMP+
    Item Colours[1138][3][1][1,4,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //³¬Ç¿µÄAP+
    Item Colours[1138][1,2][1][1,4]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ÆÕͨAP+
    Item Colours[1124,1125,1127,1131][3][1][1,4,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //³¬Ç¿µÄ¾«»ªÇá¼×
    Item Colours[1124,1125,1135,1137,1138][2][2][1]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH¾«»ªBug¼×
    Item Colours[1124,1125,1135,1137,1138][2][2][5]: 8, -1 , -1 , -1 //ETH¾«»ª4s¼×,¿ÉÄÜÊÇBug³öÀ´µÄ,½öÏÔʾ
    Item Colours[1137][2][2][4]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //3s Bug SA+

    Item Colours[1193,1194][2,3][1][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ÉñʥС¶Ü,ÉñÊ¥ÇáÔ²¶Ü,¾«Éñ²ÄÁÏ
    Item Colours[1193,1194][2,3][1][4]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //ÉñʥС¶Ü,ÉñÊ¥ÇáÔ²¶Ü,3SµÄ½öÏÔʾ
    Item Colours[1193-1197][2][2][1]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ETH PAL¾«»ª¶Ü,Á÷Íö²ÄÁÏ
    Item Colours[1193-1197][2][2][5]: 8, -1 , -1 , -1 //ETH PAL¾«»ª¶Ü,Á÷Íö²ÄÁÏ,4SµÄ¿ÉÄÜÊÇbug³öÀ´µÄ,½öÏÔʾ
    Item Colours[1142][3][1,2][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //³¬Ç¿µÄ4sͳÖÎÕß´ó¶Ü
    Item Colours[1142][2][2][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //4sͳÖÎÕß´ó¶ÜETH
    Item Colours[1142][2][1][1,5]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 //4sͳÖÎÕß´ó¶Ü

    Item Colours[201][3][1][1,5,6,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Berserker Axe ¿ñսʿ¸«
    Item Colours[201][2,3][2][1,5,6,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Berserker Axe ¿ñսʿ¸«ETH
    Item Colours[235][3][1,2][1,5,6,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Colossus Blade ¾ÞÉñÖ®ÈÐ
    Item Colours[234][3][1,2][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Colossus Sword ¾ÞÉñÖ®½£
    Item Colours[30][3][1,2][6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Crystal Sword Ë®¾§½£
    Item Colours[30][2][2][1,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Crystal Sword Ë®¾§½£ETH
    Item Colours[226][3][1,2][6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Phase Blade »Ã»¯Ö®ÈÐ
    Item Colours[22][2,3][1,2][5,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Flail Á´¼Ï
    Item Hide Lvl[30,226,22][2]: 88 //ÆÕͨˮ¾§½£,»Ã»¯,Á´¼ÏÖ»ÏÔʾ88lvµÄ
    Item Colours[226][3][1,2][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Phase Blade »Ã»¯Ö®ÈÐ ÁÙʱ

    Item Colours[255][3][2][1,5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //¾ÞÉñÖ®¸«,ÈÎÎñ´ò¿×¼´¿É4S
    Item Colours[256,257,258,259][3][2][1,5,6,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //³¬Ç¿µÄÈñÀûÖ®¸«,ÈñÀûÖ®¸«,¾Þ³¤¸«,öÞβ¾Þ¸«
    Item Colours[258,259][1,2][2][1,5,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ÆÕͨµÄ¾Þ³¤¸«,öÞβ¾Þ¸«
    Item Colours[256,257][1,2][2][1,5,6]: -1, -1 , -1 ,-1 //ÆÕͨµÄÈñÀûÖ®¸«,ÈñÀûÖ®¸«
    Item Colours[252,253][3][2][1,7]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //¹í»ê֮ì,սǹ,BOTD²ÄÁÏ

    Item Colours[18][1,2,3][1,2][1,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //¾ÞսȨÕÈ,ÐèÒª¿´¸½´ø¼¼ÄÜ
    Item Colours[111][1,2,3][1,2][1,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //ÉñÊôȨÕÈ,ÐèÒª¿´¸½´ø¼¼ÄÜ
    Item Colours[214][1,2,3][1,2][1,6]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Éñʹ֮ÕÈ,ÐèÒª¿´¸½´ø¼¼ÄÜ
    Item Colours[302,303][3][1][5]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Matriarchal Bow Å®×峤֮¹ Grand Matron Bow ´óÔº³¤Ö®¹
    Item Colours[190,196][1,2,3][1,2][1,4]: 8,0x60,0x60,0x60 //Suwayyah ½üÉíÈУ¬Scissors Suwayh ½üÉí¼ô
    Item Colours[270,272,268][3][1][1,7]: -1,-1 , -2 , -2 //Ê®×ÖÜŠÖ®¹£¬¾ÅÍ·Éß¹,¾Þ¹
    Item Colours[105-107,207-210][2,3][1,2][1,3]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //ÄÐÎ×ÊÖÕÈ(°×É«²ÄÁÏ£©
    Item Colours[1108-1112,1178-1182,1198-1202][2,3][1,2][1,3]: -1,-1,-2,-2 //²ÓÀòÄÁÏ

    // ÆäËûÎïÆ· //

    Item Colours[2013,2015][4]: 3,-1,-1,-1 // À¶É«ÏîÁ´,½äÖ¸;
    Item Colours[2013,2015][6]: -1,0x6f,0x6f,0x6f // Rare ÏîÁ´,½äÖ¸
    Item Colours[2013,2015][7]: -1,0x20,0x20,0x20 // unique ÏîÁ´,½äÖ¸
    //Item Hide Lvl[2013][6,8]: 90 //rareºÍ³ÈÉ«ÏîÁ´Ö»ÏÔʾ90+µÄ
    Item Colours[2015][5]: 10,-1 , -1 , -1 // Set ½äÖ¸,DCKey
    Item Colours[2013][5]: 2,0x20,0x20,0x20 // Set ÏîÁ´,Ò²ÐíÊÇtal ammy
    Item Colours[2013,2015][8]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 // Craft ÏîÁ´,½äÖ¸

    Item Colours[2089]: -1, -2 , -2 , -1 // ´óÀ¶Æ¿
    Item Colours[2084]: -1, -2 , -2 , -1 // ´óѪƿ
    item Colours[2022]: -1, -2 , -2 , -1 // »Ø³Ç¾íÖᣬ°×É«
    item Colours[2011,2012]: -1, -1 , -1 , -1 // »Ø³ÇÊé,±æʶÊé
    item Colours[2008,2009]: 11, -1 , -1 , -1 // ×ÏÆ¿£¬×ÏÉ«

    item Colours[LGem]: -1, -1 , -2 , -1 //µÍ¼¶±¦Ê¯
    item Colours[HGem]: 1,0x62,0x62,0x62 //¸ß¼¶±¦Ê¯
    Item Colours[2142]: 7,0xDA,0xDA,0xDA //»ÙÃðÖ®Ô¿
    Item Colours[2141]: 7,0xDA,0xDA,0xDA //Ô÷ºÞÖ®Ô¿
    Item Colours[2140]: 7,0xDA,0xDA,0xDA //¿Ö¾åÖ®Ô¿
    Item Colours[2145]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Ä«·Æ˹ÍÐÖ®ÄÔ
    Item Colours[2144]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //°Í¶ûÖ®ÑÛ
    Item Colours[2143]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //°µºÚÆÆ»µÉñÖ®½Ç
    Item Colours[2146]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Token of Absolution»íÃâ»ÕÕÂ
    Item Colours[2147]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Twisted Essence of SufferingŤÇú¾«»ª
    Item Colours[2148]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Charged Essense of Hatred³äÄܾ«»ª
    Item Colours[2149]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Burning Essence of TerrorȼÉÕ¾«»ª
    Item Colours[2150]: 7,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Festering Essence of Destruction»ÙÃ𾫻ª

    Item Colours[89]: 4,0x62,0x62,0x62 //άÌØÖ®½Å
    Item Colours[2017,2018,90]: 4, 0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Act1
    Item Colours[2045,2042,93,2014,92]: 4, 0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Act2
    Item Colours[88,2038,2039,2040,2041,2046,2047,2048,174,175]: 4, 0x1f,0x1f,0x1f//Act3
    Item Colours[2044,91]: 4, 0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Act4
    Item Colours[2137,2139]: 4, 0x1f,0x1f,0x1f //Act5
  15. aBUCHa

    aBUCHa Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:

    Hi. I activated, super mana drop
    but its very long name, when he many
    How to change the name to a short ?
  16. Nopik

    Nopik Game Master

    Dec 13, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:

    i don't think it is possible with sting, but maybe i am wrong
  17. Nalfgarsorc

    Nalfgarsorc Active Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Its not that easy but i can do it just give me 1-2 weeks time.
  18. Nopik

    Nopik Game Master

    Dec 13, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:

    Some people ask me to post my MH config, so here it is.

    I still work on it, enjoy.
    // Sting config edited by: Nopik from Atox config
    // STING Maphack Configuration Guide:
    // http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/sting-maphack-configuration-guide.537869/
    // Maphack hiding items guide (gold, arrows, bolts scrolls, etc):
    // http://forum.europebattle.net/threa...s-guide-gold-arrows-bolts-scrolls-etc.534667/
    /// INDEX [ A0.0 ]
    // To navigate the config press CTRL+F (Search function) and then search for the code bettewn square brackets [ ]
    // [ A0.0 ]* Back To Index
    // [ A1.1 ]* CFG Settings
    // [ A1.2 ]* Minimap
    // [ A1.3 ]* Monsters
    // [ A1.4 ]* State Monitor
    // [ A2.0 ]* Item Config
    // [ A2.1 ]* Gold
    // [ A2.2 ]* Runes
    // [ A2.3 ]* Misc
    // [ A2.4 ]* Potions
    // [ A2.5 ]* All Gems
    // [ A2.6 ]* Basic line Info
    // [ A2.7 ]* Category Color
    // [ A2.8 ]* Good Drops
    // [ A2.9 ]* Good Bases
    // [ A3.0 ]** Other Items
    // [ A3.1 ]* Charms
    // [ A3.2 ]* Jewels
    // [ A3.3 ]* Amulet & Rings
    // [ A4.0 ]** Armor
    // [ A4.1 ]* Circlets
    // [ A4.2 ]* Helms
    // [ A4.3 ]* Gloves
    // [ A4.4 ]* Boots
    // [ A4.5 ]* Belts
    // [ A4.6 ]* Body Armor
    // [ A4.7 ]* Shields
    // [ A5.0 ]** Class Armor
    // [ A5.1 ]* Barbarian Helms
    // [ A5.2 ]* Druid Pelts
    // [ A5.3 ]* Paladin Shields
    // [ A5.4 ]* Necromancer Shrunken Heads
    // [ A6.0 ]** Weapons
    // [ A6.1 ]* Axes
    // [ A6.2 ]* Bows
    // [ A6.3 ]* Crossbows
    // [ A6.4 ]* Daggers
    // [ A6.5 ]* Javelins
    // [ A6.6 ]* Maces
    // [ A6.7 ]* Polearms
    // [ A6.8 ]* Scepters
    // [ A6.9 ]* Spears
    // [ A6.a ]* Staves
    // [ A6.b ]* Swords
    // [ A6.c ]* Throwing Weapons
    // [ A6.d ]* Wands
    // [ A7.0 ]** Class Weapons
    // [ A7.1 ]* Amazon Weapons
    // [ A7.2 ]* Assassin Katars
    // [ A7.3 ]* Sorceress Orbs

    // * CFG Settings [ A1.1 ]

    Show CFGCheck Info : 0
    Enable Language Check : 0
    GameFilterSupport: 1
    Localization Support: 0
    CFG Version Eng : "Config by *NOPIK v1.64" // Edit your own greetings text

    Socket Protect Toggle: 1, VK_INSERT //Socket Protection
    View Equipment Key: VK_K //View other players equipment while hovering the mouse on them
    View Player Stats Key: VK_U //View other Players Stats while hovering the mouse on them
    Quick Next Game Key: VK_END //Instant exit the game and it will remember the game and add +1 for the next one EX: If your current game is Sting1 when using this feature next one will be Sting2
    Hidden Items Toggle: 0, VK_7 //Show or Hidde items on the ground
    Quick Back To Town Key: VK_E //Make portal and put you back in town
    Auto Invite Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD4 //Auto invite other players in your party
    Auto Party Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD5 //Auto accept other players invites
    Auto Loot Permit: 1, VK_NUMPAD6 //Auto check the Loot Permit feature ( HC ONLY )
    Reload Config Key: VK_NUMPAD9 //Reload the config While inGame
    Reveal Act Automap Key: VK_SUBTRACT //Reveal the act
    Default Game Name: "Hunt1" // Default game name when you create a game
    Default Game Password: "q" // Default game password when you create a game

    Quick Exit Game Key: -1 //Instant exit the game
    Quick Next Game Key2: -1 //Instant exit the game for the next one
    //Wisper Notice Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD5
    First Player Stat Key: -1 //Show you more stats
    Next Player Stat Key: VK_HOME //Show you more stats
    Previous Player Stat Key: VK_OEM_COMMA //Show you more stats
    Perm Show Items Toggle: 1, VK_F //Permanent show items on the ground
    //Ground Item Desc Toggle: 1, VK_F //Not working
    Monster Resists Toggle: 1, VK_D
    View Socketables Toggle: 0, VK_J //Let's you to see the base and what is in the socket. Separated
    Item Basic Stats Toggle: 0, VK_J //Let's you to see the base and what is in the socket. Separated
    View Socket Base Items Toggle : 0 ,VK_J //Let's you to see the base and what is in the socket. Separated
    Item Value Toggle: 0, VK_V //Show how much the item cost
    Item Levels Toggle: 1, VK_L //Show the iLvl of the item
    Show Item Variable Prop Toggle: 1, -1
    //BugKD Toggle: 1, -1 , 2
    //BugKM Toggle: 1, -1 , 2
    //BugKB Toggle: 1, -1 , 2
    //Item QLevel Toggle: 0, VK_]
    //Item MLevel Toggle: 0, VK_]
    //Item ALevel Toggle: 0, VK_]
    //Item After Cube Toggle: 0, VK_]
    Default Item Show Mode : 1
    Show Identified Item : 1, -1
    Show Base Stat: 1, VK_OEM_4
    ULC Mask Toggle: 1, -1
    Bug Auto Quit Toggle: 0, -1
    Bug Alert Times: 3
    Townportal Nums Alert : 5
    Skip Quest Message: 8
    Item ExtInfo Toggle : 0, -1
    Item ExtInfo File Eng: "ItemInfo_Eng.cfg"
    Item ExtInfo File Chi: "ItemInfo_Chi.cfg"
    Default ExtInfo Colour : 8
    Ethereal Item Prefix: "[Eth]"
    Ethereal Item Postfix: -2
    Show Exp Toggle: 1, -1 , 2
    Show Ping Toggle: 0, -1 ,
    Out Town Select Toggle: 0, -1
    Kill Count Toggle: 0, -1, 9
    GetHit Count Toggle: 0, -1, 9
    Show Base ED Toggle : 1, -1
    //Show Party Position Toggle: 1, -1
    Show Party Level Toggle: 1, -1
    Center Map Scroll Key: VK_PAUSE
    Scroll Map Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL
    Diagonal Scroll Toggle: 1, -1
    //Scroll Mode: 2
    //Map Scroll Key1: VK_J
    //Map Scroll Key2: VK_H
    //Map Scroll Key3: VK_Y
    //Map Scroll Key4: VK_U
    //Map Scroll Key5: VK_N
    Map Scroll Offset1[1-5]: 20, 12
    Map Scroll Offset2[1-5]: -20, 12
    Map Scroll Offset3[1-5]: -20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset4[1-5]: 20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset5[3]: -40, 10
    Player Blob File: "blobplayer"
    Monster Blob File: "blobmonster"
    Object Blob File: "blobchest"
    Missile Blob File: "blobdot"
    Item Blob File: "blobitem"
    Boss Blob File: "blobBoss"
    Npc Blob File: "blobNpc"
    My Blob File: "blobMe"
    Corpse Blob File: "blobCorpse"
    Full Visuals Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Weather Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Infravision Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Light Radius Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Screen Shake Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Reveal Level Automap Key: -1
    Auto Reveal Act: 1
    AutoMap Toggle: 0, -1
    Auto Next Game Name: 1
    Auto Next Game Password: 1
    //Locale MPQ:"d2locale.mpq"
    Input Line Toggle: 1, -1
    Unknown Warden Mod Action: 0
    Extrawork Dll Action: 0
    Version Checking Dll Action: 0
    Enter Game Sound : 0
    Right Click Swap Toggle: 1, -1
    Ctrl Click Swap Toggle : 1 ,-1
    Quick Drop Toggle : 1 ,-1
    Message Log Toggle: 2
    Message Log File Size : 1000
    Game Time Toggle: 1, -1
    Clock Toggle: 1, -1
    Layer Level No Toggle : 0, -1
    Server Ip Toggle: 0, -1
    Area Level Toggle: 1, -1
    Automap Active Rooms Toggle: 0, -1
    Automap Ready Rooms Toggle: 0, -1
    Automap Screen Area Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL
    Automap Active Rooms Colour: 0x77
    Automap Ready Rooms Colour: 0x77
    Automap Screen Area Colour: 0x55
    Mini Shrines Toggle: 1, -1
    //Life Bar Transparency: 2
    //Life Bar Colour: 0x08
    Perm Show Orbs Toggle: 1, -1
    Automap Level Names Toggle: 1, -1
    Level Name Colour: White
    Staff Tomb Level Desc: "%2<==Here"
    Minimap Size: 1
    Minimap Toggle: 1, -1
    Minimap Cell Colour: 0x84

    // * Minimap [ A1.2 ]
    // format: Minimap Cells[level number][cell no.1, cell no.2, ...] : 1 , color2 // 1 for enable, -1 for disable
    // example:
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1 , 0x62

    // Act1:
    Minimap Cells[Rogue Encampment][The Secret Cow Level]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Blood Moor][Den of Evil]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Stony Field][Cairn Stone]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Black Marsh][Forgotten Tower]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Dark Wood][Tree of Inifuss]: 1 ,

    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 1][Tower Cellar Level 2]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 2][Tower Cellar Level 3]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 3][Tower Cellar Level 4]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 4][Tower Cellar Level 5]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Tamoe Highland][Pit Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Pit Level 1][Pit Level 2]: 1 ,

    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 1][Jail Level 2]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 2][Jail Level 3]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 3][Inner Cloister]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 1][Catacombs Level 2]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1 ,

    Minimap Cells[Cold Plains][Crypt]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Barracks][316]: 1 ,

    // Act2:
    Minimap Cells[Far Oasis][Maggot Lair Level 1]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 1][Maggot Lair Level 2]:1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 2][Maggot Lair Level 3]:1 ,
    Minimap Cells[lost city][Claw Viper Temple Level 1] :1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Lost City][Ancient Tunnels]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Claw Viper Temple Level 1][Claw Viper Temple Level 2]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Arcane Sanctuary][Horazon's Journal]: 1 ,

    // Act3:
    Minimap Cells[Kurast Bazaar][Ruined Temple]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 1][Durance of Hate Level 2]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 2][Durance of Hate Level 3]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Flayer Jungle][315]: 1 ,

    // Act4
    Minimap Cells[Plains of Despair][Izual on Minimap]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[River of Flame][Hellforg on Minimap]: 1 ,

    // Act5
    Minimap Cells[Crystalline Passage][Frozen River]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Frozen River][Anya on Minimap]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[118][Arreat Summit]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Anguish][Halls of Pain]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Pain][Halls of Vaught]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Vaught][Nihlathak on Minimap]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 1][Worldstone Keep Level 2]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 2][Worldstone Keep Level 3]: 1 ,
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 3][Throne of Destruction]: 1 ,

    // * Monsters [ A1.3 ]
    Monster Death Anims[1+]: 0
    Monster Level Toggle: 1, -1
    Monster TC Toggle: 1, -1
    Monster Rune TC Toggle: 0, -1
    Monster HPPercent Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Monster Resists Toggle: 1, -1
    Monster Distance Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Player Level Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Player Distance Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Player HPPercent Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Boss Name Toggle: 1 , -1
    Automap Items Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Rune Numbers Toggle: 0, -1
    Automap Party Default: 1
    Automap Names Default: 1
    Hidden Corpses Toggle: 0, -1
    Automap Corpses Toggle: 1, -1
    Normal Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Boss Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Minion Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Champion Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Monster Corpse Colours[0+]: 0x08
    //Monster Corpses[0+]: 1
    Party Player Text Colour: 2
    Neutral Player Text Colour: 9
    Hostile Player Text Colour: 1
    Neutral Player Colour: 0x6f
    Hostile Player Colour: 0x5b
    Friend Minion Colour : 0x7f
    Player Minion Colour: 0xcb
    Automap Monsters Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Normal Monster Colour: 0x62
    Boss Monster Colour: 0x5b
    Minion Monster Colour: 0x66
    Champion Monster Colour: 0x68
    Act5 Barbarian Colour: 0x9f
    Super Unique Colour : 0x6f

    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Gloam 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Gloam 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[734]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 3]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 4]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Frenzied Ice Spawn]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Tomb viper 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Tomb Viper 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Undead Soul Killer 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[411]: 0x20 //wake of fire
    Monster Colours[412]: 0x20 //Charged Bolt Sentry
    Monster Colours[413]: 0x20 //Lightning Sentry
    Monster Colours[417]: 0x20 //Death Sentry
    Monster Colours[352-354]: 0x20 //Hydra1-Hydra3

    Monster Desc Colour: Red
    Enchantment Descs: 0
    Extra Strong Desc: -2
    Extra Fast Desc: -2
    Cursed Desc: -2
    Magic Resistant Desc: -2
    Fire Enchanted Desc: -2
    Lightning Enchanted Desc: -2
    Cold Enchanted Desc: -2
    Thief Desc: 0
    Mana Burn Desc: -2
    Teleportation Desc: -2
    Spectral Hit Desc: -2
    Stone Skin Desc: -2
    Multiple Shots Desc: -2
    Ghostly Desc: -2
    Fanatic Desc: -2
    Possessed Desc: -2
    Berserker Desc: -2
    Champion Desc: 0

    // Auras Enhanted:
    Aura Descs : 0
    Might Aura Desc: -2
    Holy Fire Aura Desc: -2
    Blessed Aim Aura Desc: -2
    Holy Freeze Aura Desc: -2
    Holy Shock Aura Desc: -2
    Conviction Aura Desc: -2
    Fanaticism Aura Desc: -2

    // Immunities:
    Immunity Descs : 0
    Physical Immunity Desc: -2
    Magic Immunity Desc: -2
    Fire Immunity Desc: -2
    Lightning Immunity Desc: -2
    Cold Immunity Desc: -2
    Poison Immunity Desc: -2

    Automap Chests Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Closed Chest Colour: 0x09
    Locked Chest Colour: 0x97
    Automap Missiles Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Hostile Missile Colour: 0xa4
    Guided Missile Colour: 0x5b
    Tracer Missile Colour: 0x97
    Other Missile Colour: 0x84
    Missile Colours[All Arrows]: -2
    Missile Colours[BoneSpirit]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[teeth]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[blessedhammer]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Hostile]: 0xa4
    Missile Colours[BoneSpirit]: 0x20

    // State Monitor [ A1.4 ]
    // More Effects in the link bellow
    // http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/maphack-config-state-monitor.540675/#post-849446

    State Monitor Toggle: 1 , -1

    State Monitor[2] : 1 , "POISON" ,
    State Monitor[9] : 1 , "AMPLY DMG" ,
    State Monitor[58] : 1 , "LIFE TAP" ,
    State Monitor[59] : 1 , "CONFUSE" ,
    State Monitor[57] : 1 , "ATTRACT" ,
    State Monitor[56] : 1 , "TERROR" ,
    State Monitor[55] : 1 , "IRONMAIDEN" ,
    State Monitor[19] : 1 , "WEAKNES" ,
    State Monitor[12] : 1 , "INFERNO" ,
    State Monitor[13] : 1 , "BLAZE" ,
    State Monitor[113] : 1 , "-DEFENSE" ,
    State Monitor[114] : 1 , "MANA2 " ,
    State Monitor[115] : 1 , "MANA3 " ,
    State Monitor[11] : 1 , "-Cold" ,
    State Monitor[61] : 1 , "LowerRes" ,
    State Monitor[62] : 1 , "OpenWound" ,
    State Monitor[60] : 1 , "Decrepify" ,
    State Monitor[1] : 1 , "Freeze" ,
    State Monitor[8] : 3 , "Salvation" ,
    State Monitor[159] : 2 , "FADE" ,
    State Monitor[149] : 9 , " OakSage" ,
    State Monitor[16] : 11 , "ENCHANT" ,
    State Monitor[10] : 2 , "Frozen Armor" ,
    State Monitor[20] : 2 , "Chilling Armor" ,
    State Monitor[88] : 2 , "Shiver Armor" ,
    State Monitor[14] : 2 , "BONEARMOR" ,
    State Monitor[32] : 8 , " BO" ,
    State Monitor[51] : 8 , " BC" ,
    State Monitor[26] : 8 , " SHOUT" ,
    State Monitor[134] : 7 , "+DMG" ,
    State Monitor[128] : 7 , "+ARMOR" ,
    State Monitor[129] : 7 , "+COMBAT" ,
    State Monitor[130] : 7 , "+LIGHT" ,
    State Monitor[131] : 7 , "+FIRE" ,
    State Monitor[132] : 7 , "+COLD" ,
    State Monitor[133] : 7 , "+POISON" ,
    State Monitor[135] : 7 , "+MANA" ,
    State Monitor[136] : 7 , "+STAMINA" ,
    State Monitor[137] : 7 , "+EXP" ,
    State Monitor[101] : 2 , "HOLY SHIELD" ,
    State Monitor[38] : 2 , "THUNDER STORM" ,
    State Monitor[151] : 2 , "Cyclone armor" ,

    // Item Config [ A2.0 ]
    // ( Setting up the item lines )
    // For more info read the section 3 from the guide below
    // http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/sting-maphack-configuration-guide.537869/

    // * Gold [ A2.1 ]
    Good Gold Number: 5000 // Everything below this amount will be hidden
    Good Gold Colour: 0,0 // The color is first one(in this case 7) || All Colors -1=Default 0=White 1=Red 2=Green 3=Blue 4=Dark Gold 5=Grey 6=Nothing 7=Light Gold 8=orange 9=Yellow
    Poor Gold Colour: -2

    // * Runes [ A2.2 ]
    Rune Colours[1-14]: -2 // Shown runes EL to DOL with white color
    Rune Colours[15-21]: 9, -1 // Shown runes HEL to PUL || All Colors 0=White 1=Red 2=Green 3=Blue 4=Dark Gold 5=Grey 6=Nothing 7=Light Gold 8=orange 9=Yellow
    Rune Colours[22+]: 8,0x20 // Shown runes UM to ZOD and with mark on map || All Colors 0=White 1=Red 2=Green 3=Blue 4=Dark Gold 5=Grey 6=Nothing 7=Light Gold 8=orange 9=Yellow

    // * Misc [ A2.3 ]
    Item Colours[Antidote Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Thawing Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Rancid Gas Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Choking Gas Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Stamina Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Oil Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Strangling Gas Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Fulminating Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[84][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // exploding potion
    Item Colours[Ear]: -2
    Item Colours[Scroll of Town Portal]: -2
    Item Colours[Scroll of Identify]: -2
    Item Colours[Key]: -2
    Item Colours[Arrows]: -2
    Item Colours[Bolts]: -2
    Item Colours[2140-2146][2]: 1,0x62 //Hate, Terror, Destruction Key and Baal's Eye, Diablo's Horn, Mephisto's Brain

    // * Potions [ A2.4 ]
    Healing Pot Colours[1+]: -2
    Mana Pot Colours[1+]: -2
    Rejuv Pot Colours[1]: -2
    Rejuv Pot Colours[2+]: 0

    // * All Gems [ A2.5 ]
    Gem Colours[1+]: 1
    //Amethyst Colours[1+]: 12,0x76
    //Amethyst Colours[4+]: 12,0x76
    //Topaz Colours[1+]: 12,0x76
    //Topaz Colours[4+]: 12,0x76
    //Sapphire Colours[1+]: 12,0x76
    //Sapphire Colours[4+]: 12,0x76
    //Emerald Colours[1+]: 12,0x76
    //Emerald Colours[4+]: 12,0x76
    //Ruby Colours[1+]: 12,0x76
    //Ruby Colours[4+]: 12,0x76
    //Diamond Colours[1+]: 12,0x76
    //Diamond Colours[4+]: 12,0x76
    //Skull Colours[1+]: 12,0x76
    //Skull Colours[4+]: 12,0x76

    // Basic line Info [ A2.6 ]
    // Item Quality info
    // 1 Low Quality, Cracked, Damaged
    // 2 Normal (white)
    // 3 Superior
    // 4 Magic
    // 5 Set
    // 6 Rare
    // 7 Unique
    // 8 Crafted
    // Eth or Real
    // 1=Real
    // 2=Eth
    // Sockets
    // [1]=0 sockets
    // [2]=1 socket
    // [3]=2 sockets
    // [4]=3 sockets
    // [5]=4 sockets
    // [6]=5 sockets
    // All Colors
    // -2=Hidden
    // -1=Default
    // 0=White
    // 1=Red
    // 2=Green
    // 3=Blue
    // 4=Dark Gold
    // 5=Grey
    // 6=Black
    // 7=Light Gold
    // 8=orange
    // 9=Yellow

    // **** Category Color [ A2.7 ]
    Item Colours[All][Unique]: Gold , 0x54
    Item Colours[All][Set]: 10, 0x79
    Item Colours[All][Rare]: 9,0x68
    Item Colours[All][8]: 8, 0x60 // All Crafted Items

    // *** Good Drops [ A2.8 ]
    Item Colours[1116][7]: 8, 0x20 // Griffon's Eye
    Item Colours[1121][7]: 8, 0x20 // Nightwing's Veil
    Item Colours[1122][7]: 8, 0x20 // Corona
    Item Colours[1149][7]: 8, 0x20 // Steelrend
    Item Colours[1154][7]: 8, 0x20 // Shadow Dancer
    Item Colours[1155][7]: 8, 0x20 // Arachnid Mesh
    Item Colours[1137][7]: 8, 0x20 // Templar's Might or Tyrael's Might
    Item Colours[235][7]: 8, 0x20 // The Grandfather
    Item Colours[210][7]: 8, 0x20 // Death's Web
    Item Colours[296][7][2]: 8, 0x20 // Titan eth
    Item Colours[301][7]: 8, 0x20 // Death's Fathom

    // *** Good Bases [ A2.9 ]
    Item Colours[1068][3][1][1,4]: 2, 0x84 // Superior Mage Plate 0, 3 Sockets
    Item Colours[1138][3][1,2][1,4,5]: 2, 0x84 // Superior Archon Plate 0, 3, 4 Sockets
    Item Colours[1124][3][1,2][1,4,5]: 2, 0x84 // Superior Dusk Shroud 0, 3, 4 Sockets
    Item Colours[1138][2][2][1,4,5]: 2, 0x84 // Normal ETH Archon Plate 0, 3, 4 Sockets
    Item Colours[1124][2][2][1,4,5]: 2, 0x84 // Normal ETH Dusk Shroud 0, 3, 4 Sockets
    Item Colours[1142][3][1,2][1,5]: 2, 0x84 // Superior Monarch 0, 4 Sockets
    Item Colours[1142][2][2][1,5]: 2, 0x84 // Normal ETH Monarch 0, 4 Sockets
    Item Colours[201][3][1,2][1,5,6,7]: 2, 0x84 // Superior Berserker Axe 0, 4, 5, 6 Sockets
    Item Colours[22][3][1,2][1,5,6]: 2, 0x84 // Superior Flail 0, 4, 5 Sockets
    Item Colours[22][2][2][1,5,6]: 2, 0x84 // Normal ETH Flail 0, 4, 5 Sockets
    Item Colours[30][3][1,2][1,5,6,7]: 2, 0x84 // Superior Crystal Sword 0,4,5,6 sockets
    Item Colours[255-259][2,3][2][1,5,6]: 2, 0x84 // Normal, Superior ETH CV, Thresher, CA, Great Poleaxe, Giant Thresher 0, 4, 5 Sockets
    Item Colours[226][3][1,2][1,5,6,7]: 2, 0x84 // Superior Phase Blade 0,4,5,6 Sockets
    Item Colours[3][3][1,2][1,4,6]: 2, 0x84 //Superior double Axe 0,3,5 soc colored light green
    Item Colours[1193-1197][2,3][2][1,5]: 2 //eth elite pala shields 0,4 soc colored light green
    Item Colours[303][3][1][1,5,6]: 2, 0x84 // Superior Grand Matron Bow 0,4,5 sockets
    Item Colours[59,152][3][2][1,5]: 2, 0x84 // ETH Superior Voulge and Bill 0,4 soc colored light green
    Item Colours[253][3][2][1,7]: 2, 0x84 // Superior ETH War Pike 0,6 soc colored light green

    //>>>>>>> Other Items <<<<< [ A3.0 ]

    // ** Charms [ A3.1 ]
    Item Colours[2097][7]: -1, 0x20 // Hellfire Torch
    Item Colours[2096,2098][7]: -1, 0x20 //Annihilus and Gheed
    Item Colours[2096,2098][4]: 11, 0x9b //Small Charm and Grand Charm
    Item Colours[2097][4]: -1, -2 // All Large Charms Hidden

    // ** Jewels [ A3.2 ]
    Item Colours[Jewel]: 11, 0x9b
    Item Colours[Jewel][Unique]: 4 // Rainbow Facet

    // ** Amulet & Rings [ A3.3 ]
    Item Colours[2013][4]: -2 // Magic Amulets Hidden
    Item Colours[2015][4]: -2 // Magic Rings Hidden

    //>>>>>>>>> Armor <<<<<<<<< [ A4.0 ]

    // ** Circlets [ A4.1 ]
    Item Colours[1113][1,2,3]: -1 // Circlet
    Item Colours[1114][1,2,3]: -1 // Coronet
    Item Colours[1115][1,2,3]: -1 // Tiara
    Item Colours[1116][1,2,3]: -1 // Diadem
    Item Colours[1113-1116][4]: 3, 0x91 // Magic circlet,coronet,tiara,diadem

    // ** Helms [ A4.2 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[1001][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Cap
    Item Colours[1002][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Skull Cap
    Item Colours[1003][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Helm
    Item Colours[1004][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Full Helm
    Item Colours[1005][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Mask
    Item Colours[1006][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Great Helm
    Item Colours[1007][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Crown
    Item Colours[1044][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Bone Helm

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[1047][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | War Hat
    Item Colours[1048][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Sallet
    Item Colours[1049][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Casque
    Item Colours[1050][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Basinet
    Item Colours[1051][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Guillaume's Face Shown
    Item Colours[1053][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Tal Rasha's Mask, Blackhorns face Shown
    Item Colours[1052][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Crown of Thieves Shown
    Item Colours[1090][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Vampire Gaze Shown

    // * Elite - All Rare Shown
    Item Colours[1117][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Shako Shown
    Item Colours[1118][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Hydraskull
    Item Colours[1119][1,2,3,4,7]: -2 // Armet
    Item Colours[1120][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Giant Conch
    Item Colours[1121][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Spired Helm Show
    Item Colours[1122][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Corona Show
    Item Colours[1123][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Demonhead Andariel's Visage Shown
    Item Colours[1160][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Bone Visage Giant Skull Shown

    // ** Gloves [ A4.3 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[1029][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Leather Gloves All Hidden
    Item Colours[1030][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Bloodfist Hidden
    Item Colours[1031][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Change Guards Shown
    Item Colours[1032][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Magefist Shown
    Item Colours[1033][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Frostburn Shown

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[1075][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Demonhide Gloves All Hidden
    Item Colours[1076][1,2,3,5,7]: -2 // Sharkskin Gloves Blood Craft Gloves Shown
    Item Colours[1077][1,2,3,7]: -2 // Hit Power Gloves Craft | Trang-Oul Bracers Shown
    Item Colours[1078][1,2,3,5,6]: -2 // Battle Gauntlets Lava gout shown
    Item Colours[1079][1,2,3,7]: -2 // Immortal King Gauntlets Shown

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[1145][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Laying of Hands Shown
    Item Colours[1146][1,2,3]: -2 // Dracul's Grasp | Vampirebone Gloves Blood Craft Gloves Shown
    Item Colours[1147][1,2,3,7]: -2 // Hit Power Gloves Craft Shown
    Item Colours[1148][1,2,3,4,7]: -2 // Crusader Gauntlets
    Item Colours[1149][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Ogre Gauntlets

    // ** Boots [ A4.4 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[1034][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Hotspur Shown
    Item Colours[1035][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Heavy Boots
    Item Colours[1036][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Chain Boots
    Item Colours[1037][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Goblin Toe Shown
    Item Colours[1038][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Greaves

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[1080][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Infernostride Shown
    Item Colours[1081][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Waterwalk Shown
    Item Colours[1082][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Silkweave Hidden
    Item Colours[1083][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Aldur's Advance | War Traveler Shown
    Item Colours[1084][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Immortal King Boots | Gore Rider Shown

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[1150][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Wyrmhide Boots
    Item Colours[1151][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Sandstorm Trek Shown
    Item Colours[1152][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Marrowwalk Shown
    Item Colours[1153][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Mirrored Boots
    Item Colours[1154][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Myrmidon Greaves

    // ** Belts [ A4.5 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[1039][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Sash
    Item Colours[1040][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Light Belt
    Item Colours[1041][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Belt
    Item Colours[1042][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Goldwrap Shown
    Item Colours[1043][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Plated Belt

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[1085][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // String of Ears Shown
    Item Colours[1086][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Razortail Shown
    Item Colours[1087][1,2,3,4,7]: -2 // Tal Rasha Belt Shown
    Item Colours[1088][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Snowclash Hidden
    Item Colours[1089][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Immortal King Belt | Thundergod's Vigor Shown

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[1155][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Spiderweb Sash
    Item Colours[1156][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Nosferatu's Coil Shown
    Item Colours[1157][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Verdungo's Hearty Cord Shown
    Item Colours[1158][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Troll Belt
    Item Colours[1159][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Colossus Girdle

    // ** Body Armor [ A4.6 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[1008][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Quilted Armor
    Item Colours[1009][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Leather Armor
    Item Colours[1010][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Hard Leather Armor
    Item Colours[1011][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Studded Leather
    Item Colours[1012][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Ring Mail
    Item Colours[1013][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Scale Mail
    Item Colours[1014][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Chain Mail
    Item Colours[1015][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Breast Plate
    Item Colours[1016][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Splint Mail
    Item Colours[1017][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Plate Mail
    Item Colours[1018][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Field Plate
    Item Colours[1019][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Gothic Plate
    Item Colours[1020][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Full Plate Mail
    Item Colours[1021][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Ancient Armor
    Item Colours[1022][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Light Plate

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[1054][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Ghost Armor
    Item Colours[1055][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Skin of the Vipermagi Shown
    Item Colours[1056][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Demonhide Armor
    Item Colours[1057][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Trellised Armor
    Item Colours[1058][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Linked Mail
    Item Colours[1059][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Tigulated Mail
    Item Colours[1060][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Shaftstop Shown
    Item Colours[1061][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Duriel's Shell Shown
    Item Colours[1062][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Skullder's Ire Shown
    Item Colours[1063][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Guardian Angel Shown
    Item Colours[1064][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Sharktooth Armor
    Item Colours[1065][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Embossed Plate
    Item Colours[1066][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Chaos Armor
    Item Colours[1067][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Ornate Plate
    Item Colours[1068][1,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Mage Plate

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[1124][1,4,6]: -2 // Dusk Shroud | Ormus' Robes Shown
    Item Colours[1125][1,3,4,6]: -2 // Wyrmhide
    Item Colours[1126][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Scarab Husk
    Item Colours[1127][1,4,6,7]: -2 // Wire Fleece
    Item Colours[1128][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Diamond Mail
    Item Colours[1129][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Loricated Mail
    Item Colours[1130][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Boneweave
    Item Colours[1131][1,4,6]: -2 // Great Hauberk
    Item Colours[1132][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Balrog Skin | Arkaine's Valor Shown
    Item Colours[1133][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Hellforge Plate
    Item Colours[1134][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Kraken Shell
    Item Colours[1135][1,4,6]: -2 // Lacquered Plate | Tal Rasha's Armor Shown
    Item Colours[1136][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Shadow Plate
    Item Colours[1137][1,4,6]: -2 // Sacred Armor
    Item Colours[1138][1,4,6]: -2 // Archon Plate

    // ** Shields [ A4.7 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[1023][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Buckler
    Item Colours[1024][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Small Shield
    Item Colours[1025][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Large Shield
    Item Colours[1026][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Kite Shield
    Item Colours[1027][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Tower Shield
    Item Colours[1028][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Gothic Shield
    Item Colours[1045][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Bone Shield
    Item Colours[1046][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Spiked Shield

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[1069][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Defender
    Item Colours[1070][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Round Shield | Whitstan's Guard Shown | Moser's Blessed Hidden
    Item Colours[1071][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Scutum
    Item Colours[1072][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Dragon Shield
    Item Colours[1073][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Pavise
    Item Colours[1074][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Ancient Shield
    Item Colours[1091][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Grim Shield
    Item Colours[1092][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Barbed Shield

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[1139][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Heater
    Item Colours[1140][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Luna
    Item Colours[1141][1,4,6]: -2 // Hyperion
    Item Colours[1142][1]: -2 // Monarch | Stormshield Shown
    Item Colours[1142][4]: 3, 0x91 // Magic monarch (chance to JMOD)
    Item Colours[1143][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Aegis
    Item Colours[1144][1,2,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Ward
    Item Colours[1161][1,4,6,7]: -2 // Troll Nest | Head Hunter's Glory Hidden
    Item Colours[1162][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Blade Barrier

    //>>>>>> Class Armor <<<<< [ A5.0 ]

    // ** Barbarian Helms [ A5.1 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[1098][1,2,3]: -2 // Jawbone Cap
    Item Colours[1099][1,2,3]: -2 // Fanged Helm
    Item Colours[1100][1,2,3]: -2 // Horned Helm
    Item Colours[1101][1,2,3]: -2 // Assault Helmet
    Item Colours[1102][1,2,3]: -2 // Avenger Guard | Immortal King's Helm Shown

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[1168][1,2,3]: -2 // Jawbone Visor
    Item Colours[1169][1,2,3]: -2 // Lion Helm
    Item Colours[1170][1,2,3]: -2 // Rage Mask
    Item Colours[1171][1,2,3]: -2 // Savage Helmet
    Item Colours[1172][1,2,3]: -2 // Slayer Guard | Arreat's Face Shown

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[1188][1,2,3]: -2 // Carnage Helm
    Item Colours[1189][1,2,3]: -2 // Fury Visor | Wolfhowl Shown
    Item Colours[1190][1,2,3]: -2 // Destroyer Helm | Demonhorn's Edge Shown
    Item Colours[1191][1,2,3]: -2 // Conqueror Crown | Halaberd's Reign Shown
    Item Colours[1192][1,2,3]: -2 // Guardian Crown

    // ** Druid Pelts [ A5.2 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[1093][1,2,3]: -2 // Wolf Head
    Item Colours[1094][1,2,3]: -2 // Hawk Helm
    Item Colours[1095][1,2,3]: -2 // Antlers
    Item Colours[1096][1,2,3]: -2 // Falcon Mask
    Item Colours[1097][1,2,3]: -2 // Spirit Mask

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[1163][1,2,3]: -2 // Alpha Helm
    Item Colours[1164][1,2,3]: -2 // Griffon Headdress
    Item Colours[1165][1,2,3,5]: -2 // Hunter's Guise | Aldur's Stony Gaze Hidden
    Item Colours[1166][1,2,3]: -2 // Sacred Feathers
    Item Colours[1167][1,2,3]: -2 // Totemic Mask | Jalal's Mane Shown

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[1183][1,2,3]: -2 // Blood Spirit | Cerebus' Bite Shown
    Item Colours[1184][1,2,3]: -2 // Sun Spirit
    Item Colours[1185][1,2,3]: -2 // Earth Spirit | Spirit Keeper Shown
    Item Colours[1186][1,2,3]: -2 // Sky Spirit | Ravenlore Shown
    Item Colours[1187][1,2,3]: -2 // Dream Spirit

    // ** Paladin Shields [ A5.3 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[1103][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Targe
    Item Colours[1104][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Rondache
    Item Colours[1105][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Heraldic Shield
    Item Colours[1106][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Aerin Shield
    Item Colours[1107][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Crown Shield

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[1173][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Akaran Targe
    Item Colours[1174][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Akaran Rondache
    Item Colours[1175][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Protector Shield
    Item Colours[1176][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Gilded Shield | Herald of Zakarum Shown
    Item Colours[1177][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Royal Shield

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[1193][1,4,6]: -2 // Sacred Targe
    Item Colours[1194][1,4,7]: -2 // Sacred Rondache | Alma Negra Hidden
    Item Colours[1195][1,4]: -2 // Kurast Shield
    Item Colours[1196][1,4,7]: -2 // Zakarum | Dragonscale Hidden
    Item Colours[1197][1,4,5]: -2 // Vortex Paladin | Griswold's Honor Hidden

    // ** Necromancer Shrunken Heads [ A5.4 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[1108][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Preserved Head
    Item Colours[1109][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Zombie Head
    Item Colours[1110][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Unraveller Head
    Item Colours[1111][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Gargoyle Head
    Item Colours[1112][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Demon Head

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[1178][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Mummified Trophy
    Item Colours[1179][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Fetish Trophy
    Item Colours[1180][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Sexton Trophy
    Item Colours[1181][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Cantor Trophy | Trang-Oul's Wing Hidden
    Item Colours[1182][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Hierophant Trophy | Homunculus Shown

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[1198][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Minion Skull
    Item Colours[1199][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Hellspawn Skull
    Item Colours[1200][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Overseer Skull
    Item Colours[1201][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Succubus Skull | Boneflame Shown
    Item Colours[1202][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Bloodlord Skull | Darkforce Spawn Shown

    //>>>>>>>> Weapons <<<<<<< [ A6.0 ]

    // *** Axes [ A6.1 ]

    // ** Normal
    // * One Handed
    Item Colours[1][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Hand Axe
    Item Colours[2][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Axe
    Item Colours[3][1,2,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Hidden except superior | Double Axe
    Item Colours[4][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Military Pick
    Item Colours[5][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | War Axe
    // * Two Handed
    Item Colours[6][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Large Axe
    Item Colours[7][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Broad Axe
    Item Colours[8][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Battle Axe
    Item Colours[9][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Great Axe
    Item Colours[10][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Giant AxeGiant Axe

    // ** Exceptional
    // * One Handed
    Item Colours[94][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Hatchet
    Item Colours[95][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Cleaver
    Item Colours[96][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Twin Axe
    Item Colours[97][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Crowbill
    Item Colours[98][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Naga
    // * Two Handed
    Item Colours[99][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Military Axe
    Item Colours[100][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Bearded Axe
    Item Colours[101][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Tabar
    Item Colours[102][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Gothic Axe
    Item Colours[103][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Ancient Axe

    // ** Elite
    // * One Handed
    Item Colours[197][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Tomahawk
    Item Colours[198][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Small Crescent
    Item Colours[199][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Rune Master Hidden
    Item Colours[200][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | War Spike
    Item Colours[201][1,4,5,6]: -2 // Berserker Axe
    // * Two Handed
    Item Colours[202][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Feral Axe
    Item Colours[203][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Silver-Edged Axe
    Item Colours[204][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Decapitator
    Item Colours[205][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Champion Axe
    Item Colours[206][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // All Hidden | Glorious Axe

    // ** Bows [ A6.2 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[69][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Short Bow | Pluckeye Hidden
    Item Colours[70][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Hunter's Bow | Witherstring Hidden
    Item Colours[71][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Long Bow | Raven Claw Hidden
    Item Colours[72][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Composite Bow | Rogue's Bow Hidden
    Item Colours[73][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Short Battle Bow | Stormstrike Hidden
    Item Colours[74][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Long Battle Bow | Wizendraw Hidden
    Item Colours[75][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Short War Bow | Hellclap Hidden
    Item Colours[76][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Long War Bow | Blastbark Hidden

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[162][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Edge Bow | Skystrike Hidden
    Item Colours[163][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Razor Bow | Riphook Hidden
    Item Colours[164][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Cedar Bow | Kuko Shakaku Hidden
    Item Colours[165][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Double Bow | Endlesshail Hidden
    Item Colours[166][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Short Siege Bow | Witchwild String Hidden
    Item Colours[167][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Large Siege Bow | Cliffkiller Hidden
    Item Colours[168][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Rune Bow | Magewrath Hidden
    Item Colours[169][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Gothic Bow | Goldstrike Arch Hidden

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[265][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Spider Bow
    Item Colours[266][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Blade Bow
    Item Colours[267][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Shadow Bow
    Item Colours[268][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Great Bow
    Item Colours[269][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Diamond Bow
    Item Colours[270][1,2,4,6,7]: -2 // Crusader Bow | Eaglehorn Hidden
    Item Colours[271][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Ward Bow | Widowmaker Shown
    Item Colours[272][1,2,4,6]: -2 // Hyrda Bow | Windforce Shown

    // ** Crossbows [ A6.3 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[77][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Light Crossbow | Leadcrow Hidden
    Item Colours[78][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Crossbow | Ichorstring Hidden
    Item Colours[79][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Heavy Crossbow | Hellcast Hidden
    Item Colours[80][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Repeating Crossbow | Doomslinger Hidden

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[170][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Arbalest | Langer Briser Hidden
    Item Colours[171][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Siege Crossbow | Pus Spitter Hidden
    Item Colours[172][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Ballista
    Item Colours[173][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Chu-Ko-Nu | Demon Machine Hidden

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[273][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Pellet Bow
    Item Colours[274][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Gorgon Crossbow
    Item Colours[275][1,2,4,6,7]: -2 // Colossus Crossbow | Hellrack Hidden
    Item Colours[276][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Demon Crossbow

    // ** Daggers [ A6.4 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[40][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Dagger | Gull Hidden
    Item Colours[41][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Dirk | The Diggler Hidden
    Item Colours[42][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Kris | The Jade Tan Do Hidden
    Item Colours[43][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Blade | Spectral Shard Hidden

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[133][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Poignard | Spineripper Hidden
    Item Colours[134][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Rondel | Heart Carver Hidden
    Item Colours[135][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Cinquedeas | Blackbog's Sharp Hidden
    Item Colours[136][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Stiletto | Stormspike Hidden

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[236][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Bone Knife | Wizardspike Shown
    Item Colours[237][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Mithril Point
    Item Colours[238][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Fanged Knife | Fleshripper Hidden
    Item Colours[239][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Legend Spike | Ghostflame Hidden

    // ** Javelins [ A6.5 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[48][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Javelin
    Item Colours[49][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Pilum
    Item Colours[50][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Short Spear
    Item Colours[51][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Glaive
    Item Colours[52][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Throwing Spear

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[141][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // War Javelin
    Item Colours[142][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Great Pilum
    Item Colours[143][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Simbilan
    Item Colours[144][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Spiculum
    Item Colours[145][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Harpoon

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[244][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Hyperion Javelin
    Item Colours[245][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Stygian Pilum
    Item Colours[246][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Balrog Spear | Demon's Arch Hidden
    Item Colours[247][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Ghost Glaive | Wraith Flight Hidden
    Item Colours[248][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Winged Harpoon | Gargoyle's Bite Hidden

    // ** Maces [ A6.6 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[15][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Club | Felloak Hidden
    Item Colours[19][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Spiked Club | Stoutnail Hidden
    Item Colours[20][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Mace | Crushflange Hidden
    Item Colours[21][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Morning Star | Bloodrise Hidden
    Item Colours[22][1,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Flail | The General's Tan Do Li Ga Hidden
    Item Colours[23][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // War Hammer | Ironstone Hidden
    Item Colours[24][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Maul | Bonesnap Hidden
    Item Colours[25][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Great Maul | Steeldriver Hidden

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[108][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Cudgel | Dark Clan Crusher Hidden
    Item Colours[112][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Barbed Club | Fleshrender Hidden
    Item Colours[113][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Flanged Mace | Sureshrill Frost Hidden
    Item Colours[114][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Jagged Star | Moonfall Hidden
    Item Colours[115][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Knout | Baezil's Vortex Hidden
    Item Colours[116][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Battle Hammer | Earthshaker Hidden
    Item Colours[117][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // War Club | Bloodtree Stump Hidden
    Item Colours[118][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Martel de Fer | The Gavel of Pain Hidden

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[211][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Truncheon | Nord's Tenderizer Hidden
    Item Colours[215][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Tyrant Club | Demon Limb Hidden
    Item Colours[216][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Reinforced Mace
    Item Colours[217][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Devil Star | Baranar's Star Hidden
    Item Colours[218][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Scourge | Stormlash Hidden
    Item Colours[219][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Legendary Mallet | Stone Crusher Hidden
    Item Colours[220][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Ogre Maul | Windhammer Hidden
    Item Colours[221][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Thunder Maul | The Cranium Basher Hidden

    // ** Polearms [ A6.7 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[58][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Bardiche | Dimoak's Hew Hidden
    Item Colours[59][1,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Voulge | Steelgoad Hidden
    Item Colours[59][2][2][1,5]: -1 // Voulge | normal ETH 0,4 soc colored by default
    Item Colours[59][2,3][1,2][2,3,4]: -2 // Voulge | hide 1,2,3 soc norm,super ETH,real
    Item Colours[59][2,3][1][1,5]: -2 // Voulge | hide 0,4 soc norm,super real
    Item Colours[60][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Scythe | Soul Harvest Hidden
    Item Colours[61][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Poleaxe | The Battlebranch Hidden
    Item Colours[62][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Halberd | Woestave Hidden
    Item Colours[63][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // War Scythe | The Grim Reaper Hidden

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[151][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Lochaber Axe | The Meat Scraper Hidden
    Item Colours[152][1,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Bill | Blackleach Blade Hidden
    Item Colours[152][2][2][1,5]: -1 // Bill | normal ETH 0,4 soc colored by default
    Item Colours[152][2,3][1,2][2,3,4]: -2 // Bill | hide 1,2,3 soc norm,super ETH,real
    Item Colours[152][2,3][1][1,5]: -2 // Bill | hide 0,4 soc norm,super real
    Item Colours[153][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Battle Scythe | Athena's Wrath Hidden
    Item Colours[154][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Partizan | Pierre Tombale Couant Hidden
    Item Colours[155][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Bec-De-Corbin | Husoldal Evo Hidden
    Item Colours[156][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Grim Scythe | Grim's Burning Dead Hidden

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[254][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Orge Axe | Bonehew Hidden
    Item Colours[255][1,4,6]: -2 // Colossus Voulge
    Item Colours[256][1,4,6]: -2 // Thresher | The Reaper's Toll Shown
    Item Colours[257][1,4,6]: -2 // Cryptic Axe | Tomb Reaver Shown
    Item Colours[258][1,4,6]: -2 // Great Poleaxe
    Item Colours[259][1,4,6,7]: -2 // Giant Thresher | Stormspire Hidden

    // ** Scepters [ A6.8 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[16][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Scepter | Knell Striker Hidden
    Item Colours[17][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Grand Scepter | Rusthandle Hidden
    Item Colours[18][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // War Scepter | Stormeye Hidden

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[109][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Rune Scepter | Zakarum's Hand Hidden
    Item Colours[110][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Holy Water Sprinkler | The Fetid Sprinkler Hidden
    Item Colours[111][1,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Divine Scepter | Hand of Blessed Light Hidden
    // * Elite
    Item Colours[212][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Mighty Scepter | Heaven's Light Shown
    Item Colours[213][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Seraph Rod
    Item Colours[214][1,4,6,7]: -2 // Caduceus | Astreon's Iron Ward Hidden

    // ** Spears [ A6.9 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[53][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Spear | The Dragon Chang Hidden
    Item Colours[54][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Trident | Razortine Hidden
    Item Colours[55][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Brandistock | Bloodthief Hidden
    Item Colours[56][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Spetum | Lance of Yaggai Hidden
    Item Colours[57][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Pike | The Tannr Gorerod Hidden

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[146][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // War Spear | The Impaler Hidden
    Item Colours[147][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Fuscina | Kelpie Snare Hidden
    Item Colours[148][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // War Fork | Soulfeast Tine Hidden
    Item Colours[149][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Yari | Hone Sundan Shown
    Item Colours[150][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Lance | Spire of Honor Hidden

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[249][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Hyperion Spear | Arioc's Needle Hidden
    Item Colours[250][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Stygian Pike
    Item Colours[251][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Mancatcher | Viperfork Hidden
    Item Colours[252][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Ghost Spear
    Item Colours[253][1,2,4,6,7]: -2 // War Pike | Steel Pillar Hidden

    // ** Staves [ A6.a ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[64][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Short Staff | Bane Ash Hidden
    Item Colours[65][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Long Staff | Serpent Lord Hidden
    Item Colours[66][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Gnarled Staff | Spire of Lazarus Hidden
    Item Colours[67][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Battle Staff | The Salamander Hidden
    Item Colours[68][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // War Staff | The Iron Jang Bong Hidden

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[157][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Jo Staff | Razorswitch Hidden
    Item Colours[158][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Quaterstaff | Ribcracker Shown
    Item Colours[159][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Cedar Staff | Chromatic Ire Hidden
    Item Colours[160][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Gothic Staff | Warpspear Hidden
    Item Colours[161][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Rune Staff | Skull Collector Hidden

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[260][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Walking Stick
    Item Colours[261][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Stalagmite
    Item Colours[262][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Elder Staff | Ondal's Wisdom Shown
    Item Colours[263][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Shillelagh
    Item Colours[264][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Archon Staff | Mang Song's Lesson Shown

    // *** Swords [ A6.b ]

    // ** Normal
    // * One Handed
    Item Colours[26][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Short Sword | Rixot's Keen Hidden
    Item Colours[27][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Scimitar | Blood Crescent Hidden
    Item Colours[28][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Sabre | Angelic Sickle | Skewer of Krintiz Hidden
    Item Colours[29][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Falchion | Gleamscythe Hidden
    Item Colours[30][1,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Crystal Sword
    Item Colours[31][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Broad Sword | Isenhart's Lightbrand | Griswold's Edge Hidden
    Item Colours[32][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Long Sword | Cleglaw's Brace | Hellplague Hidden
    Item Colours[33][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // War Sword | Death's Touch | Culwen's Point Hidden

    // * Two Handed
    Item Colours[34][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Two-handed Sword | Shadowfang Hidden
    Item Colours[35][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Claymore | Soulflay Hidden
    Item Colours[36][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Giant Sword | Kinemil's Awl Hidden
    Item Colours[37][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Bastard Sword | Blacktongue Hidden
    Item Colours[38][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Flamberge | Ripsaw Hidden
    Item Colours[39][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Great Sword | The Patriarch Hidden

    // ** Exceptional
    // * One Handed
    Item Colours[119][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Gladius | Bloodletter Hidden
    Item Colours[120][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Cutlass | Coldsteel Eye Hidden
    Item Colours[121][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Shamshir | Hexfire Hidden
    Item Colours[122][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Tulwar | Ali Baba Shown
    Item Colours[123][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Dimensional Blade | Ginther's Rift Hidden
    Item Colours[124][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Battle Sword | Headstriker Hidden
    Item Colours[125][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Rune Sword | Plague Bearer Hidden
    Item Colours[126][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Ancient Sword | The Atlantean Hidden

    // * Two Handed
    Item Colours[127][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Espandon | Crainte Vomir Hidden
    Item Colours[128][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Dacian Falx | Bing Sz Wang Hidden
    Item Colours[129][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Tusk Sword | The Vile Husk Hidden
    Item Colours[130][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Gothic Sword | Cloudcrack Hidden
    Item Colours[131][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Zweihander | Todesfaelle Flamme Hidden
    Item Colours[132][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Executioner Sword | Swordguard Hidden

    // ** Elite
    // * One Handed
    Item Colours[222][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Falcata
    Item Colours[223][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Ataghan | Djinn Slayer
    Item Colours[224][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Elegant Blade | Bloodmoon
    Item Colours[225][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Hydra Edge
    Item Colours[226][1,4,6][1,2,3,4,7]: -2 // Phase Blade | Lightsabre | Azurewrath Hiddenn
    Item Colours[227][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Conquest Sword
    Item Colours[228][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Cryptic Sword | Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer | Frostwind Hidden
    Item Colours[229][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Mythical Sword | Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian Shown

    // * Two Handed
    Item Colours[230][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Legend Sword
    Item Colours[231][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Highland Blade
    Item Colours[232][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Balrog Blade | Flamebellow Hidden
    Item Colours[233][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Champion Sword | Doombringer Hidden
    Item Colours[234][1,4,6]: -2 // Colossus Sword | Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge Shown
    Item Colours[235][1,4,6]: -2 // Colossus Blade

    // ** Throwing Weapons [ A6.c ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[44][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Throwing Knife
    Item Colours[45][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Throwing Axe
    Item Colours[46][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Balanced Knife
    Item Colours[47][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Balanced Axe

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[137][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Battle Dart | Deathbit Hidden
    Item Colours[138][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Francisca | The Scalper Hidden
    Item Colours[139][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // War Dart
    Item Colours[140][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Hurlbat

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[240][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Flying Knife
    Item Colours[241][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Flying Axe | Gimmershred Hidden
    Item Colours[242][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Winged Knife | Warshrike Hidden
    Item Colours[243][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Winged Axe | Lacerator Shown

    // ** Wands [ A6.d ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[11][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Wand | Torch of Iro Hidden
    Item Colours[12][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Yew Wand | Maelstrom Hidden
    Item Colours[13][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Bone Wand | Sander's Superstition | Gravespine Hidden
    Item Colours[14][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Grim Wand | Infernal Torch | Ume's Lament Hidden

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[104][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Burnt Wand | Suicide Branch Shown
    Item Colours[105][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Petrified Wand | Carin Shard Hidden
    Item Colours[106][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Tomb Wand | Arm of King Leoric Hidden
    Item Colours[107][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Grave Wand | Blackhand Key Hidden

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[207][1,4,6,7]: -2 // Polished Wand
    Item Colours[208][1,4,6,7]: -2 // Ghost Wand
    Item Colours[209][1,4,6]: -2 // Lich Wand | Boneshade Shown
    Item Colours[210][1,4,6]: -2 // Unearthed Wand

    //>>>> Class Weapons <<<< [ A7.0 ]

    // ** Amazon Weapons [ A7.1 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[282][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Stag Bow
    Item Colours[283][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Reflex Bow
    Item Colours[284][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Maiden Spear
    Item Colours[285][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Maiden Pike
    Item Colours[286][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Maiden Javelin

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[292][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Ashwood Bow
    Item Colours[293][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Ceremonial Bow | Lycander's Aim Hidden
    Item Colours[294][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Ceremonial Spear
    Item Colours[295][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Ceremonial Pike | Lycander's Flank Hidden
    Item Colours[296][1]: -2 // Ceremonial Javelin

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[302][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Matriarchal Bow | Blood Raven's Charge Hidden
    Item Colours[303][1,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Grand Matron Bow | M'avina's Caster Hidden
    Item Colours[304][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Matriarchal Spea | Stoneraven Hidden
    Item Colours[305][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Matriarchal Pike
    Item Colours[306][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Matriarchal Javelin | Thunderstroke Hidden

    // ** Assassin Katars [ A7.2 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[176][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Katar
    Item Colours[177][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Wrist Blade
    Item Colours[178][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Hatchet Hands
    Item Colours[179][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Cestus
    Item Colours[180][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Claws
    Item Colours[181][1,2,3,5,7]: -2 // Blade Talons
    Item Colours[182][1,2,3,5,7]: -2 // Scissors Katar

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[183][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Quhab
    Item Colours[184][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Wrist Spike
    Item Colours[185][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Fascia
    Item Colours[186][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Hand Scythe
    Item Colours[187][1,2,3,5,7]: -2 // Greater Claws
    Item Colours[188][1,2,3,5,7]: -2 // Greater Talons | Bartuc's Cut-Throat Hidden
    Item Colours[189][1,2,3,5,7]: -2 // Scissors Quhab

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[190][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Suwayyah
    Item Colours[191][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Wrist Sword | Jade Talon Hidden
    Item Colours[192][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // War Fist
    Item Colours[193][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Battle Cestus | Shadow Killer Hidden
    Item Colours[194][1,5,7]: -2 // Feral Claws | Firelizard's Talons Hidden
    Item Colours[195][1,5,7]: -2 // Runic Talons
    Item Colours[196][1,5,7]: -2 // Scissors Suwayyah | Natalya's Mark Hidden

    // ** Sorceress Orbs [ A7.3 ]

    // * Normal
    Item Colours[277][1,2,3]: -2 // Eagle Orb
    Item Colours[278][1,2,3]: -2 // Sacred Globe
    Item Colours[279][1,2,3]: -2 // Smoked Sphere
    Item Colours[280][1,2,3]: -2 // Clasped Orb
    Item Colours[281][1,2,3]: -2 // Jared's Stone

    // * Exceptional
    Item Colours[287][1,2,3]: -2 // Glowing Orb
    Item Colours[288][1,2,3]: -2 // Crystalline Globe
    Item Colours[289][1,2,3]: -2 // Cloudy Sphere
    Item Colours[290][1,2,3]: -2 // Sparkling BallSparkling Ball
    Item Colours[291][1,2,3]: -2 // Swirling Crystal | Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye | The Oculus Shown

    // * Elite
    Item Colours[297][1,2,3]: -2 // Heavenly Stone
    Item Colours[298][1,2,3]: -2 // Eldritch Orb | Eschuta's Temper Shown
    Item Colours[299][1,2,3]: -2 // Demon Heart
    Item Colours[300][1,2,3]: -2 // Vortex Orb
    Item Colours[301][1,2,3]: -2 // Dimensional Shard
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2021
    Atox, Raphaël and TimmyDeezNuts like this.
  19. almightypower

    almightypower Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2017
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    Hello can someone give me 1 cfg with hidden items trash and show runes high and items high ? please thx very much
  20. Nalfgarsorc

    Nalfgarsorc Active Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    I gaved at start of this page you only need hit ctrl to hide trash as you start maphack
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