
Stings Hackmap translations

Discussion in 'Help Desk' started by Guyapollo, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. Guyapollo

    Guyapollo Member

    Feb 13, 2013
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    Here are the two main config files translated from Chinese to English. I did my best to make it understandable. But I at some points I left the Transliteration, because is was hilarious what it translates to.

    Like alot of languages, English and Chinese don't work well together. English is a Germanic (German adapted based off Latin) language, and Chinese is an East Asian language.

    They have differentiated parts of speech and different sentence structure. Often, three characters will mean five different things, depending on how they are arranged. This makes a full translation, without contact with the original author, a lot of guess work .

    There are THREE languages in use here, English, Chinese, and Java. Lucky the original author and I both speak Java fluently, or this would have taken an extra couple pack of cigarettes to finish.

    Thought I attempted to only change that, that was commented out. I may have missed something. This being said, please remember, that this is only a Beta version of the translation. Java can be a picky language, if one thing is out of place, it has seizures. More about that later.

    I HAVE thought loaded both files up on D2 and encounter no problems. So I'm relativity sure every thing went well.

    A note on java.
    Java is an object oriented programming language. That mean for the program to run properly, it requires certain things to be correct.
    As such, you should only change something if you know what it does, and what classes it calls.

    This is a good example:
    CubeMain[5]={                       //The ordinary dark gold armor upgrade formula Normal ==>Exc
    Ral(7)+Sol(13)+erfect Diamond
    Everything in the curly brackets are code ; the bread and butter of ItemInfo_Eng.cfg. Each of these trees tells another piece of the program what something is.
    Cubemain[5] calls to another part of the program, so the program is EXPECTING TO SEE THAT. (this is an object)
    The object Cubemain[5], is being defined in the piece of code.
    this says that "Cubemain[5] is equil to the value of the strings Ral(7), Sol(13), and "erfect Diamond"
    Each term HAS TO BE defined in some point in the code.

    So that means that "erfect Diamod" is how it's defied later- DON'T FIX IT. TECHNICALLY, TECHNICALLY NOT BROKEN

    My suggestion is that you only mess with d2hackmap.cfg, unless you KNOW what your doing. There isn't a lot you'll need to change in ItemInfo_Eng.cfg. There aren't very many variances to the core game, on EB. In effect there are only a couple of Cube recipes missing form the document. And I assure you, even if we adding them to the config file, it would only cause more trouble. If Stings gets updated, you have to re-make the changes to that document. On top of that, you wouldn't even notice the change in game.

    If the program is updated, i'll go over the update, and update the translations.

    So with out further adue.



    North44 likes this.
  2. Guyapollo

    Guyapollo Member

    Feb 13, 2013
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    d2hackmap.cfg- Full text
    // This is an english tranlation of d2mhackmap.cfg form Simplified Chinese \\
    // If your new to programing, '//' indicated a comment. Text after '//' is not used in the code of the program. \\
    // If at any point you wish to make a note, just type '//' and then your comment. \\
    // Things left in chinesse are not comments, leaving them to ensure program still funtions \\
    // For shortcut setting, Please refer to "Shortcut Description.txt" (as far as I can tell this file doesn't exist) \\
    // For color setting, Please refer to "____.jpg" \\
    // For item settings, Please refer to "ItemInfo_Eng.cfg" \\
    // If no special Instrucution are declared, please use -0- Closed Funtion(off); -1- Opened Funtion(on)- \\
    // \\
    // Translated by GuyApollo of War}{ammer Productions and EurpoBattle.com \\
    // \\
    //Item 1 : Don't touch anything, unless your sure you know what your doing. You may damage the config files, and have to reload. Always back shit up.\\
    // \\
    // Item 2: Refer to Item 1 \\
    // \\
    // Item 3 : Two things are happing here, Translation, and transliteration. Most languages are not straight conversions, but \\
    // but messy disorganized cluster****s. \\
    // Translation: To make something make since in english, Transliteration directly convert One language to another. \\
    // \\
    // Item 4: Refer to Item 2 \\
    // \\
    //---------------------Program config (changing not recomended)-----------------------------------------
    // If you wish to edit this section please refer to item 4 at top of the document.
    Show CFGCheck Info : 1 //CFG Checksum 0 open 1 close
    Enable Language Check : 0  //The language validator; 1 Open 0 closes the game It can not be re-loaded
    GameFilterSupport: 1 //Can not reload game list filter game
    Localization Support: 1 //Chinese support 1 Chinese input Traditional D2 but use simplified chat of 3 Traditional D2 Simplified input automatically switch to Traditional games can not reload
    CFG Version Eng : "Recommend Cfg , Only for reference "
    CFG Version Chi : "推薦配置,僅供參考 "
    FixSocketError: 1 //Correction Socket error determination for more open and prevent errors
    SocketTimeOutValue: 100 //Socket timeout time, in seconds. The games default is 100 seconds, this is for special network conditions
    //-------------------------------Commonly used shortcuts settings-----------------------------
    // A note on hotkeys
    // Keys found on main key pad will be referd to as Main (ex 'U' and '+/='
    // Keys found on Number pad will be refered to as N (ex N'.', N+', and N'4')
    // 'F1' through 'F12' are Funtion keys and will be refered to normaly
    // The lock keys and navagational keys will be refered to by name
    // Finaly keys that arn't mapped by defaut 'NA'

    Reload Config Key: VK_NUMPAD9 // N'9' Forces Stings to reload config
    Reveal Act Automap Key: VK_SUBTRACT // N'-' Reveals entire act (only used in Lite verson) M'
    Quick Exit Game Key: VK_OEM_MINUS // '-/_' Instantly exits game
    Quick Next Game Key: VK_OEM_PLUS // '=/+' Quits current game and makes creats a +1 version (example: quits game and creats game1)
    Quick Next Game Key2: -1 // NA Does the same as above. Exepct that it adds 2
    Quick Back To Town Key: VK_BACK // M'←' Once again not entirly sure how this works. Translats to "A key return, backspace key '←'" I think it quits and rejoins, sending you back to town.
    Use Custom Font Toggle: 2, -1 // NA Chinese input (toggles Localization support) If running chinese version, toggles text between Simplified to Triad(tradisional)
    Auto Invite Toggle: 0, VK_U // 'U' Auto Invite, when new player joins server, automatically invit them to party. currnet toggle
    Auto Party Toggle: 0, VK_U // 'U' Auto Join, When invited will automatically Join party
    Auto Loot Permit : 0, VK_NUMPAD4 // N'4' Translated to " HCautomatically unlock keypad" No idea what this does.. Does nothing noticeably for me.
    Wisper Notice Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD5 // N'5' Translated to " Recive password prompt in chat' May have to do with passworded room
    View Equipment Key: VK_K // 'K' View equipment (in the case of the other players in the mouse point enabled) ********
    View Player Stats Key: VK_OEM_2 // '/-?' View Player stats. May attributes may not be shown
    First Player Stat Key: -1 // NA View the first attribute of the player
    Next Player Stat Key: VK_OEM_PERIOD // '<' View next Attribute
    Previous Player Stat Key: VK_OEM_COMMA // '>' View Privious Attribute
    Perm Show Items Toggle: 0, VK_F // 'F' Toggles display ground items. Press 'alt' to hide ground items
    Monster Resists Toggle: 1, VK_D // 'D' Toggles display of monsters resistiances.
    Socket Protect Toggle: 0, VK_INSERT // 'Insert' Toggles Socket Protect. Should protect aginst carless socketing of items.
    View Socketables Toggle: 0, VK_J // 'J' Toggles display of socketed items
    Item Basic Stats Toggle: 0, VK_J // 'J' Display direct translation "Display items unmounted original state before the switch"
    View Socket Base Items Toggle : 0 ,VK_J // 'J' Toggles display of items in sockets, seperate form the item it's self
    Item Value Toggle: 0, VK_V // 'v' Toggles display of item value (before ident) in item tag
    Item Levels Toggle: 1, VK_L // 'L' Toggles display of item level in item tag
    Show Item Variable Prop Toggle: 1, -1 // NA Toggles display of items variable scope (dark gold, green, Rune Words, armor base defense, weapons attack range)

    //Bug I think, after translating this, it checks for missed tasks on the current floor
    BugKD Toggle: 1, -1 , 2 //bugkd (best gess after translation) Process triggered from the back end, no hot set or required)
    BugKM Toggle: 1, -1 , 2 //bugkm (All three say the same) Translation: "Protection, only prompted through the back set, so I do not set the shortcut keys"
    BugKB Toggle: 1, -1 , 2 //bugkb 保护,通过后面设置仅提示不退出,所以不设置快捷键

    //"The following are reference wash relevant level, of course also be used to strengthen grab speed"
    Item QLevel Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD6 // N'6' Toggles Quality level Display
    Item MLevel Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD6 // N'6' Toggles Magic level Display
    Item ALevel Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD6 // N'6' Toggles display of ONLY gold and blue items
    Item After Cube Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD6 // N'6' Toggles display of new ilvl an alvl of cubed items, only for the blue and gold items

    Hidden Items Toggle: 1, VK_CONTROL // 'ctrl' Changes display of garbage items on ground.
    Switch Item Show Mode: VK_9 // '9' Mode swich (thats all it gives me)
    Default Item Show Mode : 1 // NA Items desplay by default
    Show Identified Item : 1, -1 // NA Toggles display identification items, items that have been recognized not to be hidden
    Show Base Stat: 1, VK_OEM_4 // '[/{' Toggles display of base stats

    //--------------------------Statc hotkeys (cant change them)-----------------------------------
    // ----------These are all commented out by defult some may be editable later----------
    // Small Icon swich: VK_DIVIDE N'/' Toggles Small map icons
    // Scene Effects Switch VK_MULTIPLY N'*' (not sure what this one does)
    // Chicken Mode swich: VK_OEM_7 ' '/" ' - Will automaticly quit game at critical helth ("血保开关" trandslated to "Blood insurance switch")
    // Map Scroll VK_SCROLL (Scroll Lock key), scroll reset VK_PAUSE (Pause Break key)

    //-------------------The following setting have no special instructions, as such -1- on; -0- off--------------
    Default Game Name: "" // Set a default game name. !!!!REMEBER TO USE THE QUOTATION MARKS!!!! (example "Game")
    Default Game Password: "" // Set a default game password !!!!REMEBER TO USE THE QUOTATION MARKS!!!! (example "BarbariansFTW")
    ULC Mask Toggle: 1, -1 // Shielded ULC Animation, -1- shielded; -0- Not shielded
    Bug Auto Quit Toggle: 0, -1 // Bug protection propted, whether or not to exit game 0 Does not Quit 1 Quit
    Bug Alert Times: 3 // Bug prompt Views, the number of times that bug wars you of a potental problem
    Townportal Nums Alert : 3 // Bug prompt Views, the number of times that bug warn you when your when your low on Townportal scrolls.
    Skip Quest Message: 8 // Automaticly skips NPC speach, -0- no skip; 1+ skip speed

    //Additional item, information displat
    Item ExtInfo Toggle : 0, -1 //开启命令 = Open a command ( No clue )
    Item ExtInfo File Eng: "ItemInfo_Eng.cfg" //English documentation
    Item ExtInfo File Chi: "ItemInfo_Chi.cfg" //Chinese documents
    Default ExtInfo Colour : 8 //The default color

    //-------------------------Status Monitor Display config-------------------------
    // Status monitor desplays duratuion of buffs, and de-buffs, with timers above your helth bar
    State Monitor Toggle: 1 , -1 //Status Monitor

    //--------------------Status monitor calibration--------------------
    //State Monitor[Stat numbers]: Color , Engrish discription , Chinese discription
    //!!!!REMEBER TO USE THE QUOTATION MARKS!!!! or stink will replace with blank line
    State Monitor[2] : 1 , "Poison" , "中毒"
    State Monitor[11] : 1 , "ColdSlow" , "冰減速"
    State Monitor[61] : 1 , "LowerRes" , "降低抵抗"
    State Monitor[62] : 1 , "OpenWound" , "出血"
    State Monitor[60] : 1 , "Decrepify" , "衰老"
    State Monitor[1] : 1 , "Freeze" , "凍結"
    State Monitor[8] : 3 , "Salvation" , "救助"
    State Monitor[159] : 3 , "Fade" , "能量消解"
    State Monitor[149] : 3 , " OakSage" , "Oak加血"
    State Monitor[16] : 3 , "QH" , "強化"
    State Monitor[10] : 3 , "FrozenArmor" , "冰封裝甲"
    State Monitor[20] : 3 , "ChillingArmor" , "寒冰裝甲"
    State Monitor[88] : 3 , "ShiverArmor" , "碎冰甲"
    State Monitor[32] : 3 , " BattleOrders" , "BO血"
    State Monitor[51] : 3 , " BattleCommand" , "BO技能"
    State Monitor[26] : 3 , " Shout" , "BO防"
    State Monitor[134] : 3 , "ShrineSkill" , "技能樹"
    State Monitor[137] : 3 , "ShrineExp" , "經驗樹"
    State Monitor[101] : 3 , "HolyShield" , "聖盾"

    Show Exp Toggle: 1, -1 , 2 // Displays character experiance, The third character sets number of likes 1 for single line; 2 for dual-line
    Show Ping Toggle: 1, -1 // Desplay ping and FPS values
    Out Town Select Toggle: 0, -1 // Outside switch is enabled by default

    Kill Count Toggle: 1, -1, 3 //Shows kills without pet,The third character sets color
    GetHit Count Toggle: 1, -1, 2 //Show FHR count,The third character sets color

    Show Base ED Toggle : 1, -1 //Rune Words material basis of ed
    Show Party Position Toggle: 1, -1 //Avatar displayed on scene number
    Show Party Level Toggle: 1, -1 //Avatar on display level

    Center Map Scroll Key: VK_PAUSE //Scroll reset
    Scroll Map Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL //Scroll switch "Scroll Lock"
    Diagonal Scroll Toggle: 1, -1 //Diagonal scrolling

    Scroll Mode: 2 //Default mode 1 One-touch reset 2 Switch reset 3 Automatic reset
    //Map Scroll Key1: VK_H // 'H'
    //Map Scroll Key2: VK_G // 'G'
    //Map Scroll Key3: VK_T // 'T'
    //Map Scroll Key4: VK_Y // 'Y'
    //Map Scroll Key5: VK_N // 'N'

    //Offset setting [], as the commencement of the ACT, available formats 1 1,2,4 1-5 1+ ;
    Map Scroll Offset1[1-5]: 20, 12
    Map Scroll Offset2[1-5]: -20, 12
    Map Scroll Offset3[1-5]: -20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset4[1-5]: 20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset5[3]: -40, 10

    // Call name Comment File (must retain format)
    Player Blob File: "blobplayer" // Player blobplayer.bmp
    Monster Blob File: "blobmonster" // Monster blobmonster.bmp
    Object Blob File: "blobchest" // Objects blobchest.bmp
    Missile Blob File: "blobdot" // Missiles blobdot.bmp
    Item Blob File: "blobitem" // Item blobitem.bmp
    Boss Blob File: "blobBoss" // boss blobBoss.bmp
    Npc Blob File: "blobNpc" // npc blobNpc.bmp
    My Blob File: "blobMe" // Player blobme.bmp
    Corpse Blob File: "blobCorpse" // Corpse blobCorpse.bmp

    Full Visuals Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY // N'*' Master switch, any of the following four, individually set prevail. Hot
    Weather Toggle: 0, VK_MULTIPLY // Weather Swich -0- Open Weather; -1- Close Weather
    Infravision Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY // Perspective switch -0- Open Perspective; -1- Close Perspective
    Light Radius Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY // Illumination switch -0- Open illuminate; -1- Close illuminate
    Screen Shake Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY // Seismic switch; -0- open earthquakes; -1- Close earthquake

    //--------------------------------Chicken Life/Blood Insurance settings-------------------------------
    Chicken Life Action: 1 // -1- exit game; -2- go back to town (1 by default)
    Chicken Life Toggle: 0, VK_OEM_7 // ' '/" ' Blood Insurance
    Chicken Hostile Toggle: 0, -1 // NA Hostile Blood Insurance
    Chicken Hostile Nearby Toggle: 0, -1 // NA The hostile blood insurance in the vicinity of switch
    Chicken Life: 0 // Blood Insurance Value
    Chicken Life Percent: 20 // Percentage of life remaining before Blood Insurance initiates 1%~100%
    Chicken Hostile Life: 0 // Blood Insurance Value (OFF BY DEFAULT)
    Chicken Hostile Life Percent: 20 // Percentage of life remaining before Blood Insurance initiates 1%~100% (OFF BY DEFAULT)
    Chicken Hostile Nearby Life: 0 // Blood Insurance Value (OFF BY DEFAULT)
    Chicken Hostile Nearby Life Percent: 20 // Percentage of life remaining before Blood Insurance initiates 1%~100% (OFF BY DEFAULT)

    Reveal Level Automap Key: -1 //NA Open the current area map
    Auto Reveal Act: 2 // Automatically reveals act
    AutoMap Toggle: 1, -1 // Automatically displays automap
    Auto Next Game Name: 1 // Automatically remeber game name
    Auto Next Game Password: 1 // Automatically remeber game password

    //Locale MPQ:"d2locale.mpq" // Someone set us up the Chinese font
    Input Line Toggle: 1, -1 // Enables copy and past in-game (chat)

    //Extrawork Dll Action: 0 // extrawork.dll protect ,for Battle.Net
    //Version Checking Dll Action: 0 // keep loaded when logging into Battle.Net

    Enter Game Sound : 0 // Voice prompt after entering the game
    Right Click Swap Toggle: 1, -1 // The right mouse button fast-moving items
    Ctrl Click Swap Toggle : 1 ,-1 // Ctrl + click mobile items
    Quick Drop Toggle : 1 ,-1 // You can throw on the ground fast moving

    Message Log Toggle: 2 // Toggles recording of chat log; -0- record -1- Do not record
    Message Log File Size : 1000 // Max size of log file (in Kilobites)

    // Game information shown in top right corner of screen while auto map is open
    Game Time Toggle: 1, -1 // Displays how long you've been ingame the sesion
    Clock Toggle: 1, -1 // Displays the time
    Layer Level No Toggle : 0, -1 // Displays sceane number
    Server Ip Toggle: 1, -1 // Displays server IP
    Area Level Toggle: 1, -1 // Displays zone level

    Automap Active Rooms Toggle: 0, -1 // The active area of ??the display, 3 * 3 rectangle
    Automap Ready Rooms Toggle: 0, -1 // Map scene buffer
    Automap Screen Area Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL // The map shows the area of the screen, with the use of the Scroll reset

    Automap Active Rooms Colour: 0x77 // Active area of ??color map
    Automap Ready Rooms Colour: 0x77 // Preparation area color on the map
    Automap Screen Area Colour: 0x55 // Area of ??the screen color map
    Mini Shrines Toggle: 1, -1 // Toggles Shrines shown on map

    Life Bar Transparency: 2 // Life Bar Transparency
    Life Bar Colour: 0x08 // Life Bar Colour

    Perm Show Orbs Toggle: 1, -1 // Permanent life / mana shown

    // When meet dangerous monsters (such as black soul) and you 4r below the critical value, automatically quit the game or return to the city.
    Dangerous Monster Action: back to town //The action taken in the danger , -1- exit game; -2- back to town: Not sure why this has have a string value, and the actuly command has an integer
    Dangerous Monster Chicken Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD8
    //格式Dangerous Monster[Monster Index 1, Monster Index 2]: resistance type, resistance threshold
    // resistance type can be one of fr, cr, lr, pr; resistance thresold ranges between -127 and 128
    // for example:
    Dangerous Monster[Burning Soul 2, Black Soul 2]: lr,-30 // fr, cr, lr, pr

    //----------------------------------------Scene Indicator----------------------------------------

    Automap Level Names Toggle: 1, -1 // map entrance name swich (I.E. The hole, Claw Viper temple, or River of Flame)
    Level Name Colour: White // Scene name color
    Staff Tomb Level Desc: "%2<==Tomb Here" // A2 correct tombs show
    Minimap Toggle: 1, -1 // Toggles the goal indicator line (the line that show you the direction to your goal)
    Minimap Size: 6 // The size of the indicator line
    Minimap Cell Colour: 0x84 // The color of the indicator line
    // format: Minimap Cells[level number][cell no.1, cell no.2, ...] : 1 , color2 // 1 for enable, -1 for disable
    // example:
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Rogue Encampment][The Secret Cow Level]: 1 //进游戏后开启的牛关无法指向 (The open cattle into the game off can not point to) no idea
    Minimap Cells[Blood Moor][Den of Evil]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Stony Field][Cairn Stone]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Black Marsh][Forgotten Tower]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Dark Wood][Tree of Inifuss]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 1][Tower Cellar Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 2][Tower Cellar Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 3][Tower Cellar Level 4]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 4][Tower Cellar Level 5]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tamoe Highland][Pit Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Pit Level 1][Pit Level 2]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 1][Jail Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 2][Jail Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 3][Inner Cloister]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 1][Catacombs Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Cold Plains][Crypt]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Barracks][316]: 1 // Haradric Hammer (Act1 Quest 5)
    Minimap Cells[Far Oasis][Maggot Lair Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 1][Maggot Lair Level 2]:1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 2][Maggot Lair Level 3]:1
    Minimap Cells[lost city][Claw Viper Temple Level 1] :1
    Minimap Cells[Lost City][Ancient Tunnels]: 1 ,0x62
    Minimap Cells[Claw Viper Temple Level 1][Claw Viper Temple Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Arcane Sanctuary][Horazon's Journal]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Kurast Bazaar][Ruined Temple]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 1][Durance of Hate Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 2][Durance of Hate Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Flayer Jungle][315]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Plains of Despair][Izual on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[River of Flame][Hellforg on Minimap]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Crystalline Passage][Frozen River]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Frozen River][Anya on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[118][Arreat Summit]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Anguish][Halls of Pain]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Pain][Halls of Vaught]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Vaught][Nihlathak on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 1][Worldstone Keep Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 2][Worldstone Keep Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 3][Throne of Destruction]: 1

    //----------------------------------------------Players and monsters----------------------------------------
    Monster Death Anims[1+]: 1 // Monster death animations
    Monster Level Toggle: 1, -1 // Toggle display of Monster Level
    Monster TC Toggle: 1, -1 // Monster Tresure class
    Monster Rune TC Toggle: 0, -1 // Monster Rune Tresure class
    Monster HPPercent Toggle: 0, -1 // Monster Hit Point Percentage
    Monster Distance Toggle: 0, -1 // Monster Distance
    Player Level Toggle: 0, -1 // Player Level Display
    Player Distance Toggle: 0, -1 // Player Distance Display
    Player HPPercent Toggle: 0, -1 // Player Hit Point Percentage
    Boss Name Toggle: 0, -1 // Boss name Display

    Automap Party Default: 1
    Automap Names Default: 1

    Hidden Corpses Toggle: 0, -1 // Toggle corpse display; -1- Hide; -0- Show
    Automap Corpses Toggle: 0, -1 // Automap corpse display
    //Normal Corpse Colour: 0x08 // Ordinary monster corpses color
    //Boss Corpse Colour: 0x08 // Boss corpses color
    //Minion Corpse Colour: 0x08 // Minion corpse color
    //Champion Corpse Colour: 0x08 // Champion Corpse Colour
    //Monster Corpse Colours[0+]: 0x08 // Specified monster corpses colors
    //Monster Corpses[0+]: 1 // Specified monster the ground corpse hidden set; -1- Hide; -0- Show

    Party Player Text Colour: 2 // Pary Automap name color
    Neutral Player Text Colour: 9 // Neutral player automap name color
    Hostile Player Text Colour: 1 // Hostile player automap name color
    Neutral Player Colour: 0x6f // Neutral player automap icon color
    Hostile Player Colour: 0x5b // Hostile player automap icon color
    Friend Minion Colour : 0x7f // Minion automap icon color
    Player Minion Colour: 0xcb // Minion automap icon color

    Automap Monsters Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE // Toggle Monsters shown on automap
    Normal Monster Colour: 0x62 // Ordinary monster color
    Boss Monster Colour: 0x5b // Boss color
    Minion Monster Colour: 0x66 // Minion color
    Champion Monster Colour: 0x68 // Champion color
    Act5 Barbarian Colour: 0x9f // Act5 Barberian color
    Super Unique Colour : 0x6f // Super Unique Color (超级金怪颜色 = The Super Gold strange color)

    //Some dangerous monster special display
    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 1]: 0x9b //Stygian Doll
    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 2]: 0x9b //Stygian Doll
    Monster Colours[Gloam 1]: 0x9b //电鬼(Electricity Ghost)
    Monster Colours[Gloam 2]: 0x9b //电鬼
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 1]: 0x9b //电鬼
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 2]: 0x9b //电鬼
    Monster Colours[734]: 0x9b //电鬼
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 1]: 0x9b //电鬼
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 2]: 0x9b //电鬼
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 3]: 0x9b //Soul killer
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 4]: 0x9b //Soul killer
    Monster Colours[Frenzied Ice Spawn]: 0x9b //Blew people
    Monster Colours[Tomb viper 1]: 0x9b //Viper
    Monster Colours[Tomb Viper 2]: 0x9b //Viper
    Monster Colours[Undead Soul Killer 2]: 0x9b //Soul killer

    // Anti-PK, map display some traps, assassins and witches Fire Dragon, White
    Monster Colours[411]: 0x20 //wake of fire
    Monster Colours[412]: 0x20 //Charged Bolt Sentry
    Monster Colours[413]: 0x20 //Lightning Sentry
    Monster Colours[417]: 0x20 //Death Sentry
    Monster Colours[352-354]: 0x20 //Hydra1-Hydra3

    Monster Desc Colour: Red
    // Special attributes monster display follows:
    Enchantment Descs: 0
    Extra Strong Desc: "S"
    Extra Fast Desc: "F"
    Cursed Desc: "%2C"
    Magic Resistant Desc: "%8m"
    Fire Enchanted Desc: "%1FE"
    Lightning Enchanted Desc: "%9LE"
    Cold Enchanted Desc: "%3CE"
    Thief Desc: 0
    Mana Burn Desc: "%3MB"
    Teleportation Desc: "T"
    Spectral Hit Desc: "H"
    Stone Skin Desc: "%4SS"
    Multiple Shots Desc: "%12MS"
    Ghostly Desc: 0
    Fanatic Desc: "%11F"
    Possessed Desc: 0
    Berserker Desc: "%4B"
    Champion Desc: 0
    // Auras Enhanted: Properties
    Aura Descs : 0
    Might Aura Desc: "%4a"
    Holy Fire Aura Desc: "%1a"
    Blessed Aim Aura Desc: "%0a"
    Holy Freeze Aura Desc: "%3a"
    Holy Shock Aura Desc: "%9a"
    Conviction Aura Desc: "%11a"
    Fanaticism Aura Desc: "%5a"
    // Immunities Properties
    Immunity Descs : 0
    Physical Immunity Desc: "%4i"
    Magic Immunity Desc: "%8i"
    Fire Immunity Desc: "%1i"
    Lightning Immunity Desc: "%9i"
    Cold Immunity Desc: "%3i"
    Poison Immunity Desc: "%2i"

    //----------------------------------------------Containers and Missles------------------------------
    Automap Chests Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Closed Chest Colour: 0x09
    Locked Chest Colour: 0x97

    Automap Missiles Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE // Toggel display of missles(Wizard arrows, bone Wizard)
    Hostile Missile Colour: 0x62
    Guided Missile Colour: 0x5b
    Tracer Missile Colour: 0x97
    Other Missile Colour: 0x84

    //Missile Colours[Firewall, FireSmall, FireMedium]: -2 //Individually set-2According to the above settings
    //Missile Colours[FrozenOrbBolt, FrozenOrbNova]: -2
    Missile Colours[All Arrows]: -2
    Missile Colours[BattleOrders,BattleCommand,BattleCry,Shout,warcry,Howl]: -2
    Missile Colours[BoneSpear]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[teeth]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[BoneSpirit]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[PoisonNova]: 0x84
    Missile Colours[BlessedHammer 1]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[Tornado,Twister]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[BladeFury1, BladeFury2, BladeFury3, BladeFragment1, BladeFragment2, BladeFragment3]: 0x20


    //----------------------------------------------Chief Item Settings----------------------------------------

    Automap Items Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE // Small map items hidden
    Rune Numbers Toggle: 1, -1 // RUNE number display
    Socket Numbers Toggle: 1, -1
    Unit Numbers Toggle: 0, -1 // The unit digital switch (Item internal code)
    Item Indexs Toggle: 0, -1
    Item FileIndexs Toggle: 0, -1
    Item Life Per Level Toggle: 1,-1
    Quest Item Colour: 4

    Ethereal Item Prefix: "[Eth]"
    Ethereal Item Postfix: ""

    Good Gold Number: 2000 // Define high-quality gold amount
    Good Gold Colour: 0 // Define high-quality gold color
    Poor Gold Colour: -1,-2,-2,-2 // Poor gold ( it gives not information on this option)
    Item Hide Lvl[0+][0+]: 0 // Define low Ilvl desplay

    Bglzaborg likes this.
  3. Guyapollo

    Guyapollo Member

    Feb 13, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    ItemInfo_Eng.cfg -Full text
    //---------------------------------------------------------------Item Information Beta---------------------------------------------------------------\\
    // \\
    // Translated by GuyApollo of War}{ammer Productions and EurpoBattle.com \\
    // \\
    //Item 1 : Don't touch anything, unless your sure you know what your doing. You may damage the config files, and have to reload. Always back shit up.\\
    // \\
    // Item 2: Refer to Item 1 \\
    // \\
    // Item 3 : Two things are happing here, Translation, and transliteration. Most languages are not straight conversions, but \\
    // but messy disorganized cluster****s. \\
    // Translation: To make something make since in english, Transliteration directly convert One language to another. \\
    // \\
    // Item 4: Refer to Item 2 \\
    // \\
    // Do not correct the "+erfect Diamond" I think it's like that becasue of a syntax error else were. Untill I figure out were that error is, \\
    // it has to remain like that. Even then It wont be changed. Just reported. Changing it can mess the who thing up. LEAVE IT.. \\
    // Usage: the primary CFG, plus the command Item ExtInfo Toggle: 1, -1
    // Be sure that <<ExtInfo File Eng: "ItemInfo.cfg" and ExtInfo File Chi: "ItemInfo.cfg">> point to this file (Not sure why that's here)
    // There are (now) English and Chinese versions of this file, the game will automatically determine wich to load.
    // The ExtInfo Colour command is used to set the default color
    // UniqueItemInfo GreenSetItemInfo RuneWordInfo RuneInfo
    // Common Items NormalItemInfo [Item #] [type]. To get the item number, check with the main CFG, see the specific corresponding section description.
    //Be sure to follow formatting
    // CubeMain[A]={
    // Item 1(B)+Item 2(B)+Item 3
    // }
    // Were A is, put the call from the Apriate class.
    // Were B is, you'll need the Rune Number. (runes only)
    // Recipe must be in curly brackets '{}' else jave will have a seizure.
    // If you can't figure it out, refer to Item 4 at the top of the document. Or learn Java....
    // Up to 40 lines, each line is as brief as possible, too wide will display no less than (40 lines have shown high because some items display a wide)
    // Reserved characters: & @ %
    // & number followed by numbers, will be treated as synthetic formula
    // @ number followed by numbers, will be treated as Rune Word formula
    // % Number followed by numbers or letters (ABC), will be treated as a color code. The String method for coloring, Code %1 - %c (or %12)
    // Also parse the string backwards, and the color of the back will affect the color of the front, pay attention to corrections.
    // You want branches containing one or more spaces, to have a dividing line. Lines without charicters will be ignored.
    // UltraEdit edited coloring scheme selections, so java would be able to see clearly. (I'm at the end of my rope with this line, I think this is right)

    //--------------------------------------------------Cube recipes--------------------------------------------------

    CubeMain[0]={ // Socket normal Armor Formula \\
    Tal(7)+Thul(10)+Perfect Topaz
    CubeMain[1]={ //Socket Normal Helmet Formula \\
    Tal(8)+Thul(10)+Perfect Sapphire
    CubeMain[2]={ //Socket Normal Shield Formula \\
    Tal(7)+Thul(11)+Perfect Ruby
    CubeMain[3]={ //Socket Normal Weapon Formula \\
    Tal(8)+Thul(11)+Perfect Amethyst
    CubeMain[4]={ // Normal Unique Weapon Upgrades formula Nomal==>Exc
    Ral(8)+Sol(12)+Perfect Emerald
    CubeMain[5]={ //The ordinary dark gold armor upgrade formula Nomal==>Exc
    Ral(7)+Sol(13)+erfect Diamond
    CubeMain[6]={ //Extended dark gold weapon upgrades formula Exc==>Elite
    Ral(17)+Sol(21)+Perfect Emerald
    CubeMain[7]={ //To extend dark gold armor upgrade formula Exc==>Elite
    Ral(18)+Sol(20)+erfect Diamond
    3 Perfect Skull + 1 SOJ

    //Unique items, number do not change
    UniqueItemInfo[0]={//The Gnasher Hand Axe
    UniqueItemInfo[1]={//Deathspade Axe
    UniqueItemInfo[2]={//Bladebone Double Axe
    UniqueItemInfo[3]={//Skull Splitter Military Pick
    UniqueItemInfo[4]={//Rakescar War Axe
    UniqueItemInfo[5]={//Axe of Fechmar Large Axe
    UniqueItemInfo[6]={//Goreshovel Broad Axe
    UniqueItemInfo[7]={//The Chieftain Battle Axe
    UniqueItemInfo[8]={// Brainhew Great Axe
    UniqueItemInfo[9]={//Humongous Giant Axe
    UniqueItemInfo[10]={//Torch of Iro Wand
    UniqueItemInfo[11]={// Maelstrom Yew Wand
    UniqueItemInfo[12]={// Gravenspine Bone Wand
    UniqueItemInfo[13]={// Ume's Lament Grim Wand
    UniqueItemInfo[14]={// Felloak Club
    UniqueItemInfo[15]={// Knell Striker Sceptre
    UniqueItemInfo[16]={// Rusthandle Grand Scepter
    UniqueItemInfo[17]={// Stormeye War Sceptre
    UniqueItemInfo[18]={//¼áÓ²µÄÖ¸¼× Stoutnail Spiked Club
    UniqueItemInfo[19]={// Crushflange Mace
    UniqueItemInfo[20]={//Bloodrise Morning Star
    UniqueItemInfo[21]={// The General's Tan Do Li Ga Flail
    UniqueItemInfo[22]={// Ironstone War Hammer
    UniqueItemInfo[23]={// Bonesnap Maul
    UniqueItemInfo[24]={// Steeldriver Great Maul
    UniqueItemInfo[25]={// Rixot's Keen Short Swrod
    UniqueItemInfo[26]={// Blood Crescent Scimitar
    UniqueItemInfo[27]={// Skewer of Krintiz Saber
    UniqueItemInfo[28]={// Gleamscythe Falcata
    UniqueItemInfo[29]={// Azurewrath Crystal Sword
    UniqueItemInfo[30]={// Griswold's Edge Broad Sword
    UniqueItemInfo[31]={// Hellplague Long Sword
    UniqueItemInfo[32]={// Culwen's Point War Sword
    UniqueItemInfo[33]={// Shadowfang 2-Handed Sword
    UniqueItemInfo[34]={//°þƤÁé»ê Soulflay Ë«Èдóµ¶Claymore
    UniqueItemInfo[35]={//½ðÂó¶ûµÄ׶×Ó Kinemil's Awl ´ó½£Giant Sword
    UniqueItemInfo[36]={//ºÚÉ«Ö®Éà Blacktongue ¾Þ½£Bastard Sword
    UniqueItemInfo[37]={//´Ö³Ý´ó¾â Ripsaw Ë«ÊÖÊν£Flamberge
    UniqueItemInfo[38]={//×峤 The Patriarch ׿Խ֮½£Great Sword
    UniqueItemInfo[39]={//º£Å¸ Gull Ø°Ê×Dagger
    UniqueItemInfo[40]={//µÏ¸ñÀÕ The Diggler ³¤Ø°Ê×Dirk
    UniqueItemInfo[41]={//̹¶ÅÖ®Óñ The Jade Tan Do ²¨Ðε¶Kris
    UniqueItemInfo[42]={//Ñý¹ÖËéƬ Spectral Shard ¶Ìµ¶Blade
    UniqueItemInfo[43]={//ÕÅÁú The Dragon Chang ³¤Ã¬Spear
    UniqueItemInfo[44]={//Ì굶֮²æ Razortine Èý²æêªTrident
    UniqueItemInfo[45]={//Ѫ֮͵ Bloodthief ²æBrandistock
    UniqueItemInfo[46]={//ÑŸó¤Ã¬ Lance of Yaggai ´óÕ½êªSpetum
    UniqueItemInfo[47]={//̹֮ѪÕÈ The Tannr Gorerod ìPike
    UniqueItemInfo[48]={//µÏÂí¿ËÖ®Åü¿³ Dimoak's Hew ´ó¿³µ¶Bardiche
    UniqueItemInfo[49]={//Ìú´Ì°ô Steelgoad ¹³Á*ǹVoulge
    UniqueItemInfo[50]={//Áé»ê²É¼¯Õß Soul Harvest Á*µ¶Scythe
    UniqueItemInfo[51]={//Õ½¶·Ö§Ïµ The Battlebranch ³¤±úÕ½¸«Poleaxe
    UniqueItemInfo[52]={//·³ÄÕÊ«¼¯ Woestave ³¤êªHalberd
    UniqueItemInfo[53]={//Àä¿á¿ªÌÅÊÖ The Grim Reaper ¾ÞÕ½Á*µ¶War Scythe
    UniqueItemInfo[54]={//»ö¸ùÖ®»Ò Bane Ash ¶Ì¹÷Short Staff
    UniqueItemInfo[55]={//º£ÉßÖ®Íõ Serpent Lord ³¤¹÷Long Staff
    UniqueItemInfo[56]={//À*ÈöÂÞ˹֮ÂÝÐý Spire of Lazarus ¶à½Ú¹÷Gnarled Staff
    UniqueItemInfo[57]={//»ð¾«Áé The Salamander Õ½¶··¨ÕÈBattle Staff
    UniqueItemInfo[58]={//Ìú¼ì°ô The Iron Jang Bong ¾ÞÕ½·¨ÕÈWar Staff
    UniqueItemInfo[59]={//ÓÂÆøÖ®ÑÛ Pluckeye ¶Ì¹*Short Bow
    UniqueItemInfo[60]={//µòл֮½ä Witherstring ÁÔ¹*Hunter's Bow
    UniqueItemInfo[61]={//¶ÉÄñ֮צ Raven Claw ³¤¹*Long Bow
    UniqueItemInfo[62]={//ÂܸñÖ®¹* Rogue's Bow ×éºÏ¹*Composite Bow
    UniqueItemInfo[63]={//±©·çÖ®»÷ Stormstrike ¶ÌÕ½¶·¹*Short Battle Bow
    UniqueItemInfo[64]={//µòл֮»* Wizendraw ³¤Õ½¶·¹*Long Battle Bow
    UniqueItemInfo[65]={//×÷ÏìµÄµØÓü Hellclap ¶Ì¾ÞÕ½¹*Short War Bow
    UniqueItemInfo[66]={//±¬ÁѵķͽРBlastbark ³¤¾ÞÕ½¹*Long War Bow
    UniqueItemInfo[67]={//Òýµ¼ÎÚÑ» Leadcrow ÇáÊ®×Ö¹*Light Crossbow
    UniqueItemInfo[68]={//ÁéÒºÖ®´Ì Ichorsting Ê®×Ö¹*Crossbow
    UniqueItemInfo[69]={//ͶÖÀµØÓü Hellcast ÖØÊ®×Ö¹*Heavy Crossbow
    UniqueItemInfo[70]={//»ÙÃðͶʯÕß Doomslinger Á¬ÉäÊ®×Ö¹*Repeating Crossbow
    UniqueItemInfo[71]={//±Ï¸ñÒòµÄÈíñ Biggin's Bonnet ñ×ÓCap
    UniqueItemInfo[72]={//ËþÒòÍ·¿ø Tarnhelm ÷¼÷ÃñSkull Cap
    UniqueItemInfo[73]={//¹âÈÙ²¼Ã± Coif of Glory Í·¿øHelm
    UniqueItemInfo[74]={//»Æ»èÉî´¦ Duskdeep ¸ß¼¶Í·¿øFull Helm
    UniqueItemInfo[75]={//Èä³æ÷¼÷à Wormskull °×¹ÇÍ·¿øBone Helm
    UniqueItemInfo[76]={//Å*ºÅ³¤ÑÀ Howltusk ׿Խͷ¿øGreat Helm
    UniqueItemInfo[77]={//²»ËÀ»Ê¹Ú Undead Crown »Ê¹ÚCrown
    UniqueItemInfo[78]={//¿Ö¾åÖ®Á³ The Face of Horror Ãæ¾ßMask
    UniqueItemInfo[79]={//±¡ÄºÍâ¹Û Greyform ²¼¼×Quilted Armor
    UniqueItemInfo[80]={//Õ£ÑÛòùòðµÄÍâ¹Û Blinkbat's Form Ƥ¼×Leather Armor
    UniqueItemInfo[81]={//°Ù·ò³¤ The Centurion ӲƤ¼×Hard Leather
    UniqueItemInfo[82]={//³é¶¯µÄÕõÔú Twitchthroe ÏâǶ¼×Studded Leather
    UniqueItemInfo[83]={//À©É¢ºÚ°µ Darkglow Ëø»·¼×Ring Mail
    UniqueItemInfo[84]={//Ó¥¼× Hawkmail ÁÛ¼×Scale Mail
    UniqueItemInfo[85]={//»ð»¨Ö®¼× Sparking Mail Ëø×Ó¼×Chain Mail
    UniqueItemInfo[86]={//¶¾ÒºÀη¿ Venom Ward Ðؼ×Breast Plate
    UniqueItemInfo[87]={//±ùÑ©Õ£ÑÛ Iceblink °å¼×Splint Mail
    UniqueItemInfo[88]={//¹ÇÈâ Boneflesh îø¼×Plate Mail
    UniqueItemInfo[89]={//ʯ֮ë Rockfleece ʵսîø¼×Field Plate
    UniqueItemInfo[90]={//×÷ÏìÖ®Áý Rattlecage ¸çµÂÕ½¼×Gothic Plate
    UniqueItemInfo[91]={//»Æ½ð֮Ƥ Goldskin ¸ß¼¶Õ½¼×Full Plate Mail
    UniqueItemInfo[92]={//ʤÀûÕß֮˿³ñ Silks of the Victor ¹Å´ú×°¼×AncientArmor
    UniqueItemInfo[93]={//ÌìÌÃ×°Êø Heavenly Garb ÇáÐÍ×°¼×Light Plate
    UniqueItemInfo[94]={//ÐÂÔÂС¶Ü Pelta Lunata Ô²¶ÜBuckler
    UniqueItemInfo[95]={//ÒõÓ°Ô²ÅÌ Umbral Disk С¶ÜÅÆSmall Shield
    UniqueItemInfo[96]={//±©·ç¹«»á Stormguild ´ó¶ÜÅÆLarge Shield
    UniqueItemInfo[97]={//ÎÞÑÛ֮ǽ Wall of the Eyeless °×¹Ç¶ÜÅÆBone Shield
    UniqueItemInfo[98]={//½£±³Ö®¼Ü Swordback Hold ¼â´Ì¶ÜÅÆSpiked Shield
    UniqueItemInfo[99]={//×÷ÏìµÄ½ðÊô Steelclash Çá¶ÜKite Shield
    UniqueItemInfo[100]={//±´¸¥ÌáµÄ¼ÍÄî Bverrit Keep Ëþ¶ÜTower Shield
    UniqueItemInfo[101]={//Çô·¿ The Ward ¸çµÂ¶ÜÅÆGothic Shield
    UniqueItemInfo[102]={//°Ø¿ËÖ®ÊÖ The Hand of Broc ƤÊÖÌ×Leather Gloves
    UniqueItemInfo[103]={//ѪÈ* Bloodfist ÖØÊÖÌ×Heavy Gloves
    UniqueItemInfo[104]={//ÔËÆøÊØ»¤ Chance Guards ËøÁ´ÊÖÌ×Chain Gloves
    UniqueItemInfo[105]={//·¨Ê¦Ö®È* Magefist ÇáÐÍÌúÊÖÌ×Light Gauntlets
    UniqueItemInfo[106]={//˪ȼ Frostburn ÌúÊÖÌ×Gauntlets
    UniqueItemInfo[107]={//ÈÈÑ¥´Ì Hotspur ƤѥLeather Boots
    UniqueItemInfo[108]={//Ѫ½Å Gorefoot ÖØÑ¥Heavy Boots
    UniqueItemInfo[109]={//¿*ËɵÄÕ÷·þ Treads of Cthon ËøÁ´Ñ¥Chain Boots
    UniqueItemInfo[110]={//СÑý¾«½ÅÖº Goblin Toe ÇáÐͽðÊôÑ¥Light Plate Boots
    UniqueItemInfo[111]={//ÀáÖ®ÍÎ Tearhaunch »¤ëÖGreaves
    UniqueItemInfo[112]={//À×ÄáĦ Lenymo ÊδøSash
    UniqueItemInfo[113]={//ÉßË÷ Snakecord Çá¿Û´øLight Belt
    UniqueItemInfo[114]={//Ò¹ÑÌ Nightsmoke ¿Û´øBelt
    UniqueItemInfo[115]={//½ðÉ«°ü¸¤ Goldwrap ÖØ¿Û´øHeavy Belt
    UniqueItemInfo[116]={//·æÀû¿Û´ø Bladebuckle ½ðÊô¿Û´øPlated Belt
    UniqueItemInfo[117]={//ŵ¿ÆÀ¶ÒÅÎï Nokozan Relic ÏîÁ´Amulet
    UniqueItemInfo[118]={//°¬ÀûÇüÖ®ÑÛ The Eye of Etlich ÏîÁ´Amulet
    UniqueItemInfo[119]={//Âê¹þÄ·Ïðľ¹Å¶* The Mahim-Oak Curio ÏîÁ´Amulet
    UniqueItemInfo[120]={//Äø÷µÄ½äÖ¸ Nagelring ½äÖ¸Ring
    UniqueItemInfo[121]={//ÂêÄǵõÄÖÎÁÆ Manald Heal ½äÖ¸Ring
    UniqueItemInfo[122]={//Çǵ¤Ö®Ê¯ The Stone of Jordan ½äÖ¸Ring
    UniqueItemInfo[123]={//òóÉß»¤·û ÏîÁ´Amulet
    // The following piece of information (that what it said, I don't get it either)
    UniqueItemInfo[129]={//Àäɱ Coldkill С¸«Hatchet
    UniqueItemInfo[130]={//ÍÀ·ò֮ͫ Butcher's Pupil ÇÐÈ⸫Cleaver
    UniqueItemInfo[131]={//µº»÷ Islestrike Ç¿»¯Ë«¸«Twin Axe
    UniqueItemInfo[132]={//ÅÓ±´Ö®Å* Pompeii's Wrath à¹Ç¯Crowbill
    UniqueItemInfo[133]={//ÉßÉñÊØ»¤Õß Guardian Naga ÄÉ¿¨Naga
    UniqueItemInfo[134]={//Õ½¾ôÖ®Ö¤ Warlord's Trust ¾ü¸«Military Axe
    UniqueItemInfo[135]={//¸ÖÌúħÖä Spellsteel ¹³¸«Bearded Axe
    UniqueItemInfo[136]={//±©·çÆïÊ¿ Stormrider Õ½¶·¸«Tabar
    UniqueItemInfo[137]={//Ëé¹ÇÕßÖ®ÈÐ Boneslayer Blade ¸çµÂÖ®¸«Gothic Axe
    UniqueItemInfo[138]={//ţͷ¹Ö The Minotaur ¹Å´úÖ®¸«Ancient Axe
    UniqueItemInfo[139]={//×Ôɱ֧ϵ Suicide Branch Ÿý½¹Ö®ÕÈBurnt Wand
    UniqueItemInfo[140]={//¿*¶÷ËéƬ Carin Shard ¾»»¯Ö®ÕÈPetrified Wand
    UniqueItemInfo[141]={//Àî°ÂÈð¿ËÍõµÄÎäÆ÷ Arm of King Leoric ¹ÅĹ֮ÕÈTomb Wand
    UniqueItemInfo[142]={//ºÚÊÖÖ®Ô¿ Blackhand Key ŵØÖ®ÕÈGrave Wand
    UniqueItemInfo[143]={//°µ×åËéÃðÕß Dark Clan Crusher ¹÷°ôCudgel
    UniqueItemInfo[144]={//Èö¿¨À¼Ä·Ö®ÊÖ Zakarum's Hand ·ûÎÄȨÕÈRune Scepter
    UniqueItemInfo[145]={//¶ñ³ôÉ¢²¼Õß The Fetid Sprinkler ʥˮÅçÕÈHoly Water Sprinkler
    UniqueItemInfo[146]={//×£¸£Ö®¹âÖ®ÊÖ Hand of Blessed Light ÉñÊôȨÕÈDivine Scepter
    UniqueItemInfo[147]={//ѪÈâ²Ã¾öÕß Fleshrender µ¹¹³é³Barbed Club
    UniqueItemInfo[148]={//¼âÐ¥±ù˪ Sureshrill Frost ͹Ե¶¤Í·´¸Flanged Mace
    UniqueItemInfo[149]={//ÂäÔ Moonfall ¾â³ÝÁ÷ÐÇ´¸Jagged Star
    UniqueItemInfo[150]={//±´Î÷¶ûµÄäöÎÐ Baezil's Vortex ÌúƤ±ÞKnout
    UniqueItemInfo[151]={//º³µØÕß Earthshaker Õ½¶·Ìúé³Battle Hammer
    UniqueItemInfo[152]={//ѪÊ÷²ÐÖê Bloodtree Stump ¾Þսľ¹÷War Club
    UniqueItemInfo[153]={//Í´¿àÄ¾é³ The Gavel of Pain Õ½é³Martel de Fer
    UniqueItemInfo[154]={//ѪÊé Bloodletter Á_ñR¶Ì„¦GladiusÏ¢
    UniqueItemInfo[155]={//±ù¸ÖÖ®ÑÛ Coldsteel Eye ΢„¦Cutlass
    UniqueItemInfo[156]={//Áù½ÇÖ®»ð Hexfire Ì“‚ÎÖ®ÈÐShamshir
    UniqueItemInfo[157]={//°¢Àï°Í°ÍÖ®ÈÐ Blade of Ali Baba ˆAÔµ¶Tulwar
    UniqueItemInfo[158]={//½ðɪµÄÁÑ·ì Ginther's Rift ¿ÕégÖ®ÈÐDimensional Blade
    UniqueItemInfo[159]={//»÷Í·Õß Headstriker ‘ðôY„¦Battle Sword
    UniqueItemInfo[160]={//Òß²¡´øÔ*Õß Plague Bearer ·ûÎÄ„¦Rune Sword
    UniqueItemInfo[161]={//ÑÇÌØÀ*˹ The Atlantean ¹Å´úÖ®„¦Ancient Sword
    UniqueItemInfo[162]={//¿ËÁÖÌú-¸¥Ä· Crainte Vomir ”ØèF„¦Espadon
    UniqueItemInfo[163]={//±øÖ®Íõ Bing Sz Wang ëpÈÐæ`Dacian Falx
    UniqueItemInfo[164]={//±°ÁÓÇû¿Ç The Vile Husk éLÑÀ„¦Tusk Sword
    UniqueItemInfo[165]={//ÔÆÁÑ Cloudcrack ¸çµÂ„¦Gothic Sword
    UniqueItemInfo[166]={//ÌصÏ˹·¨À×-ܽ·¨Ã× Todesfaelle Flamme ínÈðµÂÖ®„¦Zweihander
    UniqueItemInfo[167]={//½£ÎÀ Swordguard ËÀÐÌÖ®„¦Executioner Sword
    UniqueItemInfo[168]={//ÁѼ¹Õß Spineripper ÈñØ°Poignard
    UniqueItemInfo[169]={//¿ÌÐÄÕß Heart Carver Ê«¸èØ°Ê×Rondel
    UniqueItemInfo[170]={//ºÚÕÓÖ®·æ Blackbog's Sharp Ç¿²¨µ¶Cinquedeas
    UniqueItemInfo[171]={//±©·ç¼â´Ì Stormspike С½£Stilleto
    UniqueItemInfo[172]={//´©´ÌÕß The Impaler ¾ÞÕ½³¤Ã¬War Spear
    UniqueItemInfo[173]={//ˮħÏÝÚå Kelpie Snare ħ¹íÖ®²æFuscina
    UniqueItemInfo[174]={//ÊÉ»ê²æ Soulfeast Tine ¾ÞÕ½Ö®²æWar Fork
    UniqueItemInfo[175]={//ºê-É*µ¤ Hone Sundan Èý²æ³¤Ç¹Yari
    UniqueItemInfo[176]={//ÈÙÒ«µÄ¼âËþ Spire of Honor ³¤Ç¹Lance
    UniqueItemInfo[177]={//¹ÎÈâÕß The Meat Scraper Â޼Ѳ®¸«Lochaber Axe
    UniqueItemInfo[178]={//ºÚˮ֮ÈÐ Blackleach Blade ±È¶û³¤µ¶Bill
    UniqueItemInfo[179]={//°¢Î÷ÄȵķÞÅ* Athena's Wrath Õ½¶·Á*µ¶Battle Scythe
    UniqueItemInfo[180]={//Ƥ¶û-ͨ°Ñ-¿¼¶÷ÌØ Pierre Tombale Couant Õ½êªPartizan
    UniqueItemInfo[181]={//ºúË÷µ¤-ÒÀ¸¥ Husoldal Evo Ë«·æÕ½êªBec-de-Corbin
    UniqueItemInfo[182]={//¾ª²ÀÑæÍöÁé Grim's Burning Dead ²Ð¿áÁ*µ¶Grim Scythe
    UniqueItemInfo[183]={//°Ú¶¯Ì굶 Razorswitch ÇÇľ°ôJo Staff
    UniqueItemInfo[184]={//À߹ǷÛËéÕß Ribcracker Áù³ß¹÷Quarter Staff
    UniqueItemInfo[185]={//Îå²ÊµÄÅ*Æø Chromatic Ire ɼľ֮¹÷Cedar Staff
    UniqueItemInfo[186]={//ŤÇú֮ì Warpspear ¸çµÂÖ®¹÷Gothic Staff
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    UniqueItemInfo[190]={//Éç½Ç¾Ã×Ó Kuko Shakaku ɼľ¹*CedarBow
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    UniqueItemInfo[192]={//¿ñÒ°Ö®ÏÒ Witchwild String ¶Ì¹¥³Ç¹*Short Siege Bow
    UniqueItemInfo[193]={//ÑÒ±ÚɱÊÖ Cliffkiller ³¤¹¥³Ç¹*Long Siege Bow
    UniqueItemInfo[194]={//Î×ʦ֮Å* Magewrath ·ûÎÄÖ®¹*Rune Bow
    UniqueItemInfo[195]={//½ð»÷Ô²»¡ Goldstrike Arch ¸çµÂ¹*Gothic Bow
    UniqueItemInfo[196]={//À¼¸ñ-²¼Àïɪ Langer Briser ʯ¹*Arbalest
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    UniqueItemInfo[208]={//ÎüѪ¹íµÄÄýÊÓ Vampire Gaze ²Ð¿áÍ·¿øGrim Helm
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    UniqueItemInfo[221]={//ºÚÉ«ºÚµÛ˹ Black Hades »ìãçÕ½¼×Chaos Armor
    UniqueItemInfo[222]={//ʬÌåµÄ°§ÉË Corpsemourn »ªÀöÕ½¼×Ornate Armor
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    UniqueItemInfo[225]={//ĦÎ÷×£¸£Ö®»· Moser's Blessed Circle Ô²ÐͶÜRound Shield
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    UniqueItemInfo[227]={//ħÁúµÄ·ÇÄÑ Tiamat's Rebuke Áú¶ÜDragon Shield
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    UniqueItemInfo[229]={//ÂÞ´ïÃÅÌØÖ®ÇòÌå Radament's Sphere ¹Å´úÖ®¶ÜAncient Shield
    UniqueItemInfo[230]={//¾¯½ä֮ǽ Lidless Wall Àä¿áÖ®¶ÜGrim Shield
    UniqueItemInfo[231]={//³¤Ç¹ÊØÎÀ Lance Guard µ¹´Ì»¤¶ÜBarbed Shield
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    UniqueItemInfo[233]={//ĹѨµÄ¸§Åª Gravepalm öèƤÊÖÌ×Sharkskin Gloves
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    UniqueItemInfo[241]={//Ê´ÈâÆïÊ¿ Gore Rider ¾Þ‘ð֮ѥWar Boots
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    UniqueItemInfo[246]={//À×ÉñÖ®Á¦ Thundergod's Vigor ¾Þ‘ðÑüŽ§War Belt
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    UniqueItemInfo[251]={//°¢¿*ÄáµÄÈÙÒ« Arkaine's Valor Ñ×ħƤ°å¼×Balrog Skin
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    UniqueItemInfo[253]={//±©·çÖ®¶Ü Stormshield ½yÖÎÕß´ó¶ÜMonarch
    UniqueItemInfo[254]={//µØÓü»ÙÃðÕß Hellslayer Õ¶Ê׸«Decapitator
    UniqueItemInfo[255]={//ϣ÷˹ÌصÄÂÓ¶á Messerschmidt's Reaver ºÀ½Ü¸«Champion Axe
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    UniqueItemInfo[260]={//Ä©ÈÕ»ÙÃðÕß Doombringer ¹Ú¾üÖ®½£Champion Sword
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    UniqueItemInfo[262]={//Î×ʦ֮´Ì Wizardspike º¡¹ÇСµ¶Bone Knife
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    UniqueItemInfo[266]={//·çÖ®Á¦ Windforce ¾ÅÍ·Éß¹*Hydra Bow
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    UniqueItemInfo[268]={//²¼¶û¿*Ë÷Ö®½ä Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band »é½ä
    UniqueItemInfo[269]={//èÑÛ The Cat's Eye
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    UniqueItemInfo[277]={//ÈøÀ*É*µÄ»ú»á Saracen's Chance
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    UniqueItemInfo[280]={//ÙªÈå Homunculus ¼À˾ӡ¼ÇHeirophant Trophy
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    UniqueItemInfo[282]={//À×ɽµÂµÄÖ¸±ê Lycander's Aim ¼ÀµäÖ®¹*Ceremonial Bow
    UniqueItemInfo[283]={//À×ɽµÂµÄ²à¸¹ Lycander's Flank ¼Àµä֮ìCeremonial Pike
    UniqueItemInfo[284]={//ÑÛÇò The Oculus ÎÐÁ÷Ë®¾§Swirling Crystal
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    UniqueItemInfo[287]={//¼Ó¶ûµÄ³¤·¢ Jalal's Mane Totemic MaskͼÌÚÃæ¾ßÀÇ¿ø
    UniqueItemInfo[288]={//Ô²Ôä The Scalper ·¨À¼·É¸«Francisca
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    UniqueItemInfo[295]={//Ѫ¿é˺ÁÑÕß Gore Ripper(ɶÍæÒ⣿)
    UniqueItemInfo[296]={//¶ñħצÑÀ Demon Limb ±©¾ýÖ®°ôtyrant club
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    UniqueItemInfo[300]={//´ó×ÔÈ»µÄºÍƽ Nature's Peace
    UniqueItemInfo[301]={//±ÌÀ¶Å*»ð Azurewrath »Ã»¯Ö®ÈÐphase blade
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    UniqueItemInfo[303]={//Èö¿¨À¼Ä·µÄ¾ÈÊê Zakarum's Salvation δ֪
    UniqueItemInfo[304]={//ÁÑÈâÕß Fleshripper ³ÝԵСµ¶fanged knife
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    UniqueItemInfo[311]={//Ì©Èð¶ûµÄÁ¦Á¿ Tyrael's Might ÉñÊ¥¿ø¼×sacred armor
    UniqueItemInfo[312]={//Îü»êÕß Soul Drainer ÎüѪ¹íÊÖÌ×Vambraces
    UniqueItemInfo[313]={//·ûÎÄ´óʦ Rune Master Ë«Í·¸«ettin axe
    UniqueItemInfo[314]={//ËÀÍöÖ®µ¶ Death Cleaver ¿ñսʿ¸«berserker axe
    UniqueItemInfo[315]={//¹ô×ÓÊֵIJþö Executioner's Justice ÈÙ¹âÖ®¸«glorious axe
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    UniqueItemInfo[317]={//º£ÍõÀûάÑÇÉ£ Leviathan º£Ñý¿Ç¼×kraken shell
    UniqueItemInfo[318]={//À*Ëտ˵Ķ·Ê¿ Larzuk's Champion °¡£¿
    UniqueItemInfo[319]={//¹í»ðͶÉäÕß Wisp Projector ½äÖ¸
    UniqueItemInfo[320]={//ʯÏñ¹íÖ®ÊÉ Gargoyle's Bite ÒíÓã²æwinged harpoon
    UniqueItemInfo[321]={//˺ÁÑÕß Lacerator Òí¸«winged axe
    UniqueItemInfo[322]={//÷¸ñÖ®¸èµÄ½Ìѵ Mang Song's Lesson Ö´Õþ¹ÙÖ®ÕÈarchon staff
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    UniqueItemInfo[324]={//ÓÀºã±ß½ç Ethereal Edge ÒøÈи«silver-edged axe
    UniqueItemInfo[325]={//¶ñħºÅ½ÇµÄ±ßÔµ Demonhorn's Edge »ÙÃðÕßÍ·¿ødestroyer helm
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    UniqueItemInfo[327]={//Áé»ê¿´ÊØÕß Spirit Keeper ´óµØÖ®Áé earth spirit
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    UniqueItemInfo[329]={//°¢¶ûÂê-Äá¸ñÀ* Alma Negra ÉñÊ¥ÇáÔ²¶Üsacred rondache
    UniqueItemInfo[330]={//ħÁ¦ÕØÉú Darkforce Spawn ѪÍõÖ®¹Çbloodlord skull
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    UniqueItemInfo[332]={//ѪÄñµÄÏ®»÷ Blood Raven's Charge Å®×峤֮¹*matriarchal bow
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    UniqueItemInfo[335]={//ËéƬ̰À·Õß Gimmershred ·É¸«flying axe
    UniqueItemInfo[336]={//¸ñÀû·çÖ®ÑÛ Griffon's Eye Ȩ¹Údiadem
    UniqueItemInfo[337]={//·çÖ®´¸ Windhammer ʳÈËħ֮é³ogre maul
    UniqueItemInfo[338]={//À×»÷ Thunderstroke Å®×峤֮±êǹmatriarchal javelin
    UniqueItemInfo[339]={//ÖزРGiant Maimer Éí²ÐÖ¾¼á
    UniqueItemInfo[340]={//¶ñħ֮Íõ Demon's Arch Ñ×ħ֮ìbalrog spear
    UniqueItemInfo[341]={//¹ÇÑæ Boneflame Å®ÑýÖ®¹Çsuccubae skull
    UniqueItemInfo[342]={//ÌúÖù Steel Pillar սǹwar pike
    UniqueItemInfo[343]={//Ò¹ÒíÃæÉ´ Nightwing's Veil ÂÝÐýÍ·¿øspired helm
    UniqueItemInfo[344]={//Äê¼ÍÖ®¹Ú Crown of Ages Í·¹Úcorona
    UniqueItemInfo[345]={//°²´ïÀû¶ûµÄÃæò Andariel's Visage ¶ñħͷ¸Ç¹ÇÃæ¾ßdemonhead
    UniqueItemInfo[346]={//ºÚ°µ¿Ö¾å Darkfear »î¶¯Í·¿øarmet
    UniqueItemInfo[347]={//ÁúÁÛ Dragonscale Èö¿¨À¼Ûé¶ÜÅÆzakarum shield
    UniqueItemInfo[348]={//¸ÖÌúîø¼× Steel Carapace ÒõÓ°îø¼×shadow plate
    UniqueItemInfo[349]={//÷¶ÅɯµÄÄýÊÓ Medusa's Gaze Ëþ¶Üaegis
    UniqueItemInfo[350]={//ÎÚѻ֮Íõ Ravenlore Ìì¿ÕÖ®Áésky spirit
    UniqueItemInfo[351]={//°×¹ÇÒõÓ° Boneshade Î×Ñý·¨ÕÈlich wand
    UniqueItemInfo[352]={//Ú¤¸®ÎÚÑ» Nethercrow ËÀÍöÄñ
    UniqueItemInfo[353]={//»ðÑæºÅ½Ð Flamebellow Ñ×ħ֮ÈÐbalrog blade
    UniqueItemInfo[354]={//ËÀÍöÉî¶È Death's Fathom ´ÎÔªËéƬdimensional shard
    UniqueItemInfo[355]={//ÀǺ¿ Wolfhowl Å*Ãæ¼×fury visor
    UniqueItemInfo[356]={//»êϵ½á½ç Spirit Ward ±£»¤¶ÜÅÆward
    UniqueItemInfo[357]={//ÆæÀ*µÄÊØ»¤ Kira's Guardian ÈýÖعÚtiara
    UniqueItemInfo[358]={//°ÂÂê˹µÄ³¤ÅÛ Ormus' Robes »ÒĺÊÙÒÂdusk shroud
    UniqueItemInfo[359]={//»ùµÃµÄÔËÆø Gheed's Fortune »¤Éí·ûcharm
    UniqueItemInfo[360]={//±©·çÖ®½á Stormlash Ìì·£Ö®´¸scourge
    UniqueItemInfo[361]={//º£À*°ØµÃµÄ¹ú¶È Halaberd's Reign Õ÷·þÕ߻ʹÚÃæ¼×conqueror crown
    UniqueItemInfo[362]={//ÍßÈð·òµÄÁîÅÆ Warriv's Warder--------
    UniqueItemInfo[363]={//¼â´Ì¸ùÔ´ Spike Thorn µ¶Èд̶Üblade barrier
    UniqueItemInfo[364]={//׿¹ÅÀ*Ö®ÎÕ Dracul's Grasp ÎüѪ¹íº¡¹ÇÊÖÌ×vampirebone gloves
    UniqueItemInfo[365]={//±ù˪֮·ç Frostwind ÉñÃØÖ®½£cryptic sword
    UniqueItemInfo[366]={//Ê¥ÌÃÎäÊ¿µÄÁ¦Á¿ Templar's Might ÉñÊ¥¿ø¼×sacred armor
    UniqueItemInfo[367]={//°¬Ë¹ÇüËþµÄÆ¢Æø Eschuta's Temper ¹ÖÒìÖ®Çòeldritch orb
    UniqueItemInfo[368]={//»ðòáòæ֮צ Firelizard's Talons ÃÍÇÝצferal claws
    UniqueItemInfo[369]={//ɳ±©Ö®Âà Sandstorm Trek Ê¥¼×³æ¿ÇÑ¥scarabshell boots
    UniqueItemInfo[370]={//¹ÇËèÐÐ×ß Marrowwalk º¡¹ÇÑ¥boneweave boots
    UniqueItemInfo[371]={//ÌìÌÃÖ®¹â Heaven's Light Ç¿ÍþȨÕÈmighty scepter
    UniqueItemInfo[372]={//ÈËÓãµÄ³ÝÂÖ Merman's Sprocket Ç¿´óµÄ³ÝÂÖ
    UniqueItemInfo[373]={//Ö©ÖëÖ®Íø Arachnid Mesh ÖëÍøÑü´øspiderweb sash
    UniqueItemInfo[374]={//ÎüѪʥÍõ֮Ȧ Nosferatu's Coil ÎüѪ¹íÁÇÑÀÑüŽ§vampirefang belt
    UniqueItemInfo[375]={//½ðÊôÍø¸ñ Metalgrid
    UniqueItemInfo[376]={//ά¶ûµÇ¸êµÄÐĽá Verdungo's Hearty Cord ÃØÒøÑü´ømithril coil
    UniqueItemInfo[377]={//ϯ¼ÎµÂµÄÒþ²Ø Siggard's Stealth
    UniqueItemInfo[378]={//¸¯ÈâÖ®·ç Carrion Wind
    UniqueItemInfo[379]={//¾Þ÷¼÷à Giant Skull º¡¹ÇÃæÕÖbone visage
    UniqueItemInfo[380]={//°®Ë¹ÌØÁúÖ®ÌúµÄ±£»¤Çø Astreon's Iron Ward Éñʹ֮ÕÈcaduceus
    UniqueItemInfo[381]={//»ÙÃð Annihilus
    UniqueItemInfo[382]={//°®ÀíÅ·¿ËÖ®Õë Arioc's Needle º¥²®Áú֮ìhyperion spear
    UniqueItemInfo[383]={//º××ì Cranebeak Õ½´Ìwar spike
    UniqueItemInfo[384]={//ŵµÂµÄÊ´ÈâÒ© Nord's Tenderizer Õ½ÒÇÕÈtruncheon
    UniqueItemInfo[385]={//´óµØ±äÐÎÕß Earth Shifter À×é³thunder maul
    UniqueItemInfo[386]={//ËÀÁéÒ¹Ïè Wraith Flight ¹í»ê¼âǹghost glaive
    UniqueItemInfo[387]={//ÆÆ¹Ç Bonehew ÈËħ֮¸«ogre axe
    UniqueItemInfo[388]={//°²´÷¶ûµÄÖÇ»Û Ondal's Wisdom ³¤ÀÏÖ®ÕÈelder staff
    UniqueItemInfo[389]={//âã»ÚÕß The Redeemer Ç¿ÍþȨÕÈmighty scepter
    UniqueItemInfo[390]={//ÁÔÍ·È˵ÄÈÙÒ« Head Hunter's Glory ¶´Ñ¨¾Þħ³²Ñ¨¹Ç¶Ütroll nest
    UniqueItemInfo[391]={//Ëé¸Ö Steelrend ʳÈËħÌúÊÖÌ×ogre gauntlets
    UniqueItemInfo[392]={//²Êºç¿ÌÃæ Rainbow Facet(ËÀµç)
    UniqueItemInfo[393]={//²Êºç¿ÌÃæ Rainbow Facet(ËÀ±ù)
    UniqueItemInfo[394]={//²Êºç¿ÌÃæ Rainbow Facet(ËÀ»ð)
    UniqueItemInfo[395]={//²Êºç¿ÌÃæ Rainbow Facet(ËÀ¶¾)
    UniqueItemInfo[396]={//²Êºç¿ÌÃæ Rainbow Facet(»îµç)
    UniqueItemInfo[397]={//²Êºç¿ÌÃæ Rainbow Facet(»î±ù)
    UniqueItemInfo[398]={//²Êºç¿ÌÃæ Rainbow Facet(»î»ð)
    UniqueItemInfo[399]={//²Êºç¿ÌÃæ Rainbow Facet(»î¶¾)
    UniqueItemInfo[400]={//µØÓü»ð¾æ Hellfire Torch

    // Green equipment Do not chang ID's
    SetItemInfo[0]={//Ï£¸¥²®µÄ·À»¤ Civerb's Ward
    SetItemInfo[1]={//Ï£¸¥²®µÄͼ°¸ Civerb's Icon
    SetItemInfo[2]={//Ï£¸¥²®µÄ¶Ì¹÷ Civerb's Cudgel
    SetItemInfo[3]={//¹þ˹À*°ØµÄÌúºó¸ú Hsarus' Iron Heel
    SetItemInfo[4]={//¹þ˹À*°ØµÄÌúºó¸ú Hsarus' Iron Fist
    SetItemInfo[5]={//¹þ˹À*°ØµÄÌúÐØÒ Hsarus' Iron Stay
    SetItemInfo[6]={//¿ËÀ×µÃÀÍÖ®ÑÀ Cleglaw's Tooth
    SetItemInfo[7]={//¿ËÀ×µÃÀÍ֮צ Cleglaw's Claw
    SetItemInfo[8]={//¿ËÀ×µÃÀÍ֮ǯ Cleglaw's Pincers
    SetItemInfo[9]={//ÒÀÀ×ÈöµÄÏîȦ Iratha's Collar
    SetItemInfo[10]={//ÒÀÀ×ÈöµÄÐä¿Ú Iratha's Cuff
    SetItemInfo[11]={//ÒÀÀ×ÈöµÄÏßȦ Iratha's Coil
    SetItemInfo[12]={//ÒÀÀ×ÈöÖ®Éþ Iratha's Cord
    SetItemInfo[13]={//ÒÀÉ*¹þµÂµÄ¹âÖ®ÀÓÌú Isenhart's Lightbrand
    SetItemInfo[14]={//ÒÀÉ*¹þµÂµÄÉÁ±Ü Isenhart's Parry
    SetItemInfo[15]={//ÒÀÉ*¹þµÂµÄÍâ¿Ç Isenhart's Case
    SetItemInfo[16]={//ÒÀÉ*¹þµÂµÄºÅ½Ç Isenhart's Horns
    SetItemInfo[17]={//ά´ïÀ*Ö®µ¹´Ì Vidala's Barb
    SetItemInfo[18]={//ά´ïÀ*µÄ¾àë Vidala's Fetlock
    SetItemInfo[19]={//ά´ïÀ*µÄͻϮ Vidala's Ambush
    SetItemInfo[20]={//ά´ïÀ*µÄÏÝÚå Vidala's Snare
    SetItemInfo[21]={//Ã×À*²®¼ÑÖ®Çò Milabrega's Orb
    SetItemInfo[22]={//Ã×À*²®¼ÑÖ®ÕÈ Milabrega's Rod
    SetItemInfo[23]={//Ã×À*²®¼ÑµÄÍõ¹Ú Milabrega's Diadem
    SetItemInfo[24]={//Ã×À*²®¼ÑÖ®ÅÛ Milabrega's Robe
    SetItemInfo[25]={//¿¨ÉºÖ®³ß Cathan's Rule
    SetItemInfo[26]={//¿¨ÉºÖ®Íø Cathan's Mesh
    SetItemInfo[27]={//¿¨ÉºµÄÈÝò Cathan's Visage
    SetItemInfo[28]={//¿¨ÉºµÄħÖä Cathan's Sigil
    SetItemInfo[29]={//¿¨ÉºµÄ·âÓ¡ Cathan's Seal
    SetItemInfo[30]={//̹¿ËÀ×µÄÑ»×ìǯ Tancred's Crowbill
    SetItemInfo[31]={//̹¿ËÀ׵ļ¹Öù Tancred's Spine
    SetItemInfo[32]={//̹¿ËÀ×µÄƽͷ¶¤ Tancred's Hobnails
    SetItemInfo[33]={//̹¿ËÀ׵Ĺֵ® Tancred's Weird
    SetItemInfo[34]={//̹¿ËÀ×Ö®÷¼÷à Tancred's Skull
    SetItemInfo[35]={//Î÷¸ÕµÄÌôÕ½ Sigon's Gage
    SetItemInfo[36]={//Î÷¸ÕÖ®Ãæ¼× Sigon's Visor
    SetItemInfo[37]={//Î÷¸ÕµÄÕڱΠSigon's Shelter
    SetItemInfo[38]={//Î÷¸ÕµÄľЬ Sigon's Sabot
    SetItemInfo[39]={//Î÷¸ÕµÄÅû¼ç Sigon's Wrap
    SetItemInfo[40]={//Î÷¸ÕµÄÊØ»¤ Sigon's Guard
    SetItemInfo[41]={//µØÓüÍ·¹Ç Infernal Cranium
    SetItemInfo[42]={//µØÓü»ð¾æ Infernal Torch
    SetItemInfo[43]={//µØÓü·ûºÅ Infernal Sign
    SetItemInfo[44]={//¿ñսʿµÄÍ·´÷ Berserker's Headgear
    SetItemInfo[45]={//¿ñսʿµÄËø×Ó¼× Berserker's Hauberk
    SetItemInfo[46]={//¿ñսʿµÄÊÖ¸« Berserker's Hatchet
    SetItemInfo[47]={//ËÀÍöÖ®ÊÖ Death's Hand
    SetItemInfo[48]={//ËÀÍöµÄÊØ»¤ Death's Guard
    SetItemInfo[49]={//ËÀÍöÖ®´¥ Death's Touch
    SetItemInfo[50]={//ÌìʹµÄÁ*µ¶ Angelic Sickle
    SetItemInfo[51]={//ÌìʹµÄÅû·ç Angelic Mantle
    SetItemInfo[52]={//Ììʹ֮¹â Angelic Halo
    SetItemInfo[53]={//Ììʹ֮Òí Angelic Wings
    SetItemInfo[54]={//±±¼«ºÅ½Ç Arctic Horn
    SetItemInfo[55]={//±±¼«Ã«Æ¤ Arctic Furs
    SetItemInfo[56]={//±±¼«À¦¸¿ Arctic Binding
    SetItemInfo[57]={//±±¼«ÊÖÌ× Arctic Mitts
    SetItemInfo[58]={//°¢¿¨ÄȵķûºÅ Arcanna's Sign
    SetItemInfo[59]={//°¢¿¨ÄȵÄËÀÍöÖ®ÕÈ Arcanna's Deathwand
    SetItemInfo[60]={//°¢¿¨ÄȵÄÍ·_Arcanna's Head
    SetItemInfo[61]={//°¢¿¨ÄȵÄѪÈâ Arcanna's Flesh
    SetItemInfo[62]={//ÄÈËþÑǵÄͼÌÚ Natalya's Totem
    SetItemInfo[63]={//ÄÈËþÑǵļǺŠNatalya's Mark
    SetItemInfo[64]={//ÄÈËþÑǵÄÓ°×Ó Natalya's Shadow
    SetItemInfo[65]={//ÄÈËþÑǵÄÁé»ê Natalya's Soul
    SetItemInfo[66]={//°¬¶û¶àµÄÀä¿áÄýÊÓ Aldur's Stony Gaze
    SetItemInfo[67]={//°¬¶û¶àµÄÆÛ•¹ Aldur's Deception
    SetItemInfo[68]={//°¬¶û¶àµÄÂɶ¯ Aldur's Rhythm
    SetItemInfo[69]={//°¬¶û¶àµÄ³É³¤ Aldur's Advance
    SetItemInfo[70]={//²»ÐàÖ®ÍõµÄÒâÖ¾ Immortal King's Will
    SetItemInfo[71]={//²»ÐàÖ®ÍõµÄÁé»êÀÎÁý Immortal King's Soul Cage
    SetItemInfo[72]={//²»ÐàÖ®ÍõµÄËöÊ Immortal King's Detail
    SetItemInfo[73]={//²»ÐàÖ®ÍõµÄÈÚ¯ Immortal King's Forge
    SetItemInfo[74]={//²»ÐàÖ®ÍõÖ®Öù Immortal King's Pillar
    SetItemInfo[75]={//²»ÐàÖ®ÍõµÄËé»êÕß Immortal King's Stone Crusher
    SetItemInfo[76]={//Ëþ-À*ÏĵÄÏËϸÒ·þ Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth
    SetItemInfo[77]={//Ëþ-À*ÏĵÄÅоö Tal Rasha's Adjudication
    SetItemInfo[78]={//Ëþ-À*Ïĵľ¯½äÖ®ÑÛ Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye
    SetItemInfo[79]={//Ëþ-À*ÏĵÄÊØ»¤ Tal Rasha's Guardianship
    SetItemInfo[80]={//Ëþ-À*ÏĵĺÕÀ*µÏ¿ËÎÆÕ Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
    SetItemInfo[81]={//¸ñÈð˹»ª¶ûµÂµÄÓÂÆø Griswold's Valor Í·¹Ú
    SetItemInfo[82]={//¸ñÈð˹»ª¶ûµÂÖ®ÐÄ Griswold's Heart
    SetItemInfo[83]={//¸ñÈð˹»ª¶ûµÂµÄ¾ÈÊê Griswold's Redemption Éñʹ֮ÕÈ
    SetItemInfo[84]={//¸ñÈð˹»ª¶ûµÂµÄÈÙÒ« Griswold's Honor
    SetItemInfo[85]={//Ëþ¸ñ°ÂÖ®Íâ×° Trang-Oul's Guise
    SetItemInfo[86]={//Ëþ¸ñ°ÂÖ®ÁÛ Trang-Oul's Scales
    SetItemInfo[87]={//Ëþ¸ñ°ÂÖ®Òí Trang-Oul's Wing
    SetItemInfo[88]={//Ëþ¸ñ°ÂÖ®ÊÖ Trang-Oul's Claws
    SetItemInfo[89]={//Ëþ¸ñ°ÂÖ®Êø´ø Trang-Oul's Girth
    SetItemInfo[90]={//ÂíάÄȵÄÕæʵ֮ÑÛ M'avina's True Sight
    SetItemInfo[91]={//ÂíάÄȵÄÓµ±§ M'avina's Embrace
    SetItemInfo[92]={//ÂíάÄȵıùÎÕ M'avina's Icy Clutch
    SetItemInfo[93]={//ÂíάÄȵĽÌÒå M'avina's Tenet
    SetItemInfo[94]={//ÂíάÄȵÄÊ©Õ¹ M'avina's Caster
    SetItemInfo[95]={//Êö˵֮Öé Telling of Beads
    SetItemInfo[96]={//ÊÖÕƵݲÖà Laying of Hands
    SetItemInfo[97]={//ÒÇʽµÄ×ßµÀ Rite of Passage
    SetItemInfo[98]={//ºÚ°µÐÅͽ Dark Adherent
    SetItemInfo[99]={//ÐÅÌõ Credendum
    SetItemInfo[100]={//µ¤¹*µÄ½Ìµ¼ Dangoon's Teaching
    SetItemInfo[101]={//Ì©±È¿ËµÄ¹âÈÙ Taebaek's Glory
    SetItemInfo[102]={//ºÚĦËյļá¾ö Haemosu's Adamant
    SetItemInfo[103]={//°²´÷¶ûµÄÈ«Áé Ondal's Almighty
    SetItemInfo[104]={//¼ªÓÀÖ®Á³ Guillaume's Face
    SetItemInfo[105]={//ÍþÁ®µÄ×Ô×ð Wilhelm's Pride
    SetItemInfo[106]={//Âí¸ñÄÉ˹֮Ƥ Magnus' Skin
    SetItemInfo[107]={//»Ý˹̹µÄÎä×° Whitstan's Guard
    SetItemInfo[108]={//»ªÄþµÄ¹â»Ô Hwanin's Splendor
    SetItemInfo[109]={//»ªÄþµÄ±£»¤ Hwanin's Refuge
    SetItemInfo[110]={//»ªÄþµÄ×£¸£ Hwanin's Blessing
    SetItemInfo[111]={//»ªÄþµÄÕýÒå Hwanin's Justice
    SetItemInfo[112]={//ɳÈöèµµÄâã»ÚÖ®îÜ Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer
    SetItemInfo[113]={//ɳÈö赵Ĺí»êÊÍ·ÅÕß Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
    SetItemInfo[114]={//ɳÈö赵ľ«ÉñÖ®ÇÊ Sazabi's Mental Sheath
    SetItemInfo[115]={//²¼¶û¿*Ë÷µÄÉñÊ¥´ú¼Û Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge
    SetItemInfo[116]={//²¼¶û¿*Ë÷µÄ²¿×åÊØ»¤ Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
    SetItemInfo[117]={//ţħÍõÖ®½Ç Cow King's Horns
    SetItemInfo[118]={//ţħÍõ֮Ƥ Cow King's Hide
    SetItemInfo[119]={//ţħÍõÖ®Ìã Cow King's Hooves
    SetItemInfo[120]={//Äȼª½âÃÔÕÈ Naj's Puzzler
    SetItemInfo[121]={//ÄȼªµÄÇáîø¼× Naj's Light Plate
    SetItemInfo[122]={//ÄȼªµÄС»· Naj's Circlet
    SetItemInfo[123]={//ɽµÂµÄÄ£·¶ Sander's Paragon
    SetItemInfo[124]={//ɽµÂµÄËéʯ Sander's Riprap
    SetItemInfo[125]={//ɽµÂµÄ½û¼É Sander's Taboo
    SetItemInfo[126]={//ɽµÂµÄÃÔÐÅ Sander's Superstition

    //Rune Words
    RuneWordInfo[0]={//¹Å´úÈ˵ÄÆõÔ¼ Ancients' Pledge
    RuneWordInfo[1]={//ºÚÉ« Black
    RuneWordInfo[2]={//¿ñÅ* Fury
    RuneWordInfo[3]={//ÉñÊ¥À×»÷ Holy Thunder
    RuneWordInfo[4]={//ÈÙÒ« Honor
    RuneWordInfo[5]={//ÍõÕߵĴȱ¯ King's Grace
    RuneWordInfo[6]={//Ò¶×Ó Leaf
    RuneWordInfo[7]={//ʨ×ÓÐÄ Lionheart
    RuneWordInfo[8]={//֪ʶ Lore
    RuneWordInfo[9]={//Ô¹ºÞ Malice
    RuneWordInfo[10]={//ÐýÂÉ Melody
    RuneWordInfo[11]={//¼ÇÒä Memory
    RuneWordInfo[12]={//Ììµ× Nadir
    RuneWordInfo[13]={//¹â»Ô Radiance
    RuneWordInfo[14]={//ѺÔÏ Rhyme
    RuneWordInfo[15]={//¼Å¾² Silence
    RuneWordInfo[16]={//ÑÌÎí Smoke
    RuneWordInfo[17]={//ÒþÃÜ Stealth
    RuneWordInfo[18]={//¸ÖÌú Steel
    RuneWordInfo[19]={//Á¦Á¿ Strength
    RuneWordInfo[20]={//¶¾ÑÀ Venom
    RuneWordInfo[21]={//²Æ¸» Wealth
    RuneWordInfo[22]={//°×É« White
    RuneWordInfo[23]={//ºÍ·ç Zephyr
    RuneWordInfo[24]={//ÈÙÒ«Ö®Á´ Chains of Honor
    RuneWordInfo[25]={//ҰǾޱ Bramble
    RuneWordInfo[26]={//ËÀÍöºôÎü Breath of the Dying
    RuneWordInfo[27]={//Õ½ÕùÕÙ»½ Call to Arms
    RuneWordInfo[28]={//ÐÂÔÂ Crescent Moon
    RuneWordInfo[29]={//µÏÀÕÈðÄ· Delirium
    RuneWordInfo[30]={//Ä©ÈÕ Doom
    RuneWordInfo[31]={//ÃÕÍÅ Enigma
    RuneWordInfo[32]={//ʯ¿é Stone
    RuneWordInfo[33]={//ÓÀºã Eternity
    RuneWordInfo[34]={//Á÷Íö Exile
    RuneWordInfo[35]={//¼¢»Ä Famine
    RuneWordInfo[36]={//ÕýÒåÖ®ÊÖ Hand of Justice
    RuneWordInfo[37]={//ÏðÊ÷Ö®ÐÄ Heart of the Oak
    RuneWordInfo[38]={//ÊÃÍõÕß Kingslayer
    RuneWordInfo[39]={//ÈÈÇé Passion
    RuneWordInfo[40]={//ÓÄ°µ Gloom
    RuneWordInfo[41]={//Ê¥Ìà Sanctuary
    RuneWordInfo[42]={//»ìãç Chaos
    RuneWordInfo[43]={//Ò°ÊÞ Beast
    RuneWordInfo[49]={//¾«Éñ Spirit
    RuneWordInfo[50]={//²ÓÀÃ Splendor
    RuneWordInfo[53]={//Ç¿ÖÆ Duress
    RuneWordInfo[59]={//ÊÄÔ¼ Oath
    RuneWordInfo[60]={//×ñ´Ó Obedience
    RuneWordInfo[63]={//ºÍг Harmony
    RuneWordInfo[66]={//¸ÕÒã Fortitude
    RuneWordInfo[70]={//ÐÅÐÄ Faith
    RuneWordInfo[76]={//°×¹Ç Bone
    RuneWordInfo[77]={//ÀÓÓ¡ Brand
    RuneWordInfo[83]={//ËÀÉñ Death
    RuneWordInfo[88]={//»ÙÃð Destruction
    RuneWordInfo[89]={//·ÉÁú Dragon
    RuneWordInfo[91]={//Ãξ³ Dream
    RuneWordInfo[93]={//±ßÔµ Edge
    RuneWordInfo[94]={//½Ì»¯ Enlightenment
    RuneWordInfo[100]={//±ù¶³ Ice
    RuneWordInfo[101]={//ÎÞÏÞ Infinity
    RuneWordInfo[103]={//ÑÛ¹â Insight
    RuneWordInfo[107]={//×îºóÏ£Íû Last Wish
    RuneWordInfo[109]={//Ö´·¨Õß Lawbringer
    RuneWordInfo[117]={//Éñ»° Myth
    RuneWordInfo[120]={//ºÍƽ Peace
    RuneWordInfo[124]={//·ï»Ë Phoenix
    RuneWordInfo[130]={//½¾°Á Pride
    RuneWordInfo[131]={//Ô*Àí Principle
    RuneWordInfo[133]={//½÷ÖØ Prudence
    RuneWordInfo[137]={//½µÓê Rain
    RuneWordInfo[140]={//ÁÑ·ì Rift
    RuneWordInfo[148]={//±³ÐÅ Treachery
    RuneWordInfo[160]={//»ÚºÞ Grief
    RuneWordInfo[161]={//Çá·ç Wind
    RuneWordInfo[163]={//˼¿¼Ö®Éù Voice of Reason
    RuneWordInfo[167]={//ᧁ* Wrath

    3*1# = 2#
    3*2# = 3#
    3*3# = 4#
    3*4# = 5#
    3*5# = 6#
    3*6# = 7#
    3*7# = 8#
    3*8# = 9#
    3*9# = 10#
    3*10# + 1 Chipped Topaz = 11#
    3*11# + 1 Chipped Amethyst = 12#
    3*12# + 1 Chipped Saphire = 13#
    3*13# + 1 Chipped Ruby = 14#
    3*14# + 1 Chipped Emerald = 15#
    3*15# + 1 Chipped Diamond = 16#
    3*16# + 1 Flawed Topaz = 17#
    3*17# + 1 Flawed Amethyst = 18#
    3*18# + 1 Flawed Saphire = 19#
    3*19# + 1 Flawed Ruby = 20#
    3*20# + 1 Flawed Emerald = 21#
    2*21# + 1 Flawed Diamond- = 22#
    2*22# + 1 Topaz = 23#
    2*23# + 1 Amethyst = 24#
    2*24# + 1 Saphire = 25#
    2*25# + 1 Ruby = 26#
    2*26# + 1 Emerald = 27#
    2*27# + 1 Diamond = 28#
    2*28# + 1 Flawless Topaz = 29#
    2*29# + 1 Flawless Amethyst = 30#
    2*30# + 1 Flawless Saphire = 31#
    2*31# + 1 Flawless Ruby = 32#
    2*32# + 1 Flawless Emerald = 33#

    //Common Items, Numbered wiht the main CFG
    //Item Type: 0 Ordinary (broken, ordinary, super) 1 ETH+Ordinary (broken, ordinary, super) 2 Blue 3 Gold 4 Orange (nothing over 4
    // @24 ÈÙÒ«Ö®Á´ Chains of Honor
    // @25 ҰǾޱ Bramble
    // @26 ËÀÍöºôÎü Breath of the Dying
    // @27 Õ½ÕùÕÙ»½ Call to Arms
    // @28 ÐÂÔÂ Crescent Moon
    // @29 µÏÀÕÈðÄ· Delirium
    // @31 ÃÕÍÅ Enigma
    // @30 Ä©ÈÕ Doom
    // @34 Á÷Íö Exile
    // @37 ÏðÊ÷Ö®ÐÄ Heart of the Oak
    // @38 ÊÃÍõÕß Kingslayer
    // @49 ¾«Éñ Spirit
    // @53 Ç¿ÖÆ Duress
    // @66 ¸ÕÒã Fortitude
    // @83 ËÀÉñ Death
    // @70 ÐÅÐÄ Faith
    // @101 ÎÞÏÞ Infinity
    // @124 ·ï»Ë Phoenix
    // @160 »ÚºÞ Grief



    NormalItemInfo[2013][2]={//Blue Necklace

    NormalItemInfo[2015][2]={//Blue Ring

    NormalItemInfo[2013][4]={//Orange necklace

    NormalItemInfo[235][1]={//ETH Blade of the Titans
Draft saved Draft deleted