
Discuss: what should I buy next?!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by fleshlightknight, Jan 28, 2017.

  1. fleshlightknight

    fleshlightknight Supporter

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Hey folks!

    Been around on this server for about a week now and really enjoying myself!

    Point of this thread? I have made myself a farming monster, light sorc!

    My dream is to one day have an awesome amazon again!! (Not quite sure if java or bowa, but that's something I will figure out later, hehe).

    Anyhow, I have some spare HR's now (3 Lo, 2 Ber, 1 jah) and was wondering what to spend it on.

    Should I start crafting for my dream-zon, or should I firstly keep improving my sorc, for better farming potential?

    Anyhow, here's my sorc so far: (details below) (screenshot taken in normal)


    eschuta is 3 sorc 20 light
    Griff -18/+14
    @21 mara
    33fcr spirit
    2x SoJ
    GC is a gheed.

    Any advice for me? Open for discussion, go! :)

  2. Stefansg

    Stefansg Supporter

    Jan 17, 2017
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    Well if you dont have infinity buy that
    As an armor i recomand COH , better resists , 2 all skills
    You need more dmg so i also recomand you few light skillers
    Use frostburn instead of magefist as you already have 120 %fcr without them
    You need 86% FHR so just try to buy some 5fhr sc , you can contact me in-game or pm me on forum , i can give you some for free
    Also check the guides

    P.S : imo , finish PvM char, you can farm in better areas , find usefull stuff /runes than you can start your PVP char
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2017
  3. dafranco

    dafranco Forum Legend

    May 21, 2015
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    As Stefan said you need infinity, coh, light sks clean , cause with hp are expensive. If your hero is strong , the farm will be easy, remember that.
    Stefansg likes this.
  4. fleshlightknight

    fleshlightknight Supporter

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Thanks for reply!

    If I drop viper for COH, and mage fist for forstburn, my fcr will be 83, so I doubt both of them will be a good call :)
    I considered COH, shame it doenst provide fcr, but still might craft it :)
    I do have infinity already.

    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 28, 2017, Original Post Date: Jan 28, 2017 ---
    Thanks for confirmation! Hunt for light sks is on then! hehe
  5. Stefansg

    Stefansg Supporter

    Jan 17, 2017
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    Well yes , the gloves advice was for what you have now , if you would chose COH over viper then yes , you have to wear HOTO to reach the fcr break .
    Also it will not be a bad ideea as if you farm in 8 ppl games you will need alot of allres
    6 light sk, hoto , coh you will reach ~40 k dmg , wich is not bad becouse - the faster you kill , the faster it drop
  6. fleshlightknight

    fleshlightknight Supporter

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Just made my CoH, wire fleece, looks cool!
    You're talking about hoto, prefer it over 3/20 eschuta's?
    I guess I should also light RBF my griff?

    any idea on a fair price for light sks?
  7. Stefansg

    Stefansg Supporter

    Jan 17, 2017
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    Ohm - Lo , the price varies .
    I prefer hoto becouse 30-40 all res , 40 fcr , 3 all sk
    fleshlightknight likes this.
  8. fleshlightknight

    fleshlightknight Supporter

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Well I'm @75 (except fire, thats 60 :( )
    my eschuta's also has 3skills, and bonus 20%light dmg? :)
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  9. Stefansg

    Stefansg Supporter

    Jan 17, 2017
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    Also , check this guide , maybe you will find something usefull : http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/stefansg-full-light-vita-sorc.540336/ or you can check on GUIDE section
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 28, 2017, Original Post Date: Jan 28, 2017 ---
    It's up to you , there are split opinions over the choice
    fleshlightknight likes this.
  10. North44

    North44 Scumbag

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Hi there. I would upgrade the items. Get perf mara, make 35 fcr spirit, buy coh and more light skillers so the farming would go faster.
    fleshlightknight likes this.
  11. klaus

    klaus Senior Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    I have to say, you have got quite a nice gear for such a short period of time. With that being said, if now you start spending runes on other heroes, your farming potential will suffer huge losses. The first thing you need to do is make the best farming hero you can possibly do, so your best decision ( Since light sorceress is considered a pretty good farmer ) to start improving this hero. I'm gonna tell you what I would do, people might disagree with me, but whatever. To farm efficiently, you need damage. Screw resists. Get as much damage as possible, put 5/5 lightning facets on eschuta ( its a pretty good one too ) and on the Griffon, start spending runes on lightning skillers. The general price is Lo, even though it can vary. Buying lightning skillers is a good idea, because it will improve your hero a lot and there is a high demanding for them, which means that if you were to decide some day that you do not want to play with this hero anymore, you can sell them very easy, for more likely than not the same price. If now you decide to make a second hero, you would have 2 heroes with average gear, which is something you do not want to do. You want one hero with excellent gear, so it can bring you everything you would want to find for the rest of your heroes. While investing in this sorceress, keep in mind that this hero is going to bring you everything else you have in this game, its gonna be your main hero that you would farm with. Do not bother yourself with other heroes for now, until this sorceress is the best it can be. Since the drop is higher here , more runs almost always equals more items. And to do more runs in a specific time period you need better gear/inventory so you can have a better dmg output. So, my general advice is this - perfect this hero first, then think about making something else.
    If this isnt a sorceress torch in your inventory, I would highly suggest that you get one, because you will benefit from it a lot.
    Second thing, if your hireling doesn't yet have infinity, focus on that for your next goal, because lightning sorceress benefits from Infinity the most. You already got your gear, its time to "kind of " gear up your hireling. The one item that is a must for him is Infinity, the rest of his items aren't really that important, since he removes immunity on most mobs and you can do the damage yourself. His perfect gear ( This is quite debatable, but almost all builds yield pretty common results, its more of a personal choice ) is Infinity, Fortitude, Highlords Wrath, Raven Frost ( Stats don't matter at all, cannot be frozen is important ), Andy's Visage / Vampires Gaze , Gore Riders, Dracul's gloves and Sting of Ears belt. As I said, gear on hireling may vary, but the most important thing you want from is is the Conviction aura, the rest of the items ( Provided the fact that he doesn't die all the time ) doesn't really matter. After you get him all geared up, focus on lightning skillers. Trade everything you don't need for runes and buy skillers with them, until you have, I would say about 15. This would guarantee that you get the best of your sorceress. If you don't have Call to Arms yet, you need to get one too, that is very important, its cheap as well, you don't really need to get some with good stats, usually 3 or above BO is fine. When everything is all set, then you can decide what your next hero would be and I think this would be the correct way to get the best out of the situation.

    All of this is meant to be advice and would be a path I would follow myself if I was just starting, you are obviously in no way bound to follow the same path as I would do.

    I forgot to mention, items on hirelings do not lose durability, so using ethereal ones would be best. If you are going to write the Fortitude yourself, you need to "bug" the armor first. If you do not know how to do that - You find a 4 socket ethereal armor ( Archon plate, Dusk Shroud etc ) , write the runeword Stone it in ( Shael Um Pul Lum ) , then with a single teleport from Akara ( not a book ), a Hel rune and the Armor in cube click transmute, this removes the runeword. Some of the defense from it will stay on the armor , you need to repeat this process 3 to 4 times until the armor has 2037 defense, then you write Fortitude on it ( El Sol Dol Lo ) and the armor will have 6k+ defense, which will make your hireling a lot stronger.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2017
    North44 and Stefansg like this.
  12. fleshlightknight

    fleshlightknight Supporter

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Thanks a TON for the reply!
    As you folks may have seen, I made a thread in the "trading" forums. Just got myself 11 sks, with a nice deal :)
    My merc is kind off full geared, but I will use that advice you gave me for the forti, when I have all the ingredients!
    Also already had an anni and torch, but my cta will need an upgrade soon.
    Thanks a lot.

    So yeah update:
    - I got CoH
    - 11 light sks
    - rbf in griff's

    My dmg went up to 47k now (coming from 24k when I made the first post several hours ago hahaha)
    So quite an improvement, will start to do some MF runs now (reading on forums for best places to farm, hehe)

    Thanks a lot everyone (for advice and/or trades!)

    You'll still see me running around, no doubt.

    Fatty180, Nopik and North44 like this.
  13. Joaiuda

    Joaiuda Highlord Cringe Supporter

    Oct 25, 2016
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    Do NOT buy CoH! If u're investing in pvm character - u only need an Infinity and nothing else!!!
    P.S. lose the gheeds
  14. North44

    North44 Scumbag

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Why not coh? Better items pays back in a long run. Agreed with the gheeds tho.
  15. Joaiuda

    Joaiuda Highlord Cringe Supporter

    Oct 25, 2016
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    He has 2 bers, better invest in infinity to boost farm potential & speed. CoH is considered by me for pvp or ubering item.
  16. Tzutzu79

    Tzutzu79 You're too late, Hahaha.. Moderator

    Jul 3, 2016
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    viper+crescent moon would be better dmg imo...
  17. fleshlightknight

    fleshlightknight Supporter

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Merc already has Infi :) But I bought CoH anyways, what alternative would you suggest to CoH?

    Why lose Gheeds?

    Quick question though; I have griffon (with +4/-5 RBF en -15%light res) and also an infinity on merc, how come I still do next to zero dmg to light immunes? Should I RBF my Eschuta's and maybe my merc aswell? This puzzles me greatly..

  18. klaus

    klaus Senior Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    The - enemy resistance only works after immunity is broken. If the monster is lightning immune ( there are a few monsters that remain lightning immune even after Conviction aura ) , the -enemy lightning resistance does absolutely nothing, but it improves your damage quite a bit on monsters who have their immunity broken or are not immune at all.Also, - enemy resistance only works when damage is done directly by you, and not by your minions or something. For example your Merc's Infinity has - enemy resistance, but it does not work with the damage your hero does to minions, it only works with his damage, and since his damage is physical it is quite useless to him, this is why using RBF's on his items is a waste. Assassin's traps are considered minions as well, this is why most trappers ( That have any knowledge on this ) do not use Griffons, because - enemy lightning resistance does not improve their trap's damage. The Gheeds charm you need to lose, because it provides you with extra gold from monsters, which lowers your drops. When you are running for items or runes you would benefit from 0 extra gold from monsters. There is only one alternative , I would say, to CoH and it is a TM, because it provides you with 3 to all skills. I wouldn't criticize his opinion in any way, but getting better items for your runner definitely pays off. As I already said, the thing you need to do is get as high damage as possible. CoH provides you with an extra skill point and some stats. When I said screw resists in my previous post, I meant that in a way that you already have almost max resistance, and the problem is going to get fixed when you find a better Mara's, there is absolutely no need to stack resists above 75 for PvM, because it only works better if a monster has Conviction, and how often does that happen? You need to do exactly two things to get a better at farming - make sure your sorc doesn't die, then aim for as much damage as possible when the other rule is met. Which means more skillers and facets where is possible, in your case thats Griffon and Eschuta.
    Also, Infinity is a lot better to get first than Chains of Honor, because it improves your damage more, but after you get your Infinity, Coh is by no means a waste of runes. The only improvement I would do on your items, if I were you, would be to replace the boots with Scarabshells or Waterwalks. I also noticed that you put some stats in dexterity andenergy, the way you are supposed to build it is enough strength for items and rest vitality.
    Oh, there is only one improvement I would consider doing, it would be to replace the Spirit with Phoenix, if you get tired of drinking too much potions one day. You would need to re-adjust some of your items to meet 117 FCR requirement though. Phoenix provides you with an aura that converts dead bodies of surrounding monsters and converts it in both life/mana , which would force you to drink a considerable amount potions less, however you damage will suffer a bit because of it.

    And I'm gonna mention why I think CoH is better than Vipermagi, so I don't look like somebody that forces his opinion on people. When you compare them both, if the price of the items is out of the question, vipermagi provides you with less of everything. Less skills, less resists no strength and the 30 FCR is as useless to you as it can be, since your FCR breakpoint still remains 117 ( Stacking over 117 until you meet the 194 FCR requirement does not improve your casting frames ).
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2017
    Gix likes this.
  19. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    So in short. Infinity -lightning dmg only works on the char that has it equipped. Only conviction aura works for you.

    But infinity has 40% crushing blow.
    Combine this with guilame face - 35% CB
    Gore rider 15% - CB
    And Steelrend gloves - 10% CB

    Wich totals 100% CB.

    I use same set up on my merc.

    This way your merc wil kill any lightning immune in 2-3 hits.
    If you need ias on merc, switch armor to Treachery runeword, for faster kills
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2017
  20. North44

    North44 Scumbag

    Sep 8, 2015
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    I think mercs should use forti instead (unless you have concentration aura on him) it will boost his damage significantly.
    Altho I assume inayat has a sorc too. Would be interesting to compare how fast merc can kill with treachery and forti.
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