
[GUIDE] Diablo II Quest Walkthrough

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by r3dpuma, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. r3dpuma

    r3dpuma Member

    Dec 10, 2007
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    Act I: Rogue Encampment
    Mission / Recommended Level
    Quest 1: The Den of Evil / 1-2
    Quest 2: To Kill Blood Raven / 6-8
    Quest 3: The Search for Cain / 8-10
    Quest 4: The Forgotten Tower / 10-12
    Quest 5: Tools of the Trade / 12-14
    Quest 6: Sisters to the Slaughter / 13-16

    Quest 1: The Den of Evil

    You'll get this quest from Akara. It's in a cave just outside the camp on the Bloodmoor. Do yourself a favor and kill everything on the Bloodmoor before going into the Den of Evil. This should get you to level 2, perhaps level 3. Hit the Den and clear it out. Quest done. Return to camp and let Akara know you've cleared it out. Then head over to Kashya in the camp and talk to her, she'll give you the next quest.

    Quest 2: To Kill Blood Raven

    This will be your real first quest of any length. First, head back out into the Blood Moors until you come to the Cold Plains. Now the Cold Plains will have an exit to the Burial Ground and to the Stony Field. Ignore the Stony Field for now. There is also a cave in the Cold Plains; it's the first of many side trips you can take for extra loot and experience. Go ahead and hit this before you go into the Burial Grounds.

    Raven is in the Burial ground and is the baddie you need to kill. She is fast and pretty deadly to a low level person but the graveyard has a lot of areas that can confuse the pathfinding of the monsters so keep moving if you need a heal. Don't bother fighting her army of the undead; once she is vanquished her death will kill all the monsters in the graveyard. The Quest Log will tell you to go back to Kashya, but there are a few places in the graveyard itself to check out, the Mausoleum and Crypt. Clear those out for more experience and loot. Return to Kashya when you are ready. Once you've spoken to her, speak with Akara again.

    Quest 3: The Search for Cain

    It turns out Tristam is pretty much a smoking hole in the ground now and poor old Deckard "Stay awhile and listen" Cain needs to be rescued. Akara will tell you of the quest; it's a two parter. The first part is to retrieve a scroll from the Tree of Infuss and bring it to Akara for translation. The tree can be found in the Dark Woods. Get to the Dark Woods by heading through the Stony Field to the Underground Passages, leaving the passages puts you in the Dark Woods.

    While on the Stony Field, you'll need to find the Cairn Stones. This is where you will return with the translated scroll, it will tell you the order in which to touch them. Secondly you'll need to find the "moldy Tome" which will give you Quest 4. Don't forget to also activate the waypoints in the Stony Field and the Dark Woods, you'll be coming this way again.

    Upon activating the Cairn Stones, a portal will open to Tristam. Here you can rescue Deckard Cain by touching his pen. Cain will make a quick escape, leaving you to either run back to the portal or clear the level out. The baddie you'll fight here is none other than a cursed Griswol he is tough so be ready to move to safety if overwhelmed. Don't forget to find that bratty price gouger Wirt's cash and peg leg -- sweet revenge for all the cash you gave the lil' bastard in the first game. Head back to town when you're ready.

    Quest 4: The Forgotten Tower

    The moldy tome told you about a tower that needs a little house keeping. Seems a bad countess is in there makin' trouble. You'll need to head back to the Stony Field, go through the two levels of the Underground Passage in order to make it to the Darkwoods, which in turn connect with the Black Marsh. The Tower can be found on the Black Marsh. One important note on the Tower: its hardest part is probably the entrance to the first level. You have a good chance of dying here, so be ready to run as soon as you are getting whupped. There are five levels to the tower and the countess can be found at the bottom. Once you ice her, head back to town for Quest number 5. There is a non-quest dungeon named The Hole in the Black Marsh for extra loot and exp.

    Quest 5: Tools of the Trade

    Once back from Quest 4, Charsi will tell you about the Horadric Malus -- a special hammer the baddies have in the Barracks. The Barracks are a good ways ahead. Past the Black Marsh is the Tamoe Highland. Within that location, you can find the Monastery gate, head in and to the Outer Cloister, find the waypoint here and then find the Barracks. You will face some tough opposition here but eventually you'll find the hammer and the badass that guards it. Dust him then head back to Charsi, she has a special gift for you. She will imbue with magical properties anything you bring to her. We suggest a weapon. Find the best one you can that isn't socketed, rare or magical and give it to her. Don't give her a piece of armor unless it is something like your boots, or belt. Because all the other armor you have right now is going to be replaced in Act II, but if you get lucky on the imbue, you might keep a good weapon for quite some time.

    Quest 6: Sisters to the Slaughter

    The last quest is taking on the nasty bitch Andariel who's hiding in the bottom of the Cathedral. Getting to her is going to be your longest journey yet. Head back to the Barracks and go down into the Jail. Three levels later, you'll come up into the Inner Cloister. This will take you to the Cathedral that leads to the Catacombs. She is on the 4th level of the catacombs, make sure you hit the waypoints in Jail level 1, the Inner Cloister and Catacomb level 2. If you are at all concerned about dying, once you have cleared out the 3rd level of the catacombs, just prior to heading down into the 4th, cast a town portal but leave it there. Head to level 4 for a big fight, don't be surprised if you die, she is very nasty and uses a brutal poison attack, but if you have the town portal it's a quick trip back. Don't forget to cast another one before you go to get your body.

    Once she's dead, head back to town and talk to everyone. They all love you. If you've got the urge to hit some unexplored areas, go for it. You won't be back here. But if your ready head to Wariv and tell him you are ready to go East. He'll pack the camp and away you'll go!
  2. r3dpuma

    r3dpuma Member

    Dec 10, 2007
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    Act II: Lut Gholein
    Mission / Recommended Level
    Quest 1: Radament's Tomb / 14-17
    Quest 2: The Horadric Artifacts / 15-18
    Quest 3: Tainted Sun / 16-19
    Quest 4: Arcane Sanctuary / 17-20
    Quest 5: The Seven Tombs / 18-22​

    Quest 1: Radament's Tomb

    Head around town and learn who sells what. Along the way you should run into Atama who will give you the quest. There are two entrances to the sewers, either will do. The sewers have three levels, dust Radament down in the bottom but don't forget to leave without picking up the Horadric Scroll it's the lead for the next quest.

    Quest 2: The Horadric Artifacts

    This quest is a long one and you'll complete 3 and 4 along the way. Take the scroll to Cain, the last Horadrim who will translate it. He'll also tell you the next quest which is a three parter. First you'll need to get the Horadric Cube, then the Shaft, then the Head of the staff.

    The Horadric Cube can be found in the Halls of the Dead. Head out of town to the Rocky Wastes, then to the Dry Hills where you can find the Halls of the Dead. Tip here about the second level of the Halls of the Dead, it's a really tough fight at the entrance, be prepared to die. Once you have the cube head back to Cain. The cube can hold more slots than it takes up so is a great bag, plus you can experiment to see what it can transmute.

    The Shaft of the staff can be found in the Maggot Lair. This distasteful dungeon can be found in Far Oasis which is connected to the Dry Hills. It's a nasty little lair and if you are a melee fighter you are going to need some type of distance weaponry or lightening resistance. The boss at the bottom of the lair upon death will spread out a deadly substance on the floor so don't stand too close to him.

    The Headpiece can be found in the Claw Viper Temple. Travel through Far Oasis to the Lost City then onto the Valley of the Serpents the temple can be found there. Head down into the temple, upon completing the quest you'll get the headpiece and complete Quest 3 at the same time.

    Quest 3: Tainted Sun

    During your travels, in either Dry Hills or Far Oasis you'll run into Quest 3, when the light go out head into town and talk to Atama, she'll let you in on what's going on. It seems those nasty Claw Vipers are not only holding the headpiece but also causing darkness throughout the land. So getting the headpiece will also accomplish Quest 3.

    Quest 4: Arcane Sanctuary

    Once you've got the headpiece and other parts head into town, Cain will let you know what to do and point you towards Jerhyn, who will now let you into the Palace. Inside the Sanctuary you need to find the journal of some old dead geezer. To find the Sanctuary you need to head into the Palace, going down all the levels of the Harem, then the Palace Celler until you find the portal to the Arcane Sanctuary. A word on the Arcane Sanctuary, you are going to need some distance attack ability here so prepare for it. You will need to kill the guy guarding the book, he is The Summoner and is Quest 5 as well, so once again completing one quest will complete another.

    Quest 5: The Seven Tombs

    The Summoner is on a platform with fire throwing ghoul lords. It's a really nasty situation, you will clearly need some distance attacks. Finish him off and read the tome, which will open up the gate to the Canyon of the Magi, it will also tell you which is the correct Tal Rasha tomb. Now you can head into the correct one straight away or you hit all the other tombs for more exp and loot. If you forget which tomb to look for use the quest log.

    Head through the tomb until you get to the orifice, once you are there get close to the orifice with the staff equipped and touch the orifice, a nice magical displace will take place and the last level of the tomb will open. Head through the opening prepared for a battle. Kill the worm guy there and head inside.
  3. r3dpuma

    r3dpuma Member

    Dec 10, 2007
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    Act III: Kurast
    Mission / Recommended Level
    Quest 1: The Golden Bird / 19-23
    Quest 2: Eye of Khalim / 20-23
    Quest 3: The Gidbinn / 20-24
    Quest 4: Brain of Khalim / 21-25
    Quest 5: Lam Essen's Tome / 21-26
    Quest 6: Heart of Khalim / 22-26
    Quest 7: The Blackend Temple / 22-26
    Quest 8: The Guardian / 22-27​

    Quest 1: The Golden Bird

    You'll not receive a quest at the beginning of this Act; instead you need head out into the Spider Forest and start kicking ass. In your travels within the Spider Forest, you may come upon a Jade Figurine by killing a named NPC. Which NPC you get it from is random, we've gotten it, literally, just outside of town but also deep in the Spider Cavern. Once you do get it, go see Cain - Meshif - Cain - Alkor. Alkor will tell you go come back once he is done making the potion. Just click on him again; he'll give you a potion of +20 life.

    Quest 2: Eye of Khalim

    Once you've adventured out into the Spider Forest a bit, talk to Cain and he'll start you on the main quest for the Act, Khalim's Will. It's a four-part quest to once again grab components that you need to put together in the Horadric Cube. In doing so, you'll complete Quest 7 and be prepped for Quest 8.

    Khalim's Eye - This can be found in the Spider Cavern, within the Spider Forest. Go down into the cavern and kill the spiders that guard it. It's in a chest.

    Quest 3: The Gidbinn

    Once you've kicked a little ass in the Spider Forest, you should go back and talk to folks around town, Cain should start you onto Quest 2, and Ormus might give you Quest 3, if he doesn't check back with him again once you've been inside the Flayer Jungle. You need to find the Gidbim blade for this quest which can be found in the Flayer village that surrounds the entrance to the Flayer Dungeon. Actually there is a little pile of wood named Gidbim. Activate it and a fire will start; in response a Flayer NPC will show up, kill him and the Gidbim blade will drop. Take it to Ormus.

    Quest 4: Brain of Khalim

    Khalim's Brain - This can be found in the Flayer Dungeon, which is in the Flayer Jungle. You can get to the Flayer Jungle by going through the Black Marsh on the other side of the Spider Forest. Just outside the dungeon is the Gidbim fire for Quest 6, so take care of that if you haven't. Or skip it.

    Quest 5: Lam Essen's Tome

    Along the way through the Bazaar, Upper Kurast and the Causeway, you might come upon a few temples, reliquaries and other seemingly unimportant little dungeons. If you go talk to Alkor once you are in the Bazaar, he should tell you about Lam Esen's tome. The tome is within one of the six minidungeons. If you find the tome and bring it to Alkor, you'll get a bonus of 5 attribute points.

    Quest 6: Heart of Khalim

    Khalim's Heart - This can be found in the sewers under the Kurast Bazaar. The Bazaar is next to lower Kurast, which can be found past the Flayer Jungle. There are two entrances to the sewers in the Bazaar and an exit inside the sewer to Upper Kurast, if you want to leave that way.
    Khalim's Flail - You'll get this by killing the main council member. If you kill the rest of them, you'll solve Quest 7. The council is found in Travincal that can be reached via the Kurast Causeway in Upper Kurast. Upper Kurast is reached by going through the Kurast Bazaar. Travincal is a death zone. It's the toughest thing you'll have reached so far by an order of magnitude. Be prepared.

    Quest 7: The Blackend Temple

    This only requires you to kill the Council members in Travincal and can be completed without actually talking to anyone. If you kill them, you'll also get Khalim's Flail in the last part of Quest 6. Talk to Cain, and he'll finish off the quest for you.

    Quest 8: The Guardian

    Once you have the completed flail, go back to Travincal and destroy the Compelling Orb. That will open up the entrance to the Durance of Hate.

    Mephisto is chilling on the third level of the Durance, and you've got to finish him off. There is a waypoint on level 2. Activate it because you are probably going to die on the third level. The third level has council members, ghoul lords similar to the Arcane Sanctuary guys and a whole host of other nasties. Strategy here would be to lead out the little guys and kill them before taking on Mephisto because he is bad enough on his own. Kill him, then go back to town. Or clear the other areas.
  4. r3dpuma

    r3dpuma Member

    Dec 10, 2007
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    Act IV: Hell
    Mission / Recommended Level
    Quest 1: Fallen Angel / 23-27
    Quest 2: Hell's Forge / 24-28​

    Quest 1: Fallen Angel

    Speak to Tyrael and Cain. The two of them will fill you in on the situation very quickly. Tyrael will give you the first quest. Izual, a fallen angel, charged the gates of Hell some years ago and was captured. Since that time, he's been made a slave to Prime Evils; you need to free him. Of course, since this is Diablo, you'll be freeing him through death. Head down the stairs into the Outer Steppes and clear this level out.

    The folks you meet here will be the easiest you'll face in hell, so if you're constantly dying, you'd better stay here and up your level. From the Outer Steppes, you'll need to find an archway that leads down more steps to the Plains of Despair. Izual can be found on the Plains. Fight him; destroy him; then talk to him. Once you've spoken to him, head back to the Fortress and talk to Tyrael.

    Quest 2: Hell's Forge

    Cain will remind you (as he's done before) that you need to smash Mephisto's Soulstone on the Hellforge. The Hellforge can be found in the River of Flame, which connects to the City of the Dammed, just below the Plains of Despair. You will come to a split in the road at the Rover of Flame. If you meet an angel who tells you to go back, the Hellforge is the other direction. Kill a nasty little guy named Hephasto and everyone around the area, the Hellforge Hammer, will drop. Equip the Hammer and destroy the Soulstone; you'll get some high quality gems. Go back to town, talk to Cain and prep for battle.

    It's time to hunt down the big man himself.

    You'll need to go back down to the River of Flame and approach the Chaos Sanctuary. Don't forget to activate the waypoint at the River of Flame. The Chaos Sanctuary is just full of bad guys, all of them out to kick your ass. Once you get into the main chamber, you'll need to activate five seals in order to release Diablo. Actually, what you should do is clear the chamber before activating any of the seals, because three of the five seals are going to spawn badass unique NPCs as soon as you activate them. Once you've opened up the seals and killed the last of the NPCs, Diablo will show up. If you are playing multiplayer, it's a good time to go back and make sure you've got room to store extra stuff. Once you kill Diablo, you'll have 90 seconds before the game ends. Once it's over, and you get back to Battle.net, you should be able to get back into your game, but who wants to risk it?

    Diablo looks kinda like Godzilla and acts like it when he tries to stomp your ass. He has various distance attacks, the nastiest of which is a lightning breath attack that will basically instantly kill anyone within its path. For melee fighters, Diablo will be your biggest challenge. That lightning breath is horrible, but he does give about a half-second warning before blowing. For mages, keep back from him, and let your magic do the work. Stay at a distance, and you should be able to kill him easily. Once he's dead, it's time to quickly pick up goods and watch the finishing movie. Congratulations, you've defeated Diablo II.

    THE END!
  5. eXistenZ

    eXistenZ Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    shaize,,.......nice one tzu, thx!!!
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