
Regarding SC-rerolling!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by MadVisions, Apr 20, 2017.

  1. MadVisions

    MadVisions Supporter

    Jul 8, 2014
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    so.. this has been brought up by many people recently. There is a reson people buy gand charms over ilvl 90, of Vita suffix can only roll above 40 hp on 91 or higher ilvl charms. This is the ONLY reason you should invest into a top ilvl gc.

    what about scs? whats your goal when you buy a dia/nila/baal sc? You want to roll a high cold, lightning or fire damage sc? becouse those are the only affixes above the treshold of 88 which can be achieved by killing a few uniques at an alvl 85 area.
    To answer the question, you surely don't want to. You want things like 20hp, 11 ressists, 3max+ar, 7mf, 5fhr, allres, etc.... Considering that these affixes are tied to relatively low ilvls, it would actually be really wasteful to use high ilvl smalls couse it would widen the affix pool which leaves us less chances on getting something useful like: "of vita".
    So the correct question now is: "A-ye i got it.. but what ilvl smc should i roll to get best resoults?"
    the ilvl for useful affixes:
    10 to 11% res -> 40
    3/20 -> 28
    13 to 17mana -> 48
    5%fhr -> 37
    6-7mf -> 47
    16-20life -> 47
    3% frw -> 35
    3-5% @res -> 33
    The highest of these is Serpent's prefix with 48 ilvl, so if you want to be able to roll mana smcs roll 48 ones if not then you can do 47 ones then you got rid off 20-30def and 17mana (both tied to 48) affix, leaving you more chance to roll resists or 3-20.
    There is one thing that i'd add. The affixes which are responsible for high poison damage charms are ilvl 88 and 44. This means you thorw out a whole bunch of useless affixes but also a good one. Personally i dont mind it these charms are kinda BM anyway.

    Hope i helped.
  2. TimmyDeezNuts

    TimmyDeezNuts Rezident Ninja Forum Legend

    Aug 6, 2016
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    I'm glad you wrote this. I feel like our conversation in chat motivated you to inform everyone of this. You taught me a lot about rolling SCs very quickly. Thanks for the info :p
    MadVisions likes this.
  3. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Yes, you can get some nice SC's when rerolling the correct ones,
    But people usually try to go for profit, wich can be easier achieved with GC's
    Think the most expensive SC is a 3/20/20 for around 4 ber+
    Compared to the possible many bers you can get for the right skiller with 35-40+ hp
    TimmyDeezNuts likes this.
  4. Fatty180

    Fatty180 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2016
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    So where do i find this lvl47 small charm :D
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