
Ber Rune Giveaway! Please Read

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Jesus, Jul 17, 2021.

  1. Jesus

    Jesus Forum Legend

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to read this novel regarding my "Ber Rune Giveaway".

    I am former avid player from years back and even had the opportunity of moderating for this server in my very active days. Most recently came back a few months ago. I was greeted generously from many players, old faces from the past included in that Mr. Gix when I thought I would be able to come back and play competitively, because Diablo II will forever be in our hearts.

    Yet, with my inability of playing for over a month has made me decide to donate what I have accumulated thus far to the community that continued to make this server what it is; the overall best experience for Diablo II with just the right tweaks to make it even more enjoyable and competitive than the original.
    (In my personal opinion)

    You all will not only use but give the currency appreciation I can't. With that said I'd rather it not collect more dust.


    I am giving to those that also choose to give.

    I was absent for about 5 years and Gix could still remember me by name and even my passions upon my return and that says alot to who he is as a person.

    This is the same person that has kept a private server open for well over a decade for everyone to enjoy; regardless of associated costs or more importantly the time to maintain.

    Everything from troubleshooting issues with game mechanics or each individuals that had even the slightest difficulty have found the assistance needed with immediate guidance.

    Even for those of us that get the urge/craving to play after X amounts of years or months still have a place to come too, solely because of this dedication.

    I don't even know how I have the audacity to say I don't have the personal time to play when Gix also has a life. Not only his profession that is incredibly demanding, but his own social and family life; yet juggles this server with other servers for our enjoyment.

    I am saying this because even years ago I didn't have the appreciation to how valuable time is, and how unforgiving the real world can be. I never did thank Gix for his contributions then so I would like to now.

    As a THANK YOU to Gix for everything stated above:

    Anyone that donates to the D2 Shop with combined donations of $25 will also recieve 5 Ber Runes from me after this is posted. This CAN be stacked, a $100 donation would get you 20 Ber Runes for example.
    (Whether for or not for items in return)

    All you have to do is PM me on the forums with some kind of transaction ID or confirmation number so I can verify the date and amount afterwards.
    (Please ensure you don't send me any sensitive information)

    My account name: JesusReturns
    My player name: Jesus Reborn

    Those are the credentials of my account in Diablo II, don't respond to any in-game account regarding this promotion unless verified with a message from me on here (Forums) prior too. Just incase a bad apple thinks of a negative way to flip this to a scammable opportunity.

    This promotion will go until I run out of runes. That amount will remain disclosed so donate while supplies last and even after.

    Will I be back to play again on this server?

    I believe Diablo II will forever be in those of us that have true appreciation to what solidified the foundation for many great games to follow. Everyone should pay their respects by keeping it alive like this server has proved to do for many years now and many more to come.

    Mark 13:32 says, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”

    On behalf of every former, current and future member;

    kiwifruit, sdfsss, Tzutzu79 and 7 others like this.
  2. toly

    toly Supporter

    Aug 28, 2017
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    i was thinking about the same as you lol, i cant donate sadly, because my girlfriend and me prepareing to our wedding and every penny is needed ^^'
    BUT !!! i can also offer all my runes as a donation which is ~20ber :)
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2021
    kiwifruit, Gix and Jesus like this.
  3. Jesus

    Jesus Forum Legend

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Hello Toly! Congratulations on your milestone of marriage and may this be the beginning of a beautiful future!

    With your immediate response of also wanting to donate your runes/items to the community in this form is a reflection of a giving and caring individual so I guarantee the bribe-to-be agrees.

    That would certainly help just as much as any donations would! I would also encourage anyone else that has an abundance of dust on their runes/items to do the same so they can go back into the economy.

    Keep in mind! Any runes or items donated to this cause may be given away prior to changing of the mind so please triple think of any decisions to do so!
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 17, 2021, Original Post Date: Jul 17, 2021 ---

    I wasn't detailed with my explanation of donations to the D2 Shop for recieving an item/runes or not, if you choose to be a "Patron" meaning that you are sponsoring the server for no additional rewards; you will get an immediate 5 Ber Runes for doing so.
    (With confirmation code or transaction ID)


    I can't stress enough how important the HGM's and GM's are to the success of the server. I apologize for not adding in a page to my novel to those members who do assist the community above and beyond both in-game and behind the scenes and you all deserve the same praise as Gix and I wish I had the words to give you each a shout out aswell.

    With that said, any active or even former GM/HGM that currently plays will recieve 5 Ber runes WITHOUT a donation and can still benefit from those rewards after.

    You all have done enough, I couldn't ask for anymore. Thank you to the support staff of the server!
    kiwifruit, sdfsss and Gix like this.
  4. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Thank you for the kind words Jake and everyone else, really appreciate that. Both the staff members and the community members deserve our eternal gratitude, without you this awesome community wouldn't have been around for over 16 years and there's still more to come because as the popular quote says: One does not simply quit Diablo 2 for life.
    Being active whenever is possible and supportive towards the community and its members is more than enough for anyone to show their support and gratitude. Keep in mind that whenever you'll want to spend some quality time playing this game, we'll be here regardless if you don't have as much free time at your disposal.

    PS: Congratulations on your wedding, @toly!
    kiwifruit, Escorb4r, Tzutzu79 and 2 others like this.
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