
Altk`s config v.3.0 for sting mh

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by altkhum, Aug 9, 2020.

  1. altkhum

    altkhum Member

    Jan 12, 2018
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    For you, my new config, convenient for self-tuning for individual requests.
    To edit, you need to open the config in a text editor (notepad). To go to the section,
    where the description of items begins, press search (ctr + f) and look for @. The setting is carried out by the fact that
    we de (activate) already registered objects or their groups at once. If at the beginning of the line before
    item colors is // this means that the line is not active and this item is hidden, removed // and the thing
    will be visible. At the end of the lines describing objects, there is again // and a description. Now change nothing
    It is not necessary. The setting comes down to the fact that you cover or uncover certain lines.

    Items are structured into groups: unique, set, rare, magic, base, craft. Within groups, as a rule
    there are subgroups according to the type of armor or weapons. Unique items are spelled out all, and some are broken
    on real / eth options for more precise filter settings. Sets are written in sets, but some
    items are duplicated separately at the end, in case the whole set is not needed. About sets also
    you should know that by opening, for example, an amulet from one set, they will automatically open from all.
    Most of the problems are with the blanks (base). I thought it expedient to break them into many
    options for more accurate filtering (combinations of real / eth and normal / superior).
    are written at the end of the corresponding (sub) sections. I would especially note that at the beginning of all sections except
    base, there is a line to show all the items in the section at once.

    The config filter is initially focused on the player who started playing from scratch, but has already played
    earlier, and seeks to get to hell baal without delay.
    disable drop filter (ctrl).

    Some settings not related to gear. For hardcore players, auto is enabled by default
    loot, if you need to change, change 1 to 0 in the auto loot permit line. Accepted the default decision
    turn off chiken life (we are looking for chiken life action). In this config the state has been significantly redesigned
    monitor toggle (show buff / debuff), enabled by default, but if you find it useless,
    change 1 to 0. I almost did not work on the missiles display setting, I limited myself to on / off, for pvp
    I think this is a cheat, I think it is not necessary for pvm.


    numpad 9 reload config
    oem_minus = save and exit game
    oem_plus autocomplete the name of the next game (with a number 1 higher,
    the previous one must be at the end with a number)
    space open a portal to the city and enter it
    u auto party
    k see the clothes of another player (in the city)
    l see the stats of another player
    f constantly showing the drop (= holding alt)
    insert socet protect
    j show what's inserted in sockets (default off)
    ctrl show all drop
    ctrl clamped + lkm (= lkm + rkm) move in 1 click of items (inventory, chest, cube, togovli window with
    npc and other characters)
    [chiken life (default off)
    ] show missiles on minimap (off by default)

    //altk`s config 3.0//
    show cfgcheck Info : 1
    enable language check : 0
    gamefiltersupport: 1
    localization support: 1
    cfg version eng : ""
    fixsocketerror: 1
    sockettimeoutvalue: 100

    reload config key: vk_numpad9 //
    quick exit game key: vk_oem_minus //
    quick next game key: vk_oem_plus //
    quick back to town key: vk_space //
    auto invite toggle: 1, vk_u //
    auto party toggle: 1, vk_u //
    view equipment key: vk_k //
    view player stats key: vk_l //
    perm show items toggle: 1, vk_f //
    socket protect toggle: 1, vk_insert //
    view socketables toggle: 0, vk_j //
    item basic stats toggle: 0, vk_j //
    view socket base items toggle : 0 ,vk_j //
    item value toggle: 0, vk_v //
    item levels toggle: 1, vk_l //

    item QLevel toggle: 1 //
    item MLevel toggle: 0 //
    item ALevel toggle: 1 //

    hidden items toggle: 0, vk_control //


    default game name: "" //
    default game password: "" //
    ULC mask toggle: 1, -1 //animacion blocking?
    skip quest message: 8 //
    show identified item : 1, -1
    show item variable prop toggle: 1, -1

    item extinfo toggle : 0, -1 //on/off item reference file
    item extinfo file eng: "iteminfo_eng.cfg" //item reference file name for english items
    item extinfo file chi: "iteminfo_chi.cfg" //item reference file name for chinese items
    default extinfo colour : 8 //default reference data color

    show exp toggle: 1, -1 , 2 //
    show ping toggle: 0, -1 //
    kill count toggle: 0, -1, 3 //show/hide how much killed
    gethit count toggle: 0, -1, 2 //show/hide how often got hit

    show base stat: 1 //hero stats witout items
    show base ED toggle : 1, -1 //show/hide base enhanced defense/damage
    show party position toggle: 0, -1 //
    show party level toggle: 1, -1 //

    center map scroll key: vk_pause //
    scroll map toggle: 0, vk_scroll //"Scroll Lock"
    diagonal scroll toggle: 1, -1 //

    scroll mode: 2 //allows you to alter the scroll method like
    //1 numpad (offset) 2 arrows 3 keys like hgtyn
    //map scroll key1: VK_h
    //map scroll key2: VK_g
    //map scroll key3: VK_t
    //map scroll key4: VK_y
    //map scroll key5: VK_n

    map scroll offset1[1-5]: 20, 12
    map scroll offset2[1-5]: -20, 12
    map scroll offset3[1-5]: -20,-12
    map scroll offset4[1-5]: 20,-12
    map scroll offset5[3]: -40, 10

    player blob file: "blobplayer" //
    monster blob file: "blobmonster" //
    object blob file: "blobchest" //
    missile blob file: "blobdot" //
    item blob file: "blobitem" //
    boss blob file: "blobboss" //
    npc blob file: "blobnpc" //
    my blob file: "blobme" //
    corpse blob file: "blobcorpse" //

    full visuals toggle: 1, //
    weather toggle: 0, //
    infravision toggle: 1, // visual effects
    light radius toggle: 1, //
    screen shake toggle: 1, //

    auto loot permit : 1 //allow loot(hardcore) 0-off,1-on

    chicken life action: 0 //exit game 1 back to town 2
    chicken life toggle: 1, vk_oem_4 //on/off chicken life ,key [
    chicken hostile toggle: 0, -1 //on/off chicken hostile
    chicken hostile nearby toggle: 1, -1 //on/off chicken nearby hostile
    chicken life: 0 //chicken with x absolute life left
    chicken life percent: 30 //chicken with x percent life left
    chicken hostile life: 0 //hostile chicken with x absolute life left
    chicken hostile life percent: 80 //hostile chicken With X percent life left
    chicken hostile nearby life: 0 //hostile chicken With nearby x absolute life left
    chicken hostile nearby life percent: 80 //hostile chicken With nearby x percent life left

    //Dangerous Monster Action: back to town //exit game;back to town (1or2)
    //Dangerous Monster Chicken Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD8
    //Dangerous Monster[Monster Index 1, Monster Index 2]: resistance type, resistance threshold
    //resistance type can be one of fr, cr, lr, pr; resistance thresold ranges between -127 and 128
    //for example:
    //Dangerous Monster[Burning Soul 2, Black Soul 2]: lr,-30 // fr, cr, lr, pr

    reveal level automap key: -1 //
    auto reveal act: 2 //
    automap toggle: 0, -1 //
    auto next game name: 1 //
    auto next game password: 1 //

    //locale MPQ:"d2locale.mpq" //
    input line toggle: 1, -1 //

    //extrawork dll action: 0 // extrawork.dll protect ,for battle.Net
    //version checking dll action: 0 // keep loaded when logging into battle.Net

    enter game sound : 0 //

    right click swap toggle: 1, -1 //
    ctrl click swap toggle : 1 ,-1 //
    quick drop toggle : 1 ,-1 //quick remove items (ctrl or left-right click)

    message log toggle: 2 //messages from maphack toward player
    message log file size : 1000 //

    game time toggle: 1, -1 //
    clock toggle: 1, -1 //
    layer level no toggle : 0, -1 //
    server ip toggle: 1, -1 //
    area level toggle: 1, -1 //

    automap active rooms toggle: 0, -1 //
    automap ready rooms toggle: 0, -1 //
    automap screen area toggle: 0, vk_scroll //

    automap active rooms colour: 0x77 //
    automap ready rooms colour: 0x77 //
    automap screen area colour: 0x55 //
    mini shrines toggle: 1, -1 //

    automap chests toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE //
    closed chest colour: 0x09 //
    locked chest colour: 0x97 //

    life bar transparency: 2 //
    life bar colour: 0x08 //

    perm show orbs toggle: 1, -1 //life&mana orbs numbers

    Automap Items Toggle: 1, vk_divide //
    Rune Numbers Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Socket Numbers Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Unit Numbers Toggle: 0, -1 //
    Item Indexs Toggle: 0, -1 //
    Item FileIndexs Toggle: 0, -1 //
    Item Life Per Level Toggle: 1,-1 //

    Ethereal Item Prefix: "[Eth]" //
    Ethereal Item Postfix: "" //


    state monitor toggle: 1 , -1 // show buff/debuff

    state monitor[17]:1,"inner sight"
    state monitor[87]:1,"slow missile"

    state monitor[31]: 2,"venom"
    state monitor[153]:4,"cloak of shadows"
    state monitor[156]:1,"cloak of shadows"
    state monitor[157]:4,"burst of speed"
    state monitor[158]:4,"blade shield"
    state monitor[159]:4,"fade"

    state monitor[15]:4,"concentrate"
    state monitor[26]:4," shout"
    state monitor[32]:4," battle orders"
    state monitor[51]:4," battle command"
    state monitor[89]:1," battle cry"
    state monitor[94]:4,"frenzy"
    state monitor[95]:4,"berserk"

    state monitor[139]:4,"werewolf"
    state monitor[140]:4,"werebear"
    state monitor[144]:4,"hurricane"
    state monitor[145]:4,"armageddon"
    state monitor[147]:4,"spirit of barbs"
    state monitor[148]:4,"heart of wolverine"
    state monitor[149]:4,"oak sage"
    state monitor[151]:4,"cyclone armor"
    state monitor[120]:4,"feral rage"
    state monitor[117]:4," maul"

    state monitor[9]:1,"amplify damage"
    state monitor[14]:4,"bone armor"
    state monitor[19]:1,"weaken"
    state monitor[60]:1,"decrepify"
    state monitor[61]:1,"lower resist"
    state monitor[84]:1,"finger mage curse"
    state monitor[113]:1,"defense curse"

    state monitor[3]:12,"resist fire"
    state monitor[4]:12,"resist cold"
    state monitor[5]:12,"resist lightning"
    state monitor[8]:12,"salvation"
    state monitor[28]:1,"conviction"
    state monitor[33]:12,"might"
    state monitor[34]:12,"prayer"
    state monitor[35]:12,"holy fire"
    state monitor[36]:12,"thorns"
    state monitor[37]:12,"defiance"
    state monitor[40]:12,"blessed aim"
    state monitor[41]:12,"vigor"
    state monitor[42]:12,"concentration"
    state monitor[43]:12,"holy freeze"
    state monitor[44]:1,"holy freeze"
    state monitor[45]:12,"cleansing"
    state monitor[46]:12,"holy shok"
    state monitor[47]:12,"sanctuary"
    state monitor[48]:12,"meditation"
    state monitor[49]:12,"fanaticism"
    state monitor[50]:12," redemption"
    state monitor[101]:4,"holy shield"

    state monitor[10]:4,"frozen armor"
    state monitor[13]:4," blaze"
    state monitor[16]:4,"enchant"
    state monitor[20]:4,"chilling armor"
    state monitor[30]:4,"energy shield"
    state monitor[38]:4,"thunder storm"
    state monitor[88]:4,"shiver armor"

    state monitor[128]:3,"shrine armor"
    state monitor[129]:3,"shrine combat"
    state monitor[130]:3,"shrine resist lightning"
    state monitor[131]:3,"shrine resist fire"
    state monitor[132]:3,"shrine resist cold"
    state monitor[133]:3,"shrine resist poison"
    state monitor[134]:3,"shrine skill"
    state monitor[135]:3,"shrine mana regen"
    state monitor[136]:3,"shrine stamina"
    state monitor[137]:3,"shrine experience"

    state monitor[2]:1,"poison"
    state monitor[11]:1,"cold"
    state monitor[62]:1,"open wounds"
    state monitor[24]:1,"slow"



    ///map discription settings///

    Automap Level Names Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Level Name Colour: White //
    Staff Tomb Level Desc: "%2<==Tomb Here" //
    Minimap Size: 6 //
    Minimap Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Minimap Cell Colour: 0x84 //
    // format: Minimap Cells[level number][cell no.1, cell no.2, ...] : 1 , color2 // 1 for enable, -1 for disable
    // example:
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Rogue Encampment][The Secret Cow Level]: 1 //
    Minimap Cells[Blood Moor][Den of Evil]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Stony Field][Cairn Stone]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Black Marsh][Forgotten Tower]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Dark Wood][Tree of Inifuss]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 1][Tower Cellar Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 2][Tower Cellar Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 3][Tower Cellar Level 4]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 4][Tower Cellar Level 5]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tamoe Highland][Pit Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Pit Level 1][Pit Level 2]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 1][Jail Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 2][Jail Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 3][Inner Cloister]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 1][Catacombs Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Cold Plains][Crypt]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Barracks][316]: 1 //
    Minimap Cells[Far Oasis][Maggot Lair Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 1][Maggot Lair Level 2]:1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 2][Maggot Lair Level 3]:1
    Minimap Cells[lost city][Claw Viper Temple Level 1] :1
    Minimap Cells[Lost City][Ancient Tunnels]: 1 ,0x62 //
    Minimap Cells[Claw Viper Temple Level 1][Claw Viper Temple Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Arcane Sanctuary][Horazon's Journal]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Kurast Bazaar][Ruined Temple]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 1][Durance of Hate Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 2][Durance of Hate Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Flayer Jungle][315]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Plains of Despair][Izual on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[River of Flame][Hellforg on Minimap]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Crystalline Passage][Frozen River]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Frozen River][Anya on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[118][Arreat Summit]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Anguish][Halls of Pain]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Pain][Halls of Vaught]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Vaught][Nihlathak on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 1][Worldstone Keep Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 2][Worldstone Keep Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 3][Throne of Destruction]: 1


    ///mob,player,party description///

    Monster Death Anims[1+]: 1 //
    Monster Level Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Monster TC Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Monster Resists Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Monster Rune TC Toggle: 0, -1 //
    Monster HPPercent Toggle: 0, -1 //
    Monster Distance Toggle: 0, -1 //
    Player Level Toggle: 0, -1 //
    Player Distance Toggle: 0, -1 //
    Player HPPercent Toggle: 7, -1 //
    Boss Name Toggle: 7, -1 //

    Automap Party Default: 1 //
    Automap Names Default: 1 //

    Hidden Corpses Toggle: 0, -1 //
    Automap Corpses Toggle: 0, -1 //
    //Normal Corpse Colour: 0x08 //
    //Boss Corpse Colour: 0x08 //
    //Minion Corpse Colour: 0x08 //
    //Champion Corpse Colour: 0x08 //
    //Monster Corpse Colours[0+]: 0x08 //
    //Monster Corpses[0+]: 1 //

    Party Player Text Colour: 2 //
    Neutral Player Text Colour: 9 //
    Hostile Player Text Colour: 1 //
    Neutral Player Colour: 0x6f //
    Hostile Player Colour: 0x5b //
    Friend Minion Colour : 0x7f //
    Player Minion Colour: 0xcb //

    Automap Monsters Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE //
    Normal Monster Colour: 0x62 //
    Boss Monster Colour: 0x5b //
    Minion Monster Colour: 0x66 //
    Champion Monster Colour: 0x68 //
    Act5 Barbarian Colour: 0x9f //
    Super Unique Colour : 0x6f //

    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 1]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 2]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Gloam 1]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Gloam 2]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 1]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 2]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[734]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 1]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 2]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 3]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 4]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Frenzied Ice Spawn]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Tomb viper 1]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Tomb Viper 2]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Undead Soul Killer 2]: 0x9b //

    Monster Colours[411]: 0x20 //wake of fire
    Monster Colours[412]: 0x20 //Charged Bolt Sentry
    Monster Colours[413]: 0x20 //Lightning Sentry
    Monster Colours[417]: 0x20 //Death Sentry
    Monster Colours[352-354]: 0x20 //Hydra1-Hydra1,2,3

    Monster Desc Colour: red

    //down here you see shortcuts used on maps for mob abilities

    Enchantment Descs: 0
    Extra Strong Desc: "S"
    Extra Fast Desc: "F"
    Cursed Desc: "%2C"
    Magic Resistant Desc: "%8m"
    Fire Enchanted Desc: "%1FE"
    Lightning Enchanted Desc: "%9LE"
    Cold Enchanted Desc: "%3CE"
    Thief Desc: 0
    Mana Burn Desc: "%3MB"
    Teleportation Desc: "T"
    Spectral Hit Desc: "H"
    Stone Skin Desc: "%4SS"
    Multiple Shots Desc: "%12MS"
    Ghostly Desc: 0
    Fanatic Desc: "%11F"
    Possessed Desc: 0
    Berserker Desc: "%4B"
    Champion Desc: 0

    // Auras Enhanted:

    Aura Descs : 0
    Might Aura Desc: "%4a"
    Holy Fire Aura Desc: "%1a"
    Blessed Aim Aura Desc: "%0a"
    Holy Freeze Aura Desc: "%3a"
    Holy Shock Aura Desc: "%9a"
    Conviction Aura Desc: "%11a"
    Fanaticism Aura Desc: "%5a"

    // Immunities:

    Immunity Descs : 0
    Physical Immunity Desc: "%4i"
    Magic Immunity Desc: "%8i"
    Fire Immunity Desc: "%1i"
    Lightning Immunity Desc: "%9i"
    Cold Immunity Desc: "%3i"
    Poison Immunity Desc: "%2i"


    ///minimap missiles///

    automap missiles toggle: 0, vk_oem_6 //
    hostile missile colour: 0x62 //
    guided missile colour: 0x5b //
    tracer missile colour: 0x97 //
    other missile colour: 0x84 //

    //Missile Colours[Firewall, FireSmall, FireMedium,firebolt,fireball,lightningbolt]:0x20
    //Missile Colours[FrozenOrbBolt, FrozenOrbNova]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[all]:0x20

    //Missile Colours[All Arrows]: -2
    //Missile Colours[BattleOrders,BattleCommand,BattleCry,Shout,warcry,Howl]: -2
    //Missile Colours[BoneSpear]: 0x20
    //Missile Colours[teeth]: 0x20
    //Missile Colours[BoneSpirit]: 0x20
    //Missile Colours[PoisonNova]: 0x84
    //Missile Colours[BlessedHammer 1]: 0x20
    //Missile Colours[Tornado,Twister]: 0x20
    //Missile Colours[BladeFury1, BladeFury2, BladeFury3, BladeFragment1, BladeFragment2, BladeFragment3]:0x20

    ///info about missiles from guide///

    //Automap Missiles Toggle[<OWNER TYPE>] -
    //Hidden Missiles Toggle[<OWNER TYPE>] -
    //Missile Automaps[<MISSILE>] -

    //Automap Missiles Toggle[All] -
    //Hidden Missiles Toggle[All] -

    //Missile Automaps[All] -
    //Missile Automaps[Skill Missiles] -
    //Missile Automaps[All Arrows] -
    //Missile Automaps[Firewall Missiles] -
    //Missile Automaps[Frozen Orb Missiles] -

    //Missile Colours[All][Owner None] -
    //Missile Colours[All][Owner Self][Player] -
    //Missile Colours[All][Owner Self][Monster] -
    //Missile Colours[All][Owner Party] -
    //Missile Colours[All][Owner Hostile] -
    //Missile Colours[All][Owner Hostile][All][True] -
    //Missile Colours[All][Owner Other] -
    //Missile Colours[All][Owner Dead] -

    //Missile Colours[Vine Beast Death Missile][Owner Dead] -


    //*******************************************ITEMS SETTINGS**************************************************************

    // FORMAT
    // item colours[code or base name][type][real/eth][socets]:colour,minimap colour
    // code look in d2hackmap.vcb
    // types
    // 1 low quality,cracked,damaged
    // 2 normal
    // 3 superior
    // 4 magic
    // 5 set
    // 6 rare
    // 7 unique
    // 8 crafted
    // eth or real
    // 1=real
    // 2=eth
    // sockets
    // [1]=0 sockets
    // [2]=1 socket
    // [3]=2 sockets
    // [4]=3 sockets
    // [5]=4 sockets
    // [6]=5 sockets
    // colours
    // -2=hidden
    // -1=default
    // 0=white
    // 1=red
    // 2=green
    // 3=blue
    // 4=dark gold
    // 5=grey
    // 6=black
    // 7=light gold
    // 8=orange
    // 9=yellow
    // 10=dark green
    // 11=purple
    // 12=middle green
    // 13+ =white

    item colours[all]: -1,-2 //HIDE EVERYTHING
    rune colours[all]:5,-2 //its need,dont touch



    item colours[89,90,2017,2018]:4,0x62 //act1:wirt`s leg,horadric malus,scroll of inifuss(1,2)
    item colours[92,93,2014,2042,2045]:4,0x62 //act2:horadric stuff(1,2),viper amulet,horadric cube,book of skill
    item colours[88,174,175]:4,0x62 //act3:gibdinn,khalim`s flail,khalim`s will
    item colours[2038-2041]:4,0x62 //act3:potion of life,jade figurine,golden bird,lam esen`s tome
    item colours[2046-2048]:4,0x62 //act3 2046 khalim`s eye,2047 khalim`s heart,2048 khalim`s brain
    item colours[91,2044]:4,0x62 //act4:hell forge hammer,metpisto`s soulstone
    item colours[2137,2139]:4,0x62 //act5:malah`s potion,scroll of resistance

    item colours[2140-2142]: 4,0x62 //terror,hate,destruction keys
    item colours[2143-2145]: 4,0x62 //diablo`s horn,baal`s eye,methisto`s brain
    item colours[2146-2150]: 4,0x62 //token of absolution,essences
    item colours[2151]: 4,0x62 //standard of heroes



    rune colours[1-21]:5,-1 //show/hide runes 1-21
    rune colours[22-27]:2,0x81
    rune colours[28-33]:8,0x68

    good gold number:10000
    good gold colour:0
    poor gold colour:-1,-2

    amethyst colours[1+]:11,0x1d //
    diamond colours[1+]:0,0x1d //
    emerald colours[1+]:12,0x1d //
    ruby colours[1+]:1,0x1d // gems
    sapphire colours[1+]:3,0x1d //
    skull colours[1+]:0,0x1d //
    topaz colours[1+]:9,0x1d //

    //item colours[2084]:-1 //super healing potion
    //item colours[2089]:-1 //super mana potion
    item colours[2009]:-1 //full rejuvenation potion




    //item colours[all][unique]:-1,0x4e //show all unique items

    item colours[2013][7]:-1,0x4e //amulet
    item colours[2015][7]:-1,0x4e //ring
    item colours[2096-2098][7]: -1,0x4e //charms(annihilus,hellfire torch,gheed`s fortune)
    item colours[2136][7]:-1,0x4e //jewel(rainbow facet)



    item colours[1039][7]:-1,0x4e //lenymo
    //item colours[1040][7]:-1,0x4e //snakecord
    item colours[1041][7]:-1,0x4e //nightsmoke
    item colours[1042][7]:-1,0x4e //goldwrap
    //item colours[1043][7]:-1,0x4e //bladebuckle

    item colours[1085][7][1]:-1,0x4e //string of ears (R)
    item colours[1085][7][2]:-1,0x4e //string of ears (E)
    item colours[1086][7]:-1,0x4e //razortail
    //item colours[1087][7]:-1,0x4e //glooms trap
    item colours[1088][7]:-1,0x4e //snowclash
    item colours[1089][7][1]:-1,0x4e //thundergod`s vigor (R)
    item colours[1089][7][2]:-1,0x4e //thundergod`s vigor (E)

    item colours[1155][7]:-1,0x4e //arachnid mesh
    item colours[1156][7][1]:-1,0x4e //nosferatu`s coil (R)
    item colours[1156][7][2]:-1,0x4e //nosferatu`s coil (E)
    item colours[1157][7]:-1,0x4e //verdungo`s hearty cord

    ///body armors///

    //item colours[1008][7]:-1,0x4e //greyform
    //item colours[1009][7]:-1,0x4e //blinkbar`s form
    //item colours[1010][7]:-1,0x4e //the centurion
    item colours[1011][7]:-1,0x4e //twitchthroe
    //item colours[1012][7]:-1,0x4e //darkglow
    //item colours[1013][7]:-1,0x4e //hawkmail
    //item colours[1014][7]:-1,0x4e //sparking mail
    //item colours[1015][7]:-1,0x4e //venom ward
    //item colours[1016][7]:-1,0x4e //iceblink
    //item colours[1017][7]:-1,0x4e //boneflesh
    //item colours[1018][7]:-1,0x4e //rockfleece
    //item colours[1019][7]:-1,0x4e //rattlecage
    //item colours[1020][7]:-1,0x4e //goldskin
    //item colours[1021][7]:-1,0x4e //silks of the victor
    //item colours[1022][7]:-1,0x4e //heavenly garb

    //item colours[1054][7]:-1,0x4e //the spirit shroud
    item colours[1055][7][1]:-1,0x4e //skin of the vipermagi (R)
    item colours[1055][7][2]:-1,0x4e //skin of the vipermagi (E)
    //item colours[1056][7]:-1,0x4e //skin of the flayed one
    //item colours[1057][7]:-1,0x4e //iron pelt
    //item colours[1058][7]:-1,0x4e //spirit forge
    //item colours[1059][7]:-1,0x4e //crow caw
    item colours[1060][7][1]:-1,0x4e //shaftstop (R)
    item colours[1060][7][2]:-1,0x4e //shaftstop (E)
    //item colours[1061][7]:-1,0x4e //duriel`s shell
    item colours[1062][7][1]:-1,0x4e //skullder`s ire (R)
    item colours[1062][7][2]:-1,0x4e //skullder`s ire (E)
    item colours[1063][7][1]:-1,0x4e //guardian angel (R)
    item colours[1063][7][2]:-1,0x4e //guardian angel (E)
    //item colours[1064][7]:-1,0x4e //toothrow
    //item colours[1065][7]:-1,0x4e //atma`s wail
    //item colours[1066][7]:-1,0x4e //black hades
    //item colours[1067][7]:-1,0x4e //corpsemourn
    //item colours[1068][7]:-1,0x4e //que-hegan`s wisdom

    item colours[1124][7]:-1,0x4e //ormus` robes
    //item colours[1127][7]:-1,0x4e //gladiator`s bane
    //item colours[1132][7]:-1,0x4e //arkaine`s valor
    //item colours[1134][7]:-1,0x4e //leviathan
    //item colours[1136][7]:-1,0x4e //steel carapace
    item colours[1137][7]:-1,0x4e //templar`s might,tyrael`s might


    item colours[1034][7]:-1,0x4e //hotspur
    //item colours[1035][7]:-1,0x4e //gorefoot
    //item colours[1036][7]:-1,0x4e //treads of cthon
    item colours[1037][7][1]:-1,0x4e //goblin toe (R)
    item colours[1037][7][2]:-1,0x4e //goblin toe (E)
    //item colours[1038][7]:-1,0x4e //tearhaunch

    item colours[1080][7]:-1,0x4e //infernostride
    item colours[1081][7]:-1,0x4e //waterwalk
    item colours[1082][7]:-1,0x4e //silkweave
    item colours[1083][7]:-1,0x4e //war traveler
    item colours[1084][7][1]:-1,0x4e //gore rider (R)
    item colours[1084][7][2]:-1,0x4e //gore rider (E)

    item colours[1151][7][1]:-1,0x4e //sandstorm trek (R)
    item colours[1151][7][2]:-1,0x4e //sandstorm trek (E)
    item colours[1152][7]:-1,0x4e //marrowwalk
    item colours[1154][7]:-1,0x4e //shadowdancer


    //item colours[1029][7]:-1,0x4e //the hand of broc
    item colours[1030][7]:-1,0x4e //bloodfirst
    item colours[1031][7]:-1,0x4e //chance guards
    item colours[1032][7]:-1,0x4e //magefirst
    item colours[1033][7]:-1,0x4e //frostburn

    item colours[1075][7]:-1,0x4e //venom grip
    //item colours[1076][7]:-1,0x4e //gravepalm
    //item colours[1077][7]:-1,0x4e //ghoulhide
    item colours[1078][7]:-1,0x4e //lava gout
    //item colours[1079][7]:-1,0x4e //hellmouth

    item colours[1146][7]:-1,0x4e //dracul`s grasp
    //item colours[1147][7]:-1,0x4e //soul drainer
    item colours[1149][7]:-1,0x4e //steelrend


    item colours[1001][7]:-1,0x4e //beggin`s bonnet
    //item colours[1002][7]:-1,0x4e //tarnhelm
    //item colours[1003][7]:-1,0x4e //coif of glory
    //item colours[1004][7]:-1,0x4e //duskdeep
    //item colours[1005][7]:-1,0x4e //howltusk
    //item colours[1006][7]:-1,0x4e //undead crown
    //item colours[1007][7]:-1,0x4e //the face of horror
    //item colours[1044][7]:-1,0x4e //wormskull

    item colours[1047][7]:-1,0x4e //peasant crown
    item colours[1048][7]:-1,0x4e //rockstopper
    item colours[1049][7]:-1,0x4e //stealskull
    //item colours[1050][7]:-1,0x4e //darkside helm
    item colours[1051][7]:-1,0x4e //valkyrie wing
    item colours[1052][7][1]:-1,0x4e //crown of thieves (R)
    item colours[1052][7][2]:-1,0x4e //crown of thieves (E)
    //item colours[1053][7]:-1,0x4e //blackhorn`s face
    item colours[1090][7][1]:-1,0x4e //vampire gaze (R)
    item colours[1090][7][2]:-1,0x4e //vampire gaze (E)
    item colours[1115][7]:-1,0x4e //kira`s guardian

    item colours[1117][7]:-1,0x4e //harlequin crest
    //item colours[1119][7]:-1,0x4e //steelshade
    item colours[1121][7]:-1,0x4e //nightwing`s veil,veil of steel
    item colours[1122][7]:-1,0x4e //crown of ages
    item colours[1123][7][1]:-1,0x4e //andariel`s visage (R)
    item colours[1123][7][2]:-1,0x4e //andariel`s visage (E)
    item colours[1160][7]:-1,0x4e //giantskull
    item colours[1116][7]:-1,0x4e //griffon`s eye


    //item colours[1023][7]:-1,0x4e //pelta lunata
    //item colours[1024][7]:-1,0x4e //umbral disk
    //item colours[1025][7]:-1,0x4e //stormguild
    item colours[1026][7]:-1,0x4e //steelclash
    //item colours[1027][7]:-1,0x4e //bverrit keep
    item colours[1028][7]:-1,0x4e //the ward
    item colours[1045][7]:-1,0x4e //wall of the eyeless
    //item colours[1046][7]:-1,0x4e //swordback hold

    //item colours[1069][7]:-1,0x4e //visceratuant
    item colours[1070][7]:-1,0x4e //moser`s blessed circle
    //item colours[1071][7]:-1,0x4e //stormchaser
    //item colours[1072][7]:-1,0x4e //tiamat`s rebuke
    item colours[1073][7][1]:-1,0x4e //gerke`s sanctuary (R)
    item colours[1073][7][2]:-1,0x4e //gerke`s sanctuary (E)
    //item colours[1074][7]:-1,0x4e //radament`s sphere
    item colours[1091][7]:-1,0x4e //lidless wall
    //item colours[1092][7]:-1,0x4e //lance guard

    //item colours[1140][7]:-1,0x4e //blackoak shiled
    item colours[1142][7]:-1,0x4e //stormshield
    //item colours[1143][7]:-1,0x4e //medusa`s gaze
    //item colours[1144][7]:-1,0x4e //spirit ward
    item colours[1161][7]:-1,0x4e //headhunter`s glory
    //item colours[1162][7]:-1,0x4e //spike thorn

    ///barbarian helmets///

    item colours[1172][7][1]:-1,0x4e //arreat`s face (R)
    item colours[1172][7][2]:-1,0x4e //arreat`s face (E)

    item colours[1189][7][1]:-1,0x4e //wolfhowl (R)
    item colours[1189][7][2]:-1,0x4e //wolfhowl (E)
    //item colours[1190][7]:-1,0x4e //demonhorn`s edge
    //item colours[1191][7]:-1,0x4e //halaberd`s reign

    ///druid helmets///

    item colours[1167][7][1]:-1,0x4e //jalal`s mane (R)
    item colours[1167][7][2]:-1,0x4e //jalal`s mane (E)

    item colours[1183][7][1]:-1,0x4e //cerebus` bite (R)
    item colours[1183][7][2]:-1,0x4e //cerebus` bite (E)
    //item colours[1185][7]:-1,0x4e //spiritkeeper
    item colours[1186][7]:-1,0x4e //ravenlore

    ///necromancer shields///

    item colours[1182][7][1]:-1,0x4e //homunculus (R)
    item colours[1182][7][2]:-1,0x4e //homunculus (E)

    item colours[1201][7]:-1,0x4e //boneflame
    item colours[1202][7]:-1,0x4e //darkforce spawn

    ///paladin shields///

    item colours[1176][7][1]:-1,0x4e //herald of zakarum (R)
    item colours[1176][7][2]:-1,0x4e //herald of zakarum (E)

    //item colours[1194][7]:-1,0x4e //alma negra
    //item colours[1196][7]:-1,0x4e //dragonscale



    //item colours[1][7]:-1,0x4e //the gnasher
    //item colours[2][7]:-1,0x4e //deathspade
    //item colours[3][7]:-1,0x4e //bladebone
    //item colours[4][7]:-1,0x4e //skull splitter
    //item colours[5][7]:-1,0x4e //rakescar
    //item colours[6][7]:-1,0x4e //axe of fechmar
    //item colours[7][7]:-1,0x4e //goreshovel
    //item colours[8][7]:-1,0x4e //the chieftain
    //item colours[9][7]:-1,0x4e //brainhew
    //item colours[10][7]:-1,0x4e //the humongous

    //item colours[94][7]:-1,0x4e //coldkill
    //item colours[95][7]:-1,0x4e //butcher`s pupil
    //item colours[96][7]:-1,0x4e //islestrike
    //item colours[97][7]:-1,0x4e //pompeii`s wrath
    //item colours[98][7]:-1,0x4e //guardian naga
    //item colours[99][7]:-1,0x4e //warlord`s trust
    //item colours[100][7]:-1,0x4e //spellsteel
    //item colours[101][7]:-1,0x4e //stormrider
    //item colours[102][7]:-1,0x4e //boneslayer blade
    //item colours[103][7]:-1,0x4e //the minotaur

    //item colours[197][7]:-1,0x4e //razor`s edge
    //item colours[199][7]:-1,0x4e //rune master
    //item colours[200][7]:-1,0x4e //cranebeak
    //item colours[201][7]:-1,0x4e //deathcleaver
    //item colours[203][7]:-1,0x4e //ethereal edge
    //item colours[204][7]:-1,0x4e //hellslayer
    //item colours[205][7]:-1,0x4e //messerschmidt`s reaver
    //item colours[206][7]:-1,0x4e //executioner`s justice


    //item colours[69][7]:-1,0x4e //pluckeye
    //item colours[70][7]:-1,0x4e //withestring
    item colours[71][7]:-1,0x4e //raven claw
    //item colours[72][7]:-1,0x4e //rogue`s bow
    //item colours[73][7]:-1,0x4e //stormstrike
    //item colours[74][7]:-1,0x4e //wizendraw
    //item colours[75][7]:-1,0x4e //hellclap
    //item colours[76][7]:-1,0x4e //blastbark

    //item colours[162][7]:-1,0x4e //skystrike
    //item colours[163][7]:-1,0x4e //riphook
    //item colours[164][7]:-1,0x4e //kuko shakaku
    //item colours[165][7]:-1,0x4e //endlesshail
    //item colours[166][7]:-1,0x4e //witchwild string
    //item colours[167][7]:-1,0x4e //cliffkiller
    //item colours[168][7]:-1,0x4e //magewrath
    //item colours[169][7]:-1,0x4e //goldstrike arch

    //item colours[270][7]:-1,0x4e //eaglehorn
    item colours[271][7]:-1,0x4e //widowmaker
    item colours[272][7]:-1,0x4e //windforce


    //item colours[77][7]:-1,0x4e //leadcrow
    //item colours[78][7]:-1,0x4e //ichorsting
    //item colours[79][7]:-1,0x4e //hellcast
    //item colours[80][7]:-1,0x4e //doomslinger

    //item colours[170][7]:-1,0x4e //langer briser
    //item colours[171][7]:-1,0x4e //pus spitter
    //item colours[172][7]:-1,0x4e //buriza-do kyanon
    //item colours[173][7]:-1,0x4e //demon machine

    //item colours[275][7]:-1,0x4e //hellrack
    //item colours[276][7]:-1,0x4e //gutsiphon


    //item colours[40][7]:-1,0x4e //gull
    //item colours[41][7]:-1,0x4e //the diggler
    //item colours[42][7]:-1,0x4e //the jade tan do
    item colours[43][7]:-1,0x4e //spectral shard

    //item colours[133][7]:-1,0x4e //spineripper
    //item colours[134][7]:-1,0x4e //heart carver
    //item colours[135][7]:-1,0x4e //blackbog`s sharp
    //item colours[136][7]:-1,0x4e //stormspike

    item colours[236][7]:-1,0x4e //wizardspike
    //item colours[238][7]:-1,0x4e //fleshripper
    //item colours[239][7]:-1,0x4e //ghostflame


    //item colours[246][7]:-1,0x4e //demon`s arch
    //item colours[247][7]:-1,0x4e //wraithflight
    //item colours[248][7]:-1,0x4e //gargoyle`s bite


    //item colours[15][7]:-1,0x4e //felloak
    //item colours[19][7]:-1,0x4e //stountnail
    //item colours[20][7]:-1,0x4e //crushflange
    //item colours[21][7]:-1,0x4e //bloodrise
    //item colours[22][7]:-1,0x4e //the general`s tan do li ga
    //item colours[23][7]:-1,0x4e //ironstone
    //item colours[24][7]:-1,0x4e //bonesnap
    //item colours[25][7]:-1,0x4e //steeldriver

    //item colours[108][7]:-1,0x4e //dark clan crusher
    //item colours[112][7]:-1,0x4e //fleshrender
    //item colours[113][7]:-1,0x4e //sureshrill frost
    //item colours[114][7]:-1,0x4e //moonfall
    //item colours[115][7]:-1,0x4e //baezil`s vortex
    //item colours[116][7]:-1,0x4e //earthshaker
    //item colours[117][7]:-1,0x4e //bloodtree stump
    //item colours[118][7]:-1,0x4e //the gavel of pain

    //item colours[211][7]:-1,0x4e //nord`s tenderizer
    item colours[215][7]:-1,0x4e //demonlimb
    //item colours[217][7]:-1,0x4e //baranar`s star
    item colours[218][7]:-1,0x4e //horizon`s tornado,stormlash
    //item colours[219][7]:-1,0x4e //schaefer`s hammer,stone crusher
    //item colours[220][7]:-1,0x4e //windhammer
    item colours[221][7]:-1,0x4e //the cranium basher,earthshifter


    //item colours[58][7]:-1,0x4e //dimoak`s hew
    //item colours[59][7]:-1,0x4e //steelgoad
    //item colours[60][7]:-1,0x4e //soul harvest
    //item colours[61][7]:-1,0x4e //the battlebranch
    //item colours[62][7]:-1,0x4e //woestave
    //item colours[63][7]:-1,0x4e //the grim reaper

    //item colours[151][7]:-1,0x4e //the meat scraper
    //item colours[152][7]:-1,0x4e //blackleach blade
    //item colours[153][7]:-1,0x4e //athena`s wrath
    //item colours[154][7]:-1,0x4e //pierre tombale couant
    //item colours[155][7]:-1,0x4e //husoldal evo
    //item colours[156][7]:-1,0x4e //grim`s burning dead

    item colours[254][7][1]:-1,0x4e //bonehew (R)
    item colours[254][7][2]:-1,0x4e //bonehew (E)
    item colours[256][7][1]:-1,0x4e //the reaper`s toll (R)
    item colours[256][7][2]:-1,0x4e //the reaper`s toll (E)
    item colours[257][7][1]:-1,0x4e //tomb reaver (R)
    item colours[257][7][2]:-1,0x4e //tomb reaver (E)
    //item colours[259][7]:-1,0x4e //stormspire


    //item colours[16][7]:-1,0x4e //knell striker
    //item colours[17][7]:-1,0x4e //rusthanle
    //item colours[18][7]:-1,0x4e //stormeye

    //item colours[109][7]:-1,0x4e //zakarum`s hand
    //item colours[110][7]:-1,0x4e //the fetid sprinkler
    //item colours[111][7]:-1,0x4e //hand of blessed light

    item colours[212][7]:-1,0x4e //heaven`s light,the redeemer
    item colours[214][7]:-1,0x4e //astreon`s iron ward


    //item colours[53][7]:-1,0x4e //the dragon chang
    //item colours[54][7]:-1,0x4e //razortine
    //item colours[55][7]:-1,0x4e //bloodthief
    //item colours[56][7]:-1,0x4e //lance of yaggai
    //item colours[57][7]:-1,0x4e //the tannr gorerod

    //item colours[146][7]:-1,0x4e //the impaler
    //item colours[147][7][1]:-1,0x4e //kelpie snare (R)
    item colours[147][7][2]:-1,0x4e //kelpie snare (E)
    //item colours[148][7]:-1,0x4e //soulfeast tine
    //item colours[149][7][1]:-1,0x4e //hone sundan (R)
    item colours[149][7][2]:-1,0x4e //hone sundan (E)
    //item colours[150][7]:-1,0x4e //spire of honor

    //item colours[249][7]:-1,0x4e //arioc`s needle
    //item colours[251][7]:-1,0x4e //viperfork
    //item colours[253][7]:-1,0x4e //steelpillar


    //item colours[64][7]:-1,0x4e //bane ash
    //item colours[65][7]:-1,0x4e //serpent lord
    //item colours[66][7]:-1,0x4e //spire of lazarus
    //item colours[67][7]:-1,0x4e //the salamander
    //item colours[68][7]:-1,0x4e //the iron jang bong

    //item colours[157][7]:-1,0x4e //razorswitch
    item colours[158][7][1]:-1,0x4e //ribcracker (R)
    item colours[158][7][2]:-1,0x4e //ribcracker (E)
    //item colours[159][7]:-1,0x4e //chromatic ire
    //item colours[160][7]:-1,0x4e //warpspear
    //item colours[161][7]:-1,0x4e //skull collector

    item colours[262][7]:-1,0x4e //ondal`s wisdom
    //item colours[264][7]:-1,0x4e //mang song`s lesson


    //item colours[26][7]:-1,0x4e //rixot`s keen
    //item colours[27][7]:-1,0x4e //blood crescent
    //item colours[28][7]:-1,0x4e //skewer of krintiz
    //item colours[29][7]:-1,0x4e //gleamscythe
    //item colours[31][7]:-1,0x4e //grizwold`s edge
    //item colours[32][7]:-1,0x4e //hellplague
    //item colours[33][7]:-1,0x4e //culwen`s point
    //item colours[34][7]:-1,0x4e //shadowfang
    //item colours[35][7]:-1,0x4e //soulflay
    //item colours[36][7]:-1,0x4e //kinemil`s awl
    //item colours[37][7]:-1,0x4e //blacktongue
    //item colours[38][7]:-1,0x4e //ripsaw
    //item colours[39][7]:-1,0x4e //the patriarch

    //item colours[119][7]:-1,0x4e //bloodletter
    //item colours[120][7]:-1,0x4e //coldsteel eye
    //item colours[121][7]:-1,0x4e //hexfire
    item colours[122][7]:-1,0x4e //blade of ali baba
    //item colours[123][7]:-1,0x4e //ginther`s rift
    //item colours[124][7]:-1,0x4e //headstriker
    //item colours[125][7]:-1,0x4e //plague bearer
    //item colours[126][7]:-1,0x4e //the atlantean
    //item colours[127][7]:-1,0x4e //crainte vomir
    //item colours[128][7]:-1,0x4e //bing sz wang
    //item colours[129][7]:-1,0x4e //the vile husk
    //item colours[130][7]:-1,0x4e //cloudcrack
    //item colours[131][7]:-1,0x4e //todesfaelle flamme
    //item colours[132][7]:-1,0x4e //swordguard

    //item colours[223][7]:-1,0x4e //djinnslayer
    //item colours[224][7]:-1,0x4e //bloodmoon
    item colours[226][7]:-1,0x4e //azurewrath,lightsabre
    //item colours[228][7]:-1,0x4e //frostwind
    //item colours[232][7]:-1,0x4e //flamebellow
    //item colours[233][7]:-1,0x4e //doombringer
    item colours[235][7]:-1,0x4e //the grandfather


    //item colours[137][7][1]:-1,0x4e //death bit (R)
    //item colours[137][7][2]:-1,0x4e //death bit (E)
    //item colours[138][7][1]:-1,0x4e //the scalper (R)
    //item colours[138][7][2]:-1,0x4e //the scalper (E)

    //item colours[241][7]:-1,0x4e //gimmershred
    //item colours[242][7][1]:-1,0x4e //warshrike (R)
    //item colours[242][7][2]:-1,0x4e //warshrike (E)
    //item colours[243][7][1]:-1,0x4e //lacerator (R)
    item colours[243][7][2]:-1,0x4e //lacerator (E)


    //item colours[11][7]:-1,0x4e //torch of iro
    //item colours[12][7]:-1,0x4e //maelstorm
    //item colours[13][7]:-1,0x4e //gravenspine
    //item colours[14][7]:-1,0x4e //ume`s lament

    item colours[104][7]:-1,0x4e //suicide branch
    //item colours[105][7]:-1,0x4e //carin shard
    item colours[106][7]:-1,0x4e //arm of king leoric
    //item colours[107][7]:-1,0x4e //blackhand key

    item colours[209][7]:-1,0x4e //boneshade
    item colours[210][7]:-1,0x4e //death`s web

    ///amazon bows///

    //item colours[293][7]:-1,0x4e //lycander`s aim

    //item colours[302][7]:-1,0x4e //bloodraven`s charge

    ///amazon spears///

    //item colours[295][7]:-1,0x4e //lycander`s flank

    //item colours[304][7]:-1,0x4e //stoneraven

    ///amazon javelins///

    item colours[296][7][1]:-1,0x4e //titan`s revenge (R)
    item colours[296][7][2]:-1,0x4e //titan`s revenge (E)

    item colours[306][7]:-1,0x4e //thunderstroke

    ///assassin katars///

    item colours[188][7]:-1,0x4e //bartuc`s cut-throat

    //item colours[191][7]:-1,0x4e //jadetalon
    //item colours[193][7]:-1,0x4e //shadowkiller
    //item colours[194][7]:-1,0x4e //firelizard`s talons

    ///sorceress orbs///

    item colours[291][7]:-1,0x4e //the oculus

    item colours[298][7]:-1,0x4e //eschuta`s temper
    item colours[301][7]:-1,0x4e //death`s fathom




    //item colours[all][set]:2,0x81 //show all set items

    ///normal sets///

    //item colours[28,1012,2013,2015][5]:2,0x81 //angelic raiment
    //item colours[68,1022,1002,2013][5]:2,0x81 //arcanna`s tricks
    //item colours[75,1008,1040,1032][5]:2,0x81 //arctic gear
    //item colours[3,1016,1003][5]:2,0x81 //berserker`s arsenal
    //item colours[67,1014,1007,2013,2015][5]:2,0x81 //cathan`s traps
    //item colours[17,1025,2013][5]:2,0x81 //giverb`s vestments
    //item colours[32,1024,1031][5]:2,0x81 //cleglaw`s brace
    //item colours[33,1039,1029][5]:2,0x81 //death`s disguise
    //item colours[1023,1041,1036][5]:2,0x81 //hsarus`defense
    //item colours[14,1042,1001][5]:2,0x81 //infernal tools
    //item colours[1042,1032,1006,2013][5]:2,0x81 //iratha`s finery
    //item colours[31,1015,1028,1004][5]:2,0x81 //isenhart`s armory
    //item colours[18,1021,1026,1006][5]:2,0x81 //milabrega`s regalia
    //item colours[1019,1027,1043,1033,1038,1005][5]:2,0x81 //sigon`s complete steel
    //item colours[4,1020,1034,1044,2013][5]:2,0x81 //tancred`s battlegear
    //item colours[74,1009,1037,2013][5]:2,0x81 //vidala`s rig

    ///exeptional(lod) sets///

    item colours[114,1136,1083,1165][5]:2,0x81 //aldur`s watchtower
    //item colours[229,235][5]:2,0x81 //bul-kathos` children
    //item colours[1011,1035,1047][5]:2,0x81 //cow king`s leathers
    //item colours[1124,1157,1145,1080,2013][5]:2,0x81 //the disciple
    item colours[214,1067,1122,1197][5]:2,0x81 //griswold`s legacy
    //item colours[216,1061,1144,1121][5]:2,0x81 //heaven`s brethren
    //item colours[152,1059,1041,1052][5]:2,0x81 //hwanin`s majesty
    item colours[220,1137,1089,1079,1084,1102][5]:2,0x81 //immortal king
    item colours[303,1134,1086,1078,1116][5]:2,0x81 //m`avina`s battle hymn
    item colours[196,1129,1082,1090][5]:2,0x81 //natalya`s odium
    //item colours[262,1133,1113][5]:2,0x81 //naj`s ancient vestige
    //item colours[1070,1088,1076,1051][5]:2,0x81 //orphant`s call
    //item colours[13,1030,1035,1001][5]:2,0x81 //sander`s folly
    //item colours[228,1132,1050][5]:2,0x81 //sazabi`s grand tribute
    item colours[291,1135,1087,1053,2013][5]:2,0x81 //talrasha`s wrappings
    item colours[1066,1158,1077,1160,1181][5]:2,0x81 //trang-oul`s avatar

    ///some usefull set items///

    item colours[1083][5]:2,0x81 //aldur boots
    item colours[2013,2015][5]:2,0x81 //angelic combo
    //item colours[1035][5]:2,0x81 //cow/sander boots
    //item colours[1029,1039][5]:2,0x81 //death set combo
    item colours[1051][5]:2,0x81 //guillaume`s face
    item colours[1145][5]:2,0x81 //laying of hands
    item colours[1077][5]:2,0x81 //trangoul gloves
    //item colours[1070][5]:2,0x81 //wistan`s guard




    //item colours[all][rare]:-1,0x6f //show all rare items

    item colours[2013][6]: -1,0x6f //amulet
    item colours[2015][6]: -1,0x6f //ring
    item colours[1039-1043,1085-1089,1155-1159][6]:-1,0x6f //belts
    item colours[1034-1038,1080-1084,1150-1154][6]:-1,0x6f //boots
    item colours[1113-1116][6]: -1,0x6f //circlet-diadem
    item colours[1029-1033,1075-1079,1145-1149][6]:-1,0x6f //gloves
    item colours[2136][6]:-1,0x6f //jewels
    //item colours[11-14,104-107,207-210][6]:-1,0x6f //wands

    item colours[286,296,306][6]:-1,0x6f //amazone javelings
    //item colours[176-196][6]:-1,0x6f //assassin katars(all)
    item colours[188,190,195][6]:-1,0x6f //assassin katars(some of)-gt,suw,rt
    item colours[1098-1102,1168-1172,1188-1192][6]:-1,0x6f //barbarian helms
    item colours[1093-1097,1163-1167,1183-1187][6]:-1,0x6f //druid pelts
    //item colours[1108-1112,1178-1182,1198-1202][6]:-1,0x6f //necromancer heads
    item colours[277-281,287-291,297-301][6]:-1,0x6f //sorceress orbs




    //item colours[all][magic]:-1,0x91 //show all magic items

    item colours[2013][4]:-1,0x91 //amulet
    item colours[2015][4]:-1,0x91 //ring

    item colours[1124-1127,1131,1138][4]:-1,0x91 //armors elite light (4/100 hp or 4/24 fhr search)

    //item colours[1087,1157][4]:-1,0x91 //belts for blood craft
    //item colours[1086,1156][4]:-1,0x91 //belts for caster craft
    //item colours[1037,1083,1153][4]:-1,0x91 //boots for blood craft
    //item colours[1034,1080,1150][4]:-1,0x91 //boots for caster craft
    //item colours[1030,1076,1146][4]:-1,0x91 //gloves for blood craft
    //item colours[1031,1077,1147][4]:-1,0x91 //gloves for hit p craft

    item colours[1029-1033,1075-1079,1145-1149][4]:-1,0x91 //gloves all (3/20 search)

    item colours[2096-2098][4]:11,0x9b //charms
    item colours[1113-1116][4][1]:-1,0x91 //circlet-diadem
    item colours[2136][4]:-1,0x91 //jewels
    item colours[1142][4]:-1,0x91 //monarch (jmod search)
    //item colours[11-14,104-107,207-210][4]:-1,0x91 //wands

    item colours[286,296,306][4][1]:-1,0x91 //amazone javelings (6/40 search)
    //item colours[176-196][4]:-1,0x91 //assassin katars(all)
    item colours[188,190,195][4]:-1,0x91 //assassin katars(some of)-gt,suw,rt
    item colours[1098-1102,1168-1172,1188-1192][4]:-1,0x91 //barb helms
    item colours[1093-1097,1163-1167,1183-1187][4]:-1,0x91 //druid pelts
    //item colours[1108-1112,1178-1182,1198-1202][4]:-1,0x91 //necromancer heads
    item colours[277-281,287-291,297-301][4]:-1,0x91 //sorceress orbs




    ///N=normal quality,S=superior,R=real,E=ethereal///


    ///body armors///

    item colours[1015][3][1][1,4]:-1,0x20 //breast plate (S R 0,3 soc)
    item colours[1061][3][1][1,4]:-1,0x20 //cuirass (S R 0,3 soc)
    item colours[1131][3][1][1,4,5]:-1,0x20 //great hauberk (S R 0,3,4 soc)

    item colours[1022][3][1][1,4]:-1,0x20 //light plate (S R 0,3 soc)
    item colours[1068][3][1][1,4]:-1,0x20 //mage plate (S R 0,3 soc)
    item colours[1138][3][1][1,4,5]:-1,0x20 //archon plate (S R 0,3,4 soc)

    item colours[1124-1127][3][1][1,4,5]:-1,0x20 //dusk shroud,wyrmhide,scarab husk,wire fleece (S R 0,3,4 soc)

    //item colours[1012][3][1][1,4]:-1,0x20 //ring mail (S R 0,3 soc)
    item colours[1019][3][1][1,4,5]:-1,0x20 //gothic plate (S R 0,3,4 soc)
    //item colours[1021][3][1][1,4,5]:-1,0x20 //ancient armor (S R 0,3,4 soc)
    item colours[1137][3][1][1,4,5]:-1,0x20 //sacred armor (S R 0,3,4 soc)

    item colours[1124-1127,1131,1137,1138][2][2][1,4,5]:-1,0x20 //mercenary armors (N E 0,3,4 soc)
    item colours[1124-1127,1131,1137,1138][3][2][1,4,5]:-1,0x20 //mercenary armors (S E 0,3,4 soc)


    item colours[1123,1160][3][1][1,4]:-1,0x20 //bone visage,demonhead (S R 0,3 soc)
    item colours[1123,1160][3][2][1,4]:-1,0x20 //bone visage,demonhead (S E 0,3 soc) for mercenary
    item colours[1116][3][1][1,4]: -1,0x20 //diadem (S R 0,3 soc)
    //item colours[1116][1-3][1][1]: -1,0x20 //diadem (R 0 soc) for imbue

    //item colours[1098-1102,1168-1172,1188-1192][2,3][1][1,4]:-1,0x20 //barbarian delirium helms (N,S R 0,3 soc)
    //item colours[1093-1097,1163-1167,1183-1187][2,3][1][1,4]:-1,0x20 //druid delirium pelts (N,S R 0,3 soc)


    item colours[1142][2][1][1,5]:-1,0x20 //monarch (N R 0,4 soc)
    item colours[1142][2][2][1,5]:-1,0x20 //monarch (N E 0,4 soc)
    item colours[1142][3][1][1,4,5]:-1,0x20 //monarch (S R 0,3,4 soc)
    item colours[1142][3][2][1,5]:-1,0x20 //monarch (S E 0,4 soc)

    item colours[1141][3][1][1,4]:-1,0x20 //hyperion (S R 0,3 soc)
    item colours[1161][3][1][1,4]:-1,0x20 //troll nest (S R 0,3 soc)

    item colours[1193][2,3][1][1,4,5]:-1,0x20 //sacred targe (N,S R 0,3,4 soc) top for pal spirit/phoenix/dream/sanctuary
    //item colours[1194-1197,1105-1107,1175-1177][2,3][1][1,4,5]:-1,0x20 //other pal shields for start (N,S R 0,3,4 soc)

    item colours[1193][2,3][2][1,5]:-1,0x20 //sacred targe (N,S E 0,4 soc) top for exile
    item colours[1194-1197][2,3][2][1,5]:-1,0x20 //other for exile (N,S E 0,4 soc)

    //item colours[1108-1112,1178-1182,1198-1202][2,3][1][1,3]:-1,0x20 //necromancer heads (N,S R 0,2 soc)


    item colours[266-272][3][1][1,5,6,7]:-1,0x20 //bows elite for all (S 0,4,5,6 soc)
    //item colours[274-276][3][1][1,5,6,7]:-1,0x20 //crossbows elite for all (S 0,4,5,6 soc)
    //item colours[70,78][2][1][1,5]:-1,0x20 //hunters bow, crossbow for swap harmony runeword (N 0,4 soc)

    //item colours[30,31][2,3][1,2][1,5]:-1,0x20 //crystal,broad swords for spirit (N,S R,E 0,4 soc)

    item colours[22][2][1][1,5]:-1,0x20 //flail for hoto (N R 0,4 soc)
    item colours[22][2][2][1,5]:-1,0x20 //flail for hoto (N E 0,4 soc)
    item colours[22][3][1,2][1,5]:-1,0x20 //flail for hoto (S R,E 0,4 soc)
    item colours[115,218][2][1][1,5]:-1,0x20 //knout,scourge for hoto (N R 0,4 soc)
    item colours[115,218][2][2][1,5]:-1,0x20 //knout,scourge for hoto (N E 0,4 soc)
    item colours[115,218][3][1,2][1,5]:-1,0x20 //knout,scourge for hoto (S R,E 0,4 soc)

    item colours[30][2][1][1,6]:-1,0x20 //crystal sword for cta (N R 0,5 soc)
    item colours[30][2][2][1,6]:-1,0x20 //crystal sword for cta (N E 0,5 soc)
    item colours[30][3][1,2][1,6]:-1,0x20 //crystal sword for cta (S R,E 0,5 soc)
    //item colours[3][2][1][1,6]:-1,0x20 //double axe for cta (N R 0,5 soc)
    //item colours[3][2][2][1,6]:-1,0x20 //double axe for cta (N E 0,5 soc)
    //item colours[3][3][1,2][1,6]:-1,0x20 //double axe for cta (S R,E 0,5 soc)
    //item colours[22][2][1][1,6]:-1,0x20 //flail for cta (N R 0,5 soc)
    //item colours[22][2][2][1,6]:-1,0x20 //flail for cta (N E 0,5 soc)
    item colours[22][3][1,2][1,6]:-1,0x20 //flail for cta (S R,E 0,5 soc)
    item colours[68,161,264][1-3][1,2][1,6]:-1,0x20 //staves for cta possible 5 soc (N,S R,E 0,5 soc)
    item colours[18,111,214][2,3][1,2][1,6]:-1,0x20 //scepters for cta or facets possible 5 soc (N,S R,E 0,5 soc)

    //item colours[201][2][1][1,6]:-1,0x20 //berserker axe (N R 0,5 soc) for grief+
    item colours[201][3][1][1,4,6,7]:-1,0x20 //berserker axe (S R 0,3,5,6 soc) for fury+
    item colours[201][2][2][1,5,6,7]:-1,0x20 //berserker axe (N E 0,4,5,6 soc) for oath+
    item colours[201][3][2][1,5,6,7]:-1,0x20 //berserker axe (S E 0,4,5,6 soc) for oath+
    //item colours[235][2][1][1,6]:-1,0x20 //colossus blade (N R 0,5 soc) for grief
    item colours[235][3][1][1,6,7]:-1,0x20 //colossus blade (S R 0,5,6 soc) for grief+
    //item colours[235][2][2][1,5,6,7]:-1,0x20 //colossus blade (N E 0,4,5,6 soc) for oath+
    item colours[235][3][2][1,5,6,7]:-1,0x20 //colossus blade (S E 0,4,5,6 soc) for oath+
    //item colours[234][2][1][1,6]:-1,0x20 //colossus sword (N R 0,5 soc) for grief
    item colours[234][3][1][1,6]:-1,0x20 //colossus sword (S R 0,5 soc) for grief
    //item colours[234][2][2][1,5,6]:-1,0x20 //colossus sword (N E 0,4,5 soc) for oath+
    item colours[234][3][2][1,5,6]:-1,0x20 //colossus sword (S E 0,4,5 soc) for oath+
    item colours[226][2][1][1,6]:-1,0x20 //phase blade (N 0,5 soc) for grief
    item colours[226][3][1][1,6,7]:-1,0x20 //phase blade (S 0,5,6 soc)for grief+
    item colours[221][3][2][1,7]:-1,0x20 //thunder maul (S E 0,6 soc) for botd

    //item colours[59-63,152-156,255-259][2,3][1,2][1,5,6]:-1,0x20 //polearms for mercenary to start (N,S R,E 0,4,5 soc)
    item colours[255-259][2,3][2][1,5,6]:-1,0x20 //polearms elite for mercenary (N,S E 0,4,5 socc)
    //item colours[59,60][2,3][1,2][1,5]:-1,0x20 //polearms voulge,scythe for hero hand infinity(N,S R,E 0,4 soc)
    //item colours[252,253][2][2][1,7]:-1,0x20 //spears elite for mercenary(N E 0,6 soc)
    item colours[252,253][3][2][1,7]:-1,0x20 //spears elite for mercenary(S E 0,6 soc)

    item colours[66,67,159,160,262,263][2,3][1,2][1,5]:-1,0x20 //staves for memory possible 4 soc (N,S R,E 0,4 soc)
    item colours[68,161,264][2,3][1,2][1,5]:-1,0x20 //staves big for memory possible 4 soc (N,S R,E 0,4 soc)

    item colours[13,14,105-107,207-210][2,3][1,2][1,3]:-1,0x20 //wands for white possible 2 soc (N,S R,E 0,2 soc)

    item colours[302,303][3][1][1,5,6]: -1,0x20 //amazon matriarchal,grand matron bows (S 0,4,5 soc)

    item colours[188,190,195][2,3][1][1,4]:-1,0x20 //assassin katars(some of)-gt,syw,rt (N,S R 0,3 soc)
    //item colours[187,191,194,196][2,3][1][1,4]:-1,0x20 //assassin katars(other)-gr cl,wri sw,fer cl,sci syw (N,S R 0,3 soc)



    item colours[all][craft]:-1,0x68


    If you find a significant omission in the config, I would be grateful if you write what it is.
    Maybe someday I will take it into account when writing the next version.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2020
    Ha0s, kiwifruit, sorkaikorka and 3 others like this.
  2. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:

    Good job! I've been testing it for PvM and seems pretty good. Would be appreciated by any players doing lots of Baal runs for sure.
    About the missile display @altkhum you think of it as a cheat but other players use it, so maybe this is something for your next edition.
    I will test it for PvP soon, to mention I have never used any display missiles before.
    realaki, colder and altkhum like this.
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