
Dreamer, Gamer And a Refugee

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Zeratth, Jul 25, 2021.

  1. Zeratth

    Zeratth Member

    Jul 25, 2021
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    Hello, I would like to say first of all that I am sincerely glad to have the opportunity to join this community to enjoy and rediscover one of my favorite games again, as in the old days. I want to insert a brief explanation of how and why I ended up here. I want to emphasize that I am not going to turn this introduction into a letter to Oprah Winfrey, but I feel it necessary to share what led me to look for another place to call " My New Home. "​
    So having said that, let us begin. My friends call me Zera ( а middle-aged man, a dreamer, a gamer .. or rather Nerd :) ) , I've been playing games since I can remember .. The RPG / MMORPG genres follow and fascinate me to this day. My gaming adventure started in the late 90's and despite the ups and downs I had in another adventure called Life, I never turned my back on my favorite games and they were always there to take me out of the reality for a moment and take me to another world .. a little better world I would say. Even if it sounds almost like a fairy tale, things are what they are and I think many of you can relate to this story.​
    • Once upon a time I was a big fan of Blizzard, their games and their philosophy .. the idea that everyone in this company is a gamer right down to the receptionist. The end of the 90's marked the beginning of one of my most unique adventures when I found out that Diablo 2 would be out soon. I was so excited that my skin is crawling even as I write this right now. Sadly I never got the chance to play the first game in the series when it came out but still, a few years after Diablo 2 I managed to find the time to visit it. Man .. I can't describe it !! And to be honest I had a blast till late 2004 when World Of Warcraft came out. I had an amazing time through the content .. MC, Onyxia's Lair, BWL, ZG, AQ and Naxx .. damn .. I witnessed the opening of the black portal and boldly stepped forward .. I saw the fall of the Lich King .. The devastation wrought by Deathwing .. the atrocity of Garrosh Hellscream .. The invasion of the Burning Legion and yeah .. I can say that I had an amazing time .. but at some point something started to crack and things went totally wrong. The relationships built up over years began to fall apart, people began to leave while, my friends were no longer there because they were fed up af. Blizzard made things go from bad to worse .. I won't delve any further into their incompetent attitudе .. but also to be honest, I don't have the strength to do it anymore. Despite all the disappointments of the last few years ( The lack of communication, the microtransactions, the total mockery of Warcraft 3 Reforged - Pfff .. and many other things .. ) , I continued to be part of the world they had created until a few days ago. You may or may not have heard/read about the recent events surrounding the company and the lawsuit ongoing - the result of a two-year investigation. For me personally it was the end of a legend .. as dramatic as it sounds, for me it was the final nail in the coffin because they had lost their way .. I've had enough of this and I didn't want to be a part of this abomination anymore !! I won't go into detail about what happened because it's disgusting !! Anyone who is willing can do a little digging and find the information they need to get a better idea of what is going on and draw their own conclusions.
    I did a lot of research before I ever set foot here and I can say that I am delighted with the high level of quality you have achieved here - 10/10 !! From what I see and read, the community seems healthy and non-toxic ( something most servers can't boast nowadays ) The developers and founders seem to be in constant contact with people and the forum is quite lively even after so many years, something that is rare too. I can't wait to start the next chapter in my adventurous life and get in the game !! I mentioned that I wasn't going to turn my introduction into anything more, but I needed to fill you all in on who I am, what I love, play, appreciate, support and don't support so you can get a better idea of who the new " kid " in town is :)
    I'll leave a spoiler with the games I've played over the years, a sort of review of my gaming career for those of you who are interested in what I've been up to over the last 20 years outside of real life. Again, I would like to say that I am very happy to be a part of this community and in closing, I would love to meet all of you in game. Anyone who wants to, can PM me and I'll provide my account details so we can play together sometimes :) Take care and be good to each other !!​

    Diablo : Hellfire ( Years Later )
    Diablo II ( As soon as it comes out )
    Diablo II : Lord Of Destruction ( As soon as it comes out )
    Diablo III ( As soon as it comes out )
    Diablo III : Reaper Of Souls ( As soon as it comes out )
    StarCraft ( As soon as it comes out )
    StarCraft : Brood War ( As soon as it comes out )
    StarCraft II ( As soon as it comes out )
    WarCraft III Reign Of Chaos ( As soon as it comes out )
    WarCraft III The Frozen Throne ( As soon as it comes out )
    World Of Warcraft / TBC / Wrath / Cata / MoP / Warlords Of Draenor / Legion / BFA / Shadowlands
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2021
    kiwifruit, sphinx25, Nopik and 2 others like this.
  2. Escorb4r

    Escorb4r Supporter

    Feb 16, 2016
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    Hello @Zeratth
    And welcome to the community.

    Enjoy your stay.
    Zeratth likes this.
  3. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Hi and welcome
    Zeratth likes this.
  4. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Hello and welcome back home, @Zeratth. Thank you for the kind words, enjoy your stay.
    You seem to have played here before, back in 2014-2016, as I found several other older accounts that you've created under your current login, in case you wish to recover those too.
  5. Zeratth

    Zeratth Member

    Jul 25, 2021
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    Like I said, I did a lot of researching before deciding what to do, a close friend of mine who used to play here and was actually the main reason I joined, dusted off those old accounts " To walk me around " I used to had an account too but never invested much time in it due the WoW hype .. I don't know if I have even more than 2-3 hours played time .. My first ( Hopefully Main ) character was created tonight, and I'm actually getting close to the big red boy :)

    Due to the lack of a stable connection back in the days, I've given access to quite a few people in the neighborhood to use my connection because it was the most stable one at the time and I dare to say that Diablo II was definitely played back then rather between 2014 - '17, early '18. We still share the same provider ( Fortunately, our internet connection is now good ) with the faces from my childhood which frankly are still quite active although they have aged a bit.

    Anyway, Thanks for the warm welcome and see you all into the sanctuary !! :)
  6. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Hi and welcome.
    Zeratth likes this.
  7. Blessedone

    Blessedone Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
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    Hi and welcome ;)
    Zeratth likes this.
  8. colder

    colder One of the Legends Game Master

    Nov 10, 2014
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    Hey and welcome
    Zeratth likes this.
  9. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Welcome around, Zerath! Yours is definitely the most comprehensive self-introduction I have seen in a long time, if not ever.
    kiwifruit likes this.
  10. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
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    Hello and welcome Zera, hope you will enjoy playing here.
    Similar to you, when I started here last year I was delighted by the community and gameplay.
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