
Solved game windows close

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by V4mpir, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. V4mpir

    V4mpir Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Hi all, i got a problem and i want to share with u maybe someone helps or noticed the same, i ll try explain what happens.After last windows update i had the classic error wich i fixed just by excluding the game folder on windows defender.After that action , and after playing the games for hours, all my game windows start to close 1 by 1 without even poping an error.(i always had error mesages before if the game crashed)I ve never had this thing before.. it starting happening after windows update(around a week ago).This hapens a lot(around 1-4 times per day), if anyone knows anything about it ld take any advice.
    Thanks in advance. ( ive made all the steps and alterations u mention on famous error fixes, except glide wrapper. could this happen from fps issue? might the glide wrapper help on that?)
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2018
  2. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @V4mpir, you said it started after the last windows update so try reverting the update and see if it still happens although I'm pretty sure other people have their windows up to date too, me included and there were no similar problems reported. As always, when it comes to odd game problems I'd suggest a full uninstall and reinstalling of the game, maybe something got corrupted on the way. Also don't run any 3rd party programs while testing this. Check your PM and I'll have a look to your logs and see if they're telling any useful information like if some software triggers this behaviour or not, if it's all good there I'll help you out debugging.
    BadKid and V4mpir like this.
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