
Guide How Much Experience is needed to Level up - Table

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Coldet, May 5, 2014.

  1. Coldet

    Coldet Forum Legend

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Experience Gain Rates: > 10x (lvl 1-70) ; 5x (71-85) ; 3x (86-91) ; 1x (92-99)

    1 ---- 0
    2 ---- 500
    3 ---- 1 500
    4 ---- 3 750
    5 ---- 7 875
    6 ---- 14 175
    7 ---- 22 680
    8 ---- 32 886
    9 ---- 44 396
    10 ---- 57 715
    11 ---- 72 144
    12 ---- 90 180
    13 ---- 112 725
    14 ---- 140 906
    15 ---- 176 132
    16 ---- 220 165
    17 ---- 275 207
    18 ---- 344 008
    19 ---- 430 010
    20 ---- 537 513
    21 ---- 671 891
    22 ---- 839 864
    23 ---- 1 049 830
    24 ---- 1 312 287
    25 ---- 1 640 359
    26 ---- 2 050 449
    27 ---- 2 563 061
    28 ---- 3 203 826
    29 ---- 3 902 260
    30 ---- 4 663 553
    31 ---- 5 493 363
    32 ---- 6 397 855
    33 ---- 7 383 752
    34 ---- 8 458 379
    35 ---- 9 629 723
    36 ---- 10 906 488
    37 ---- 12 298 162
    38 ---- 13 815 086
    39 ---- 15 468 534
    40 ---- 17 270 791
    41 ---- 19 235 252
    42 ---- 21 376 515
    43 ---- 23 710 491
    44 ---- 26 254 525
    45 ---- 29 027 522
    46 ---- 32 050 088
    47 ---- 35 344 686
    48 ---- 38 935 798
    49 ---- 42 850 109
    50 ---- 47 116 709
    51 ---- 51 767 302
    52 ---- 56 836 449
    53 ---- 62 361 819
    54 ---- 68 384 473
    55 ---- 74 949 165
    56 ---- 82 104 680
    57 ---- 89 904 191
    58 ---- 98 405 658
    59 ---- 107 672 256
    60 ---- 117 772 849
    61 ---- 128 782 495
    62 ---- 140 783 010
    63 ---- 153 863 570
    64 ---- 168 121 381
    65 ---- 183 662 396
    66 ---- 200 602 101
    67 ---- 219 066 380
    68 ---- 239 192 444
    69 ---- 261 129 853
    70 ---- 285 041 630

    71 ---- 311 105 466
    72 ---- 339 515 048
    73 ---- 370 481 492
    74 ---- 404 234 916
    75 ---- 441 026 148
    76 ---- 481 128 591
    77 ---- 524 840 254
    78 ---- 572 485 967
    79 ---- 624 419 793
    80 ---- 681 027 665
    81 ---- 742 730 244
    82 ---- 809 986 056
    83 ---- 883 294 891
    84 ---- 963 201 521
    85 ---- 1 050 299 747

    86 ---- 1 145 236 814
    87 ---- 1 248 718 217
    88 ---- 1 361 512 946
    89 ---- 1 484 459 201
    90 ---- 1 618 470 619
    91 ---- 1 764 543 065

    92 ---- 1 923 762 030
    93 ---- 2 097 310 703
    94 ---- 2 286 478 756
    95 ---- 2 492 671 933
    96 ---- 2 717 422 497
    97 ---- 2 962 400 612
    98 ---- 3 229 426 756
    99 ---- 3 520 485 254
    raften and Gix like this.
  2. couch

    couch Member

    Apr 25, 2014
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    Nice info, I've just done some tests - is it me or the number of players in the game does not affect the amount of experience gained?
  3. Sabrossa

    Sabrossa Member

    May 28, 2013
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    it's you, it affects. To better test it try doing a baal run solo then try doing a baal run with 7 dwarfs in town, you'll see the difference. GL & Hf.
    couch likes this.
  4. couch

    couch Member

    Apr 25, 2014
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    I looked at the exact amount of experience gained depending on number of players in the game and it's always the same.
    I tested this with characters level 8 and 86.
    Is it possible that the number of players have an impact on exp. gained only after level 92?
  5. sphinx2

    sphinx2 Member

    Oct 30, 2013
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    Might be so, since 92+ is 1x xp gain, Blizz-style, while 86-91 is 3x and for lower levels the xp multiplier is even higher. I tested myself with a high level character and there is an obvious difference - more chars = more xp gain.
    However, search the net for d2 experience penalty table or refer to Experience - Diablo Wiki - The Diablo 3 Wiki for PC, Playstation and Xbox, the Characters above 70 section (char level >= 92, which is of main interest, ofc).
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