
Low GF pvp barb question

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Darel, Dec 29, 2017.

  1. Darel

    Darel Active Member

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Hi all !
    I've always been a huge fan of pvp barbs back in the day and after playing here for 2,5 half weeks (y kinda new i know :p) I decided to make one. I've went throug threads here and inspected some barbs in duel games but i still cannot decide about one thing which is: swords or axes ?
    Since GF is improved here I rly wanted to make a sword barb and had the luck to droop a low GF myself (272 ed). Found a 5soc colossus sword as well and wanted to make a GF +Beast Combo but i don't know if that would be a waste of my, so far, limited amount of runes (got only like 5 bers +jah) and a classic Grief + beast in BAs would be better. The concept of a sword barb and stats from GF are very tempting tho.
    I do realise that i need to pump a TON of bers for charms and jewelery to make a very good pvp barb but still like to know your opinion soley on the sword or axe thing :D
  2. Criminal-Intent

    Criminal-Intent Active Member

    Jun 28, 2017
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    GO GO with the barb my friend ! :) You can always whisp me in the game with questions . ( Accounts - Criminal-Intent and CriminalIntent ) Or you can always write me here. I will show you how to make unstoppable barbs . And don't ever hesitate about the GF . There is no better weapon in this server.. with this amazing upgrades . The charms are really expensive but you will manage to collect them 1 by 1. I suggest you to buy perfects ( 80 for ohm ) and roll charms . That is one of the fastest and cheapest ways to collect your charms . Otherwise you are looking for 3 to 6 bers a piece ... my personal bvb's inventory costs about 200 bers and maybe more . Good luck and whisp me for support . I'm always there to help and specially the barb community :)
    colder and Vacholindyr like this.
  3. DarkSummoner

    DarkSummoner Supporter

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Always been an axe user myself, but trying a gf baba is interesting. I currently use a gf/phoniex baba for mf.
  4. jah

    jah Active Member

    Oct 6, 2016
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    u can't make beast in swords. Due to how ww works grief/beast is better most of the times only other viable option is double gf but zerk is out of the question than so that also sucks to.
    Darel likes this.
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