Hi there ! I'm playing here a few days and i have the same problems like these guys : http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/sting-mh-help-integrated-auto-tele.533243 http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/sting-mh-help-integrated-auto-tele.533243 I followed all the steps, which Gix described. Also, I tried all possible options - reinstall d2 with exe\zip patches, used integrated and default Sting MH. Surely i run mh and loader\game\europebattle exe files as adm + win7\xpsp2 compatibility, but nothing happened. I downloaded all files from this forum : http://forum.europebattle.net/threa...h-map-hack-auto-teleport-fix-fps-drops.531601 I hope, somebody knows how to fix my problem. P.S. Win 7 x64. Sorry for bad english
Well I had same problem with that( I use just like u Win 7 x64 ). Here is what u need to do delete all mh from your d2 folder + auto tele and download from here but just the mh+autotele. It worked for me, I hope it will work for you to.
So currently its working fine, but autotele works with a short delay. Do u have it too ? I tried to use my own cfg(based on default Sting MH d2hackmap.cfg with a few changes for hotkeys, item hide/colours) and it solved thе autotele delay problem. I think the reason is that my cfg is not so huge like Coldet's. So, thank you so much Atox ! Solved.