
Announcement Patch #13: QoL Improvements, Charm Inventory, Server Selection and More

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Ezekiel, Dec 5, 2021.

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  1. starxplor

    starxplor Supporter

    Jun 12, 2017
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    I got the launcher and game working, I posted about it here for anyone else trying to use Linux: http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/patch-13-launcher-on-linux-info-fixes-non-working-bits.546680/

    I have noticed the game takes significantly longer to launch now. The gameguard checking takes longer, the game its self takes longer (more screen flickers than before, probably related to resolution switching), and the checking for updates on the bnet login screen takes longer than before. Creating and joining a game is actually slightly faster, though not enough to offset the extra loading time.
  2. ameth

    ameth Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Soon, I might have to switch from windows to linux, and already thinking, how to play under linux with autotele plugin loaded. Until now, my best idea is to use VMWare 16 Player (free for personal use), install a win XP / Win 7 under it, then install D2 there. Not sure of your system config and performance, but you might give it a check.
  3. ameth

    ameth Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    And I am not a game either for hunderds and thousands of players to play with. Whatever is a game, that should watch out for values, like design. This new "design" - or whatever I should call this uggly sh*t - made things chaotic, and ugly. I think, it should be reverted. Even the whole patch should be reverted if there is no other way. But you know, devs invested a lot of workhours into it, and it would be disrespectful to tell them the truth: they just made things worse. If I would not stick to social behavior, I would ask for their contact emails and tell this to them myself. But since we are a peaceful gaming community here, I do not do that. Instead, big kudos to devs and all. Yet, I have no idea whoever thinks of chaos and ugliness as a superior entity. Whoever does, should not participate in game development. Just my personal opinion.
  4. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Besides the trade-off aspect that I mentioned in a previous post, there is another important aspect to this issue: the 'ugly' UI is only a stepping stone to a full 8 x 10 inventory + vanilla looks (I hope I understood what @Gix wrote correctly; if not, I will stand corrected). Probably most of us agree with your point that it looks ugly, but let's focus on what is truly important.
    I will gladly ignore the character equipment area (unless I have something to change) and work with the extended inventory (less overall muling time), and wait for a fix of the looks when possible, rather than get stuck in complaining about looks. Just look away from the screen for a few minutes and ponder what would you choose: 1. vanilla looks + 6 x 10 inventory for all chars (more mules + time invested in muling), or 2. uglier looks for a while + 8 x 10 inventory + promise to fix the looks eventually. This is what it boils down to, after all.
    Kefflar32 likes this.
  5. starxplor

    starxplor Supporter

    Jun 12, 2017
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    I have never used an auto-teleport hack, so I dont feel a need to get it working. The fact that the most recent injector actually found the game means it has potential to work, with the right setup if someone ELSE wants to work on that.

    My laptop plays the game just fine (as does my desktop, but thats easy to do) using wine, so there is no need to run any virtualization.

    I sure hope no one is running winxp or win7 on a network connected computer, that is just asking for trouble.
  6. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    None of these should be related, it is possible that the very first check takes a few seconds longer if you just applied the new updated as it syncs the new files but everything else is exactly the same as before. The new additions are made within the game patch which is basically only 1MB larger and the launcher which does what the name says, it launches the game and keeps the client up-to-date, has no other impact whatsoever after the Game.exe process is called. Not sure what you mean by "the bnet login screen taking longer than before" but it could simply be some temporary higher latency coming from your provider if I understood correctly what you were trying to say here. The screen flicker could indeed be due to resolution switching or in case you're using glide/ddraw although linux should be fine with that too but you can always run the game without any video add-ons as I assume you were doing before; video modes are purely optional.

    PS: I'm going to remind those who visit this thread to pay attention to the first post and read it in full, the idea here is to gather proper feedback.
    When people get used to something, changes are not always easy to comprehend, not to mention that it's impossible to please everyone, so take your time and check things out first. Don't expect others to read your thoughts or make improvements without offering proper feedback.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2021
  7. milenskipln

    milenskipln Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    I think the inventory is good because if you can use all your inventory for charms most of the time you are picking items with opened inventory and putting them in to cube no one wants to sacrifice his character power for some empty space. This way you dont want to sacrifice any of your farm speed for picking gems or jewels or large charms you are gonna pick only runes and late game items everything else you are gonna purchase via trade. Old inventory for me is huge because if you 6x10 this means you can have 60 small charms and every one of them is grinding for a month or so to be a decent you almost never gonna have a decent full inventory small charms for a season like for instance full 3/20/20 or 20/5@ or 20/11r or 20/17. Remember this is only for one hero you will get bored playing only one I am sure what about grinding every class and so on.

    I want to also add why do you complain for inventory space ? The cube is only 4 slots and is 8x10 doesnt that means you can already cheat?

    About hardcore and changes in inventory: You already should be thankful to the server because none of the monsters will curse you with lower resist in chaos sanctuary. Maybe it doesnt exist at all here.
    (Its not server issue just played Diablo 2 resurrected 2 months ago, it was much more hardcore even on softcore , but didnt like it at all. I dont like this new 3d style my head starts to spin and giving me headaches. You have option there to play it the old way but it looks so horrible its impossible to play it.) With this new changes to graphics the new way to run it I dont have problem with the old or the new inventory I am just here to have some fun and chill. Every update on the server I like I cant dislike anything you do for sure.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2021
    Kefflar32 likes this.
  8. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @Evgeni Nedelchev, don't quote your own content twice if you already posted it in a previous page. People are not reading only posts from the last page but previous ones too, if someone wants to add more thought to that idea then they will either tag you or quote your post, you don't have to do it yourself just to bump it up within the same thread.
    @sphinx25 made a very good point saying that "one always has the option to NOT engage in a duel." It's basically the same thing as someone would be drinking potions, if that happens then you simple stop dueling that player and others will do too if he makes a habit out of it. What stops someone not having all maxed out charms from using a cube right now and switch gear if he wants to? Not to mention that can be observed right away and you can always inspect players too. "Respectable PvP rules" are exactly that, a respectable agreement between two or more players in a public duel game and one can always refuse dueling with a certain person exactly as it's been for the past many years. Strict rules can only be enforced in tournaments, other than that it's usually naked killing that gets punished in a public duel.

    PS: There are many people who carry a cube with them in duels all the time and they are open about that, it has always been a possibility either while using the old inventory or even the original one and it doesn't mean anything. There's an extremely easy solution for that, if the gear doesn't fit commonsense duels then people won't duel that person.

    @milenskipln, let's be honest you can gear a decent character relatively fast in here, within a couple of months. If you have to grind for about a month for a single small charm something must be wrong with your farming method, even those with no more than a few hours per week should grind faster than that. Then again, it's not like you will only fill your inventory with small charms and no grand charms at all.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2021
    Kefflar32 likes this.
  9. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    PVP will not be death, on the contrary.

    Now you can actually gear up and play without having to take into account the extra amount of damage that can 1-2 shot you.
    No more abs or max resist when playing a fire sorc that can kill you in 1 FB. Or playing a pala that kills you cause you ran/teleported 2 times into his hammer. (wich 9 out of 10 times is just a lucky hit)
    Duels can be a lot more fun when opponents can use their normal gear, take mutiple hits without dropping dead in 1-2 hits cause you didnt use a max resist or absorb item.

    At least from my point of view, ofcourse you will always have immature people that wil BM to win at all cost or complain they cant 1-shot someone and call that person a noob.
    To those i say, learn to play.
    The people that know how to play will have no reason to complain about more or less skillers in their inventory. Their skills and muscle memory will speak for them.
    Nopik, zguby, Kefflar32 and 2 others like this.
  10. Outwk

    Outwk Member

    May 3, 2018
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    Hi, i like the new changes you've made.
    i wll comment the new inventory for charms only.
    My opinion is that if you decide to let this charm inventory 10x4 stay , you need to change the pvp rules as well, if somebody is using 10 max rez + absorb now, he will be very difficult to kill, not like before when u could've use 19 skiller :)
    i like the new thing cuz look PvM freindly and will return the classic nostalgia back but with a bonus half inventory for junks to pick up and half full with your skiller and charms.
    Of course there will be lamers who will use this new inventory with advantage to himself probably ( using potions probably , or items for absorb or max rez ), but anyway even with the old inventory that was still possible.
    Barbs will use the whole inventory for pre bo gear, es sors can use it for cathing the 95 % es... this is not very nice only.
    Whatever you decide i am ok with both new and old style :)
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2021
    Kefflar32 likes this.
  11. Kefflar32

    Kefflar32 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    ur right anyone can do same thing with old or new inventory dont matter bcz no one will duel with u if u use potions or anything else. u think u cant keep cube in old inventory if u want switch gear? ofc u can but who is blind to not see it or use inspect mh
    if u think for this u dont play duels with him its easy but from my experience many ppl play fair duel. like ppl say this is name for respectable rules and if 1 person dont respect it u dont duel him
    for me i like any decision same with @Outwk
  12. ameth

    ameth Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    A little bit confused about this new patch / new loader / dot net / vc redistributable thing. I installed a game client on VM XP. Used a file "DiabloII_113_Portable.zip" that I downloaded from website on 2021 nov 28 14:50 pm c.e.t. That D2 client still runs on the XP. Gameguard downloaded some update like two days ago. Not sure. On that XP, I am using no new launcher, there is no VC redist installed, no dotnet installed. I can login, can create game, can play. Did I miss something?
  13. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @ameth, you really are something with that Windows XP of yours. The game client itself will still run on XP, the launcher, just as any normal application that exists these days will not support such an old OS. As for what you're missing, you'll just have to do updates manually if they involve anything besides the game patch files and set your launch parameters manually as well in case you wish to run in a different video mode, assuming it is supported by the OS.
  14. Duduloi

    Duduloi Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2018
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    1. Could you be so kind to consider the suggestion about GOLD bags, please ? For goldbarbs and for gold trading would be awesome. Thanks in advance.

    2. In reality when we farm we collect only few items. On this server only the "perfect" items are valuable, the rest are "trash". The whole space you offer us to pickup items isn't necessary useful because we collect (maybe) only few items per run.

    3. I love the idea to limit the number of skillers we can use. No more mega OP builds. Drawbacks: in few weeks everybody will complete their builds and the server will be empty (hope to be wrong). I suggest 6 months or 1 year for each ladder reset.

    4. Stacking uber keys - amazing idea.

    5. BH Maphack has been updated to the latest version - can't wait to test this asap (today)

    Overall decent changes, thanks a lot for your hard work.
  15. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @Duduloi, you already received an answer for that, let's keep separate suggestions in their respective threads please. If you know how to avoid mentioned game limitations or code it then I'm all up for it.

    Regarding your third point, some of you forget one important thing about how different this community and its mentality is. In general, people usually play this game for about two months or so when a new ladder is out and then they slowly start fading away and wait for the next one and so on and that happens with the vanilla rates; this mentality is completely different in here and have in mind our drop rates are enhanced as well, yet we have always been able to maintain long-term ladders. Obviously, there will always be people who get bored faster than others, but player's activity has always been there even a year or more after a season has started so none of this really applies to us regardless of the higher drops we have.

    At the moment we're still collecting data before the ladder reset and then again, this is something that we could also change after a ladder reset too if necessary.
    Kefflar32 likes this.
  16. ameth

    ameth Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Hmm, not sure, what do you refer to. The game update was automatic, additional (plugins and so) was always manual, and the launcher does not ask for anything to start the game. It works the same way as it did like months ago. I see nothing changes until I log to the game selection screen (now, there is a server list that was not there before). What should I setup on the old launcher? It does not give any opportunity to setup anything.

    Is there any required task only the new launcher can do? Or can I just safely ignore the new launcher? (So far, it seems to me that I can.)
  17. ephwurd123

    ephwurd123 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2016
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    @Gix what will happen if inventory was 5x10 all space usable peoples can have 10 grand charms 1 anix 1 torch and 17 small charms instead of 10 small charms 9 grand charms annix and torch the dmg of the hero wont be that high like 19 skillers but character stats will be a little bit boosted with that space for the small charms I think everyone will be happy than ( or maybe im just an idiot and im wrong) :D Peace !
  18. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I actually did mention the middle way for 5x10 as well in a post, @ephwurd123. It's on page 2.
    Is 5x10 a sweet spot that pleases both worlds though, or it has to be a pick between 4x10 and 6x10 where charms are usable? Probably the latter.
    Blessedone and ephwurd123 like this.
  19. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Or 41 (if that's do-able, although I doubt it), to have room for 10 gcs, 8 scs + anni + torch :)
  20. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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