
Perfekt Gems till full acc 1280 by order !!!Read!!!

Discussion in 'Softcore' started by Rza, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. masterlegendos

    masterlegendos Member

    Sep 6, 2013
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    haha u have caind or paranoia ro_alex i know u well u tried cheet me many times and im not chuck_norries he offered just a full hell acc charrs by me like u can see in my other trad i sell 8xhell charrs to mr.noob.. dont dream, u should close your mouth when u dont know anything ...everyone 1 is loughing about u chuck asswell he told me u was trind buy a 15ed armor from him and trying to pay like very cheep and now after u was hes not a noob and u cant deveice him ur maybe mad but stop crying on my treade pls...anyway u must be 9years to post on this trade such crap ...we will keep lought about u man u made my day hrhrhrhr :cheer: just dont be mad u dindt get perfekt stuff for ur cheep crap prices loool > im with stupid < FTW
  2. Levitas

    Levitas Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2013
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    I have to report that legendos doesnt really keep his promise. I ordered 2 accs and paid in advance as usually (I've made 2 other orders previously, so I thought everything will go just as well). Its been 2 weeks already, I cant find legendos, I did manage to speek with him few days ago and he told me that he had some problems, bla bla, some bulls*it apology and then promised that he will deliver the accs within 48 hors. 4 days later no reply, he hasnt created one of the accs, hasnt loged in to the other. I guess its time I send the pictures to admins and hope he gets his deserved punishment.
    roalex1337 likes this.
  3. masterlegendos

    masterlegendos Member

    Sep 6, 2013
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    u got the accs if u can remember acc name kk84 + kk85
    2 i dont play anymore here
  4. roalex1337

    roalex1337 Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    So as I said, Legendos ain't no grand material for D2. Levitas is a fair guy, so I tend to give him credibility in the first place.
    Secondary Legendos left the game, so I don't understand why he didn't share his stuff to newbies.
    In the third... Dude, wether ChuckNorris and Legendos are the same person, wether they share the same level of being "mentally challenged". Cause they reply the same, they act the same, they tend to show same-age-pattern (Document on this, Leggy) and more stuff.
    Also I expect a proof of me trying to "cheat you" (I would use the term "scam" if I tried to acuse, cheating would mean some... really unnatural stuff, let's just leave it as it is). After the proof we can talk. Or you can take your b*it and go to a inferior-quality D2Server. Cause you're definitely more fit for those.
  5. Levitas

    Levitas Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2013
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    Actually the accs were supposed to be kk84 and kk86, and you did not deliver them I can send you the screen shot of the conversation with the acc names if you dont believe me. Normally you upload all successful trades here, photos from those accs have not been posted, and btw you can find the kk85 in a previous photo from a month ago or so. It was a completely different trade (you actually delivered back then). I read that you are giving up on playing in the server (at least with your old account names), so why bother reply btw? I am guessing that all the stuff from your accounts is already transferred to new ones and you just scammed few people(i know i am not the only one) before you completely change accounts. Anyhow, I am not expecting to receive anything back, since I know what kind of person you are.
  6. roalex1337

    roalex1337 Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    Well, I point my finger to ChuckNorris as the new persona. But it's just a hint. :D Maybe he is just ...special :)) and not Legendos. But stay sharp fellas. Cause the admins will bring justice upon you, once they find the guilty one (I guess).
  7. reign_again

    reign_again Active Member

    Jul 22, 2012
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    In these situations admins should say from the get-go if they endorse, monitor and act responsible if these things go sideways.

    I mean if the admins warn you about you being scammed in these situations, then if you lose, you lose and that's that!
    But if they decide to police these things then I can see only one solution. Find the idiot who scammed (all new accounts, or track where his items went) get them back and repay the people who got scammed. Or just delete all his shit and then pay from server's bank!

    When I sell large amounts of gems I always drop them in the game, and wait for the player to count them. And only do this by char, so if you don't get payed at least you don't lose lots of good runes.
    sphinx2 likes this.
  8. sphinx2

    sphinx2 Member

    Oct 30, 2013
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    Developing a little on Reign's idea, if a certain player is claimed by other players to be a scammer (with evidence to prove scams, of course), there should be some investigation efforts from the admin side (database tracking of the claimed items / runes), possibly combined with IP tracking of multiple accounts of the same user. And, if proven guilty, there should be an official position with regards to trading to the scammer's accounts - suggest forum and in-game announcements (delivered by a bot), of the type: "Don't trade with account(s) XXX, YYY, ZZZ - proven scammer".

    Hope there's noone with accounts XXX, YYY and ZZZ in-game or, at least, that they are not taken for scammers - this was just an example.

    But sitting around and hiding the trash under the carpet is no solution, from a server's reputation point of view.
  9. BornToPorn

    BornToPorn Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    well i just say ip changer progs and u cant do any about ;)
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