
Questions about running in Wine (Linux)

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Ooranu, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Ooranu

    Ooranu Member

    Aug 6, 2014
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    I know this probably isn't *officially* supported, but I thought there was a chance somebody else had tried this in the past. I'm trying to run Diablo II with the patch server with Wine in Linux. Diablo II works fine by itself under Wine (which is great, because my windows installation is completely Bjorked), but the patch doesn't seem to be "taking".

    The first issue I ran into was that when installing the patch, neither running the EXE installer (run under WIne), extracting the ZIP, nor from importing the .reg in regedit (also run under Wine) actually changed the server list. I had to download and run BNetEditor.exe and change the list manually (which, by the way, worked great).

    My latest problem is summed up in http://forum.gamesymbol.com/f841/bug-inventory-horadric-cube-532253/"]this post, which leads me to believe that the patch is somehow getting "skipped" either during the installation or when I run `wine UsaBatttleNet.exe` from within the installation directory.

    I know that this could very likely be a problem with Wine and not with the patch or the installer, but consider that the game itself has run (literally) flawlessly since I installed it in Linux. If any developers have any ideas what could be causing this issue or have another way the patch can be applied, I would love to hear it. Anyone who has gotten it to run in Wine as well. :thumbup:
  2. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Is your inventory bigger? If yes, then the patch works just fine.
  3. Ooranu

    Ooranu Member

    Aug 6, 2014
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    I got it working by re-installing and making sure "Patch_D2.mpq" was overwritten. Just a couple of comments about the install process: It looks like the EXE available for download on the main site (http://usabattle.net/downloads/Diablo_II_Realm_Installer.exe) installs files specific to the Europe server. I don't know if this is intentional or if it matters. Also, the file "patch_d2.mpq" in the ZIP file has a different case from the original, "Patch_D2.mpq". I know this doesn't matter on Windows because the OS is case-insensitive in the way it treats filenames, but on Linux I had to rename it to its original case as it did not overwrite the original like it was supposed to. Finally, the REG file included in the ZIP does not really do what it is supposed to, and I had to use BNet Editor 2 to change the server list. This also occured when I installed the patch on a native Windows computer.

    Other than that, everything seems to be working great! My characters that had the inventory bug are now fully playable and the increased inventory seems to be working as it should.
    Gix likes this.
  4. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Great! I m glad it worked out, although I'm not a fan of wine + winOS executables.

    The installer it's the same since the EU and US realms merged into the INTERNATIONAL one since this ladder started so nothing to worry about.

    Welcome aboard and enjoy playing here :)
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