
Must Read Respectable Rules for PvP

Discussion in 'Rules' started by Jesus, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Endotoxin

    Endotoxin Supporter

    Jun 29, 2015
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    I agree with you Jesus, but as someone said above, fun builds like fire sorc and foh paladins would be useless with guardian angel armor and 3 sorb pieces (rising sun, hotspurs, and dwarf star.) You'll have nothing but hammerdins, bone necros, BVAs, chargers, etc. Even using a fire golem against fire builds could be BM.
  2. Jesus

    Jesus Forum Legend

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Thanks for agreeing ; i understand what your saying and thats why rule 5.) does say that there is a limit on absorb (maximum of two absorbs) and Rising sun is not allowed because it is overkill ; a fire sorc isnt a "fun build", it is one of the best! And FoH shouldnt have a problem with 40% absorb because of the option to have 16+ skill charms and he can also use Facets if needed. :)
  3. Endotoxin

    Endotoxin Supporter

    Jun 29, 2015
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    Lol well its fun and awesome. Anyway, 2 sorb pieces is good with me. I would add no casting traps prior to duel would be an obvious rule as well (I forget if its on there or not)
    Jesus likes this.
  4. Jesus

    Jesus Forum Legend

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Hmm, it hasnt been added but seems fair; i seen that one on d2jsp yet forgot to mention it.. thanks for the reminder :)
  5. StonersKarma

    StonersKarma Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Yo! very nice rules simple, layed out, and enforcable the best quality. If people dont like it, oh well they can pvp on closed bnet w/ no pvp rules enforced. great steps towards a even greater system! 10/10 and keep up the good work guys. Hoping to start seeing some pvp events coming soon.
    Jesus likes this.
  6. Endotoxin

    Endotoxin Supporter

    Jun 29, 2015
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    A low level HC duel tournament would be cool for the people on HC. Seems like they always get neglected in some way
  7. Jesus

    Jesus Forum Legend

    Apr 19, 2015
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    EDIT: The PVP rules has been updated! Please take a look and give any feedback if needed. Thanks!
    Candor likes this.
  8. Endotoxin

    Endotoxin Supporter

    Jun 29, 2015
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    I like the res/absorb caps. Good addition. Just need time to let them work themselves out. Definitely more balanced and allows for a more diverse pvp experience.
    Jesus likes this.
  9. Jesus

    Jesus Forum Legend

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Thanks [MENTION=28157]Endotoxin[/MENTION] , trying to make a balanced PVP system for all; I need people to give valid reasons why a rule should be added / changed and not come off like im being defensive. But the absorb rule will always be one of the most debated rules but i think thats a fair medium :)
    Candor likes this.
  10. Candor

    Candor Active Member

    Jun 2, 2015
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    gl with that - it's a difficult objective :smile:.

    I think clay golem, decrepify and holy freeze should be forbidden in pvp against characters, which are focused on ias (including trapassin). All these slows them too much.
    Vs casters - it's ok.

    maybe 75? or 50 then, I don't know how one can have 70 plr ^^

    about fire absorb... most popular absorb is dwarf 15%^^
    Jesus likes this.
  11. Jesus

    Jesus Forum Legend

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Thanks [MENTION=28109]Candor[/MENTION] , that was a "d'oh" on my end. :)
  12. cynicalsinner

    cynicalsinner Member

    Oct 11, 2015
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    Why not just use the Offical GM rules? They were already incredibly balanced, maybe make a few adjustments where needed but these seems a big slack. Allowing things like huge res + sorb will completely deny any sort of character of said element. Or allowing a melee character to use Life tap means they are unbeatable which is a little silly as well. And there should definitely be rules set per character rather then summing everything up as whole. If you would like I could find the actual GM rules and revise them specifically for this server. Just food for thought.
  13. cynicalsinner

    cynicalsinner Member

    Oct 11, 2015
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    Suggested GM PvP Rules

    Hello everyone! After reviewing the current standard GM Dueling Rules I sadly feel they are EXTREMELY vague and leave things open to super unfair advantages to certain classes or builds. So in all fairness I have taken the current Offical BNet GM Dueling Rules and edited them slightly. I may be new to this wonderful server however over the last 16 years I have played Diablo II for about 13 years consecutively. And the last 4 years of said 13 years I was HEAVILY into dueling, with that I feel like I have a good grasp on things related to Diablo II and PvP. If you like or agree with the rules please say so! If you think something should be left out, changed, or added PLEASE SAY SO! And hopefully if this thread gets enough attention maybe we could amend the current set of GM rules.

    THESE ARE NOT MY RULES - They were copied from another post on #####


    - Healing Potions and Full Rejuvination Potions are banned from use.
    - No use of Life Tap period --> Old Rule: (- No use of L tap in Melee vs. Melee duel)
    - No hacks of any kind
    - No more than 80 Life Replenish is allowed on any character.
    - Items which contain spell charges are allowed
    - All items which grant a chance to cast Amplify Damage are NOT allowed
    - No mercenaries are allowed.
    - No Guardian Angel Armors.
    - No two pieces of Sorb or Max Resistance of the same Element.
    - All absorb has limitations per class/build.
    - No More then 75% Poison Reduction is allowed
    - Ties are ties not first kill
    - No Naked killing
    - No Hotspurs Unless Said Otherwise Under Characters(See below)
    - No more then 90% Resistance to an Element
    - Only one piece of % Slow gear is allowed per player.
    - No Money Takers.
    - A shield with more than 100% to any resistance counts as your piece of sorb. Old Rule: --> (- No 100+ resist Shields.)


    - Holy Freeze of any kind is BM in a Melee vs Melee duel. Unless agreed upon before starting the duel. Old Rule --> (- Items that Grant Auras are allowed (Except Hf in melee vs Melee))
    - Only one item that grants an elemental absorb type is allowed.
    - Only one item that Grants Max %+ Resistance or skill allowed. (Unless the two items' increased Maximum Resistance is 10 or less.)
    - A maximum of 451 poison damage is allowed from charms for all melee characters, and none are allowed for Amazons.
    - No Cap on R/w.
    - No Cap on IAS.
    - There is no restrictions on in-game techniques unless otherwise specified*


    - Clear the moor completely before duel if you think the duel will spread outward.
    - Upon starting duels agree to WSG as allowed or not
    - The use of Prebuff is allowed ONLY IF both players agree to it before the duel.
    - One Person says "Go" from each team to begin dueling.
    - Leaving the Dueling Arena during a duel is considered a loss NO EXCEPTIONS.
    - Towning is in fact a loss, accidental or not.
    - If you teleport off of your opponents minimap 5 times in one duel = Autoloss. Old Rules: --> - No Disappearing off your Opponents Map for more then 10 Seconds = Auto Loss. - No overly defensive play (100% teleport off screen as soon as you're on their mini map)
    - No avoiding contact with an opponent intentionally with no plans of attacking
    - No casting of traps/missiles before both players say go
    - No extended use of houses or walls


    - Lenymo is NOT ALLOWED
    - No Max Resist/Absorb allowed if you're using Energy shield.
    - No Pre Buffing ES (Unless both players agree)
    - No more then 13 15/70s
    - May Use Doom
    - May use mana pots if es% is under 75%
    - Can not have dr%+es% over 125%


    - The use of Bone Spirit is banned in Necro Vs Necro duels, unless agreed to before dueling.
    - 2x Ravens are allowed if you have less than 100 stacked Cold Res.
    - Recast of Bone Armor Is Allowed
    - Bone Prison is allowed vs. anything that can Teleport in 1v1
    - All Curses allowed Except Iron Maiden and Life Tap
    - NO Corpse skills are allowed
    - Fire Golem+ Dwarf Star is allowed(not vs fire trappers)
    - Hot Spurs are allowed
    - Spamming IBS consecutively is considered a loss Old Rule: --> (- No Overly Mass Defensive IBS Spamming)


    - No Thunder Gods
    - No Snow Clash
    - No Hotspurs
    - The use of absorbtion gear forfeits your right to recast Cyclone Armor.
    - Wisp Protector and Dwarf Are allowed
    - Recasting Cyclone, Wolfs, Sage, Ravens, Grizzly and Hurricane Are allowed
    - Can use raven/wisp/dwarf/infernos only 1


    - Dual Claw Assassins can wear 1 Raven or 1 dwarf
    - Weapon-shield assassins may use hspurs and tgods but may not have a c/c swap
    - No Prebuffing Skills unless both players agree before the duel.
    - Dual Claw Assassins may not use tgods or hotspurs.


    - No Prebuffing
    - 2x Ravenfrosts are allowed if you have less than 50% stacked Cold Resistance. Old Rule --> (- 2 Raven Frost Allowed (if your not stacking resistance) - 1 Raven allowed if stacking)
    - No Hostpurs
    - May use infernos
    - No Tgods
    - 1 Wisp is allowed


    - The use of Farcast is BANNED whether manual or with a prog.
    - All items which grant a chance to cast amplify damage are banned for amazon class
    - Hotspurs allowed (bowzons only. JavaZons can use infernos)
    - No Fort + Tgods
    - 1 ravenfrost allowed on stacking amazons (250+ cr stacked)
    - 2 allowed on non stacking amazons


    - The combination of Desynch and Teleport together is not allowed.
    - Glitch Stacking Auras is BANNED.
    - Using a Resistance Aura Counts as a your absorb item.
    - Cleansing Meditation and Prayer are allowed
    - Holy bolt is banned
    - May use infernos
    - No hotspurs
  14. desyncs

    desyncs Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Everyday at work I troll this forum. Everyday I am shocked at how half knowledged the community chooses to be. Gm rules have been established in full for over 10 years. yet we are still deciding here due to what, the expanded inventory? If your opponent is able blast out 15 skillers. You have to also realize that in the only occurrence that this problematic is in the case of a 24k dmg major cold mastery full facet pierce sorc. In which simple stack and common Gm of 1-2 sorb is enough, because yes their inventory is stacked with skillers, but what, is your inventory limited to the original 40slot? No it isn't meaning you can easily stack major resistance in charms and major life/mana. This reason being they counter each other. Not putting a cold sorc into aspect, every other caster is fair even with the skillers stack, they don't have mega pierce. 1-2 sorb is reasonable because once again your inventory space is also stacked with life, mana, frw,fhr, and resistance.

    The only class realisticly that has an advantage on this server due to inventory size is a bone Necro. If needed to explain why, just lol. Just follow common rules guys and girls, it's really that simple. We don't need to apply new rules due to the inventory size because we all have the size, it simply counteracts it.
    udm likes this.
  15. Xyllo

    Xyllo Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    Hi guys,

    I have been pvp-ing recently on this server and i have noticed a wrong mentality among some players:

    "if someone is using the Lastwish runeword with lifetap and you are melee also and cant defeat him, just dont duel him"

    There are many sets of pvp rules for Diablo 2 and I will not suggest any one in particular, however we need to create and agree a list of rules that guarantee that any character has a fair chance against any other character spec.

    For example :

    Barbarians must have a maximum fire rezist limit and absorb. This would make it so a fire sorc can beat barbarians.

    If we have this "everything goes" mentality how can we have any pvp tournaments? Aren't tournaments just based on luck? I mean you can win simply by having an opponent you can jsut 1 shot because of your build or an opponent who will never be able to hit you.

    One example is a Smiter with high defence due to a bugged eth Exile vs a barbarian. The barbarian cant hit the smiter because he can't have enough AR.

    Any set of rules would easily be respected if we had more frequent tournaments.
  16. North44

    North44 Scumbag

    Sep 8, 2015
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    There are few points I'd like to take on Xyllo:
    1. There are few rules - pking without go, not letting pick up the bodies etc.
    2. It is really THAT simple not to duel with someone if he has a build you do not wish to fight against. I mean like, don't like it, don't duel right? We can't force and count every absorb and resist on every player. Feel free to create your own guidelines and a game so people could duel according to your rules if you wish.
    3. Lastly, why are you talking like there was a tournament without rules? Each duel based tourney that we have ALWAYS include a set of rules which have to be strictly followed.
    Joaiuda and Gix like this.
  17. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @Xyllo , I'm not sure if you played on the official servers when this game was at it's peak but this isn't a wrong mentality at all, it's just common sense when it comes to online games. Simply because there are so many set of pvp rules for diablo2 as you mention it too, there is no best set of rules for everyone to follow and players are free to use the ones they like (obviously, common sense must exist) when they create their own duel game, challenge, etc and those who don't agree with someone's build or extra set of rules are not obliged to join that game. These are merely respectable common sense pvp rules, it's up to players dueling to agree on extra sets rules or builds removal if they need to, otherwise if a different set of rules is preferred I recommend creating your own duel game by mentioning the builds you would like to fight against and forum comes really handy in this case as you could create a thread to challenge people to duel and follow your terms.

    PvP tournaments follow different and stricter set of rules depending on the event that is taking place and they are always supervised by one or more game masters unlike regular duel games which obviously not all of them will be watched 24/7 by game masters and frequency doesn't guarantee that someone will play by the rules you consider more appropiate or by the rules that were previously used in the tournament. They are obliged to do so during a tournament otherwise they will be disqualified but this doesn't apply in a regular duel game.

    Just noticed @dieforleader's answer which pretty much says it all.
    Joaiuda and North44 like this.
  18. Joaiuda

    Joaiuda Highlord Cringe Supporter

    Oct 25, 2016
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    I will simply say that Honorable Opponents seeks each other out so even in open duel game u can fight worthy player. as north and gix posted u should have it now - the whole picture.
    Gix and North44 like this.
  19. KerubiaN

    KerubiaN Active Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Well, this is Diablo2. Is an old game, and we all know is not really "balanced" in pvp between classes.

    That's why you just create more than one char for pvp. And if you find someone that counters your char, you just swap or die. That simple.
    Erbhy, MadVisions and Gix like this.
  20. Stefansg

    Stefansg Supporter

    Jan 17, 2017
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    Well , are Draculs permited? There was split answers on pvp game
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