
Solved висок пинг ?

Discussion in 'Bulgarian' started by Nikolai Kocev, Sep 23, 2017.

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  1. Nikolai Kocev

    Nikolai Kocev Member

    Sep 23, 2017
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    Само аз ли имам проблем с високият пинг в сървъра ? 150-200 пинг при положение че съм с доста силен нет ?

  2. ashcool

    ashcool Forum Legend

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Аз нямам никакъв проблем. Дори не съм си правил труда да проверявам пинга, тъй като качеството на игра е добро.
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  3. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @Nikolai Kocev, just because you have a good speed doesn't mean your ISP cannot have issues, there is no such thing as perfect internet all around the year. @ashcool is right, unless you have something like torrents open or any similar softwares that eats up your bandwidth then your best bet is to wait for your company to get it fixed or give them a call because those values are far away from being normal. Just so you have an idea, depending on your ISP peering you should have anywhere between 25-50 latency considering your geographic position, additionally all tests should be performed through a cmd window or winmtr tools and not the in-game fps command because that one does NOT displays the accurate latency and that's always been confusing to people.
  4. Nikolai Kocev

    Nikolai Kocev Member

    Sep 23, 2017
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    i found the reason and sorry for topic :) i have packet loss problem.Calling ISP today hope they fix it.Anyway now im playing with 75-90 ping and its fine but packet loss is what really make me mad :D
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  5. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    It's only normal, no ISP is perfect although gamers keep thinking that way but the reality is that regular internet providers will always have all kind of issues which is the reason they hire people for technical support and well, some customers can have less problems than the others but there are a lot of things that can go wrong when we're talking about internet connections such as the packets losses which do not always reflect the high latency, you may have a really low latency and a really unstable connection at the same time. Your ping should still be lower than that considering you're from BG therefore you're connecting to the server through France so about 20ms-50ms although you won't really notice a difference between that and 70ms for example. If you're checking your latency with fps command then you should now that's not accurate, use cmd tool instead.

    As I'm always saying, connection issues are usually 99% on the player's side and 1% on the server side simply because hosting companies pay huge loads of money for much higher bandwidth quality, speeds, routes, bgp and so much more vs a regular customer that pays just a few bucks a month. Anyhow, good luck and hopefully your ISP will fix this fast for you.

    // TC
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