
Returning to D2. Looking for breakdown or guide of: Prices, Jargon, What is the "SOJ" of today? Etc.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Torhlak, Oct 1, 2018.

  1. Torhlak

    Torhlak Member

    Sep 12, 2018
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    As the title states I'm looking for some tips, advice, suggestions, anything really. I've been back for 1 month and things are much different.

    What are the HOT ITEMS?
    What is the new 'currency'? E.G: (Sojs, Runes, Gems, Charms, or?)
    Also, what is the base for trading? IS there a place to keep up with what is worth what? Everyone seems to know but me.
    What do people farm these days? And where?

    I'm basically looking for peoples help in learning all of this or a guide on "EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT D2 ON THIS SERVER AS OF RIGHT NOW".
    For example. What is the max a Small Charm can have for + to life? 20?
    Any help, advice, suggestions, or any help at all it is appreciated, Thank you!
    Remind likes this.
  2. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Hello and welcome back @Torhlak,
    Start with browsing forums as there is a lot of valuable information available for you to read, the game is pretty much the same as you remember together with several custom features that we implemented.
    The currency is still runes as it's always been, mainly bers here due to our unique feature that allows you to downgrade the runes, sojs and gems should always be collected and charms are worth rerolling as one lucky roll can bring you high runes. You can price check items either in game inside of the main chat channel by asking other players or here on the forums into the designated thread for that.

    I'll link down below some of the most recommended threads for you to read:
    http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/road-to-supersayan-in-diablo-2.540101/ (a good beginner's guide)

    Other than that be active and play the game, you'll get familiar with it in no time. Also keep in mind we allow muling and several 3rd party tools such as maphack that you can download from our tools page.
    Fatty180, SGPB75, Kefflar32 and 2 others like this.
  3. ameth

    ameth Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Some basics to know for start.

    The currency for beginners are pgems, and crap jewels. You can update 1 chipped gem until perf gem 1:1. There is a realm-specific item, a gem bag. It gives you an opportunity to store 2k gems in 1 square space. High-end players are crazy for craft stuff. For example any facet (unique jewel) is not 5-5 die, it goes into the craft pack.

    Rush is free (almost, for example, I always grab chipped gems and crap jewels on the way :LOL: ). You can have help from lvl 1 norm act 1 until lvl 60+ hell baal run. There are public baal hunter parties (BH-xx or similars). You have extra exp until lvl 92. After lvl 60+, 100 more baal runs take you on lvl 92.

    If you want to gear up fast, and have a good PC to run 8 clients in the same time, multibox is allowed on the realm, and you can hunt norm cow runs in 8 player. Lot of pgems, and jewels will drop. Choose your favorite class, lvl it until 92, and hunt norm cow runs. I think, that is the best option of newcomers to business with high-end gamers. Lower items are free, there is a topic to help beginners with free stuff, also you may ask on the public channel.

    You can merge 2 lower rune into 1 higher rune, or break 1 higher rune into 2 lower runes (it is true until ber, don't ever merge runes above ber). You will find all realm-specific features in guides on the website.

    For start, download sting hackmap + autotele plugin, and get them in use. You will find download links on the website.

    Chose your favorite class, and start. You will learn everything else on the way. Welcome to the realm.
    nycter, Torhlak, Fatty180 and 2 others like this.
  4. Torhlak

    Torhlak Member

    Sep 12, 2018
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    Thank you for all the information. It was very very helpful.

    I guess the only thing I don't understand fully now is crafting which I'll need to look up some guides on.

    Thanks again!
  5. Kefflar32

    Kefflar32 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Last edited: Oct 3, 2018
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