
Solved A Worthy Find, GG Drop(s)

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ErrorIRL, Dec 20, 2018.

  1. ErrorIRL

    ErrorIRL KYSNOW2 Supporter

    Aug 25, 2018
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    This might confuse you a little bit and ask yourself "Why would we make such thread when we already have Your Best find in the day". Well, let me explain this. In my opinion, best find of the day should work like a routine, to post your daily drop(s), even if is Gul Rune or nothing that special. We are few players there that keep doing this, but beside that, i've seen couple of players with only ONE post or low activity which post there once in a while, when they got a Zod rune, Tyrael's Might or other GG Find. With all being said, i decided to make this thread only for GG Find(s) and keep our daily routine there. You can post a GG Find here and also on "Your Best find of the Day"

    Rules are simple, post only the items you've seen in this list when you drop one. Let me know if i have to add other item(s).
    WARNING: Only your personal drops from our server are allowed here!

    Treasure Class 87(TC87):
    Sacred Armor (Qlvl 88) - Unique/Set Item
    Unearthed Wand (Qlvl 86) - Unique
    Archon Staff (Qlvl 89) - Unique
    Dimensional Shard Sorceress-only (Qlvl 89) - Unique
    Bloodlord Skull Necromancer-only (Qlvl 87) - Unique
    Corona (Qlvl 89) - Unique/Set Item
    Caduceus (Qlvl 88) - Unique/Set Item
    Diadem (Qlvl 86) - Unique/Set Item
    Myrmidon Greaves (Qlvl 87) - Unique
    Ogre Gauntlets (Qlvl 86) - Unique
    Thunder Maul (Qlvl 87), The Cranium Basher (Qlvl 91) - Unique
    Vortex Shield Paladin-only (Qlvl 89), Griswold's Honor (Qlvl 44) - Set Item
    Hydra Bow (Qlvl 85) - Unique
    Colossus Blade (Qlvl 85) - Unique/Set Item

    Treasure Class 84(TC84):

    Sky Spirit Druid-only (Qlvl 83) - Unique
    Lacquered Plate (Qlvl 82) - Set Item

    Treasure Class 81(TC81):

    Spired Helm (Qlvl 79) - Unique/Set Item. In this case, we are looking for Nightwing's Veil with 15% Cold Skill Damage. A really GG Find can be 15% and 20 Dexterity or Ehtreal one with 15% Cold Skill Damage.

    Other Unique/Set GG Items with different Treasure Classes:
    Spiderweb Sash (Qlvl 61), TC 63 - Unique. ONLY 120 ED.
    Dusk Shroud (Qlvl 65), TC 66 - Unique. A gg find would look like 3 to Blizzard and 15% Cold Skill Damage, 3 to Lightning and 15% Lightning Damage. Energy Shield, Telekinesis, Enchant and Fire Ball are also nice.
    Scarabshell Boots (Qlvl 66), TC 66 - Unique. Ethreal 15/15, non-Ehtreal with perfect stats(i think is imposible to find them).
    Matriarchal Javelin Amazon-only (Qlvl 65), TC 66 - Unique. Ethreal 200 Ed and 4 to Javelin Skills.

    Eldritch Orb Sorceress-only (Qlvl 67), TC 69 - Unique. We are looking for 3 to Sorceress Skill, 20 lightning skill, 20 fire skill. If you are lucky enough to get 3/20/20 and also 30 Energy, is one of your best Find for life.
    Ceremonial Javelin Amazon-only (Qlvl 35), TC 36 - Unique. Ehtreal and 200 ED=GG find.
    Sharkskin Boots (Qlvl 39), TC 39 - Unique. 210 Ed, 65 Life.
    Greater Talons Asn-only (Qlvl 50), TC 51 - Unique. Ehtreal 195+ Ed and Non-Ethreal 200.
    Battle Boots (Qlvl 49), TC 51 - Unique. Maximum on all stats.
    Gilded Shield Paladin-only (Qlvl 51), TC 51 - Unique. Ehtreal 190+ ED, Non-Ethreal 200 ED.
    Slayer Guard Barbarian-only (Qlvl 54), TC 54 - Unique. Ethreal 190+ ED, Non-Ethreal 200 ED.
    Heirophant Trophy Necromancer-only (Qlvl 54), TC 54 - Unique. Ehtreal 190+ ED, Non-Ehtreal 200 ED.
    Shako (Qlvl 58), TC 60 - Unique. Ethreal Maximum Defense(211)


    Grand Charms:
    Any Skiller with 30+ Life, Fhr, Frw
    We are not making diference between skillers, even if is a Masteries barbarian, that won't change the fact being a rare drop.
    Maximum Damage, Attack Rating and Life. Would look like this: 10 MD, 76+ Ar, 35-40+ Life
    Faster Run Walk, Maximum Damage, Attack Rating.
    Faster Hit Recovery, Maximum Damage, Attack Rating.
    All rez 15, 30+ Life
    All rez 15, 6 Dexterity
    All rez 15, 6 Strenght.
    Large Charms:
    I kinda wanted to pass over this, but you can always look for something like this:
    Maximum Damage, Attack Rating and Life
    Faster Run Walk, Maximum Damage, Attack Rating
    Faster Hit Recovery, Maximum Damage, Attack Rating
    Small Charms:
    All rez 4+ and 15+ Life
    All Rez 4+ and 2 Strenght
    All Rez 4+ and 2 Dexterity
    15+ life and 12+ Mana
    Faster Hit Recovery and 15+ Mana
    Faster Hit Recovery + 11 Rez(Fire and Light have the most value)
    Faster Run Walk + 11 Rez
    Maximum Damage, Attack Rating and Life. 3 Md, 15+ar, 15+ life.
    Faster Run Walk, Maximum Damage and Attack Rating.

    Let me know if i forgot about any item and you think is deserve to be in this list!

    I'll start now with my latest gg find, sadly not the best rolls :(

    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 20, 2018, Original Post Date: Dec 20, 2018 ---
    Screenshot1146.jpg Screenshot1148.jpg

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2018
  2. Raphaël

    Raphaël Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2017
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    freshly droped!!!

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    offline, Fatty180 and ErrorIRL like this.
  3. markodzzz

    markodzzz Forum Legend

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Gix, inayat and Kefflar32 like this.
  4. Kefflar32

    Kefflar32 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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  5. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Best Answer
    I like the thread structure but as @markodzzz pointed out such thread already exists and I don't think there is a point in having duplicate threads when we could merge the better organized structure into the older one if needed or you could simply bump the old thread with recent worthy drops and keep that one active instead. Also normal font size please and try not to bold the entire text. I've sent you a pm too since atleast half of the items links you posted need to be corrected as they're either expired or not working properly.
  6. ErrorIRL

    ErrorIRL KYSNOW2 Supporter

    Aug 25, 2018
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